Still celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest!!!! :P (It’s Lesbian Laser Fest until the morning of 2nd November)

I guess this post is mostly like an extended introduction to me and my values, and the things I care about, and what’s going on with me at the moment. But there’s more about Lesbian Laser Fest towards the end of the post. 🙂 Oh yeah, and I added a picture to the top of my blog, to properly celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest here during this celebratory period! It’s got lasers!!!! They’re red and pink!

So like, I got the masala chai (in powdered form, in little sachets) and it tastes, like, sooo good!!!! 🙂 I was super happy this morning looking at the boxes that the sachets come in — because they say the chai is made in Britain (with a little proud flag and everything). Also, the company that makes the chai puts two telephone numbers on the box — like, one for customers and one for little shops that want to phone the company’s sales department. It’s like the exact opposite of big corporate culture because they’re making it so easy for both the public and very small businesses to get in touch with them. Nothing like Amazon — which I never use anymore — and for which you can never find even an email address to contact the company. Amazon is like a trap for small companies that tries to lure them onto their platform/”marketplace” (away from a real marketplace with actual people to talk to), and then tries to sell its own Amazon branded versions of their products to try to extinct them after trapping them. Amazon is like evil. I am so concerned about the world going that way, like the Weyland-Yutani corporation from the Alien movies… so that’s like the basic reason why I don’t do any internet shopping anymore, and buy everything I want and need from small local independent shops, in person, paying for everything with cash! 🙂 I pay all my bills with cash too.

I am totally a decent person, making the world better. Just because I talk like this… and just because I’m a little girl (like, actually a little girl!) …it doesn’t mean that I’m stupid, or like, selfish in a bad way that’s harming the planet. And I think my selfishness is making things better in the long term, you know!? The big corporate mafia are very bad people and they have to be stopped. They are like Nazis. Corporate Nazis. You don’t wanna be in a corporate concentration camp, do you? People minimise ideas like that, talking about “Godwin’s Law” and saying that anyone who says stuff like that is an Alex Jones crazy or whatever — but I think deep down most people know it’s true that these people are THAT terrible, and they just don’t wanna believe it’s true because they don’t wanna make all the personal lifestyle changes they have to make to win a war against their evil. But I started caring about supporting small local independent businesses and stuff well before I started my all-aspects war against the mafia (because the mafia targeted me… and well, it’s a long story).

So yeah! You’re reading the blog of an actual superheroine. Like Supergirl or Captain Marvel, or whatever (I’m just using examples that most people are gonna know about). I call myself Reign The Superheroine though. I’m Goda. Like, actually Goda. The Creatress of everything — and that’s why I have superpowers (because I’m Goda). But if that’s too much for you to cope with then just think of me as a superheroine like Supergirl, I guess. I use my superpower to force the world to reflect, represent, and respond to what I’m doing, to make the world the way I want it to be. Like that’s what superheroines do, you know? They choose to do good with their superpowers, using force to do it. Forcing stuff to be better, to protect people and to stop the baddies. And obviously they gotta protect theirselves as well, if the baddies are attacking them. If that sounds scary, then you gotta remember that if you feel safe from other humans and their violent behaviour towards you that you’ve got real evidence of actually existing, then it’s because of the system of crime and punishment that you feel safe. But like, there’s a good argument that the only reason the system of crime and punishment exists in the first place is because feudal barons, kings and queens and stuff, set up courts and police and armies to try to control you and to stop you from overthrowing them. And like, they had to have a good story for why they were doing all these things to control you — so it’s like “to make things fair and to keep the public safe”. And like, then it actually had to BE mostly fair, and the public had to actually BE mostly safe, so that too many people didn’t notice the unfairness and double-standards of the system when some people became genuine threats to the feudal leaders’ rule. You don’t need to be so scared of me using my superpowers — like, using force — if you’re not scared of the system you already live in… especially since you know that the Jeffrey Epstein and Robert H Richards III and “Sir” Peter Hayman of MI6 stuff is like the real face of the people with a lot of money behind the scenes of your establishment system, who the system of crime and punishment was set up to protect. I’m way nicer than them, so you don’t have to be scared of me if you’re not scared of them. If you feel pretty safe and everything. I’m not a paedo, I’m not corrupt, and I’m not trying to take your local shops away — and I’m not trying to stop you from having access to cash money. I just have a lot of power, and I use it, to make the world the way I want it to be, which I think is gonna be a pretty nice world and I think you’re gonna like it too. But you’re just gonna have to trust me on that. Maybe it sounds like I’m saying I’m planning to take over from your rulers, but I’m not. I don’t even wanna be the leader. I just happen to be Goda… and it’s not my fault that I’m Goda… and I may as well, like, USE my power to, like, make things better!!!! Like, how do you think it’s gonna go if the way I use my power is decided by some committee of humans, with the way your world works at the moment????

