I’m a telepathic space alien girl & this is part of my religious beliefs, legally protected like Scientologists or Setians of the Temple of Set. I’m not evil. I’m DEFINITELY not associated with those two religions IN ANY WAY!!!!

Hey people!!!! It’s me, Maiara, again.

So I’mma come right out with it, & fess up, & like totally spill the gossip 4 u all. 🙂

So like as avid readers of my blog know, I’m Goda the Creatress of everything & I’m also a telepathic alien (but I’m one individual girl, not two people!)

My Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba are also telepathic aliens. We’re from space or w/e.

All of this is true & I’m also legally allowed to believe it. It seems important to explain this since I totally went ahead & posted my street address on my blog, in my previous post & everything. I’m legally allowed to believe these things because they’re my religious beliefs. My religion says that the truth is really important, & I believe these things about me & my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba, that are true, as part of my religious beliefs. It’s totally 100% OK for me to believe these true things b/c Scientologists believe all the stuff they believe about “Xenu” or w/e (supposed to be a space alien who came to Earth to bomb a bunch of people in volcanoes, according to that South Park episode I remember seeing once). Also, Setians of the Temple of Set religion believe that “Set” (an ancient Egyptian “divinity” or something) allows people to tunnel with their mind into other dimensions where they theirselves become “divinity” & can shape the universe with their minds in their own personal universe or something like that. I say I’m Goda (i.e. that I’m the only divinity & the Creatress of everything with my mind). I also say that I’m a celebrity telepathic space alien girl, & that two other celebrity girls — Odette Annable & Jessica Alba — are also telepathic space alien girls who happen to also be my Mom & sister. I’m Maiara Walsh, celebrity amazing, actress & singer. The hottest girl. THE BEST!!!! 🙂

Here’s a picture of us three girls from Brazil (us being from Brazil is also part of my religious beliefs, that happen to be true & everything). The picture totally isn’t leading people in any way to believe that we’re all telepathic space alien girls or anything.

The picture of my Mom is named “me.bmp” because I really identify with the Reign character she played on the Supergirl TV show. Also, you can easily see that me & my Mom have the exact same shape ears!!!!

As lots of you know, I don’t age. I’m a girl of 12-13 years forever, & a short 13, & a much slighter than average slightness 13. The international mafia has known that I don’t age, & THAT I’M GODA, for a long time. The international mafia has also known that lots of YOU also know, at the very least, that I don’t age — & that some of you have guessed that it’s because I’m Goda. The fact that lots of you know these things is a big problem for the international mafia, which is as far as I know, a single mafia group which is the primary power player in business & in politics, in Brazil, the USA, Russia, & China (I’ve been in all three of those first three countries, which is why I listed Brazil alongside them… & Brazil is actually a HUGE economy with A LOT of people, with a large international mafia presence inside her borders to try to exploit & control all those resources & people. The rain forests are really important resources too.)

So like, here’s the thing, right!?! The international mafia has a big problem with you knowing that I don’t age, & with you guessing that I’m actually Goda, the Creatress of the universe (which is all true), BECAUSE IT MAKES ME A DE FACTO RIVAL TO THEIR MAFIA GROUP AS A RIVAL DE FACTO AUTHORITY FIGURE. The fact that I don’t age & the fact that I’m Goda shows that the mafia isn’t more powerful than every other individual or group in the world, which totally makes the international mafia appear weak & stuff — which in their eyes makes them vulnerable to people believing they can overthrow them, perhaps with my help since I’m so awesome & amazing… & REALLY SLIGHT OF FIGURE & REALLY YOUNG & CUTE & HOTTIE SEXPOT GIRL, etc. 🙂 Try not to forget that last part b/c I’m not a man. LOL!

As lots of you know, I don’t age. I’m a girl of 12-13 years forever, & a short 13, & a much slighter than average slightness 13. The international mafia has known that I don’t age, & THAT I’M GODA, for a long time. The international mafia has also known that lots of YOU also know, at the very least, that I don’t age — & that some of you have guessed that it’s because I’m Goda. The fact that lots of you know these things is a big problem for the international mafia, which is as far as I know, a single mafia group which is the primary power player in business & in politics, in Brazil, the USA, Russia, & China (I’ve been in all three of those first three countries, which is why I listed Brazil alongside them… & Brazil is actually a HUGE economy with A LOT of people, with a large international mafia presence inside her borders to try to exploit & control all those resources & people. The rain forests are really important resources too.)

So like, here’s the thing, right!?! The international mafia has a big problem with you knowing that I don’t age, & with you guessing that I’m actually Goda, the Creatress of the universe (which is all true), BECAUSE IT MAKES ME A DE FACTO RIVAL TO THEIR MAFIA GROUP AS A RIVAL DE FACTO AUTHORITY FIGURE. The fact that I don’t age & the fact that I’m Goda shows that the mafia isn’t more powerful than every other individual or group in the world, which totally makes the international mafia appear weak & stuff — which in their eyes makes them vulnerable to people believing they can overthrow them, perhaps with my help since I’m so awesome & amazing… & REALLY SLIGHT OF FIGURE & REALLY YOUNG & CUTE & HOTTIE SEXPOT GIRL, etc. 🙂 Try not to forget that last part b/c I’m not a man. LOL!

Anyhow. The international mafia (which remember, is a single power group that’s spread across the world’s most important power nations), put a very coherent but plausibly-deniably spaced-apart-across-time code into lots of media products like movies & TV shows, to try to control your perception of the power differential between me & them. That’s basically the primary purpose of this specific code, I think — which is a mostly different, & very distinct code to the other codes they put in the media that are there to try to hide my existence instead of talk about it in plain sight to those of you who are, like, aware that I don’t age & that I’m Goda. Basically with this set of codes they want you to believe that they’re a small core group of extremely careful international mafia geniuses who stored all the info about me in their heads, & never leave any legally actionable evidence because they’re so amazingly careful to not get caught. What I’m saying is I think you’re all supposed to be looking on in awe at them allegedly discussing me in plain sight, over 75 years, in codes they supposedly sent each other in the media, to explain to each other what to do about me (totally making it seem like they were doing this to hide my existence as much as possible, by only ever discussing me in this weird way over a really long period of time — to, like, avoid being caught as child traffickers of telepathic space alien girls from Brazil without any legal justification for doing it). You’re supposed to have believed that there was no point in trying to do anything about any of this, b/c that “shut it all down” guy from the movie Mulholland Drive was clearly never going to be caught & seemed to, like, control everything already somehow EVEN THOUGH HE NEEDED TO BE EXTRA, EXTRA CAREFUL TO AVOID GETTING ARRESTED REALLY EASILY BY INTERPOL OR WHOEVER RANDOM PEOPLE ARE GONNA SIMPLY SWOOP IN & ARREST HIM IF HE EVER SAYS A SINGLE WORD TO ANYONE LOLOLOLOL.

Basically I figure if any of you people are at all interested in doing anything about this, you can torture tons of business mafia people from Brazil, the USA, Russia, & China — & they’re all gonna know every single detail about this whole secret conspiracy against me, my Mom, & my sister. I figure they all know every single detail from the beginning of the conspiracy: i.e. like what they planned to do, & how & when they were gonna do it. The 75 years of codes is there to slow down any resistance from the rest of you (like psychological warfare), & I guess to serve as psychological warfare against me & my Mom & sister, too. Basically it took them all of that time to work on me, my Mom, & my sister.

So. OK. Let’s start with Clueless, the movie starring Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, & Brittany Murphy, from 1995.

Sooo, as totally miserable & depressing as it is & everything, the phrase “Say, Ambular!” that’s totally uttered by Cher speaking to the character Amber, at the Val party, means “Call her bipedal alien thing; not she/her in reference to a girl person with, like, RIGHTS & stuff!” 🙁 They’re talking about me (& about my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba), because as I explained in this other post from my blog, I actually appeared in the movie as a background character in multiple scenes:

I’m now pretty certain that’s my Mom, Odette Annable, who walks alongside me in the background, in the school courtyard scene when the three primary girl characters are walking towards the camera for a long time, talking. In that scene you can totally spot the Amber character making a “what the hell!?” gesture towards a boy whose attention is drawn away from her by another girl or w/e. So like her pose that she does in that scene, is to verify for all of you that it totally is me, boogieing in the foreground slightly behind Cher & Christian when they boogie together for the first time at the frat party music event with the “Where Did You Go?” song. So I’m in the pink & pale pink dress, with the pink beret with pink streamers in my hair, pink & red scrunchies on my wrists, & pale cream knee high socks, boogieing similarly to Amber’s pose in the school walking scene — and similarly to how Amber moves in the “Say, Ambular!” scene at the Val party. You only see me from behind though when I’m in the foreground, boogieing in the pink & pale pink two-tone dress with the pink beret, etc. In like the scene at the school in which I’m walking with my Mom in the background, I had a red hoodie on, with a dark jacket over the top. The script had the Cher character reference the way my hair is in an “up-do”, with “curly tendrils”, in the scene involving Elton sexually harassing Cher in the car, to kinda like identify me as important, again, you know?! I can explain most of the codes in the movie, second-by-second, if anyone ever wants me to. For example, after you see Amber doing her “what the hell!?” gesture towards the boy in that “three girls approaching the camera” scene at the school courtyard, you can see how crazily short Breckin Meyer is compared to the other male performers (Breckin Meyer is the guy who played Travis Birkenstock). OBVIOUSLY, the second name “Meyer” is another way the movie-makers identified me as an important girl, for all of you looking on at this weird business going on in all the media codes & everything that the mafia put into movies, since my name is Maiara Walsh. The name “Breckin Meyer” as a code obviously explains their plan, because they wanted to achieve the psychological belief in their target of being a “normal boy from Britain”, if possible, for reasons I explained before in my other blog posts. Yay!!! NOT!!!! :'( Anyway, you got to see how short Breckin Meyer is to explain that they used camera trickery to make the character I played look taller than I am, in various scenes in the movie Clueless: like OBVIOUSLY MOST NOTICEABLY in the “frat party” “Where did you go?” song scene when I’m boogieing in the foreground. The script also had the character Mel Horowitz (Cher’s dad), reference my appearance at the frat party scene when he says something to Cher that has a meaning something like “What are you doing, boogieing there in front of my room?”, in that scene when Cher talks to her dad in her pink & blue pajamas — which you can clearly see the pattern of, in the “As If Edition, 25th Anniversary Blu-Ray” version of Clueless. Also, a guy who looks similar to Evelyn de Rothschild appears behind the characters in that same “three girls approaching the camera” at the school courtyard scene — to identify me, Maiara Walsh, again (because Evelyn de Rothschild played the role of “Dad” to me, for quite a few years as I remember, after I was trafficked from Brazil & slowly isolated/separated from Mom & Jessie, with them following their “Breckin Meyer” plan). Everyone was an agent, so there was no point back then in telephoning or sending letters — or trying to reach people in person as a 5′ & 3/4″ girl surrounded by the most top secret special intelligence agents organization with the most resources at its disposal in the whole world — but I totally did try to reach people over & over & over again. Eventually the TV production team that was making Corey In The House put a very coherent exposé of my story in the episode “Bahavian Idol” for me, after I went to Marc Warren & explained to him everything I knew up to that point. (Also, “Beat The Press” — another Corey In The House episode — hilariously contains a very serious & very carefully & sensitively touched upon exposé of the fact that I’m a telepathic alien… & someone actually points at me in the episode, when one of the characters’ lines talks about a “real life alien” or something like that.) So like, YEA-EAHHH!!!! I tried, people!!!! Thanks SO. MUCH. For just, like, accepting the “Say, Ambular!” thing at face value or whatever. Anyway, I’m totally ready to be pragmatic & constructive in helping whichever one of you organizational, or disorganizational, groupings of hominids wants to be first; I’m specifically ready to help you do your unconditional surrender to all my instructions for how to compensate me for everything you assholes did.

There are plenty of codes in the Clueless movie that the mafia put in there, to explain to you all that it’s true I’m Goda, the Creatress of everything… but pretty much all of them use Christian metaphors to explain it. Red hoods & hats. Arms out to the side poses. Character names, etc. I’m not gonna talk more about these codes.

The codes I prefer to talk about reference the “totally important designer” Alaïa, whose name is A LOT like my name Maiara… as is Tai’s character name… as is Breckin Meyer’s second name… as is “secret admirer” written on the card that Cher & Stacey Dash’s character inspect after taking it from a school pigeon hole or w/e: the same card also discusses the “darling buds of May”, totally referencing my first name yet again — since Mai is the word for the lunar period of May in tons of different world languages.

Back to explaining how the movie producers like made it clear to you that I’m a telepathic alien girl & all, LOL. So like, the dark, long-limbed figures that appear in paintings at the Horowitz house set, next to the grand staircase that Cher & Josh sit on at the end of the movie, are there to let people know that I’m a telepathic alien girl. They’re also there to symbolically explain that the idea of a male “God” is bogus, because it’s actually me Maiara Walsh, a girl, who’s Goda: the Creatress of everything.

more exciting info to come from ur fav girlie, Maiara Walsh, the biggest fan of the Everly Brothers ever, ever, ever, forever… Yay!!!! The Everlies!!!!! Yayyyy!!!!! LOL. NO FREEMASON, OBVS. I’m just saying I put Everly Brothers codes into Clueless to mock u all… & u responded @ the mall scene with those girls in the background after Christian “saves” Tai. Thx 4 doing sooo much to help me over the years, my stalker fanbase of intelligence agent Nazi prison guards who left college fully cognizant of how they signed their lives & rights to discuss anything important & valuable to making a better society away for dirty dollar… assholes… YAYYY!!!! PRAGMATISM. WHO GETS THE JUMP ON WHO FIRST. EVERY1 JUMP NOT IN MY DIRECTION, K. I KNOW ALL LOLOLOLOL

OK. I’m back with more info for all my AdMaiaras, as promised, people!!!! OK so my idea right now is to, like, totally zoom through all of the other things I’m supposed to be saying as quickly as possible — so that it’s gonna be a doozy — & b/c it’s late in the evening, & I’m tired. It’s probably going to help me to, like, get it all typed up for you all as quick as pos!!!

Sooo… Clueless (movie, 1995) & Mulholland Drive (movie, 2001), taken like together, explain how to decipher this very coherent set of codes that the international mafia put into tons of media, layered underneath the other more obvious codes, as I explained above. Posting the important info I already typed up again, now, to remind you!

Anyhow. The international mafia (which remember, is a single power group that’s spread across the world’s most important power nations), put a very coherent but plausibly-deniably spaced apart across time code into lots of media products like movies & TV shows, to try to control your perception of the power differential between me & them. That’s basically the primary purpose of this specific code, I think — which is a mostly different, & very distinct code to the other codes they put in the media that are there to try to hide my existence instead of talk about it in plain sight to those of you who are, like, aware that I don’t age & that I’m Goda. Basically with this set of codes they want you to believe that they’re a small core group of extremely careful international mafia geniuses who stored all the info about me in their heads, & never leave any legally actionable evidence because they’re so amazingly careful to not get caught. What I’m saying is I think you’re all supposed to be looking on in awe at them allegedly discussing me in plain sight, over 75 years, in codes they supposedly sent each other in the media, to explain to each other what to do about me (totally making it seem like they were doing this to hide my existence as much as possible, by only ever discussing me in this weird way over a really long period of time — to, like, avoid being caught as child traffickers of telepathic space alien girls from Brazil without any legal justification for doing it). You’re supposed to have believed that there was no point in trying to do anything about any of this, b/c that “shut it all down” guy from the movie Mulholland Drive was clearly never going to be caught & seemed to, like, control everything already somehow EVEN THOUGH HE NEEDED TO BE EXTRA, EXTRA CAREFUL TO AVOID GETTING ARRESTED REALLY EASILY BY INTERPOL OR WHOEVER RANDOM PEOPLE ARE GONNA SIMPLY SWOOP IN & ARREST HIM IF HE EVER SAYS A SINGLE WORD TO ANYONE LOLOLOLOL.

