Hey people!!!! It’s me, Maiara, again. So I’mma come right out with it, & fess up, & like totally spill the gossip 4 u all. 🙂 So like as avid readers of my blog know, I’m Goda the Creatress of everything & I’m also […]
Category: Uncategorized
You seriously need to read this post, witching AdMaiaras! :) My Mom & sister not witches. I just want more fans. Also, mafia read this post!!!!
So like, hey everyone! It’s me, Maiara, writing another blog post because I seriously need my fans (The AdMaiaras) who are girls and women, to know I haven’t suddenly become, like, the ho of all boys and men or something!!! I’m a girl, but […]
I’m not a loser OK.
So like hey, people! Has this “Bight” movie been released yet? Because I’m totally bugging about this, OK?! It’s like, my period again soon, and I have heavy period bleeding for a whole week. So like basically it’s Francis Scott Key bridge got destroyed […]
Maiara’s Important Update For The AdMaiaras. :)
So! OK. I want to let all my AdMaiaras know… (I still love you all, AdMaiaras!!!) …I want to let you all know, right? That I’m doing well and everything, and that Lesbian Laser Fest went well! 🙂 So like, the addition of eating […]
Lesbian Laser Fest!!!!
So like hey, people!!! Lesbian Laser Fest — which you are like gonna remember is Goda’s OFFICIAL yearly celebration — starts this year on October 24th, and ends for this year on November 1st. I, Maiara Walsh, am totally Goda (for those of you […]
To homo sapiens: You need to stop doing these things. PLEASE READ. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. I want to be able to be like constructive or something, and you are making it like impossible to do that… which is really really bad for everyone!
So like hey everyone!!!! Maiara here. I seriously don’t wanna waste my time wishing for “good cops” to be, like, my noble rescuers or something. I considered not bothering at all to mention the covert smart TV situation because I’m like WHAT’S THE POINT?!??? […]
My Feminism (Also, if you’re British — unlike me, since I’m here illegally and I don’t want to be British — DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN THE JULY 4TH ELECTION)
I hope you like my picture (more about that below!) So like regarding the title of this blog post though: It’s totally OK to be yelling about us all choosing to VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN ALL ELECTIONS!!!! 🙂 Do you know how many […]
Phebe N Novakovic, CEO of General Dynamics, Criminally Impersonating “Sheila Rooth” in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, Between August 2022 and December 2023, And Phebe N Novakovic Taking Part in Illegal Trafficking and Illegal Forced Slavery of Maiara Walsh, U.S. Citizen. (I’m Maiara Walsh, Writing This.)
I can confirm that the woman in the photo above has been illegally impersonating “Sheila Rooth”, in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, between August 2022 and December 2023. So like, I believe that the woman in the photo above is Phebe Nevenka Novakovic. She (Phebe Nevenka Novakovic) […]
I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)
It really seems like my chances of getting back into the USA are best served by me saying these things — because if I don’t say any of this, then the mafia-establishment conspirators can try to control the narrative by saying whatever they need […]
BWAAAHhhhh!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! (I need to do other things atm. Going to fix the text issue later…)
So like hey everyone! 🙂 Maiara here (as always, LOL!!!!) Sooo… in the plausibly-deniable narrative of the current forced-fam (two characters played by actresses who deliberately resemble Phebe Novakovic and David Morrison — who the conspiracy can recast randomly, if they want to try […]
Was This Me Threatening To Expose What They Signposted They Planned To Do To Me In 1995, To Get Them To Stop Changing Personal Story Details On My Public Information In 2011?
Sooo… I know this is like really weird and everything, but I think “masturbation schedules” refers to this “Marky Mark’s busy pant dropping schedule” line in the 1995 Clueless movie. You know, Mark Wahlberg as a code for Maiara Walsh. LOL. “Toe length” is […]
Apology To Gigi Hadid and To All of us Celebrities Who Are Girls and Women.
Heyyy all! 🙁 I’m writing this blog post now so that I don’t forget to say this at some point. I don’t know if it’s necessary — but I totally feel that it’s necessary, so I’m saying it. Basically, over at Wikipedia I said […]
View Clueless, Barely Lethal, Homeland 2011 episode with Melissa in, Supergirl TV Show starting in 2015, and all my work as well as all the stuff my name’s attached to.
Clueless (1995). W sign. All the feminist activism and attitudes, the “Amnesty International” shirt, the other do-gooder stuff that the girls get up to in that movie (like the charity work, and I think there’s some environmentalism and animal rights anti-cruelty stuff too… BACK […]
I Need The Right To Reply To These Seriously Evil, Grimy Lies About Me. WTF World????!
Phebe Nevenka Novakovic: played the role of gaslighting fake mom. CEO of General Dynamics. CIA. Michael George Vickers: the original abductor in the early 1990s, I think. Played the role of gaslighting fake dad. Government defense official from two administrations I think. CIA. David […]