Ohhh… I feel like so uncomfortable with saying all that stuff in the last paragraph, because I feel it makes me sound like such a brute or something. But I guess it had to be said, because I wanna be myself here at Vivaldi Community. LOL that sounds like I’m trying to sell something to someone. “Here at Vivaldi Community”, LOL. This seems like a great place though. I like the values I read about. I want to write a blog here that’s me being the real me, not pretending to be like a human so the world can cope with me and more easily interact with me, you know? I’m a little girl who has superpowers, and it’s real. I have absurd power and I use it. It feels like “little girl” and “power” don’t go together, but they can go together. Like, they do! 🙂

Sooo! I noticed that the “likes” got kinda out of control again, but I don’t care. I’m writing how I want to say it out loud, thinking it in my head just before I write it. Hopefully people can still take me seriously writing like this, huh????!

Anyway, basically what I was trying to explain above (with some of the stuff that I was saying) is I had to go to war against the mafia, because they wanted exclusive rights to use my superpowers for their interests only. Exactly like you might expect the corporate mafia to respond to a real superheroine existing in the world! It’s a long story though, and I’m not explaining it all now. They used to know my identity but I stopped them from knowing it, kinda like Martian Manhunter keeps Supergirl’s identity secret on the TV show using psychic powers to wipe people’s memories. I still need to make the world safe for me to be in it, though. Now I’m at war against them from a distance, with them not knowing who I am specifically. So yeah. I went to war against them at the start of 2022, by completely refusing to use supermarkets anymore and only buying things from small local independent shops, in person, paying with cash for everything (no exceptions). And also by using only grown-in-Britain and made-in-Britain products at my home. All the food and drink I consume at my home is grown in Britain now, and all the products I buy again and again for my home are made in Britain. I don’t buy anything from the internet at all. I get mobile phone credit added with cash, in person, LOL. All utilities bills, TV/internet bills, council tax bills, TV license, every single one of these things I pay for with cash, face to face with another person. I like, completely refuse to use any large company’s shops for anything except one-off purchases that I can’t find anywhere else… or for clothes shopping, because I have standards and I can’t find enough decent clothes looking only in small independent shops. And when I said “large company”, I meant like including national chain stores as being large companies — so what I mean is I only shop at small independent stores that only have shops in my area of England (preferably only a single shop in one town only), unless there’s no alternative for a one-off purchase… or unless it’s for clothes, because I’m not gonna look like a hobo or a badly dressed person.

Thankfully my dissociation about my appearance is getting less and less — so that’s been seriously helpful for me not looking like a badly dressed person.

So like, when I went to war against the Western World’s corporate mafia at the start of 2022, the rest of the world started going to war against them too. I can do other things besides taking personal economic and political choices, but it’s like, how are people gonna react to me if I do more than that if I don’t need to? I don’t wanna be fighting armies on my own, if I don’t need to be doing that, you know? I want people to like me!!!!? Also… I have fear of my own power issues, so it’s like, me trying to say that it’s “other people” doing all of these things — when I know that it’s me creating everything that happens, since I’m Goda (so like, naturally whatever I do is gonna force the world to sort of be that way, somehow).