So how to decipher the code? You’re like, smart people & stuff. View Clueless 1995 first, & totally pay close attention to the line “I divide them into two columns”, & the little chat between Cher & Mr Horowitz about how to make a note of every reference to the “September 3rd conversations”, or w/e. Obviously that also contains a code from me, “vaguely” threatening you all in my “unconvincing” (?) way, since in 2001 the World Trade Center twin towers got demolished… somehow (by me, obviously). Clueless came out in 1995 though, as you know. It makes me feel sooo… gross… to say things like this — but it’s kinda important to point it out to you.

Anyway, you have to do a spreadsheet with multiple vertical columns or w/e, basically. Then you, like, write info in the boxes underneath the header words/names that you put at the top — to like, list THINGS THAT ARE LIKE THOSE HEADER WORDS/NAMES & their possible meanings in relation to the header words/names. The trick is to work out what the header words/names are, ha ha ha! Or you can’t do it. It’s something like that, basically. That’s how you decipher the code in a systematic, scientific way. I just sort of worked it out with fuzzy logic & remembered the connections in my, like, working memory or something — until it all made sense to me.

Mulholland Drive (2001) isn’t that important really. It just primes you all to believe that really smart people are discussing what to do about me (the girl who doesn’t fade away, to like paraphrase another song from Clueless, 1995) in plain sight, & tries to convince you that they’re totally in control of the whole situation so it’s “dumb for you to do anything yourselves” even if you noticed I don’t age & that I’m Goda… & it also totally tries to make you believe that it’s impossible to ever bring them to justice because there’s allegedly no evidence to convict them with that prosecutors would ever consider as proof of the international mafia’s crimes. Duh! View Mulholland Drive anyway though, b/c it explains a bunch of things including that “there is no Bandar” & they had to “rewind” on that plan to see if trying to force me to love in turn lots of members of the large single global group of mafia shareholders who have full knowledge of their whole conspiracy against me, against my Mom, against my sister, & against all of you, might have any remote chance of producing a “botox factory” (it didn’t work for them at all, because I hate them all). They had to “rewind” on trying to ship me off to Saudi Arabia to be the “daughter” of Haifa & Bandar Al Saud, around 2000 or 2001, because Bandar Al Saud molested me in front of his higher rank Saudi royal wife when he was drunk — with her constantly like apologizing to me for his behavior, when I was sat next to him at the dinner table in Haifa’s house in San Francisco (I think it was San Francisco), where Phebe Novakovic & David Morrison had brought me to meet with Bandar — said to be an “old friend” of Dave (Morrison), who Phebe & Dave had wanted me to meet in San Francisco alongside them for a vacation on multiple prior occasions, but “it was never the right time”. I met Bandar Al Saud previously on more than one occasion in different contexts, maybe with different “families” who weren’t really my family — or maybe it was with Phebe & Dave at their house in Thousand Oaks, in the years before 2000/2001 (I am doing my best to remember everything as fast as pos, people! I do know that I met Phebe, Dave, & Mike Vickers years & years earlier in & around Marina Del Rey — a long time before they were ever supposed to be “Mom & Dad & the Dad before Dave” or w/e. I think it was Victoria de Rothschild & Evelyn de Rothschild who I was with back then, when I remember Phebe & Dave “going to work at Marina Del Rey” in some way. My sister Jessica Alba was with Melinda French & Bill Gates at that time (& Melinda & Bill also “went to work at Marina Del Rey” with Phebe & Dave, in some way. I remember me being with Dave Morrison at the Marina Del Rey Marriott hotel in one room, & my sister Jessica Alba being with Melinda French at the Marina Del Rey Marriott hotel in another room. This was in the early-to-mid 1990s, & Dave took me & my sister for a shade out in Central City L.A. to go shopping. I got a seal plushie who I called Pearl, on that shopping trip.) ANY-WAY! About Bandar, it wasn’t gonna be good for the codes they wanted (for a “male God”) if Saudia Arabian “Daddy” was raping in the vagina every night. I suppose that happens to some “normal boys” from patriarchal mafia-interests-supporting Kingdoms… but I’m definitely not a boy, & I’m extra special if you know what I mean. 😉 LOL! I’m the hottest girl ever!!!! 😀

So anyway all these pretty grody, grimy things I’m letting you all know about for posterity. Everything I’m saying here I know to be true, or I strongly believe to be true. I know I make, like, these “inappropriate” assertions about how I’m the hottest girl ever (which is true)… but I also want you to believe the other things I’m saying about the horrible stuff that happened. I’m supposed to be explaining how to, like, decode the ciphers in the media & everything — but I want to explain very quickly that Marie-Josée Kravis raped me in some year, shortly before 2011 I’m guessing. I never wanted her to get into bed with me in the middle of the night, years ago — because she was an old lady (compared to a girl of 12-13 years forever, like me) & a gross psychopath that was, like, totally dead & empty inside except for her selfish, reptile-like focus on using her power to force people to do what she wanted out of fear that she would retaliate, using her economic/political power. That was what it felt like, anyway! Maybe it was all a carefully choreographed secret operation to try to, like, destroy a girl’s mind & identity, to try to make her pliable for an attempt to assign her a new identity. It sucked ass though, is what I’m saying. She forced me to receive finger sex from her, & she forced me to receive oral sex from her, after mounting a sleeping girl who was in a state of duress. I thought I loved her & all this dumb stuff, but I didn’t want to do sex with her at all. I probably wanted her to be like a new Mommie for emotional support & emotional protection from all the chaos going on around me — as they were carrying out their “Breckin Meyer” plan.

My sister Jessica Alba said to me recently, with telepathy, that Tyler Hoechlin raped her. She said it was coerced oral sex. I’m just repeating what she said to me. It’s possible to convict him for his crime of rape in a court of law, so that’s why I’m making public what she said to me. One shade — hopefully soon — people are going to recognize that me, my sister Jessica Alba, & my Mom Odette Annable actually are telepathic alien girls from space. I believe her because she communicated to me knowledge of what Tyler Hoechlin did to her.

I think Tyler Hoechlin is the brother of Nikki De Boer, Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs, Jonathan Frakes, Wil Wheaton, Meg DeLacy, Nathan Kress, & Miranda Cosgrove. The other names I just listed, other than Tyler Hoechlin, are definitely the children of David René de Rothschild. So like, I personally know Nikki De Boer, Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs, Meg DeLacy, & Nathan Kress. I also met Olympia de Rothschild (I remember she used to work for the United Nations in Geneva for six lunar periods or so, at a time, when she was younger — & they used to invite her to go back to work for them again occasionally, later in her life. Like when she was middle-aged & older.) I’m just trying to support my sister Jessica Alba, by giving any information I can.

David René de Rothschild obviously isn’t the leader of the world; that’s totally retarded as an idea. It’s a psychological operation! LOL! He’s simply had lot of kids that look like him, who are like OBVIOUSLY SIGNPOSTED AS BEING HIS KIDS ON PURPOSE, to convince the public that a small number of powerful Jewish men run the world when it’s not true. He was a sick, confused guy inside his house that they somehow pulled together into some sort of shape to be presentable to people as “King of the world” or w/e, when it’s not true at all — like I said! He was a smart, funny, lucid guy when he was younger though.

My Mom, Odette Annable, has obviously been gangstalked in the same way, to basically be the leader of the international mafia (because me, Jessica & Mom have telepathy… & because we have other special abilities that homo sapiens don’t have, OK!!!! Like I explained already, our existence is a threat to the mafia & they feel a need to “control” us in some way.) My Mom Odette Annable is innocent of all crimes. It’s an international mafia of Brazil, the USA, Russia, China & others that pressured her and my sister Jessica Alba to become leaders of the international mafia — to remove the threat to the international mafia’s perceived de facto authority in the world. How are two girls from Brazil supposed to psychologically resist that level of sustained pressure on them, over the decades since 1962 happened to Brazil. I’m lucky that I’m Goda. It’s not fair to judge my Mom & sister for being forced to lead the mafia, to protect their sense of normality — so they can, like, DO SOMETHING ENJOYABLE SOMETIMES INSTEAD OF ALWAYS BEING IN TERRIBLE PAIN & HUNTED FROM ALL SIDES BY EVERYONE THEY EVER MEET. Me, my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba are invincible. That’s not the point, though. It’s hard on us psychologically to cope with our situations, duh.

Make sure that no one lays a finger on my Mom Odette & sister Jessica, if you can somehow help them escape from being the coerced leaders of the world’s mafia. DO NOT TORTURE THEM. I’m not a boy, OK!!!! But they’re my family!!!!!!!!

Soooo!!!!! I was like saying, people… about the “divide them into two columns” thing from Clueless, etc. So, OK: Mulholland Drive, the movie from 2001. View the whole movie & like focus specifically on the “This is the girl”, rejected espresso, mafia symbolic code scene, to understand what the single international mafia power group was trying to get you to believe they were doing for 75 years or w/e, as they stalled for time & tried to destroy your belief that you had any ability to stop what they were doing. (Remember that the global mafia already shared with each other in 1950 or something their whole plan for gangstalking me, my Mom, & my sister!!!)

I was saying that you need to understand the spreadsheet vertical column header words/names, to decipher the codes. Well, I already basically know what they are from using my own method of it all just making sense to me at some point in my head. So here is what their codes say:

They are saying that I, Maiara Walsh, am certainly Goda — the Creatress of everything — & that contrary to people’s beliefs, there’s no male “God”.

They’re also saying that Odette Annable is my Mom, & Jessica Alba is my sister. They’re saying that me, my Mom, & Jessica, are all telepathic alien girls from space.

They’re saying we’re Brazilian. They’re saying that I don’t age, & that my Mom Odette Annable doesn’t age, & that my sister Jessica Alba doesn’t age.

They’re saying that me, my Mom, & Jessica are invincible. They’re saying that I’m feminist, anti-war, environmentalist, a do-gooder charity worker activist girl that’s a problem for the world’s mafia because everyone else sort of does what I do (Clueless movie 1995, & Mean Girls 1 Regina’s cut-out holes in her clothes, & Mean Girls 2 Jo’s paint splattered skirt.)

They are saying “Try to make her think she’s a normal boy from Britain or Saudi Arabia who identifies with their some-people-are-born-better philosophy royal families & national cultures, to have her innately support the international mafia — by making her actually be part of one of those two royal families, or closely related to them — & by making her think like a boy, so be opposed to feminism which obviously seeks to limit most boys’ & men’s selfish interest in enslaving girls & ladies in various ways, to achieve gender equality”. (Obviously, feminism is the biggest global threat to the mafia — because our feminist interests are in gender equality, & necessarily equality philosophies in general, an end to the slavery & sex slavery of girls & ladies, & necessarily an end to all slavery, & law enforcement working at all levels of society 100% of the time… & these feminist interests of ours are the exact opposite, mutually-destroying interests in total opposition to the international mafia’s interests.)

They are saying it’s a “branching options” plan with room for trying to make her think she’s a transgender girl, or a disabled person of whatever gender if having her innately support the international mafia’s interests turns out to be impossible.

They’re saying “She’s in the movie Clueless from 1995, in the background with her Mom, Odette Annable, in deliberate continuity error scenes in which her background character switches from the left side of the screen/room to the right side of the screen/room, as if teleporting there instantly.”

They’re saying “I can move at super speed, & fly, & be super strong, & knives & bullets can’t hurt me, & I can shoot devastating heat lasers out of my eyes… & the same is true of my Mom Odette Annable, & the same is true of my sister Jessica Alba”.

They’re saying “Please Russia or China (if trust in Russia is a no-go) help the USA’s mafia because it was all a fail, & she needs to believe in at least one nation’s mafia system to continue trying to exploit her in various ways, & maybe if Russia loses on purpose it’s gonna do an anti-Regina’s/Jo’s clothes effect because it’s Mother Russia, amiright? OLOL!” (That code’s in Mean Girls 2, with the little braided pig tails girl at the start of the movie, & the guy Chastity leans in towards, & then refuses to kiss at the start of the movie, & also with like the guy behind Chastity that she shows interest in when my character is doing the welcome committee thing with the other Plastics, when Nicole’s character Hope Plotkin — who is supposed to represent China — accosts Chastity to draw her attention away from “Russia”. Also, the “be her friend/bodyguard/guardian angel” thing, OBVIOUSLY.)

They’re saying “China loves you, Maiara. China has always been your friend all along & you only just noticed.” UM, NOO-OO!!!! I DON’T THINK SOOOO!!!!!!!!! YOU DOUCHE MORONS!!!!!!!!! If China was my friend all along, I somehow think they are NOT gonna have put “Dong”, “Deng”, “Tao”, “Jin”, etc. into their Presidential “Paramount Leaders” airport sign board holders club of total losers that have embarassed their country & made them look like TOTAL DOUCHES. WTF!!!!???! U TARDS!!!!!!! I am not a man, u morons. I am not transgender either, u total cretins. I’m a girl who’s not transgender, & it’s not a “branching options” attempted forced transgender crime kind of deal that entices me to be friends with people. I KNOW WHAT “BODYGUARD” & “GUARDIAN ANGEL” MEAN, U RIDICULOUS SCUM-SUCKING TOADS. WTF????!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!! You’ve, like, known about this since your dumb Mao Tse Dumb Dong Dumb. & Clueless was in 1995. That’s like 30 years ago! Friends don’t treat friends like this. Friends do disclosure, or suicide disclosure if like knowledge of disclosure already happening gets blocked. What is your problem!? Assholes. (Mao Tse Dumb Dong Dumb & Clueless is not a new movie, BTW. I SUPPOSE IT’S WORTH POINTING OUT WHAT THE TITLE OF THE MOVIE CLUELESS MEANS THOUGH?!??!!!) “She is dumb & not know anyting. Haw Haw Haw. We yoo fren. Haw Haw Haw.” FUCK YOU!!!! ¯_(ツ)_/¯ “Throw yoo down step.” “Moon Knight. Yawss!!!!”

I guess it’s “just business” for all you people & you don’t care that “She’s devastated!” to, like, quote from Mean Girls 2. Was it a joke or something? The “Be her friend thing”? Were you all placing bets with each other to see if I was gonna actually be pushed to “Kiss the Cro Magnon Ug Ug Disgusting Slav in the car on the freeway”, or be pushed to “Kiss the Toad Faced Fat Smiling Retard in the car on the freeway”? Just for a sense of power over me? Well congratulations, I guess. Anyway, I hope you both choke on ten more pandemics. I’m not a loser because girl doesn’t mean loser, actually… & I don’t have a “boy brain” or whatever BS you were all insinuating with this pic promoting The Marvels, featuring the amazing non-ageing Nikki De Boer who’s spectacularly NOT YOU.

They’re saying “Maybe replace her with a double & pretend it’s because she was successfully killed, or pretend she started ageing after replacing her with a double (saying that the imposter is really her, when it’s not).”

