Clueless (1995). W sign. All the feminist activism and attitudes, the “Amnesty International” shirt, the other do-gooder stuff that the girls get up to in that movie (like the charity work, and I think there’s some environmentalism and animal rights anti-cruelty stuff too… BACK […]
Tag: contact with conscious universe creatress
I Need The Right To Reply To These Seriously Evil, Grimy Lies About Me. WTF World????!
Phebe Nevenka Novakovic: played the role of gaslighting fake mom. CEO of General Dynamics. CIA. Michael George Vickers: the original abductor in the early 1990s, I think. Played the role of gaslighting fake dad. Government defense official from two administrations I think. CIA. David […]
OK, so I’m being really strict with myself and writing this post as simply as I can. I think my personality gets in the way of communicating how NOT CORRUPT I am, sometimes. :-/ The mafia is trying to say that I entered into […]
So like hey, people. How are you all doing? LOL. 🙂 Maiara here (as always, LOL!) …so maybe I ought to change the name of this blog to MaiaraReign?!??? It looks pretty cool now that I wrote it out like that, instead of just […]
Nikki de Boer and me had a lesbian relationship.
So I remembered I had a relationship with the actress Nicole de Boer (she starred in Deep Space Nine, and The Dead Zone!) Like the reason I’m writing about this on my blog is because I need to remember my own life, and all […]
Necessary post I suppose.
Oh yeah! So I totally need to say that I OBVIOUSLY haven’t forgotten about the weird fake bricks AND FAKE TILES AS WELL FFS and the CONCRETE HOUSE OVER THE ROAD. Seriously, I actually hadn’t forgotten about this. I just don’t really know what […]
Why the corporate mafia might want to pretend there’s a male entity/god.
So like I thought about it a little more — the whole “Why does the corporate mafia try to hide my mind’s train of thought creation patterns in the media?” thing — and I totally remembered a few other ideas I had for why […]
Why does the corporate mafia hide the true heights of celebrities?
I know people are going to be like “Why hide the true heights of actresses in TV and movies?” Umm… I think the short answer is like, to make women and girls seem as weak and defenseless as possible in TV and movies (so […]
Quick blog post about my clothing sizes LOL. (OK, so it turned into a longer post…)
Soooo… I found my size for pantyhose in Britain, which is girls’ size “small-medium” for pantyhose (these ones are called tights here) from New Look’s 915 Generation clothing line for schoolgirls. New Look does a bigger size for schoolgirls, which is “medium-large”, but that’s […]
Goda’s address to the Russians and Chinese or something. Also, blog post!
So like what is there to say? I totally want to say something on my blog, so I’m just going to write whatever things I feel I want to say at the moment. Umm. So in case everyone in the world is reading my […]
So like I decided to upload some photos of my street.
Photos taken with my Nokia X2-00 (mine is black, red, and silver LOL). I really love my phone which has the coolest design ever. It’s got this cute little hidden micro USB port with a hinge that swings up and out when you open […]
I wanted to write my feelings down or whatever. I’m still gonna do my serious activism posts too, for girls’ and women’s rights and everything (seriously it’s not fair if I’m not allowed to be myself, is it!?)
So like I’m still totally hopeful to see this person again in the right circumstances (with me not being corrupt/coerced or abusive, and with her not being coerced or abusive). It’s really painful for me to be like sooo carefully wording that last sentence […]
Acknowledging something I’m not sure what it is! :)
So I know I said I don’t want to be a stalker (which is totally the reason why I haven’t said more since I said the “I don’t know if she cares” thing, last November)… but, I don’t want her to feel unacknowledged or […]
To Zack Snyder
Dear Zack, so I hope it’s OK for me to just call you Zack, and not Zack Snyder. I totally get it if it’s not. I’m trying to write this in the way that feels best for explaining what I promised to explain to […]