Listen everyone… I need emotional safety and dignity, even though I’m always safe from actual harm because I’m Goda — so I gotta win my war against these gangsters so I’m gonna be OK. They picked on the wrong person and it’s their fault. Unlike everyone else, I can actually beat them on my own, so I’m gonna beat them on my own (if I have to). I already said they can just give in to me. It’s whatever it takes, however long it takes. I repeat: whatever it takes, however long it takes. You know deep down they have to be beaten anyway, because they’re so awful. I figure a balance of power, or like, let the rest of the world have their go at running things, isn’t gonna be that bad. The other sides still have to try to control everyone, and even if they completely take over responsibility for this side of the world, I doubt they’re gonna try to make places like England and America be like Russia or China or wherever. There are too many people with too many expectations of all sorts of freedoms here now — so that means administrating these areas differently behind the scenes, so that people don’t start a revolution. It might be that they can liberalise over there then too. Maybe they want to. I don’t know. I don’t care too much, even though I want them to be a lot more socially liberal — because I need to focus on getting my emotional safety and dignity, because that’s what this is all about. I mean, I do care (to be honest) but I make sure that I don’t care too much because that’s important to winning. And like, I said already that I don’t want to take over and run countries and stuff. I just want to be left alone to do my thing, with the understanding that I’m unaccountable because I’m Goda (maybe even I don’t want this, but it can’t be any other way really). And I want my token “Cosby show” stuff I explained about before, so I’m happy. Like, NOT LITERALLY COSBY SHOW. Mehcad Brooks is ugly and gross. I’m just saying so people don’t “creatively” misunderstand me again, trying to make it look to the “people in the know” like they control me or whatever. I support black people, you know? The main reason why I don’t find Mehcad Brooks attractive is because he’s a man. It’s just, it was like they said “Here’s the largest man we found. Your message said find the largest man, yeah?” No.

Anyway! The masala chai tastes amazing. If you people don’t know what it is, it’s basically like curried tea or something. Masala chai literally means mixed spices tea — and you get, like, curry sauce in the bottom of the tea cup after drinking it if you use this powdered masala chai. LOL. I’m seriously proud of myself for making the effort to celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest properly this year. Making the journey to Middlesbrough to buy some boxes of masala chai, and getting a whole bunch of all-girls animes on Blu-Ray and DVD.

I also pushed myself to view the movie Carol on Blu-Ray, because I felt it was very important that I viewed an actual lesbian movie instead of only pseudo-lesbian animes and things like that. The thing is though, I have PTSD because of my experiences, and a lot of the actual lesbian movies I’ve seen have themes of repression, oppression, and trauma. Like, especially to do with lesbian girls and women getting terrible abuse from Christianity, Judaism, and men. One movie like that stars the actress who played Regina George from Mean Girls: it’s called Disobedience, and Rachel Weisz is in it as well.

I was trying to decide which movie to view on Blu-Ray from my collection, trying to choose between Thelma (2017) and Carol. I decided to view Carol, but Thelma might have been the better choice. I’m not sure. Both of those movies have pretty traumatic themes, and Carol has a lot of Christmas stuff that I hate. I feel so much resentment about Christmas, and I hate that the movie Carol has so much Christmas stuff, but I needed to view an actual lesbian movie to feel like I was properly celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest — so I viewed it. I’m gonna view Thelma at some point as well, so I suppose it doesn’t matter which one I view first. I need to get some more lesbian movies on Blu-Ray that don’t have anything to do with Christmas or Christianity or Judaism or male violence. At least I have Booksmart on DVD, which is a feelgood teen movie (but what I want are movies that are like primarily about the lesbian relationship in the movie, like Carol, Thelma, and Disobedience — but fun and feelgood like Booksmart, instead of miserable). Mulholland Drive, which I also have on Blu-Ray, is like sombre as fuck as well… and I don’t like the ending, obviously. LOL. :/ I’m fine with art movies, or serious movies, though! As long as they’re not miserable and all about abuse, seemingly. To be honest, I wasn’t that hot on the ending of Carol because Carol’s friends seemed like Freemasons or something and I’m not into that AT ALL. I was like, has she invited her to a fucking men’s club or something? Maybe it’s supposed to be like a gay and lesbian meeting place of that era, and I just didn’t understand it until thinking about it now. I like the ending of Thelma better: the two of them walking out and proud in public, happy. 🙂