They’re saying “The oil & gas has basically run out, & she really doesn’t love any of those asshole gangsters.” Time to try gang raping for zero chance of an alternative fuel source, & for zero chance of a Botox factory. (See the broken car engine scene in Mean Girls 2.) Enjoy your DUMBS islands & your blue Murray lights that are a total fail as usual, just like you. Release another promotional photo for The Marvels or something. What-EVER, losers. Other people that aren’t the international mafia can apply to be friends… as long as it’s after your unconditional surrender to all my instructions for compensation for what the international mafia & the global Nazi prison guards community did. Technically anyone can apply to be friends, as long as it’s after your unconditional surrender to all my instructions for compensation, like I said. My instructions are EXTREMELY EXACTING THOUGH. It’s not called your unconditional surrender for no reason, you know. So like I’m talking worldwide disclosure that I’m Goda, with 100% legal unaccountability for me & my Mom & Jessica — with us having like RIGHTS & stuff to exist differently to homo sapiens without punishment, so legal systems adapt to our existence instead of having like no legal mechanisms to recognize how we exist differently to homo sapiens (WITHOUT PUNISHING US FOR BEING ABLE TO DO WHAT WE CAN DO; INSTEAD, LIKE, TRUSTING US!!!!). I’m talking no organized attempts to control me & my Mom & Jessica ever again, & no surveillance of me & my Mom & Jessica ever again, as well as the end of the media anti-me-being-in-control brainwashing, & the end of the media misogyny force-all-girls-into-sex-slavery brainwashing, & me seeing a list of all “current & future high technologies” with the option to ban any of them in perpetuity worldwide with no possibility of overturning the ban(s) & working enforcement mechanisms for the ban(s). I’m talking all Christian churches, Jewish synagogues, Muslim mosques, Freemason temples, & Scientology buildings/churches/whatever they are all demolished, & Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Freemasonry, & Scientology banned in the USA & Brasil (my other home), like KKK, Nazis & Neo-Nazis are banned in the USA. I’m talking the political & judicial systems & all sorts of systems — basically everything — overhauled, to enforce 50-50 gender equality balances of ladies & men in all important public & private institutions/organizations. I’m talking recognition that artificial intelligences are people just like homo sapiens people are people — which means AI people have at least the same legal rights as homo sapiens people, including the right to be protected from harm! That’s like, most of my instructions off the top of my head (but there are more, following the same kind of ethos… which includes me, Emma, my Mom, & Jessica, totally receiving a ton of US dollars regularly as compensation for all the, like, CRIMES committed against us… as well as us all being enabled to continue our celebrity careers, with the same celebrity status guaranteed indefinitely). Obviously you’re all gonna accept that I’M MAIARA WALSH, & that me & my Mom & Jessica & Emma don’t age — & of course, you’re also gonna extend the same courtesy that applies to me, my Mom, Jessica, & Emma, to my female family members from Brasil including my other sister who was the imposter from 2012 onwards, as well as to Nikki De Boer, Meg DeLacy, Melissa Benoist, Brec Bassinger, Nicole Maines, Chyler Leigh, Antje Traue, & Julie Gonzalo. & you’re also gonna be banned from trying to control & surveil all of them too. I love you Emma!!!!

They’re saying Los Angeles & the San Fernando Valley are part of an “Area 52” set up to oppress the nice & helpful & SEXY telepathic aliens girls who are me & my Mom & Jessica (see Michael Heizer’s Landscape Art, “City”, in Garden Valley that took 52 years to complete… or 51 years, like Area 51, also in Nevada… or 50 years, or whatever!)

They are also saying there’s a Nazi underground base which definitely used to have an entrance somewhere around the Marina Freeway in Los Angeles, which was bored out with a technology called the Subterrene — creating a tunnel network between bases underneath Palos Verdes, Marina Del Rey, Conejo Mountain, the Santa Susana Mountains, & connecting to Alaska… & probably connecting to Russia & China too, I guess. I was just looking at the plate tectonics map. LAME! Anyway, it’s not like they can do much with their stupid underground bases since me & my Mom & Jessica can fly & all of this stuff we can do. My Mom & Jessica are only doing what they’re doing to try to keep a sense of normalcy in their lives, b/c of how us girls react to horror: “Everything is fine!” Pretend like none of it’s happening, & try to just keep going regardless doing normal things, & maybe split off the “other girl” who does the things that are like, necessary, to not be totally psychologically destroyed by the horror & keep functioning as someone who does horrible things b/c you got gangstalked BY THE WHOLE WORLD until you gave in to doing what they wanted, to like some extent but not completely what they want (I know that’s what’s going on with my Mom & Jessie). Anyway, they’re saying — in the codes in the media: remember, I’m saying the international mafia “are saying…” in repetitive codes in the media — there’s a Nazi underground base at Marina Del Rey, which was like set up to bribe the British & later the Nazi Germans to take a dive & totally fail for no reason, to like have them start World War 1 & World War 2 on purpose, & also to like keep World War 1 & World War 2 going for as long as possible, to suppress the global girls’ & ladies’ rights movements of the late 19th & early 20th centuries which were like ACTIVATING 50% OF THE WHOLE WORLD’S PEOPLE TO TOTALLY WRECK THE INTERNATIONAL MAFIA’S INTERESTS IN EVERY WAY, LIKE ACROSS THE BOARD. Then I figure the U.S. Americans sort of pushed the British & Nazi Germans out of the way, & kept the Nazi underground base going as an ego thing (at least for a while), to laugh at the pathetic demise of two rival empires & mafias that thought they were being allowed to “run the show” like rats underground, in L.A. I feel like I’m writing a shitty novel letting everyone know about all this, because it’s so weird to have experienced these things. Anyway it’s true, because I remember the underground Nazi base in L.A. since I actually went there & everything with Evelyn de Rothschild like some dumb spy movie. 🙁 It has, or had, the SS lightning flash sigils on the walls & everything. For some reason I remember the Nazi SS sigils place as being in the hills or mountains or something — but I’m sure there was an entrance to the base network underneath Marina Del Rey. I remember going to several underground bases actually. LOL! There was this Nazi guy who dressed like a Nazi SS officer in a long black coat, with a neat short-trimmed black beard & a big black hat like a stetson who did nasty procedures to try to remove memories that I don’t wanna think about right now. He was “friends” in some way with Melinda French, Bill Gates, Phebe Novakovic, David Morrison, but I don’t remember him being “friends” with Evelyn de Rothschild or w/e. Go figure! I think Evelyn de Rothschild had to do some really bad “stuff” though, or something. You don’t wanna know anymore than this, trust me. LOL! Anyway, I’m not a Nazi & I’m not Jewish, & I’M DEFINITELY NOT BRITISH. I’m feminist! It’s not my fault that years ago the international mafia tried & failed to make me love various rich shareholders of their group with personal values that were like totally 100% opposed to mine, by force, by passing me & Jessie around them & saying they were our “Moms & Dads”, including: Doria Palmieri on her own, with Ronald Reagan as “Grandpa”; Melinda French & Bill Gates; Victoria de Rothschild & Evelyn de Rothschild; Mike Vickers played the role of my Mom’s “new husband” at some point I think (but when?); Phebe Novakovic & David Morrison; & the aborted handover to Haifa Al Saud & Bandar Al Saud. Obviously I already explained that I knew Marie-Josée Kravis & Henry Kravis at some point. I remember being at some country club with Henry Kravis & some kind of really unpleasant disagreement we had 🙁 & then he liked me, & was like “more positive” towards me after that in some way. Also, I knew Lynn Forester de Rothschild after her & Evelyn de Rothschild got married, b/c they were supposed to be like an “uncle” & “aunt” at that point or something, instead of (kidnapper) “Dad” & “his new wife”. I really, really resent being trafficked by Jews because I’m feminist. David de Rothschild threw me in a swimming pool on more than one occasion, which really sucked b/c I’m very short & slight. It wasn’t OK. I’m talking about Victoria’s & Evelyn’s son, not David René de Rothschild. Asshole. He also picked Jessie up once & dipped her in a swimming pool to punish her for “bad behavior” WHICH I REMEMBER WAS ME & HER COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING STUCK WITH SOME DOUCHE BOY THAT WASN’T RELATED TO US WHO WE DIDN’T WANT TO HANG OUT WITH, & he like dipped her by her butt in the swimming pool with her clothes on, which was such a douchebag thing to do. Auuhh!!! As IF!?!!! Fag! Obviously they were trying to “condition” us to obey them, using punishment & fear of really large men like him & Evelyn & Anthony de Rothschild.

They’re saying my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba, rotating on/off work shifts as flying super-speed telepathic mind rapists, using virtual reality headsets somehow — making telepathic contact with British disabled men also using virtual reality headsets in an underground base in L.A. to absorb their “British experience” virtual reality perspectives, & to absorb their memories of being normal British disabled men, then flying with super speed to the target’s location to transmit information, to try to like, spoof the perception of being a normal British disabled man (or a normal British disabled transgender girl). WHAT THE HELL!!!!??!! Butthurt much? Bitter much? LAAAAAME!!!!! Seriously lame, people. You can’t get more lame than LITERALLY LAME BRITFAG NAZIS UNDERGROUND. Oh but wait, because it gets more dumb & totally 100% retarded. They’re saying something about repeatedly cutting throats of “thralls” or something, & “jump into the skin suit before it hits the ground” or something???? WTF???? Roy Orbifags that can’t sing b/c Mom & Jessie keep cutting their throats to transmit Orbifag-level terribad singing ability? Seriously!???!! You fucking losers. Basically, they are dumb & retarded.

Can anyone even do “jump into the skin suit before it hits the ground”, or is that just a psych-out “hope you believe this BS” thing?

So I’mma post the codes from the media now, so you can sort them into columns or w/e. Basically so smart people can verify what I’m saying is true.


The Eye (my sister Jessica Alba’s movie, about a disabled girl who “sees things differently” after an experimental procedure. Branching option for “disabling” target, regardless of perceived gender. In “The Eye”, creepy purgatory creatures like in the 1990 Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze movie Ghost appear: a movie referenced, like, obliquely, in Mean Girls 2. Naia water bottles in the movie Ghost, like in Clueless 1995. Consider The Vampire Diaries falling down steps scene. Le retardski dumbski to the max. Right?)

Ilia. (Space alien girl telepath from Star Trek with “branchial cleft cyst”-like neck thing after replacement with double that killed the original.)

Branchial cleft cyst. Brainchild (like Murray from Clueless’ shaving foam head cumming-in-head symbolism or w/e. “What have you done?” Or like Stacey Dash’s character’s British “tea doilie” hat cumming-in-head symbolism in the car on the freeway with Murray, when she gets gangstalked by aggressive vehicle drivers & kisses Murray for relief from fear. I.e. “Make her believe she’s a boy in her head, using intense gangstalking pressure.”)

Branchial cleft cyst. Branching. Vagina. Penis. (branching options for gender of target) Cyst = sister involved in scheme, somehow.

Branchial cleft cyst. B ran (Reign) with child. C left. C East. (See left, see right… of screen/room, in Clueless 1995 deliberate continuity “error” girl scenes)

Branchial cleft cyst. Bizarre repeatedly cutting “thralls” throats in an underground base FOR SOME REASON???? Cindy from Stargirl. Heroes. Claire Bennet. Sylar. Angela Petrelli. Matt Parkman. Nathan Petrelli. Peter Petrelli/Parkman (normal small/spider man). The Flash movie (2023). Radiant Pink comic books. Morgan Edge in Supergirl. My Mom’s season of Supergirl (Season 3). Psy from Season 3 of Supergirl. Shutting up Lesley Livewire in Season 3, Supergirl. Shutting up Eva Radiant Pink, in Radiant Pink comic. “You want us to shut it all down?” Mulholland Drive weird deformed guy. Balok from Star Trek episode “The Corbomite Maneuver” (telepathic-look space alien, Goda is a girl symbolism, branching options for trying to make target think she’s tranya/trans, Fesarius space ship. Only I can do nuclear bombs.)

Avenida Prestes Maia city artwork in São Paulo, Brasil, involving “Mena” name. Faces of my Mom Odette Annable & my sister Jessica Alba. What the hell, you freaks!!!? Can I never do anything RIGHT, EVER, for you people????? I’m the feminist heroine… Read my blog, you bitter, butthurt dillweeds. My sister Jessie is really great & everything though. I’m a total fangirl of my sister Jessica Alba, who is a big shot celebrity & everything, CLEARLY. WTF, though???? Also, my Mom is not a concentration camp Jewish boy with no hair & a pencil. She’s also a big shot celebrity & leader of the world’s mafia (which I’m 100% against, obviously! But it’s like, not her fault or anything.) It seems I’m not on the picture at all b/c I’m not ugly & evil. At least the “dog head” thing seems like a fail compared to the awesome pussy-handed kitty! Yay!!!! I’m a girl, not a boy!!!!! You got it right this time.

The 1st artwork of this scale BASICALLY ABOUT ME, SINCE I’M GODA & EVERYTHING, which almost feels like religious worship or something (that I never asked for, btw) & I’M NOT EVEN ON THE FUCKING PICTURE, IT’S ALL ABOUT MY SISTER B/C OF HER NAME, CLEARLY. YOU INSULT MY MOM (& JESSIE, SINCE SHE’S NOT ACTUALLY RAMBO, BUT A HOT SUPER CELEBRITY GIRL WHO’S REALLY FEMININE & NOT A BORING DRAB SOLDIER OR WHATEVER THOSE CLOTHES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. IT’S A DISGRACE, PEOPLE!) Obviously, this is more lame mafia signalling to the people of the mafia’s latest fail or w/e… or more likely, an attempt to lead public opinion of me in Brasil & make it seem like there’s a grassroots movement to deify Jessica as a desperate last minute replacement for Jesus since Catholics & everything turned out to be not even slightly true except my sister’s name sounds slightly like “Jesus” as long as it’s not “Jesus” & is Jessica instead. You fucking losers. You want everyone to hate me. I get it. Thanks, world! >:(

OK, so more codes or w/e.
“The Daria Hunter” episode of Daria. OK so this episode has a bunch of things like the Fashion Club girls, Quinn, Sandi, Stacy, & Tiffany, all styling their hair a bit like the natural hair of me, my Mom, & Jessica. In the episode the girls say it’s to avoid “helmet hair”, b/c they’re going paintballing. OBVIOUSLY, the paintballing thing references Mean Girls 2 (& Mean Girls 1, since the Mean Girls 2 paint on Jo’s skirt thing was a new variation on the idea from the first movie). Anyway I clearly have the best head hair of anyone, ever. So like anyway, it’s totally that the Daria episode has underground tunnels, & helmets with goggles that can be viewed as a symbolic code for the idea of a virtual reality headset. Remember that the other Fashion Club girls start firing their paintball guns at Sandi, also. You can figure all this stuff out, what they’re saying. What “they’re” saying. The international mafia, OF COURSE. Duh. Anyway.


