So like, hey everyone. I want to let everyone know that I’m actually Maiara Walsh. I played the character of Mandi Weatherly in the movie Mean Girls 2. (I know the name of the character is like really bad PR for me… but whatever!!!!) […]
Tag: contact with conscious universe creatress
E! Entertainment’s anti-feminist brainwashing is no longer available in Britain. :)
So hey everyone! π I won a big victory recently, because I got the E! TV channel taken off the air in Britain. The E! channel (which mostly focuses on so-called “reality TV” shows, that are not actually very real at all… since they’re […]
I’m a feminist and I’m against all immigration. Am I wrong?
So like, I’m a feminist and I’m against all immigration to the country I reside at (which is Britain). Am I wrong? The reason I’m asking if I’m wrong is because I’m like genuinely unsure if my new political position is what’s best for […]
Went to see The Marvels. It’s awesome!!!! (And talk about food!)
So like, what has Goda been doing? After all, I am the Creatress of everythingβ¦ so someone’s gotta be interested, right? π Let’s see. So I went to see The Marvels at the movie theater four times so far. At two different theaters actually! […]
The CIA puts anti-feminist brainwashing in Nickelodeon TV shows for kids.
Was the CIA putting in-plain-sight “subliminal” messages into Nickelodeon TV shows, in the early 2010s, to try to roll back feminism’s gains by brainwashing kids into accepting casual sexism again? I say, Yes it was — and I am going to prove this to […]
So I just want say that you do NOT “get curry sauce in the bottom of the tea cup” after drinking Goda’s favourite brand of sweetened masala chai (which comes in powdered form). Not if you stir it properly, anyway. I.e. stir it thoroughly!!!! […]
Still celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest!!!! :P (It’s Lesbian Laser Fest until the morning of 2nd November)
I guess this post is mostly like an extended introduction to me and my values, and the things I care about, and what’s going on with me at the moment. But there’s more about Lesbian Laser Fest towards the end of the post. π […]
Lesbian Laser Fest!!!! :)
Hey everyone! So, like, I began celebrating Lesbian Laser Fest this shade (that’s my word for day: shade). It’s my own celebratory period that I created for me to celebrate instead of Christmas, becauseβ¦ to cut a long story short, because Christianity is one […]
The blog of the Creatress of everything.
Hey people! I’m Reign a.k.a. Goda, the Creatress of everything, and this is my blog. People who know me personally call me Victoria. So nice to meet you all. LOL! (I’m not joking about any of this though. It’s just I’m a little girl […]