I am actually enjoying myself, LOL! The masala chai is great. Also, the movie Carol is such a beautiful movie to look at and to listen to. I always enjoy viewing it just for the soundtrack, and for the sex scene between Rooney Mara and Cate Blanchett. I don’t know what they’re actually doing though!!!! It’s like “suggestive”. I think it’s too “suggestive”, honestly. It’s still good though. 🙂

Have a choice Lesbian Laser Fest, everyone out there celebrating it with me!!!! 😛

Lesbian Laser Fest!!!! :)

Hey everyone! So, like, I began celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest this shade (that’s my word for day: shade). It’s my own celebratory period that I created for me to celebrate instead of Christmas, because… to cut a long story short, because Christianity is one of the biggest components of rape culture (Mary didn’t consent to being impregnated in the fictional story, and Jesus Christ is supposed to be the same person as “God” in the fictional story). Also, the popular secular Christmas still has “Christ” in the name — so it’s like celebrating “Mike Tyson three months” (yeah, THREE MONTHS of Mike Tyson movies on TV even though everyone knows he’s a rapist, or they ought to know it) — and secular Christmas still totally stinks of patriarchy if you ask me, with some old guy deciding who gets rewarded and who gets punished. Like, Christmas gifts or Christmas coal, depending on if the old guy likes you or not. And it’s basically corporate CIA-driven and corporate CIA-approved “culture” to promote whatever percent of economic growth the Western establishment’s criminal bankers need to try to keep their fraudulent money system going. So yeah… I like, hate Christmas with a passion for various reasons including my own personal reasons, so I started celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest on my own a few years ago — so that I can still enjoy the things I used to like about celebrating an annual special event in Western culture.

Lesbian Laser Fest is also so I can have an annual celebration of me being Goda, since a lot of the other annual celebrations are about fake versions of me in different religions. But I’m not forcing Lesbian Laser Fest on anyone, and at the moment I only celebrate it on my own. It just feels nice to have something once a year that’s actually about me! 🙂 You know?

It’s Lesbian because I’m lesbian. Laser because I’m Reign and Reign shoots lasers out of her eyes (heat vision actually, but everyone calls that kind of thing “laser eyes”). Fest because it’s a festival. I remember obsessing about thinking up a better word to use instead of “fest”, just in case anyone thought it was about some Greek god character — but then I eventually thought that was dumb, and decided that Lesbian Laser Fest was a good enough name. LOL!

I plan to celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest in the same ways that I celebrated it in previous years — which includes putting my home-made Lesbian Laser Fest decorations up (lesbian wedding cake toppers stuck onto recycled cardboard boxes for stands), viewing lots of lesbian-themed movies and TV shows, eating lots of candy, eating krokiety, and drinking masala chai. I ate so much candy this year though that I’ve had to include eating a ton of white chocolate as a new Lesbian Laser Fest tradition… so that the candy-eating part of it still feels special to me, instead of the same as usual LOL. 😛 (I don’t eat much chocolate at all, even though I LOVE WHITE CHOCOLATE — because I purposefully cut down the amount of chocolate I eat to hurt the international trade in cocoa beans, as part of my war against the mafia; people might think that’s a long shot, but my war against them is an all-aspects war and I’m not gonna assume that getting people to cut back on their chocolate consumption isn’t doable. I aim for, like, 100% locally-grown non-imported food and drink to destroy the profits of the mafia’s big corporations. Basically all the food and drink I consume at my own home is 100% locally grown and made by small local independent companies. All of it. Even my tea comes from England, so drinking masala chai is gonna be another exception I’m making only for these 9 shades of Lesbian Laser Fest. I drink a lot of tea!!!!)