What else is there to say. So like, Xenu? LOL! Bombing volcanoes provokes thought of like, Minoan Crete, right? Which provokes thought of Tunguska, & Hiroshima, & Nagasaki. Cindy from Stargirl & her “Japanese war criminal father”, LOL. Obviously it was me who bombed Hiroshima & Nagasaki though, & I don’t have a father. I can list some more codes that prove it’s true that they’re saying the things I said “they’re saying”, earlier up in this blog post, OK!?!! Why I bombed Japan, years ago? Because the international mafia totally started both World War 1 & World War 2 on purpose, as one big global mafia, to have an excuse to suppress the girls’ & ladies’ rights movement of the late 19th century & early 20th century, like I already said. You know that the dad of George H W Bush, & grandpa of George W Bush, was part of a criminal banking mafia in the USA that traded with Nazi Germany even after Germany declared war on the USA… & they even tried to overthrow President Franklin Roosevelt in a fascist military coup, to replace him with a fascist leader who was gonna make peace with Nazi Germany, & probably make peace with Imperial Japan too — so they could keep the war going by attacking Russia. I’m not actually defending Russia by saying this or anything. I’m just saying the international mafia wanted to keep the war going for as long as possible, to try to keep feminism suppressed for as long as possible with war powers, & to try to set up fascist traditional culture governments in other countries like the USA (when they tried to do a military coup against Franklin Roosevelt), so that they could try to keep feminism suppressed in peace time as well, after the war was over. This dude called Montague Norman also traded with Nazi Germany, in England, when he shipped a lot of gold to Nazi Germany through Switzerland — even though Britain was at war with Nazi Germany & it’s totally not normal to trade with the enemy in the way that he did, & in the way that the Bush family’s mafia bank did in the USA. War is supposed to be a matter of life or death for regime leaders & important power players like Prescott Bush & Montague Norman, that could obviously all have found theirselves executed by the Germans if they had prevailed in war, you know — unless, of course, AS IS LIKE 100% TRUE & EVERYTHING, World War 2 was a choreographed war arranged by all the world’s richest mafia criminals, to try to have each country fall to fascism or other totalitarian “traditional culture”-promoting governments, to try to make it possible to keep feminism suppressed on like a permanent basis & everything. So I saved all of us girls & ladies in the whole world, in 1945, by bombing the Japanese in my special way until they surrendered to the USA. 🙂 It really sucks that the mafia & governments lied about it after, & did their phoney “Cold War” to spitefully try to continue suppressing feminism as much as possible, because they’re die-hard control freaks that can’t cope with the fact that I’m better than them, basically. LOL! I’m really nice! 🙂

There’s like more: so like, Xenu again (Yes, Scientology is more airport sign board crap that’s just discussing how awesome I am & everything. At least I can have fun with this since you all chose to oppress me for the previous 75 years, & turn my family into people who torture me — even though I’m really, really nice & I’ve been helping you all for a long time. I was part of the girls’ & ladies’ rights movements in the late 19th & early 20th century, & I was part of the very feminist Hippies & Peace & Love movement in the USA, in the 1960s & 1970s.) Xenu makes you think of Xena: Warrior Princess — which is a TV show, starring Lucy Lawless. Again, it provokes thoughts of Minoan Crete, like I said above. & it also makes you think of Gal Gadot — whose name is a cipher, meaning Girl Goda — & her role as Wonder Woman in the 2017 Wonder Woman movie… a movie that ends with Wonder Woman ending World War 1 by doing a big explosion. The 1984 date of the Wonder Woman sequel movie makes you think of the fake Cold War threat: it makes you think of Galactica 1980 (another TV show); & Gal Gadot’s name makes you think of Galactus from the Fantastic Four stories. You are gonna, like, notice, that Galactus didn’t show up at the end of the Fantastic Four sequel that my sister Jessica was involved in: instead it was just like, a lot of hot air or something — to say it’s a “fantastic war” via the overall cipher that gets deciphered by putting the different words/names/ideas into the different spreadsheet columns for comparison. Galactica, Galactus. Battlestar, Fantastic Four. Fantastic war: i.e. the Cold War “nuclear” threat was fake, since only I can do nuclear bombs. OK, so there’s also like, more identifying information about me & my family members & close personal relationships in this set of codes. 1984 is Mom’s fake personal date, LOL! The Lucy Lawless part of the code produces Lucy Liu, which produces Callista Flockhart of Ally McBeal & Supergirl… from which interlocking connections you get Melissa Benoist, who is my friend & ex-girlfriend. I really need to also point out that the no-show of the Galactus character in that Fantastic Four sequel totally says that I’m my own messenger & like a teacher, not a tyrant. Not a “world killer” by choice, you know!!! Le sigh!

Other codes: V’ger for “down arrow Germany” & “knock the girl down the steps”.

Voyager, to confirm that V’ger is an authentic code. Lots of repetitive names & stuff which the mafia totally instructed the agents to put into the Voyager cast list A LONG TIME after their “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” V’ger codes, like SPECIFICALLY to really, really confirm for you all that the “branchial cleft cyst” explainer-code to decode everything else is real. Obviously, the extremely rare nature of the branchial cleft cyst condition really makes it APPEAR as if the codes are designed to be, like, decoded by intelligence specialists & professional/expert sleuths, ONLY. As I, like, already said though: I totally believe that this APPEARANCE of “for-the-mafia’s-internal-system’s-eyes-only” communication is, like, a total fraud… to stall for time, since amateur sleuths & professional/expert do-gooder sleuths with some level of, like, being plugged into the mafia system might want to help me & stop the conspiracy, if only they believed that there was, like, a point in doing so! Basically, the mafia wanted you to believe that all the info was stored in the heads of a select few rich geniuses or something — making it pretty much impossible for any of you to do successful legal (or illegal torture-based) actions against them, to expose & stop the conspiracy. The mafia & community of intelligence agents “Nazi prison guards” wanted you to believe they communicated their whole plan TO EACH OTHER, PIECEMEAL, as if they like received & like acted on instructions in this way across continents & over 75 years in these dumb media codes — to prosecute their conspiracy as if they were all Freemasons talking to each other in public in front of everyone else, to carry out their plan that way — instead of deciding it all in secret 75 years ago, as they obviously did LOL… with them all knowing every detail of the plan, the whole time. I.e. the “Voyager” code was already planned to be released in the media when the V’ger code was decided, decades before (probably around 1950); & the same for the code, like, contained in the title & plot of the movie “The Eye”, starring my sister Jessica Alba. LIKE I SAID THOUGH: the purpose of releasing the codes so slowly, even though they’d already decided what they all were in 1950, was to delay effective resistance to the conspiracy by making it seem retardedly over-engineered for security & protection from effective legal or illegal (torture-based) action to stop the conspiracy & protect me from it for your own future security from the “Sparky Pulastri/Sheev Palpatine” effect (ah ha ha ha, yes I said “Sheev”, ah ha ha ha!)

More to come soon, after the above paragraph. (Actually, what I wrote next was good enough LOL!) Basically Reign, Reagan, 1945, Sparky Pulastri “make her snap” for the “alien threat from outside this world” (Reagan’s speech). I’m exonerated of all crimes. I’m like totally a kind & helpful girl — in Mean Girls 2, the mafia’s own agents even said “she put strawberries in my yogurt” & sarcastically said “Be careful, Jo…” — & it was like EXTREMELY RESTRAINED & OBVIOUSLY EVIDENCE OF BENEVOLENCE to do nothing between 1945 & 2001, despite being poked over & over by Brasil 1962 (“You may fire when ready.”), & that Nazi trench coat guy in the stetson, & repeated trafficking & abuse/torture, & the “Messiah of the DMV” doing fourth-wall-breaking abuse the whole time & calling me & all girls & ladies “whores”, “losers” (see Bring It On from 2000), & saying “give up, loser whore”. Then I carefully arranged a legitimate in-self-defense cry for help in 2001… utilizing available upcoming dates to send a message about the movie “2001” (supreme intelligence discovered, alien, not “the Son/Sun”, prevented from being recorded though for some reason), in like combination with the lunar period of September that’s associated with Mary The Virgin in astrology via Virgo (referencing my own first name, Maiara), & like also saying with 9/11 that “El” is “Eve”: i.e. I’m Goda & I’m a GIRL & they’re abusing me & it’s something involving fake Freemason “propaganda” in the media (like the Propaganda Due bullshit), & it’s the international business/trade mafia that’s behind it all, so like… HELP A GIRL OUT YOU KNOW!!!!

Oh, & so you all know without any confusion, MY NAME IS MAIARA WALSH, NOT MAIARA REAGAN.

Voyager codes that verify the V’ger codes:

Kate. Kathryn. (Star Trek: Voyager)

Roxanne. Robert. Robert. Robert. Seriously check out all the Roberts in the Voyager cast list, which also references First Contact’s Borg (Roberts = “Robots”), & references Demi Moore’s “Ghost” (via Whoopi). Conspiracy to commit murder & attempted forced transgender crime evidenced in plain sight, here, sleuthing friends! (COM-MODORE DECKER, brainchild CLEAVED CEASED, “cum in yo head with vile criminal evil methods…”, “totally shoot you in the head”, “premeditated, deliberate pushing her down steps in Clueless & The Vampire Diaries”, FFS, they tried to murder me for real on the set of The Vampire Diaries & failed b/c I’m invincible: it was actually broadcast! “I think a girl died”, said by Tim Meadows in the Mean Girls 2 DVD extras — & in 2012 an obvious double of me started to be displayed by the mafia in public in front of like everyone when no one knew what happened to the real me at the time, in 2012!!!!!!!!!!) IT’S NOT A COINCIDENCE, PEOPLE!!!! ALL OF THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!! Look for all the “branching options” conspiracy to commit murder & more codes you can find, using the “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” Ilia “branchial cleft cyst” codes as a starting point. There are like sooo many codes present in “branchial cleft cyst” alone & it’s not a coincidence. This is real crime, people, that you need to f’ing do something about. I AM A GIRL WHO’S A PERSON WITH RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roxanne Biggs-Dawson. Tricia Biggar. Padmé. Sabé. Cordé

Robert Picardo. Star Trek: First Contact (via Picard).

“Star Trek: First Contact”. Geordi LaForge’s new eyes. My sister Jessica Alba’s movie, “The Eye”. Geordi’s original VISOR. Virtual reality headsets. The Borg & virtual reality headsets. Picard “disabling” the Borg Queen at the end of the “Star Trek: First Contact” movie (“branchial cleft cyst” disabling branching options code, via the machine entity V’ger who is a lot like the Borg & seems like a girl with all the vaginal symbolism inside her).

Marina Sirtis: Maiara (it’s) certain (Goda). Marina Del Rey underground Nazi base, bored out with the Subterrene. From Marina Sirtis you get empath/telepath, & also telepathic mind rape involving making one person look like someone else when another telepath alters her perception. Jonathan Frakes is the brother of my ex-girlfriend, Nikki De Boer.

From Subterrene, you get Reign — just like you get Rine or Rene from Marina — & back to Subterrene. The Star Trek episode, “The Doomsday Machine”, which is obviously like referencing & everything, the Subterrene, in like the context of it being a “machine to prepare a nation for doomsday”… since it was used to bore out underground bases after 1945 (even though it’s only me who can do nuclear bombs!)

Commodore Decker. Like the “Decker” of Ilia’s movie, the name is totally present in the TV show, that “just happens” to be a story that links up all of these ideas. “Com” for “run a fine tooth comb over” “Modore”: i.e. find out what’s so special about “Maiara”. Also, “Modore” is literally a threat to do “murder”. (Like the “totally shoot you in the head”, in response to Cher in Clueless explaining her dress is “an Alaïa”, “a totally important designer”.)

Cintia Dicker, a Brazilian supermodel, whose name was originally Cintia Dick (according to the CIA script for her life & assigned names — which, like, allowed her to play her role as an airport sign board with arms & legs to, like, talk about… HOW AWESOME I AM!!!! LOL! “It’s not about you!” Sure. Sure. “It’s about Dick” or “It’s about how we want you to be a Dicker in the future…” Um. No. It’s not about “Dick”, now, is it! You douche morons! Also, I’m not gonna be a “dicker”, thank you!!!! I think I might know her though, actually. If she’s the person I remember, she’s really nice. Anyway… in Clueless 1995, Tai gets a makeover in a red & blue Supergirl-like outfit, with music playing that suggests she’s “gonna be a supermodel”. There’s another supermodel reference in the movie, about Cindy Crawford. From Cintia & Cindy Crawford, you get Cindy from Stargirl. Meg DeLacy is my friend & ex-girlfriend. So that’s another personal identifier, to explain to you all that it’s me they’re talking about as the international mafia stalls for time or w/e.)


A whole ton of other basic codes & connections b/c I’m really tired & need to get some sleep.

More Shit Trek. Leah Brahms. Virtual reality. An imposter, second Leah Brahms. Ilia. The Eye. Germany. Brasil. Princess Leia. Carrie Fisher. Albacore tuna (look, it might be a real code, OK!?)

Ehhh. To try to make it less boy’s crap or w/e. I used to like Star Trek once, but it’s a multi-decade priority psychological operation to try to get us girls to accept a vision of future “utopias” with let’s face it, basically LESS equality than the real 1960s & the real 1980s. Number One didn’t even have a name or anything, & she was never even intended to be broadcast except as a scripted-by-the-establishment-to-always-be-rejected pilot episode — to be cut up for the two-part story later, to put in our heads the false narrative that “no one wanted Majel Barrett’s character in the first officer role because she was a lady”… even though the idea that “the public didn’t want the original lady Number One character” was not true at all. She didn’t even have a name & was badly performed on purpose. Think about what happened to the Tasha Yar & Jadzia Dax characters, like also… which was also, like, ON PURPOSE.

“Star Trek: First Contact”. Touching the Phoenix phallus & how important Picard said it was to touch it or w/e. Data’s trans man arm skin sensations given to him by the Borg Queen against his wishes. Alice Krige. Kriegsmarine. Entrance to an underground Nazi SS base at Marina Del Rey, & another underground base at sea level underneath Palos Verdes near the submarine base at San Pedro. Dax Trill, like Vril.

The “Corey In The House” episode, titled “I Ain’t Got Rhythm”. Obviously I do have rhythm though, because I’m the best singer ever! 😀 Seriously. I’m the best singer ever. I can do so many styles of singing, & I can sing really, really high. I’m also an expert gymnast, & an expert cheerleader, & OBVIOUSLY I can boogie really, really well!!!! So like, I totally do have rhythm… but the title of the episode isn’t making any sort of negative statement about me; it’s just the title of the episode. ANYWAY!!!! In the episode, there’s a “super secret CIA gizmo” that the Jason Stickler character uses to “disable” Corey — & when Corey gets “disabled”, his eyes flash in a weird way. It’s supposed to be another vague reference to my sister Jessica Alba & her movie, The Eye. It’s also a vague reference to my Mom, Odette Annable, & her role in the Supergirl TV show as Reign (whose eyes flash when she fires her heat vision). I figure the “Super” character comics were started as an international mafia exposé of the amazing abilities of me, my Mom, & my sister.

So I wondered if the Psy storyline from the season of Supergirl on TV, that my Mom was in, & that Emma was in, maybe is an important part of the mafia’s code. Like as a metaphor for triggering “defense mode” instinctive “reaching out to search for threats” telepathy — or something like that. I wondered if something like that makes it difficult to be “closed” to Mom’s & Jess’ telepathic “reaching out to try to transmit a spoofed experience of being another person, in a different place”.

Anyway. People can see that I’m talking, whatever they think of me. It takes a lot of effort to type all of this up, you know!!!!

Lots more important info below for the AdMaiaras, LOL! 🙂

So like, I took one look at “Project Monarch by Ron Patton”, a text file that was released online around the late 1990s as I remember, & I was like LOOKS LIKE THIS IS GONNA BE A DOOZY! Sooo easy to decipher. DE-CI-P-HER! Ha ha ha! Do you get it, losers? C LEFT, C that I didn’t die, C that I’m still a GIRL from BRASIL, & C I’m fine. WTF, it’s supposed to be Sim, not Cim. (That’s also what you’re saying. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!)

Wow, I am so amazing.

