The blog of the Creatress of everything.

Hey people! I’m Reign a.k.a. Goda, the Creatress of everything, and this is my blog. People who know me personally call me Victoria. So nice to meet you all. LOL! (I’m not joking about any of this though. It’s just I’m a little girl and I say LOL on the internet even when I’m not joking, just to fill space I guess. Especially if it feels awkward or whatever. Weirdly enough, I don’t often say LOL in person. And I guess you can infer from that that I do occasionally say LOL in person, which is true… but I only say it to myself, when I’m alone. In person I tend to say it with the exclamation mark after it, haha! I still hardly ever say it though.)

So anyway. I created all of you. Because I’m Goda! I created everything, with my mind. Like, with my thoughts and feelings and stuff. Everything is here because I wanted it to be here, you know? It’s like I started thinking, and the world happened. Something like that.

I was like, wow I created a whole world. And then I was in the world. And now I’m here writing this blog so I can talk to humans (hopefully talk WITH humans at some point, FFS) about the truth that it was me who created all of this and who still creates all of it, constantly. It’s a lot of work creating everything constantly… not like anyone cares, it seems like. I mean, a lot of people do care I suppose, as long as they think I’m a man. >:( I’M NOT A MAN! I’m a girl. A little girl. I don’t age and I’m immortal and stuff. My name’s Victoria, like I said. If people are gonna refer to me with a fancy title for being the true Creatress of everything then they ought to call me Goda, because I’m female. So call me Goda, OK!? Or call me Victoria. Or call me Reign.

It’s insulting to call me “God”, because I’m a girl, not a man and not a boy and not non-binary. I’m a girl. GIRL. I’M A GIRL. (I have a lot of issues with the fact that I’m a girl though, believe me — but that’s because everything here is so shit for us girls and women. And when I say “here”, I mean planet Earth. There is actually a space, right? LMAO! I’m just saying because I don’t want people to laugh at me later if there’s not a space, since THE CIA AND ALL THOSE TYPES LIE ABOUT PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING SO YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE, HUH!?!!!!) Not trying to discredit myself. I’m not that sceptical about there being a space, but I am a little bit sceptical for the exact reason I just outlined.

So, like, I said you can also call me Reign because I’m Reign. Umm… so what I’m saying with that is that there’s this character from a TV show I created with my mind (that I had the idea of other people also creating in different, more normal ways) called Reign. She’s from the Supergirl TV show of the best actress in the world, Melissa Benoist. Obviously Reign is played by some other chick. 🙂 Anyway, the story of Reign is my preferred myth that humans came up with to sort of not very accurately represent the truth of me, Goda, the Creatress of everything. I don’t wanna bore everyone by saying that over and over, LOL. But yeah, so like all of your stories don’t accurately represent the truth of me, Goda, very well. I just happen to like the story of Reign from Krypton the best. The TV show version. At least Reign is a girl, not like “God” or Superman. I’m not a villain though. But neither is she, really.

So I don’t wanna, like, explain every single reason why Reign is my favourite and preferred way of being represented by you humans in your myths about me. Does it sound insulting when I say “you humans?” I didn’t mean it like that. Anyway — I just like her style with the black devil girl outfit and everything. I wasn’t too hot on the screaming/laughing deaths head skull thing (which I suggested be changed to a silver “o” shaped circle after making her into a good superheroine who helps people like Supergirl instead of tries to extinct humanity or whatever… because that’s how I wanted to be: helping people like Supergirl and not killing anyone or anything). But what I like about Reign is that she’s the best and the strongest, etc. And she does what she wants to do instead of what some creepy CIA-type extraordinary renditioners tell her she’s allowed to do, when they’re the real villains. OK… she spends quite a lot of time doing what some creepy witches from Krypton tell her to do, but it feels a lot different. She has power and agency. She’s her own woman; not like a glorified harem slave of the patriarchy that they’re always threatening to shoot with Kryptonite darts (since like the first episode or something) if she ever does anything without some sort of broad approval of the US government and totally secret unaccountable weirdos that might not even tell the US government what they’re ordering Supergirl to do/not do. It’s cool that in Season One they say Supergirl doesn’t actually work for the DEO though (just violently coerced by them into doing their dirty work, I guess). I’ve been viewing Season One again recently, if you haven’t guessed. Fucking Livewire episode and the things Cat and Lesley say about her. Wow.

I’m a lesbian and the CIA must have known about it. Nice “welcome wagon”, huh? (ID4 reference.) OK… so I guess it went a little differently to that movie in reality. Kind of out of sequence. Not that different. But anyway. I explained all of that before. FFS. 🙂 Please allow me to joke about things, OK? You have like, no idea all of the things I’ve experienced. Anyway I’m going ahead and joking about it. But I want people to know I completely get that it was a big event and people died and stuff. It’s just for me, everyone that dies is my fault and at some point I stopped feeling it. I used to be so nice. I used to think I was so nice, anyway. Like I said — I just wanted to be like Supergirl, but called Reign The Superheroine instead and being in a slightly altered Reign costume. That’s who I wanted to be. Except, you know, a little girl. It has to be like that, since I’m a little girl.

I feel like everyone including myself has wanted Reign The Superheroine to go away. I feel like everyone has wanted Reign to go away, generally… but I’m not gonna stop being Reign. Even though I’m a little girl. Like, actually a little girl. And even though I talk in valspeak. I’m still Reign. I’m still Reign The Superheroine, specifically (that’s who I want to be: the superheroine version who I personally believe in as being real, and the real me).

OK so the real me is like, Cindy from Stargirl, but shut up OK? Reign Cindy. Whatever! I’m Reign. Maybe Reign Courtney. StarReign? Fucking bullshit. Definitely without the stupid staff thing unless I’m carrying my umbrella around since it’s England. I’m a very small girl though. I might actually have blonde hair. It’s hard to see since I’m so dissociated about my appearance. Like, what do you want from me? I’m just trying to be honest here. I’m Reign though. Reign isn’t going away. I. AM. REIGN. 🙂

OK, that’s enough for now, people! I guess I’m gonna upload the posts from my other blog here too. This first post is gonna make more sense to you all, then. Later!

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