Like, so far I’ve already put my decorations up and viewed plenty of somewhat lesbian-themed movies and TV. I also started a new tradition: Lesbian Laser Breakfast. LMAO! This involves eating candy for the first breakfast of Lesbian Laser Fest, instead of my grown-in-England “chilled” porridge oats mixed with (as far as I’m informed) grown-in-England granola, thrown together in a bowl with “chilled” milk. My “chilled” granola porridge actually tastes pretty good, but I used to like Kellogg’s Special K a lot and eating only grown-in-England “chilled” porridge oats for breakfast is one of the sacrifices I’ve had to make in my all-aspects war to destroy the Western World’s corporate mafia. Lesbian Laser Breakfast was a big success anyway. I had a white chocolate coated marshmallow on a stick, and a white chocolate lollipop… both of which were covered in rainbow sprinkles (and the lollipop was covered in sugar glitter stars too!) 🙂

On my TV I viewed Mean Girls as a celebration of me, Goda!!!! 😀 Even though the movie is basically bullying people like me for no reason, using the excuse of saying we’re all like the Regina character — or deserving of being bullied for no reason even if we’re not. I identify a lot with the Amanda Seyfried and Lacey Chabert characters (as well as with Regina George, I guess… and with Lindsay Lohan when she turns “mean”; Cady or whatever.) Seriously I just viewed the movie and I can’t remember their names, LOL. One of them is called Gretchen, I just remembered. I identify most with the Amanda Seyfried character, to be honest — even though it’s her character’s name that I still can’t remember. Ummm, yeah. I’m not stupid though, even though I sound like this. And I resent that all the members of our sort of culture are typified as being stupid, shallow, and nasty! Like, Lacey and Amanda don’t even seem very “mean” in the movie. Like, they don’t seem “mean” at all, honestly! They literally don’t seem mean. One of them is not very intelligent but sweet/innocent (and allegedly “slutty”), and the other one is more intelligent but still sweet and innocent. They’re friends with Regina, but I figure that’s no worse than anyone of any gender who sticks to men and boys exhibiting varying levels of toxic masculinity in patriarchy’s protection racket targeting pretty much everyone. In a Dwayne Johnson movie, it’s always presented as fine to be his male friend or girlfriend and consequently get bullied by him when he’s playing an alpha male bully “good guy” mean jerk jock. In a Dwayne Johnson movie, just being his friend doesn’t signify it being totally 100% OK for you to be also typified as a bad person (like HE ISN’T in his movie, even though his characters are bad people), even if you’re otherwise sweet and innocent and your only crime is letting him be the boss of you. What with him being a man and all, so it’s “OK for him to be the boss of people, and influence them somewhat to also be jerks to others”. I guess Regina’s crime is that she’s female but she acts like she’s “allowed” to have power. Everyone knows that in patriarchy, girls and women have to be “allowed” to be a certain way before they can do it… NOT!!!! LOL! 🙂 Yeah I know that Regina is a terrible person (and that lots of people have experiences of being bullied by people like her), but I’m just pointing out the huge double standard here that’s all.

LOL. I didn’t mean to go on a rant there about the movie I actually love so much that I bought it on Blu-Ray to view again and again, but it’s how I feel. And it’s true, soooo…

Anyway — since I’m Goda, the Creatress of everything and all, when I viewed Mean Girls again nowshade I put various things into the movie to say that I, Goda, am a lesbian. You know, to celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest!!!! For example, there’s a lesbian kiss at a party. And my new favourite bit is when Regina outs both Cindy Burman and Wonder Woman as lesbians when she talks about how she had to ban her former friend from her “all-girls pool party”. LOL! There’s a girl dressed a lot like Cindy from Season One of the Stargirl show behind her, and I think it’s Cady who has a bracelet or bracelets very visible in the scene to be suggestive of Wonder Woman. And obviously Regina is “accidentally” outing herself as a lesbian when she talks about “blowing off” girls… and since she admits that her pool party was an all-girls pool party for some reason. She seems very eager to point the finger at some other girl as being the only lesbian, when they were probably both having sex with each other at the party and no one got banned from it — but someone walked in on them, so she threw her friend under the bus instead of admitting the truth that she’s a lesbian too.