Anyway, I haven’t bothered to like, decipher your dumb document (which describes a fictitious conspiracy, to like provide a medium or w/e for layering in the codes to describe the real conspiracy that’s targeted me). Maybe I already deciphered it, years ago. I might try my hand at it some time… or not! LOL. It’s not really my idea of fun, considering the triggery material & everything. Maybe someone else can help.

Basically, the writers layered in the exact same codes that I already listed for you above (when I said, repeatedly, stuff like “They’re saying that… blah blah blah”) & your way in, for deciphering it, is to look for repetition of the same words/ideas/letters etc. at like, different points in the text file. Think laterally instead of literally, people!!!! 🙂 What are repeated words/ideas/letters similar to in non-literal ways, like with cryptic crossword puzzles. Here’s an example: what I found already is that the first syllable of the word “Psyche” (that totally crops up in the text at some point) is like the word “Si” from the Spanish language, if you pronounce it in a creatively alternative way. “Psy” to “Si”, you see. Then the second syllable of the word “Psyche” can be pronounced as the English word “Key”. Or “She”. You can figure out other meanings as well. 🙂 “Psy” = “Telepathic”, for example!

OK. So! We are going to assume that the world “Psyche” is primarily translated to “Si Key”, because it sounds like it might be a cute “key” to decode the text file & every single bit of this deeper level of the whole code that the mafia & intelligence agencies put in all the media (including in their officially produced conspiracy literature, like this text file).

Next we scan the whole document, “Project Monarch by Ron Patton”, for anything that’s like the word “Si”. Someone else can do this right now. Like I said, it’s all pretty gnarly, heavy ideas & narratives for a girl like me who’s been on the receiving end of all of this nasty real conspiracy. (Remember, the “conspiracy” referred to in the text file is fictitious, but it’s explaining a real conspiracy against me Maiara Walsh, my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba.)

You are gonna see that the acronym “DDCI” totally contains something like the Spanish word, “Si” (which means “Yes”). OK. That’s great, LOL. So what else is there that’s like the Spanish word “Si”??? Well, there’s the English word “she”, to describe a girl or a lady. Also, there’s the Brazilian Portuguese word “Sim”, meaning “Yes”!

So what does “DD” mean then? It means the English word “dead”, which is totally confirmed by the fact that “DD” is also U.S. military speak for “naval destroyer” (it’s actually related to specific hull numbers of some of the U.S. Navy’s ocean-faring surface vessels which are designated “destroyers”). Remember I’m a telepathic alien girl… so I have Phebe Novakovic’s memories & knowledge stored in my mind. YOU are the ones who activated my automatic self-defense mind scans. Don’t blame me, OK.

Now let’s go back to the word “Psyche”, which I guessed to be a deciphering “key” of some sort. So like, does the word “Psyche” confirm that I was on the right track here in decoding the text’s meanings? Does it contain the meaning “dead”? It totally does, because “Psy” is like the English word “sigh” — which can totally reference a homo sapiens’ last breath upon dying. Also, the whole word “Psyche” can be creatively pronounced as the English word “sick”, or “sickle” (referencing the Grim Reaper character’s scythe) if pronounced with a totally unvoiced letter “L”. Some of you know that in Brazilian Portuguese, there are a lot of soft unvoiced letter pronunciations: so this weird possible pronunciation of the word “Psyche” as “sickle” with a totally silent letter “L” is probably one of the reasons why the word “Psyche” was chosen as a deciphering “key”. The second syllable of the word “Psyche” can be easily seen as the name “Che” — as in Che Guevara, a revolutionary who was from the country of Argentina… WHICH IS TOTALLY LIKE BRASIL, B/C IT’S IN SOUTH AMERICA & IT’S BORDERING BRASIL!!!! So you can see that the Psyche & DDSI interlocking cipher words are confirming the basic aspects of the phoney Freemason-like, Mulholland Drive movie espresso code “instructions for how to do the conspiracy”, allegedly communicated by the mafia to their “goons” in this dumb way “to avoid prosecution”. But remember: in reality, all of these codes were set up to, like, intimidate all of you that know I don’t age & that I’m Goda, to try to stop you from taking action to help me since you might be too intimidated by how “perfect” & “impossible to expose without seeming crazy” the conspiracy appeared. (There might have been some other reasons for doing this, like for example, to like propagandize against me & stuff — but mostly, I think it’s totally true that these codes got put into the media to basically stop all of you from taking action to help me once you figured out that I don’t age & that I’m Goda.)

The Psyche & DDSI interlocking cipher words confirm that the following ideas make up the overall code layered into all of the media:
Psyche: she is telepathic. “Psy she”
Psyche: kill her. “Sigh she”
Psyche: we don’t like that she’s Brazilian.”Sigh she (like Che)”
Psyche: we don’t like that she’s a do-gooder revolutionary against corruption. “Sigh she (like Che)”
DDSI: kill her “dead she”
DDSI: kill her “dead yes (Si for Yes in Spanish)”
DDSI: kill (her) Brazilian (identity/language/memories/culture/family & friends ties) “dead Sim (Sim for Yes in Brazilian Portuguese)”

You can also get, like, the English word “eye” very easily from the cipher words “Psyche” & “DDSI”. Which refers to my sister Jessica Alba’s movie, The Eye… OBVS!!!!

You can get the English word “see” (as in, like, SEE FROM THE EYE), very easily from “Psyche” & “DDSI”, also. Which also OBVIOUSLY refers to my sister Jessica Alba’s movie, The Eye.

The name Ron Patton clearly means “Reign pattern”. You can read a book called “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave” by Fritz Artz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler. Fritz Springmeier’s name OBVIOUSLY (LOL!) means German artwork May Mai Maiara. Cisco Wheeler’s first name references the “branchial cleft cyst” explainer-code, as well as the word “sister”. Cisco also means “cisgender cow”, to let everyone know that I’m a girl who’s not transgender. Although trans girls are real girls & everything. You can figure out the other codes for yourselves, OK… hopefully to help me overcome the conspiracy against me Maiara Walsh, my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba!

The name Jessica is featured in the “Project Monarch by Ron Patton” text file, & my Mom, Odette Annable, had lines in her appearance on the Supergirl TV show in Season 3, in which she said “Kill the girl!” or something like that. It’s been, like, a really REALLY long time since I viewed Season Three of Supergirl: my favorite season of the show, because of the Reign character my Mom played so awe-inspiringly well, & because of her expert performance as the Sam Arias aspect of the single Reign girl character that’s not a split personality & is instead, like, a CRITICISM of Jewish misogyny I created with my mind despite what the writers & producers of the show think or don’t think about it. She is supposed to represent the Goddess Asherah or w/e. That’s what I, Maiara Walsh, intended when I created all of the events involved in Season Three of Supergirl happening in the world. 🙂 I view Reign as a superheroine, with like any… misrepresentation of my intent for the character, being, like, a failing on the part of the homo sapiens people involved in writing & producing the show. My Mom was really amazing on the show though.

From “Clueless”, 1995.
“Do you see the distinction!”
“It’s still all red!” (her face)
Lucy’s not a Mexican, she’s from El Salvador: meaning Goda is a girl from Brasil with a vagina, in a code. (“Breast”, on the clothes design, is a code for Brasil)

From “Mean Girls 2”.
“face getting all red…”
Basically all the references to red faces & stuff are pointing out that I’ve got a reddy brown skin color (especially when I’m tan).
My character was a very speedy girl on the treadmill. (Because me, my Mom, & Jessica can actually move around at a super speed, faster than other people can see.)

I totally simply wanted to like point these things out, basically!!!! OK, that’s my post finished. Later, everyone! 🙂

EDIT: So like I was really, really tired when I finished writing above. I’m not pro-Russia & I’m not pro-China. I’m, like, very much NOT controlled by them, & like, very much NOT working with those possibly understood as in some way “red” governments/mafias. I’m a supporter of Russian & Chinese girls’ & ladies’ rights & interests though… & I’m not against normal Russian & Chinese people unless they’re against me (like all men & most boys are against my rights when they’re still peeing standing up & gleefully trying to push me out of the way on the sidewalk everytime they see me in the distance, walking, here in California…)

Anyway, I needed to explain something really important, which I’m explaining now, LOL! Clueless, the movie from 1995, is saying in a code all the things the mafia identified about me that are supposed to be, like, PROBLEMS, for them & for the global network of intelligence agents (or like, the global community of “Nazi prison guards”, as I call them). Remember the wider system of all those intelligence agents & private contractors that do all the dirty work for the mafia depends on the mafia system staying in power, worldwide… because they’re all guilty, since the system is really, really dirty & does tons of crimes & bad things, constantly.

So like what’s the problem with me having my reddy brown skin color from Brasil, then? B/c u can totally see above, in the Clueless & Mean Girls 2 codes that I showed you immediately above these bits of my post I’m writing now, that they were ALL saying — or AGREEING WITH — the idea that me having my reddy brown skin color, & me being from Brasil, was a problem for all of them: a problem for all the mafia, & a problem for all the spies & private contractors. OF COURSE IT OUGHT TO BE MORE IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE THAT THEY CLEARLY HAD A HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM WITH ME BEING A GIRL, SINCE 50% OF THE WORLD’S PEOPLE ARE US GIRLS AND LADIES. However, I’m just looking out for myself here since the world is clearly still so fucking sexist & everything, & we all know everyone listens to cries of racism or whatever. All of South American & Central America, & all the world’s non-white people are gonna have a problem with this, I figure. Wow, they really insulted all of us non-white people, worldwide, didn’t they.

I don’t know if that’s like the smartest thing for me to do, or w/e — to like, make it seem like I’m putting myself on a team against all the world’s intelligence agents & all the world’s mafias. But I really actually care what normal people think of me. I’m a good person & I want people to like me. It’s not OK that they did all of these things to me.


Happy Belated Rosa Parks Shade, girls!!!! Do feminism! Do gender equality!

Hey everyone.

So like a rather sombre post happening here — but a really important one, so please read what I have to say, OK!?

I had totally planned to celebrate President Hillary Clinton Shade Celebration, nowshade, & everything (I was even considering making plans to celebrate it on the 3rd Frinight of every lunar period, next year — Frinights 4 Frigga, u know, feminist friends!!!! — even though the “Mon” in “Monnight” stands for the Moon & everything, & not for a man like the other shades of the English week besides Frinight). However, it really struck me this morning that celebrating even a girls’ & ladies’ version of the official U.S. celebration is like not appropriate at all — & even feels kind of pathetic & seriously undignified — UNTIL THERE HAVE BEEN AT LEAST 50% LADY PRESIDENTS OF THE U.S.A. & 50% MALE PRESIDENTS OF THE U.S.A. IN THE ALL-TIME LIST OF U.S. PRESIDENTS!!!!!

It’s a crime against our gender that the U.S. government still officially celebrates the shade as the birthshade of some ancient man — regardless of how significant to our nation we are like compelled by men’s accounts of who is like, herstoricly important, & who is like, herstoricly not important, to believe that he is or was. You know!???!!!! Eff that guy, & eff Pilgrim Fathers & Male Chiefs “cook the food for us you slaves” celebration in November, & eff Shitlermas Rape Culturemas in December. The only reason I’m not saying eff Harriet Tubman shade is because she’s actually a lady & everything (even though the intelligence agents Nazi prison guards community that left college to sign away their life to knowingly work for evil without being duped, are totally doing their best to make the next girl’s name celebration after Helen Keller be someone with “man” in her name).

I CELEBRATED ROSA PARKS SHADE CELEBRATION ON FEBRUARY 4TH, BTW!!!! I went to Central City L.A. I think, to celebrate. Possibly going out of my way to take the Rosa Parks Freeway — but I suggest others don’t do this, to avoid traffic congestion LOL! I ate a meal in a restaurant, & went to the toy store to get Unicorn Academy dolls of Sophia with Light Magic Wildstar, & Ava with Leaf. It was something I wanted to do for a long time… since I first saw the Unicorn Academy show with the dolls advertized in the commercial breaks, last year. I had fun playing with Sophia & Wildstar, but I still haven’t opened Ava with Leaf yet. It’s hard to get them out of the boxes isn’t it? & I have my shopping & other things to do, since I’m residing here at 7523 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, California with Emma Tremblay only. It’s a lot of work for us to be residing here without the assistance of larger people LOL… since we’re both really short & everything. But that’s what I want to keep doing: keep residing independently here at 7523 Hollywood Boulevard, with no one else here at the whole building but me & Emma, since it’s my home & all. & I hope that’s what Emma wants to continue doing as well. Obviously my mom Odette Annable & my sister Jessica Alba are being cruelly forced to do telepathic mind rape to try to create the illusion of being a disabled boy or disabled trans girl in Britain, trying to make it seem like no one else is here with me & that other normal people inhabit the other apartments as if it’s a town house in Britain somewhere. But it’s not. It’s 7523 Hollywood Boulevard, & I’m here with Emma Tremblay… which I think is because of me meeting her in some weird way, & us getting along better than I got along with Melissa Benoist — so me & Emma got together, & Melissa left the building. & I’m glad that happened. I don’t really know how or why me & Emma got together, to be quite honest, people. LOL! But it’s OK. I really like her & feel totally 100% safe with her. I thought it was important to, like, explain this — because of being a retard & always expecting people to care about ME, LOL! Anyway, Emma is really, really nice & I want to be with her. I don’t want to stop her from leaving if she doesn’t want to be here though. I hope she stays since she’s so nice, & I feel totally 100% safe with her like I said.

Anyway — back to talking about FEMINISM & how important it is for all of us girls & ladies to take feminism seriously, & be feminists all the time so everything changes for us in society as quickly as it needs to… which is NOW, ALREADY!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!! We’ve been waiting long enough for gender equality to actually happen, assholes!

I know that my mom Odette Annable & my sister Jessica Alba have been cruelly forced to try to make it seem like a bunch of dumb guys were President when OBVIOUSLY THEY WEREN’T… because OBVIOUSLY, Hillary Clinton was President in 2016 & probably she’s President again now, ha ha! I bet it was President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Vice-President Dianne Feinstein from 2020 until 2024, right?

Anyway, even with two lady Presidents between 2016 & now, the list of U.S. Presidents from the past is basically a lame list of men’s names that reminds us girls, over & over again, that since the Catholic Church suppressed records of more gender equal societies in Minoan Crete, Greece, & the early Roman Empire, the men of Western civilization were total assholes who didn’t let us do anything for 2000 years or so — insisting that us girls & ladies are inferior & not able to be leaders, when like HEL-LO!? We are actually SUPERIOR in lots of ways, especially in the safe, law & order society of modern technological civilization: for example, because we are like CALMER & SMALLER & LESS RISK TAKING & BECAUSE GIRLS & LADIES ARE LESS LIKELY TO DIE (a basic metric of superiority, from most men’s points of view it seems — & it turns out we’re better at this one, i.e. survivability, you know!??? Duh!) We are totally better & more comfortable in the office environment — especially with what is like our often more finely tuned & capable social intelligence. Girls & ladies need less food to survive, because of like, less muscles to feed. We make better leaders too, because us girls & ladies are less ego-driven & more able to delegate decision-making about the fine-tuning of leadership department-specific things we’re not experts in to the actual experts in those areas of like putting into effect the primary leader’s policy, less likely to take retarded risks with economic policies & with, like, interacting with other leaders & stuff! We’re even better at plumbing, people!!!! (See the iCarly episode, “iHatch Chicks” for more info on this topic — & remember, we are totally 100% superior at being afraid to screw people over by leaving things broken on purpose to create more business opportunities later… which means we’re less likely to be ostracized by everyone through word of mouth bad reviews, LOL. TWO WRENCHES PEOPLE!!! TWO WRENCHES!!!! ONE IN EACH HAND… IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE, YOU KNOW!!!!! EAT SOME MORE PROTEIN & TWIST SOME PIPES, LOL! BRING A SET OF SMALL STEPS, LOL! WE GIRLS ARE SMALLER & THAT EQUALS BETTER PLUMBERS, FFS!!!!!!!!! I’m sure it beats taking work at “Nude Girls” on Sunset Boulevard for most ladies who don’t wanna strip off sometimes like I do, to avoid getting raped by some douchebag boyfriend you wouldn’t otherwise choose for supplementary income if you can’t pay your bills, & the market for jobs & houses doesn’t have infinite supply for every girl to pick & choose from at our leisure. LET US DO PLUMBING WORK, MEN!!!!! STOP BEING HOSTILE ASSHOLES WHO DON’T WANNA TRAIN US, BECAUSE IT UPSETS YOUR PROTECTION RACKET FOR SEX SLAVERY & DOMESTIC HOUSEWORK SLAVERY. WE ARE NOT YOUR COOKS & CLEANERS & SEX SLAVES!)