I just wanna say that I don’t think Melissa Benoist ought to view this movie because my feelings are a mean girl, and my feelings weren’t very nice to her towards the end of the movie. I’m sorry about this. It’s like everyone can read my mind when I’m viewing TV and stuff (or when people are making random conversation around me, in public). It isn’t fair to judge me like I’m a bad person for my feelings saying stuff like this, if I feel hurt or confused or something. No one else has their private feelings being always made public in the world for everyone to scrutinise and judge and make assumptions about, like this. Please don’t hate me. I guess most people aren’t gonna understand this part of my post, so just ignore it.

The other things I viewed on TV were the first episode of the classic anime, Bubblegum Crisis. This anime series is SO COOL, because each episode of it is like a mini-movie. They are fucking cinematic in scope and all around AWESOME!!!! 🙂 I love Bubblegum Crisis. Anyway, at the end of the first episode, it’s strongly insinuated that Priss is a lesbian. Cool, huh? 🙂 I’m also awesome, aren’t I? Placing all these references to lesbianism into the movies and TV shows I’m viewing as part of Lesbian Laser Fest — even if they aren’t specifically “lesbian” stories at all! 🙂 The episode also references 9/11 being something to do with the Supergirl TV show and Supergirl being a lesbian, as well as references a small town in England during the closing credits. The ridiculous song that plays during the closing credits references the first name and surnames of the Supergirl character, and a Bret Hart promo (meaning, Reign is the best there is… etc. As in, “Sure, Supergirl is totally a match for… It is gonna be a competitive contest, no doubt!”) You need to speak (ancient?) Greek to understand the reference to Supergirl’s first name though. I don’t speak Greek and it’s one of the only Greek words I know, and I don’t even know how to pronounce it. LOL! I have put this single Greek word I know into way too many things, as a code for Supergirl, way too often. 🙂 So I’m not the smartest person ever! Big wow, you know? So what! 🙂 I can create all sorts of vast amounts of knowledge for myself though, so I seem like I’m a super genius or something. I just create memories of knowing all sorts of stuff for various dumb reasons.

Anyway! The last thing I viewed on TV for the first shade of Lesbian Laser Fest was an episode of iCarly: “iScream on Halloween”. So it was like a pretty boring episode to be honest with you, but I put some references to lesbianism into it. Sam grabbing Carly’s butt in a closet seems pretty implausible, but I think that actually happened in this episode. I mean like just groping her butt for seemingly no reason, when it wasn’t even dark or anything. Like she just decided to molest her. It’s not my finest creation for Lesbian Laser Fest since it’s so morally terrible. I’m pretty sure that it happened though, even though I only viewed it once. Also, one of the little girls who shows up to menace Spencer about Halloween treats looks a lot like me in her floppy hat that looks just like mine. And another one of the little girls has a WWF championship belt on, to say “I won!!!!” and “I’m the champion!!!!” and “Leave me the fuck alone, mafia, unless you want a huge stink in the world that you can’t get rid of!!!!” Happy Hanukkah, LOL. I hear there’s some things going on. I don’t know what though. I don’t care. I’m guessing there might be more than one stink. Haha!

So anyway. Lesbian Laser Fest is like 9 shades of fun that comprises of the week and one shade leading up to Lesbianlaserween (which always takes place concurrently with Halloween, so I can feel as if everyone else is celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest with me), and then there’s one more shade of Lesbian Laser Fest after that. Something like that. It’s not an exact science how many shades there are — but I don’t want it to ever get much longer than 9 shades, so that it’s nothing like Mike Tyson Three Months. It depends on how much I enjoyed myself and if I need another shade of Lesbian Laser Fest to happen, to make sure I had enough fun. I have, like, PTSD, so giving myself some leeway to add an extra shade of fun to my celebration helps me feel less pressure about Lesbianlaserween going well each year.

Hope you enjoyed reading about Lesbian Laser Fest: Goda’s own OFFICIAL annual celebration!!!! 😛 Oh and just so you all know — on Lesbianlaserween I basically just eat Halloween candy and maybe dress up in costume like most people who celebrate Halloween. The “death” theme isn’t ideal or anything, but I just think of it as being like a celebration of Season Three Reign and it makes me feel better. As if everyone is actually celebrating my preferred myth about myself, for once!!!! 🙂

You’re all free to actually celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest with me, if you want to!!!! 🙂

Edit: Just so you all know, Lesbian Laser Fest started a shade early this year because I misread my note in my diary organiser to remind me that Lesbian Laser Fest was starting soon. I thought the note meant “IT STARTS NOW, CELEBRATE IMMEDIATELY!!!!” 🙂 It’s only supposed to be 9 shades of Lesbian Laser Fest, including Lesbianlaserween. This is like the third year I’ve been celebrating it (I think), and I’m pretty sure I’ve decided now that this is how many shades I want it to last for each year. It’s fine though if I get confused or need an extra shade added for the reasons I explained above! I hope there are some people celebrating it with me at this point. It’s weird thinking about it, but I hope there are! 🙂

The blog of the Creatress of everything.

Hey people! I’m Reign a.k.a. Goda, the Creatress of everything, and this is my blog. People who know me personally call me Victoria. So nice to meet you all. LOL! (I’m not joking about any of this though. It’s just I’m a little girl and I say LOL on the internet even when I’m not joking, just to fill space I guess. Especially if it feels awkward or whatever. Weirdly enough, I don’t often say LOL in person. And I guess you can infer from that that I do occasionally say LOL in person, which is true… but I only say it to myself, when I’m alone. In person I tend to say it with the exclamation mark after it, haha! I still hardly ever say it though.)

So anyway. I created all of you. Because I’m Goda! I created everything, with my mind. Like, with my thoughts and feelings and stuff. Everything is here because I wanted it to be here, you know? It’s like I started thinking, and the world happened. Something like that.

I was like, wow I created a whole world. And then I was in the world. And now I’m here writing this blog so I can talk to humans (hopefully talk WITH humans at some point, FFS) about the truth that it was me who created all of this and who still creates all of it, constantly. It’s a lot of work creating everything constantly… not like anyone cares, it seems like. I mean, a lot of people do care I suppose, as long as they think I’m a man. >:( I’M NOT A MAN! I’m a girl. A little girl. I don’t age and I’m immortal and stuff. My name’s Victoria, like I said. If people are gonna refer to me with a fancy title for being the true Creatress of everything then they ought to call me Goda, because I’m female. So call me Goda, OK!? Or call me Victoria. Or call me Reign.

It’s insulting to call me “God”, because I’m a girl, not a man and not a boy and not non-binary. I’m a girl. GIRL. I’M A GIRL. (I have a lot of issues with the fact that I’m a girl though, believe me — but that’s because everything here is so shit for us girls and women. And when I say “here”, I mean planet Earth. There is actually a space, right? LMAO! I’m just saying because I don’t want people to laugh at me later if there’s not a space, since THE CIA AND ALL THOSE TYPES LIE ABOUT PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING SO YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE, HUH!?!!!!) Not trying to discredit myself. I’m not that sceptical about there being a space, but I am a little bit sceptical for the exact reason I just outlined.