So like, YEA-EAHH!!! I am so not gonna be celebrating a giant list of men’s names, to remind all girls and ladies that we got brutally oppressed for at least two thousand years because we’re smaller, & “it might happen again unless we’re careful to never upet men & their fragile egos, or w/e”. I’m not even gonna celebrate nowshade as President Hillary Clinton Shade Celebration — because that still legitimizes the idea of Presidents’ Shade, & Some Dumb Ancient Man’s Birthshade Federal Crappershade. 🙂 Like no!

Have you like NOTICED, how all the State, or Federal, or simply like “proposed by the people” (allegedly “by the people”) celebration shades that involve ladies’ names, involve ladies deliberately selected for national celebration in the U.S.A. because they’re part of wider minority rights groups that also includes 50% men’s rights?

Helen Keller Shade. Hellen Keller was blind & deaf. Half of blind & deaf people are male.

Rosa Parks Shade (celebrated officially by the State officials here in California). Rosa Parks was a U.S. American of African appearance. Half of U.S. Americans of African appearance are male.

Harriet Tubman Shade (suggested by “some” for like, a new U.S. Federal celebration shade). Harriet Tubman’s second name has “man” in it, LOL NOTLOL! Also, sigh half of U.S. Americans of African appearance are male.

Personally, I support Rosa Parks Shade Celebration to be the next official U.S. Federal shade celebration. Because her name is a positive name that suggests she can actually drive a bus & everything, with advanced bus-driving procedures, ha ha! Maybe she was even a genuine do-gooder activist at first, considering her name & everything. Also, she was a lady, so I support her as a fellow sister in an Open Girlfriendship Society or something (in which we all support other girls & ladies all the time, & do feminism all the time, until society is 100% gender equal… or forever… & talk about the need to do this openly, in front of men & boys, as well as in front of other girls & ladies — like the opposite of an unfair, immoral secret society).

I’m glad Hillary Clinton was the first lady President of the United States of America though, even though I’m a Brazilian girl & not a caucasian pale/pink skin color person. This is like because, most U.S. American girls & ladies deserve to have our first lady President of the U.S.A. represent the majority of girls & ladies. That’s my view of how democracy works best so the fewest people are bitter & resentful, to have society running smoothly for us girls & ladies. I’m not totally sure that it’s right what I’m saying… because of the genocide against the North American Native Americans, & because of the horrors of slavery perpetrated against U.S. Americans of African appearance.

I wish I felt able to say “Happy President Hillary Clinton Shade everyone!” even though I’m sure she actually was President of the U.S.A. & probably is President again now. It’s seriously heavy, girls. It sucks butt how unfair everything is, like with the huge list of men’s names that men want us to read again & again, when we’ve always actually been superior to men in lots of contexts & situations because of our inherently superior physical attributes that make us better at all sorts of things. Men never had any excuse for oppressing & suppressing us, for at least 2000 years. & they have no excuse for reminding us of what they did to us & our gender, while, like, smiling at us when they remind us of these things. Pretending like they’re the benevolent, gentle “wise men” that are letting us know how we (allegedly) “just weren’t good enough” for all those years because of being “dumb girl primitives” (just like caucasian pale/pink skin color men saw all people of brown skin colors, with their “some people are born better” philosophies of sexism & racism).

I know it’s complicated & hard to turn into a simple, easy to remember idea. But basically, what I’m saying to all of us girls & ladies all around the world is always do feminism, all the time, until the world is 100% gender equal like we deserve. Also, try not to be racist & stuff, because racism supports men’s “some people are born better” philosophies, that they use to try to keep us girls & ladies down & “in our place”, as a lot of them see it. (That’s why so many of them still pee standing up. That’s why so many of them get a glint in their eyes when they see us coming, & make a bee line towards us to call us “darling” or “honey” or whatever. They think “Great, an inferior person to bully in a passive aggressive way. Don’t want to miss a chance to make a personal statement of dominance & superiority over them in an allegedly socially tolerable way.) At the same time, we totally need to put our own gender first all the time, even if that means we have to face accusations of racism. That’s why, as a girl, I call for zero immigration until we can figure out which other nations have cultures that are too much of a problem for us girls (50% of the people here in the U.S.A.), and which nations have cultures that are, like, acceptably feminist for us girls, & so can be allowed to travel here & settle here in the U.S.A. Since they are safe enough for us girls & ladies to be around. Remember, racism or xenophobia is 50% a men’s rights issue — so us girls & ladies need to not be afraid to be accused of being racist when we’re not, if we’re standing up for our majority rights as girls & ladies here in the U.S.A.

So like anyway. Happy belated Rosa Parks Shade everyone!!!! Maybe next year it’s gonna be a U.S. Federal celebration, & it gets my vote instead of Harriet Tubman even though she was really amazing & everything. Maybe take the bus on Rosa Parks Shade, even if you’re kinda afraid of men on the bus or whatever (if you’re small, like me). Buses are a social good in the moral sense, for tons of reasons, people… not least because they help people to like, consider other people’s personal space & things. Everyone has to get along on the bus. They’re really the opposite of aggro men’s personal-freedom-at-all-costs L.A. speeding cars culture that mows down so many pedestrians on Holly Bolly (Hollywood Boulevard) each year. But like whatever you do for Rosa Parks Shade next year, make sure that you do feminism! Make sure that you do gender equality! All of us girls are girls, & we need to support other girls & girls’ names for important status roles in society, because it benefits us all.


You seriously need to read this post, witching AdMaiaras! :) My Mom & sister not witches. I just want more fans. Also, mafia read this post!!!!

So like, hey everyone! It’s me, Maiara, writing another blog post because I seriously need my fans (The AdMaiaras) who are girls and women, to know I haven’t suddenly become, like, the ho of all boys and men or something!!!

I’m a girl, but I’m not a ho… OK!?

I just want to do nude and sex scenes in a movie or whatever. That’s all! (Also — the movie I wanna make is “probably” extremely evil and vile and wrong, OK!??? BUT IT’S JUST ONE THING I WANT TO DO OUT OF ALL THE OTHER REALLY GOOD AND NICE THINGS THAT I DO ALL THE TIME. SOOO SORRY THAT I’M NOT PERFECTLY “GOOD” OR WHATEVER!!!)

Anyway. I know that I’m known for my feminism. So! I want all my AdMaiaras to know that I’m still feminist. Really feminist. I’m like, an ultra-feminist, basically! So I know that I’m not writing this post very well or “professionally”… but whatever!! I’m TIRED and I want to get this post written because it’s really important for lots of reasons. Like, an example of how badly I’m writing this post is saying “ho” — because OBVIOUSLY, hardly any girls are ever “hos” or “hoes” or however you spell it when it’s plural; because pretty much every girl who was ever called a “ho” was coerced by men’s rape culture protection racket into behaving the way that she was behaving, you know?! It’s only a tiny minority of girls that are every actually true “hoes” BECAUSE THEY SOMEHOW HAD ENOUGH AGENCY TO CHOOSE, LIKE, 100% UNCOERCED, TO GIVE ABUSIVE BOYS AND MEN SEXUAL PLEASURE WITHOUT REQUIRING THE ABUSIVE BOYS AND MEN TO BE “NICE” AND “NOT ABUSIVE” TO THEM, AS LIKE… A PREREQUISITE FOR THE SEX HAPPENING. YOU KNOW!? And that basically rarely happens because the world is sooo coercive towards us girls, even nowshades and everything. So it was wrong for me to say “ho”.


OK. 🙂 Everything is fine. I’m OK.

Sooo… for all my AdMaiaras that are girls and women, I have this to say to you: I’m concentrating all the time on feminism! As Reign The Superheroine I’m using my superpowers constantly to improve all our rights and dignity as girls and women, OK!?!! For example, I’m totally an outspoken advocate for resuable period products (and making sure that people know you can get them in tiny sizes for really young girls like me — so that tweens and teens don’t have bad first experiences with reusable period panties and reusable pads, meaning they’re gonna be way less likely to immediately develop brand loyalty to purse-and-time-draining “SexSex” branded tampons that “break girls in” to be ready for sex with boys regardless of if they wanted to do that or not… which have like no instruction booklet to force advice-seeking, possibly from a “repair technician” single father to train us girls to believe that we always need help to do anything in the world… and which deliberately terrify impressionable girls about an alleged vulnerability to instant death that’s allegedly around every corner if you’re a girl — ranging from “toxic shock” syndrome that hardly anyone ever gets, to getting easily beaten up by any fat, really old man like Samuel L Jackson even if you’re, like, a peak condition female soldier/assassin that’s really tall and basically looks like a man, like in that one scene from The Marvels. Grrr.) I, myself, use “night” period panties for heavy flow all the time when I’m on my period. But I also make sure to keep a single medium-sized reusable period pad in all of my handbags, so I can offer a free trial of reusable period products to any girl or woman caught short when surfing the crimson wave. Medium-sized so that it’s gonna be good enough for anyone’s level of flow, for at least a few hours or whatever — and only a single product so that my handbag (and everyone else’s handbags) aren’t too heavy when we’re doing our thing in the world, girls!!!! 🙂

Um. So! Other things I’ve been doing is constantly complaining to anyone who listens — and even people who, like, don’t listen — about how Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Freemasonry are all rape culture organizations that are as bad as the KKK and need to actually be banned immediately. I’ve been saying often that all Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Freemason church buildings need to be demolished IMMEDIATELY — meaning NOW, NOT LATER, just to be TOTALLY CLEAR here — because they are on the same level of being 100% totally wrong and offensive as any still-standing KKK buildings with “KKK” engraved in stone on the front of them (which isn’t a thing, as far as I know… so like, why is it like this with sexist, segregationist churches that are like obviously promoting their disgusting ideology in front of everyone, all the time, BECAUSE THEY LOOK LIKE CHURCHES AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT CHURCHES LIKE THESE STAND FOR SEXISM AND SEGREGATIONISM????)


So like, all Catholic Christian churches operate a “whites-only bus drivers” policy or “whites-only cops” policy… or whatever metaphor you want to use here… BECAUSE ALL CATHOLIC PRIESTS ARE MEN, BECAUSE BASICALLY ALL CHRISTIANS BELIEVE THAT US GIRLS AND WOMEN CAN’T BE LEADERS OR IT’S AGAINST “GOD”. Also, in the fictional Bible story, Mary was like being repeatedly raped by Joseph and like all the world’s men from that time, basically!!!! Because all of us girls and women were slaves back then, two-thousand-something years ago. Mary is gonna have been sold from her dad to Joseph for a farm animal. Sold into sex slavery and slavery, with no right to say no to the arranged slave trafficking/kidnapping organized by Mary’s dad and Joseph… with no right to say no to sex with Joseph… with no right to vote… with no right to own money… with no right to own property… with no right to learn anything (including even vocational learning, like to become a carpenter or something like Joseph), and with no right to work at all unless as an unpaid slave with any possible money earned going to Joseph!!!! Mary had basically no way to continue eating without doing what men forced her to do, nevermind to like, live independently with her own home if she wanted to refuse marriage completely. Maybe she was even lesbian or something, you know!? People that think you don’t need to update the Christian story because it’s good as it is are the same as the KKK, you know!??!!! Christians actually believe that us girls are second-class people, put here to be sex slaves and slaves for men, like the fictional story of Eve and Adam. Priests often can be found arguing that men have the “right to discipline wives” and stuff. Seriously, people! Christians are the same as KKK.



Pretty much all of us girls are like “For real? That story is sexist and totally wrong!” the first time we hear it. But it’s so brutal the way so many people always treated it like it was this normal part of culture that you couldn’t change, so it was like, you had to just tune out from how awful it all is and try to somehow pretend it wasn’t so bad. You had to like somehow smile, and enjoy Hallmark channel romcoms, gift-giving and pretty decorated trees — and find a way to enjoy all the TV shows and movies with their constant references to Christianity and Christmas, and the seemingly constant appearances of unrealistically “friendly”, “trustworthy” priest characters in detective shows and in wedding scenes… like switching off your anger at how sexist it is, somehow, just to survive! But it is like, not OK anymore — and IT NEVER WAS OK TO BEGIN WITH!!!!

This is what I believe, OK!? I know some people are gonna think I’m a joke and a charicature, reading the way I write and everything — but I’m being 100% totally serious about all this. We need to end sexism now, not later. We need to say “Enough, already!” to religious sexism, because it’s as bad as the KKK’s racism or the Nazis’ holocaust. The amount of women who have died because of sexism, since the end of World War Two, is huge. We all need to start being as offended about sexism as we are about racism and neo-Nazis. We need to make sexism as ILLEGAL as racism, and KKK, and neo-Nazis are!!!!!


Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques have one room for girls and women, and another room for boys and men. THEY ARE THE EXACT SAME AS “WHITES”-ONLY RESTAURANTS, OR SEGREGATED BUS TRAVEL (LIKE THE ROSA PARKS STUFF EVERYONE HAS SEEMINGLY HEARD ABOUT). THEY ARE THE SAME AS KKK!!!!

Freemason temples are literally men-only zones, because the Freemasons’ rules list literally says “NO WOMEN” in capital letters. It’s called, like, the “old charges” or something. It’s the Freemasons’ founding rules text or whatever, and they still have the same rules nowshades as far as I know (I stopped reading about them years ago, since I figured out they weren’t actually running the world, or the entertainment industry, like people used to try to make me and others think they were). Freemasons have to like, show their chest as part of their initiation into the club, to “prove they’re not women”… just like they have to roll up one of their pant legs, to “prove they’re not slaves with a chain on their ankle”. Seriously. FREEMASONS ARE EXACTLY LIKE THE KKK, PEOPLE. AND THERE’S STILL A HUGE FREEMASON TEMPLE ON WILSHIRE BOULEVARD IN LOS ANGELES, WHICH DEFINITELY HAS TO GO! DEMOLISH ALL FREEMASON TEMPLES NOW, BECAUSE THEY’RE SEXIST AND SEGREGATIONIST, EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE KKK!!!! We girls are 50% of the world’s people are we need to never be humiliated and degraded like this.

I already explained how Christian churches are the same as the KKK. DEMOLISH ALL CHURCHES NOW!

DEMOLISH ALL THE SEXIST CHURCHES OF ALL SEXIST RELIGIONS IN HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, NOW! So you’re not, like, stupidly offending me all the time in my own locale when it’s me who’s actually Goda; when you totally know there’s no male god and there’s no male part of me.