So, like, I said you can also call me Reign because I’m Reign. Umm… so what I’m saying with that is that there’s this character from a TV show I created with my mind (that I had the idea of other people also creating in different, more normal ways) called Reign. She’s from the Supergirl TV show of the best actress in the world, Melissa Benoist. Obviously Reign is played by some other chick. 🙂 Anyway, the story of Reign is my preferred myth that humans came up with to sort of not very accurately represent the truth of me, Goda, the Creatress of everything. I don’t wanna bore everyone by saying that over and over, LOL. But yeah, so like all of your stories don’t accurately represent the truth of me, Goda, very well. I just happen to like the story of Reign from Krypton the best. The TV show version. At least Reign is a girl, not like “God” or Superman. I’m not a villain though. But neither is she, really.

So I don’t wanna, like, explain every single reason why Reign is my favourite and preferred way of being represented by you humans in your myths about me. Does it sound insulting when I say “you humans?” I didn’t mean it like that. Anyway — I just like her style with the black devil girl outfit and everything. I wasn’t too hot on the screaming/laughing deaths head skull thing (which I suggested be changed to a silver “o” shaped circle after making her into a good superheroine who helps people like Supergirl instead of tries to extinct humanity or whatever… because that’s how I wanted to be: helping people like Supergirl and not killing anyone or anything). But what I like about Reign is that she’s the best and the strongest, etc. And she does what she wants to do instead of what some creepy CIA-type extraordinary renditioners tell her she’s allowed to do, when they’re the real villains. OK… she spends quite a lot of time doing what some creepy witches from Krypton tell her to do, but it feels a lot different. She has power and agency. She’s her own woman; not like a glorified harem slave of the patriarchy that they’re always threatening to shoot with Kryptonite darts (since like the first episode or something) if she ever does anything without some sort of broad approval of the US government and totally secret unaccountable weirdos that might not even tell the US government what they’re ordering Supergirl to do/not do. It’s cool that in Season One they say Supergirl doesn’t actually work for the DEO though (just violently coerced by them into doing their dirty work, I guess). I’ve been viewing Season One again recently, if you haven’t guessed. Fucking Livewire episode and the things Cat and Lesley say about her. Wow.

I’m a lesbian and the CIA must have known about it. Nice “welcome wagon”, huh? (ID4 reference.) OK… so I guess it went a little differently to that movie in reality. Kind of out of sequence. Not that different. But anyway. I explained all of that before. FFS. 🙂 Please allow me to joke about things, OK? You have like, no idea all of the things I’ve experienced. Anyway I’m going ahead and joking about it. But I want people to know I completely get that it was a big event and people died and stuff. It’s just for me, everyone that dies is my fault and at some point I stopped feeling it. I used to be so nice. I used to think I was so nice, anyway. Like I said — I just wanted to be like Supergirl, but called Reign The Superheroine instead and being in a slightly altered Reign costume. That’s who I wanted to be. Except, you know, a little girl. It has to be like that, since I’m a little girl.

I feel like everyone including myself has wanted Reign The Superheroine to go away. I feel like everyone has wanted Reign to go away, generally… but I’m not gonna stop being Reign. Even though I’m a little girl. Like, actually a little girl. And even though I talk in valspeak. I’m still Reign. I’m still Reign The Superheroine, specifically (that’s who I want to be: the superheroine version who I personally believe in as being real, and the real me).

OK so the real me is like, Cindy from Stargirl, but shut up OK? Reign Cindy. Whatever! I’m Reign. Maybe Reign Courtney. StarReign? Fucking bullshit. Definitely without the stupid staff thing unless I’m carrying my umbrella around since it’s England. I’m a very small girl though. I might actually have blonde hair. It’s hard to see since I’m so dissociated about my appearance. Like, what do you want from me? I’m just trying to be honest here. I’m Reign though. Reign isn’t going away. I. AM. REIGN. 🙂

OK, that’s enough for now, people! I guess I’m gonna upload the posts from my other blog here too. This first post is gonna make more sense to you all, then. Later!