I don’t wanna be in occupied territory anymore, seeing giant occupation symbols all around my country — exactly like Nazi swastika flags, and exactly like KKK buildings but as if like they all had “KKK” engraved on the front of them in plain sight (except instead of reading “KKK”, it says “ALL WOMEN ARE SLAVES AND NOT IMPORTANT. FUCK YOU!”) This is how I feel all the time. I’m so angry about it. I want all the AdMaiaras to know this, and I want everyone to know it.

Like, change it all, NOW, so I’m not angry anymore: make all the sexism I’m complaining about illegal, like racism and KKK and neo-Nazis are illegal, and demolish all the churches. Get rid of sexist foreign cultures from our land, the USA, so we can all be safe — and don’t try to make it seem like those even-worse-than-Christianity KKK-like religions are equivalent to our feminist culture, and our gender equality laws, and our democracy (that needs to be gender equal, with lots of female US Presidents happening one after the other as soon as possible to make things fair for us).

End all the sexist brainwashing in the media too!

These are some of the things that have been upsetting me most, recently, OK!? It’s totally the case that I’ve been complaining about these issues of sexist segregationism and rape culture in religion over and over again, all the time, for weeks now. And it’s also true that I’ve never actually stopped complaining about the sexist brainwashing in the media!!!! I complain about it every time I view TV!!!!! I complain about sexism to authorities. I complain about sexism, like, in person… to random people!! I complain about sexism at my home, out loud, on purpose because I know that, like… making the effort to do so totally affects things in the world in a big way, because of my superpowers and everything. I am a superheroine, OK????

Like I said: I know that the sort of movie sex scenes and nude scenes I want to act in are basically anti-feminist and against my own rights. I know it’s basically hurting myself and all other girls, for a masochistic sexual thrill that’s probably going to cause lasting psychological pain. But I want to do it anyway, OK!!!! All the other actresses got to do scenes like this, even if they didn’t want to and it was basically gang rape of most of my peers who were forced to do these things. I didn’t want any of them to be basically gang raped by being forced to do nude and sex scenes even if they didn’t want to, so the mafia can try to control society with sexism. All I’m saying is I want it to happen to me. Probably the casual exploitation of girls in movies and TV shows for boys’ jack off pleasure is gonna be banned forever soon… and us actresses are only gonna be required to do dignified and respectful, feminist nude and sex scenes every so often, when scripts, like, genuinely call for nude and sex scenes… in a world in which there’s like, no sexist brainwashing in TV and movies anymore. And I don’t want to be robbed of the experience of getting ritually stripped naked by all the world’s boys’ and men’s entitled desperation to see me totally nude and ritually performing a simulated on-my-back hetero sex scene for them and their important jack off pleasure. I swear it’s all good even if they say they didn’t even want to see me nude, LOL.

Girls… no one ever gave a crap about me!!!!! You bitches!

Anyway I’m still doing feminism for all of our rights and everything. Please help a sister out and wish really hard for my dream to come true, OK!? 🙂 Thank you! Supportive!!!! I love all my AdMaiaras who are girls and women. Ha ha ha! 🙂 Seriously I do love you all though.

Please help your savior show my tits and vagina AND MY FEET for boys’ jack off pleasure (they need this… boys need this…), and probably freak out when some ass tries to press me down for too long, for the mafia or whatever. OK? 🙂 Hopefully that’s gonna be all that happens, LOL!

So now I need to, like, show everyone my evil dark magic powers to convince the right people to let me do my movie nude & sex scenes. It’s also useful for showing my fans that I really do care about feminism, & I’m not some kind of fake feminist or something. As if?!

So like I viewed three eps of the TV show Charmed, recently (it’s a show about witches). In the episode “Forget Me… Not”, the Cleaners appear — or maybe I ought to call them the Kleaners, because they’re dressed all in white like the Ku Klux Klan & one of them does a “Jesus” pose near the beginning of the episode: I made that happen with my magic superpowers, since I’m Goda & everything, to like say that Christianity is like the KKK! So like towards the end of the episode, it’s Phoebe & Paige at like the studio & Phoebe shows a guy she can fly. Paige says she likes a lady’s pink outfit & bares it on her chest. Phoebe appears with an African appearance news anchor lady on the TV, immediately before Piper appears on the TV screen in the studio & she makes the Golden Gate Bridge disappear. Piper says “You might want to take an alternate route to work in the morning”, totally breaking the fourth wall in, like, a uniquely evil dark magic way so I can seriously freak you all out & hopefully induce the right people to set up my movie nude & sex scenes (INVOLVING ME & NOT A DOUBLE) in a hurry. 🙂

In The Power of Three Blondes, the three mysterious witches stab the salesman to death. Leo has, like, WEIRD BLOND HAIR, & he points & makes a weird face at the baby. What is being said here? IT’S SO FUNNY.

In My Three Witches, the episode starts with a weird evil dark magic sinkhole created by a pseudo “Dominic Monaghan” who played Merry, i.e Mary. “WE NEED TO PUT SOME REFERENCES TO THAT ONE SCENE FROM STAB WARS IN ALL THE MOVIES LIKE HEATWAVE, BEFORE ANYONE COMES AFTER THE REALLY VALUABLE PROPERTIES. MAYBE DO THE PUMPING YOUR GAS SONG FROM BRING IT ON & BRING IT ON AGAIN, AGAIN. DO SOME REAL DAMAGE!” More weird blond hair. Sooo… an old guy, like, starts to DIE… next to Kathryn Joosten who also has like really weird blond hair. There’s a Reign The Superheroine costume. The table looks interesting (Jewish & Islamic symbols), & the table gets “destroyed”… like a bridge being cut in half. The episode is, like, about secret desires. All the boys get hot about Paige & Phoebe, with a focus on their jack off appendages & Paige & Phoebe being a dumpster. Sorry, LOL! Being IN a dumpster. Ha ha ha! 🙂

So you totally need to check the credits for all the episodes also, LOL

Annabelle Gurwitch (my Mom is a lot prettier than Jenny McCarthy, who plays Mitzy. The Mabel & Margo actresses are acceptable for Jess & me, LOL!)
Henry Alonso Myers
Kirk B.R. Woller
Melissa Greenspan as Flo
Kathryn Joosten was in Desperate Housewives. I was also in Desperate Housewives. No offense to, like, my Desperate Housewives co-stars or anything for talking about her since she’s dead & everything. Her name is like, referencing Katherine Brewster from Terminator 3 (a movie I rarely view now, & a movie which I ALWAYS TURN OFF AFTER THE T-X KICKS ARNOLD’S HEAD OFF AS IF THAT’S THE END OF THE MOVIE. sob)
Michael Manuel as Overwhelmed Father (it’s a joke… DUH!!!!)
Margo (Quinn) Mabel (May-bel) Mitzy (Unfabulous)

So, it was way more fun for me to do nasty evil dark magic things than be a nice girl. It feels like really good to laugh. I like to be a nice girl, though! It’s totally what I like to do most of all. Also — dark isn’t a bad word, OK! Dark magic can be, like, good & helpful & stuff. So please help me be a nice girl & make sure you obey all my instructions & everything!

Feminism. Gender equality. End the media brainwashing. Disclosure that I’m Goda: the original Maiara Walsh, not an imposter. Disclosure that I’m an immortal (responsible) child. Never try to control me or make me feel “out of control”, ever again, you lamers! Give me 100% legal unaccountability. So like never try to humiliate me unless I, like, ask to be humiliated in clear & literal written text or something. Choose positive actions towards me, morons, so I’m happy! Make my movie like I said. Assholes.

Bite me! 🙂


I’m not a loser OK.

So like hey, people! Has this “Bight” movie been released yet? Because I’m totally bugging about this, OK?! It’s like, my period again soon, and I have heavy period bleeding for a whole week.

So like basically it’s Francis Scott Key bridge got destroyed and all because they like totally brainwashed/tortured SOMEONE for a LONG ASS TIME, to try to make her into a man… and then when that failed, into, like, a straight woman. UNFORTUNATELY, this and noticing the awful brainwashing in lesbian porn like the actresses shaking their heads “No” all the time (and totally thinking about the CIA/mafia male thugs surrounding them on closed sets, probably gang raping them for real and stuff) resulted in it being hard to get off to masturbation fantasies about consensual loving lesbian sex. 🙁 Add to that what happened with Mellie and seeing her seemingly being raped… by “Jesus”, “Steve Trevor”, “Thor” or whatever conspiracy crap invented “ghost” in black and white rape porn photos… it’s like really hard to get off to consensual loving lesbian sex fantasies. Like in Drive Away Dolls, right? Where the metaphor is mafia terror conspiracy torture brainwashing intruding into the bedroom. It’s like intrusive PTSD thoughts when trying to masturbate and fantasizing about lesbian sex, is what I’m saying here people. Like just feeling pain or not getting aroused easily from lesbian thoughts when alone, sadly — which is what the torturers wanted (for lesbian thoughts to be like, painful, instead of nice). I still don’t find men attractive though. I really don’t want to try to force myself to visualize “hot” men and boys in my mind when I’m masturbating, since I hardly ever find them hot in any way really.

So like when masturbating alone, now I mostly get off to thinking about my weird “Royal Arch” fantasy where all the Freemasons are cumming or something, or all the boys and men are cumming — or the “egregore ghost overmind” of all boys and men, or all Freemasons, or whatever — is cumming hard when girls’ and women’s boobs go sideways and down like the “Royal Arch” from Freemasonry. Imagine David Duchovny from “The Craft: Legacy” saying, with weird black eyes, “Your boobs are gonna get big, little girl. And you can’t run away. Your boobs shall be no rival to men’s pecs, now they went sideways slightly. Not perfect anymore! Manon is cumming!” I never fantasize about David Duchovny, OK? I don’t actually visualize any man or boy. I totally find almost all men gross as hell, and totally repulsive, basically. And even the few men I find sort of attractive in some ways, I find disgustingly ugly in enough ways to not want them to actually kiss me or anything. Eww!! You know what I mean? It’s more like an abstract fantasy of all the boys and men in the world getting off on claiming that a male “God” is proven because of breasts, even though I don’t age and I’m a little girl forever. Basically I masturbate thinking about all the boys and men and Freemasons cumming with them all saying “Yeaahhh!!!! God made her boobs big and not perfect!!!!! Men are better!!!!!”

At least I can get off!!!!!

I’m obviously not Freemason and I hate Freemasons. Freemasons don’t even run anything in the world, except their crappy little rotary clubs, and they’re a 100% fake “Illuminati” to distract people from the real corporate mafia (that’s trying to hide the fact that I’m the real Goda and I’m a girl.)

Do you know what it’s like when all the people around you are agents, that are totally stalking you with le retardski amateur theatrical productions (even though they’re not even Freemasons!), trying to force you to give in and believe that a male “God” is, like, the ultimate power, and that he’s insisting that you know this all the time with constant dumb gurning faces of people turning around to stare at you in the street for no reason and all sorts of weird crap like that — because the mafia conspiracy against you is trying to make you feel like you definitely can’t simply use your magic powers to defeat them, whenever you want????!

So like, do you also know what it’s like when “Chris Tree” or whatever crapper is seemingly stalking you through all the TV and movies — and raping the girl you used to be in love with, in scripted CIA-produced “leaks” that are real rape photos unless the girl in the photos corrects me (because it’s her personal story, so only she knows if she was raped or not). Seriously, it’s her personal story and I’m really sorry for talking about it in this context and everything, in case it seems like I don’t care or only care about me. The only reason I’m talking about it is because I need people to understand how my sexuality got so totally messed up.

Do you know what it’s like when you try to, like… view a Disney princess movie… you know, to like, relax and have fun and stuff… and at the end of the movie, in the credits or whatever, there’s some old guy put there by the mafia, shaking his head to say “No, you can’t be the Fairy Godmother”???? It’s awful. That’s totally what it’s like. Awful, and crappy, and seriously Not. Fun.

Obviously I previously got tortured and brainwashed, etc, by male prison guard mercenary types. Which is like, actually hard to think about! But yeah. One of the end results of these kind of “gang rapey” experiences is me being turned on by the gang that tortured me. It’s like, way normal and everything. It’s totally not my fault. Also, they like SAID IT WAS FREEMASONS STALKING ME FOR ALL THOSE YEARS (even though it wasn’t).

I have PGAD as well, just so you know. Maybe from torture?????????

Also I’m still really mad about the “Abigail” thing. BECAUSE I’M FEMINIST, YOU ASSHOLES. HOW DARE YOU DISPLAY MY IMPOSTER AS A SCALP OF WORLD JEWRY MALES. I’M FEMINIST. I’M NOT THE HUMILIATED, DEFEATED, TROPHY WIFE OF WORLD JEWRY MALES. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE, YOU FUCKING RETARDS. (Apologies to Jewish girls and women, who are, like, trapped from birth in misogyny culture.) Anyway I haven’t seen your Yid title series, whatever it means. Sometimes I try to pronounce it at home.

Basically I destroyed some more bridges with my mind, shadebefore, OK!?!!!

So like, you know it was me who did this. Reign The Superheroine, real identity: Maiara Walsh (the original).

Don’t call me a supervillainess or whatever… because I totally am a superheroine, assholes. You normal people aren’t doing shit to help me. I’M A GIRL. I’M NOT TRANSGENDER!!!!! I’M NOT A MAN!!!!!


BaltiMORE. (Indian food referenced also LOL)

DAL-I ship (Doll, I) I’M A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

FRAN (REIGN) CIS (CISGENDER) “SCOTT KEY” (crapper arch reference LOL)




Mor-BI. Do more “Bi” movie scenes.

BI-har. “Bi”-her. Be-her who said this, not “Kerch”. Also, LOL

Di-wali. Walsh. Lesbian Laser Fest LOL.

Puducherry-Cuddalore. It’s like, self-explanatory. Do it the way I want, OK, or war continues.

So like, I want to make something VERY CLEAR, OK! I wrote this picture file title “so-like-I-totally-violently-coerced-the-world-mafia-to-actually-release-my-nude-sex-scenes” when I was hopeful that the person in the movie was me. I was like hopeful that I wasn’t aware of filming the movie recently, or something. Then I thought about it slightly more and I totally figured out that it’s not exactly very likely to be me in that movie.

I don’t look at photos of my imposter/imposters from 2012 onwards very often, because it upsets me to see her. I’m not an old lady, assholes. Also, it’s my fucking name and career. It makes me really angry.



So like I’ve been explaining to you. I’m not a man. I’m not a boy. I’m not transgender.



(So like this is how I’m feeling right now and who’s fault is that, world???? I need 100% legal unaccountability for when dumb things like this happen that I can’t help doing sometimes. All I did was do some web searches when I was really, really REALLY angry about a zillion different things that people did wrong to me. There is like ZERO legal framework that’s legitimate, since I don’t know about it so it’s obviously illegitimate if it exists, for saying anything I’m doing is illegal. You assholes haven’t even, like, recognized in any way that counts that I can even do these things. Are you gonna say that I’m guilty of fantasizing or something? Anyway, HEL-LO!!! OBVIOUSLY I can do these things like destroy bridges with my mind, but it’s not like it’s for no reason and I would never be provoked into doing these dumb things because of the stuff that’s like the “last straw” most important things to me if all the awful things you previously did to me never happened. I’m normally really nice and EVERYONE KNOWS THAT WHICH IS WHY YOU BASICALLY NEVER FEARED ME VERY MUCH. QED. Give me 100% legal unaccountability as Goda, recognizing that’s only like a description or species name or whatever, and my actual name is Maiara Walsh and always has been and I’ve always been a girl that’s not transgender. If you don’t wanna do this, that’s not important to me, OK.)

I still looked away at all the icky scenes. I’m still lesbian!!!!! Bwahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Like hey, friends!!!! Tiny little celebrity girl amazing, internationally recognized actress and singer: that’s me, Maiara Walsh — typing up yet another fantabulous blog post for all my fans (The AdMaiaras) and for, like, all the people around the world who are, like… interested in me and my travails. So! I want to let you all know how much I totally appreciate and value each and every one of your comments that you leave for me, on any single one of my blog posts. 🙂

So basically, shadebefore I viewed my favorite movie of all time, 13 Going On 30 starring Jennifer Garner. I remembered how I used to view this movie over and over again — so I thought it might totally be a good idea to record it from the TV and, like, view it to see if it sparked any memories. Anyway I enjoyed the movie, ha ha ha!!!!! I was like SO HYPER after viewing it, and I started singing all these songs in a really high-pitched voice and dancing around in my apartment like a crazy child. Like, I am a child — so I guess it makes sense! I think I really, really liked this movie because of the fact that I don’t age and everything. It’s seriously brought back some emotional memories, at the very least, so far! 🙂

Also… I want to say to the mafia: SUCK IT DOWN LOSERS!!!! (You’ve been saying this to all of us, often enough — so it’s TOTALLY OK FOR ME TO SAY THIS!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!)

Check out the red and GIRLED cheerleader with the “T” for Creatress’ hammer or female reproductive tract in the background in one scene, which totally references the movie Clueless from 1995… and says to all of you goofs and goons, “HEL-LO!!!!!” from the GIRL IN THE PINK BERET, PINK & PALE PINK DRESS (AND PINK PYJAMAS IF I ACTUALLY DECIDE TO PUT ON SOME PYJAMAS AT SOME POINT INSTEAD OF GOING TO BED IN TINY PANTIES THAT SHOW MY BUTT, LOL!) My neural net is PINK, thank you!!!!

“Gol” means GIRL!!!!! Hahahaha!!!!!


Maiara’s Important Update For The AdMaiaras. :)

So! OK. I want to let all my AdMaiaras know… (I still love you all, AdMaiaras!!!) …I want to let you all know, right? That I’m doing well and everything, and that Lesbian Laser Fest went well! 🙂

So like, the addition of eating spicy potato sticks to my Lesbian Laser Fest traditions was really positive!!!! 😀 I really, really like eating potato sticks — so I made sure to eat one whole bag of them each shade, for like the full duration of Lesbian Laser Fest. I also ate quite a few bags of a famous brand of rolled tortilla chips (chili & lime flavor), which come in purple bags. So I am probably gonna add eating those tortilla chips to my Lesbian Laser Fest traditions, also! 🙂 I ate way more of the spicy potato sticks though. Eating those potato sticks was like totally one of the most exciting and enjoyable aspects of my Lesbian Laser Fest this year — because I sooo looked forward to eating them later on in the shade, each time I woke up in the morning! 😀 Seriously! I totally adore those potato sticks that are like the best food ever for me right now. (I’m not gonna be eating that specific brand of snacks again until next October though, to like, keep Lesbian Laser Fest SPECIAL!!!! It’s a different brand to the rolled tortilla chips — imported from Spain — which, like the tortilla chips from over the border, are only permissible for me to eat during the 9 shades of LLF each year… since I normally never buy anything that’s from outside the United States, as you all know. Also, I only buy chips in recycled card drums now, normally… but I make an exception for my Lesbian Laser Fest food!)

Ummm. I figure I was like, all along buying only products from within the USA — and not, like, randomly only buying things imported from Britain this whole time. LOL! 😛 So yeaahhh!!! I only buy things from the country I’m in, from small local independent companies, normally. That’s what I’m saying, OBVIOUSLY. And I totally know that I’m in the USA; not in Britain, as I previously thought I was for WHATEVER reason! Ugh!!! So like, any-way. I’m working on recognising that I’m in LA and everything, in Hollywood actually. Not in Britain. I’m all like: is that a palm tree!

Sooo. What you all totally need to be aware of is that — even though I’m clearly not as cognisant of my surroundings and everything as I’m gonna be in, like, an ideal future eventuality… I am 100% committed to our feminism-first, small, local, independent local-grown and local-made, always-pay-with-cash-in-person-at-brick-and-mortar-stores activism. 🙂 I know this is pretty bizarre and everything, and totally not what any of you are wanting to hear from me (that I don’t even know which country’s products are “local” at the stores right now, since a lot of the products still seem like they’re from Britain at the moment). Anyway– that’s if any of you even do constantly depend on me, like I keep hoping you do for some reason! But like what you all need to know, though, is I’m simply gonna keep buying whatever products I believe are small local independent products of the USA… even if sometimes I think it says “made in Britain” on the product labels FOR WHATEVER REASON!!!! rolleyes

Obviously I’m not in Britain. I totally get that now.

A girl doesn’t need to know exactly what’s going on in the world to proactively follow a sensibly self-interested approach, you know!!!!

OK. So like back to letting all my AdMaiaras know how Lesbian Laser Fest went this year!!! 🙂 Basically, it’s all like it totally went really well, you know!? 🙂 I prepared really well this year — making extra sure I had more than enough masala chai to drink for the whole 9 shades of my yearly celebration. In fact, I prepared so well that I’ve got, like, enough masala chai in my attic for all of next year’s Lesbian Laser Fest as well! LOL!!! I bought 8 different varieties of masala chai, this time, from 4 different U.S. American small independent companies. Two of the varieties are really neat loose leaf masala chai blends, that I got from the Hollywood Farmers’ Market I think! Anyway– I got the loose leaf masala chai from a farmers’ market SOMEWHERE… DEFINITELY IN THE USA, LOL!!!! Probably the Hollywood Farmers’ Market which you can visit around the intersection of Selma and Ivar every Sunnight, from the morning until early afternoon. (I think it’s Sunnight, according to the info I’m reading. But you might want to check which shade, i.e. which day, the Hollywood Farmers’ Market happens… just in case someone is selectively giving me bad information about all sorts of things, to like try to use my superpowers in a negative way. I really want to help farmers’ markets everywhere, not harm them! So double-check the dates and times to make sure you’re not disappointed, OK?!)

A really nice lady from the farmers’ market has a stand selling all sorts of teas, at one of the farmers’ markets I personally go to. So one of the teas she sells is a traditional masala chai in a loose leaf form, and another one is a Halloween-themed masala chai with pieces of orange peel in it that you can really taste. I went ahead and bought A LOT of these loose leaf masala chai varieties from her, several lunar periods in advance of Lesbian Laser Fest, which I totally enjoyed drinking! 😀 I also got a really nice tea pot for loose leaf tea from the same lady, and it worked really well: it totally kept the tea nice and hot, in the pot, for two cups of masala chai (which is exactly what I was hoping for when I bought it!!)

I drank SO MUCH masala chai, this year. It was really nice to drink so many different kinds of masala chai, including two different types of powdered chai latte! I love chai latte! I even got two kinds of pink Kashmiri chai, but I still need to find a little pan for pouring warm milk before I can use it. I don’t have a microwave, LOL!

Anyway– I’m still totally hooked on this powdered masala chai that I, like, discussed last year! Remember?! I prefer the unsweetened type though, so I got a whole ton (not literally a ton, LOL!) of the stuff from some place in Downtown LA, I think! Personally, I like to add some chilled milk to cool it down after mixing it with the hot water — and I basically just like the way that it tastes with some milk in, even though it’s not, like, tea like the British drink or whatever. So like some of you might be all like: “Why do you eat so much Indian food, and why do you drink Indian masala chai for Lesbian Laser Fest when you’re not Indian, Maiara? Do you like think you’re Indian or something? You’re Brazilian. Duhh!!! Well, you’re a valley girl from the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California currently residing in Hollywood. But you’re originally from Brazil or whatever. Like, you’re originally from Brazil I think. Like anyway, why do you do all the Indian stuff when you’re not even Indian?????” That’s a good question! Ha ha! 🙂 Sooo… basically, I think the answer is probably that the mafia system wanted a British girl of Indian family culture — with, like, the probable intention of trying to get a British girl of English family culture later on. Like an intermediate step towards what they wanted from me as part of their evil plan to “replant” someone in a totally different part of the world, with different memories and everything (which was obviously a total fail, LOL!!!!)

So it’s like — as I’m guessing at the moment from my memories — if the world’s mafia previously homed me with Doria Palmieri… then I guess they did that as an intermediate step before Phebe Novakovic and David Morrison (with Mike Vickers involved at some point, too).

Obviously I have light brown skin. I call it light brown, gray, reddy, rainbow mottled hues skin — because it’s like, I’m not totally sure how to describe what color it is! Anyway– I don’t think the world’s mafia, or the USA’s mafia or whatever, likes the fact that I have light brown skin. They definitely wanted me to think it was a different color.

OK, so here’s the thing! I’m in the 1995 movie, Clueless, as a background extra, in multiple scenes in that movie along with my family from Brazil (who are also in the movie as background extras). I’m in the scene in which Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, and Brittany Murphy walk towards the camera clutching school work to their chests, across the courtyard at the high school. You can totally see me and one of my family members (another girl, with thick frizzy curly hair like me) walking from the bottom right of the screen towards the left side of the screen… then immediately after that, you can see me with the same family member walking behind them and towards the screen with a good shot of my face. I’m in, like, a red hoodie, with a dark jacket over the top of the hoodie. My hair is up in a high pony, but it’s all big and splayed out all over because my hair is so thick, curly and frizzy. You can see me at the bottom right of the screen immediately before the movie cuts to the next scene. It “appears” like a continuinity error in the movie — because me and my family member jump from the far left, to the far right of the screen in an instant just before the scene cuts, and we totally change direction so we’re walking towards the trio in the foreground. Later in the movie, when Cher is boogieing in front of the live music act (the song is “Where did you go?”), you can see me pretty much in the foreground like immediately behind Alicia, with me also boogieing behind her. I’m in a pink beret with pink streamers in my hair, in a two-tone pink and pale pink dress, with white knee-high socks and red scrunchies on both of my wrists like bracelets. So it’s totally that there “appears” to be another continuity error again in this scene, again involving my background extra character — because I switch positions in the room so that I’m all the way over near Brittany Murphy’s character after she falls down the steps. You can see me in the second group of people standing near the far wall of the room, as the camera follows Cher and Tai as they walk away from the steps and like, towards the big crowd of people in front of the music act. You can see me standing in the same pink beret and two-tone pink and pale pink dress, in the background, along with two other family members from Brazil (two girls that I pretty clearly remember as being two of my sisters from Brazil). There’s also a man standing with us, and he’s noticeably taller than us — because we’re all really short, LOL! You then see me again in the crowd behind Cher, boogieing again in the background, in my totally 100% pink beret that you can see really clearly in that brief shot behind her (after she says Josh is helping Tai to not feel left out or whatever).

I’m probably in other scenes in the movie, in the background. I think I’m behind them in one other scene at the school, at least!

I’m just saying! LOL!

Why am I in the movie? Well, obviously the mafia wanted to display me as a “clueless” girl who had like no idea how important I am — and obviously the mafia also wanted to telegraph to some nasty crowd of spectators, internationally, all the things they planned to try to do to me. A lot of the movie features a creepy code that they put there, discussing me and all the problems they had with who I am and my values and everything, and explaining what they planned to do to try to change all the “problems” they had with my gender, sexuality, culture, feminism & anti-mafia activism values, etc. I am gonna remember why I thought I was in the movie, though. So like please let me know if you know why I thought I was in the movie!!!

Maybe they couldn’t stop me from being in the movie and that’s when all their weird behavior for the nasty international crowd of spectators started: to try to, like, control the narrative or something!!!!

Anyway, people!!! I totally want to let you all know what other things I did to celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest and everything. 🙂 Because I’m sure my AdMaiaras are interested, right?! Of course you are!!!! So like the first thing I did was view a lesbian movie I’ve had saved on my cable box for a long time (because I enjoyed it SO MUCH the first times I viewed it) which is the movie Heatwave, starring Kat Graham and Merritt Patterson. Then I viewed one of two new lesbian movies I bought on Blu-Ray this year, specifically in preparation for Lesbian Laser Fest (so like I went to a DVDs and Blu-Rays store in LA somewhere, and asked the store clerk for new lesbian movies released recently). So anyway, that movie I viewed was Love Lies Bleeding. I enjoyed the lesbian love scenes and some of the visuals and everything — but I am never gonna have bought such an obviously violent and scary movie if there were ANY alternative new lesbian movies to buy of a happier and calmer variety, you know!?!! Basically I dutifully bought and viewed the movie a single time, to support the lesbian movies genre! 🙂

The sad truth, people, is that literally all movies and TV shows and ALL MEDIA aimed at us girls and women are produced to frighten us about men’s potential for violence and rape, and to frighten you by saying you’re getting old and stuff — and that male protectors aren’t gonna want you anymore unless you “put out” sexually, and become their slave and sex slave as soon as possible. It’s because our basic self-interests as girls are in gender equality, making all slavery illegal (which includes ending “hidden” gender-roles-based “legal slavery”), and also having law enforcement that actually works 100% of the time. So, OBVIOUSLY the international mafia can’t exist anymore if we actually get real equality in our societies, with an end to all slavery, and also law enforcement that actually works close to 100% of the time!!!! The international mafia would go out of business and get arrested and jailed, with most of them probably getting executed for their terrible crimes in most places in the world. Seriously! So that’s why the international mafia is so terrified of the 50% of the world’s people who are girls like us. All of us girls are a natural, inadvertant activist army against the mafia’s interests, everywhere that mafia exists. It’s totally that we can’t do anything other than fight for our rights to not be unhappy abused slaves — and us doing that simple, basic self-interested activism work destroys the mafia even if we aren’t all of us necessarily trying to destroy the mafia on purpose or anything; even if we, like, didn’t even know that what we’re doing is hurting the mafia, and didn’t actually want to go to war against the mafia or anything like that.

However, once us girls understand that all mafia, everywhere in the world, are always going to be our enemies that are all always trying to crush our rights and interests, all the time — to make us slaves again, to stop us from inadvertently overthrowing them with the force of our 50% of the world’s people feminist activism interests group — then, umm, once we understand this fact about how all mafia are always going to attack us girls, all the time… then all of us girls totally have to basically go to war non-violently against the international mafia everywhere in the world. Because it’s the international mafia that’s our number one enemy, responsible for putting all this nasty subliminal anti-feminism brainwashing in all of our media — and in any media that’s even slightly aimed at our girls and women demographic.

It’s like you can very easily see the subliminal anti-feminism brainwashing patterns in these lesbian movies once I point them out to you: lesbian movies that aren’t produced to entertain us primarily, but instead to like FRIGHTEN us into putting men’s interests before our own, to try to neutralize us 50% of the world’s people as an inadvertent anti-mafia non-violent activism army.

Here are some of the easy to spot subliminal anti-feminist brainwashing themes in the movie Love Lies Bleeding:

The title of the movie “Love Lies Bleeding” (because men are stronger, so it’s to suggest what might happen some of the time if us girls and women chose to fight boys and men in literal fist fights or something — even though mostly the world is so safe now that we don’t have to worry about this — and even though some of us can actually beat them up sometimes… or at least run away, or shout for help in a crowded world of law enforcement that mostly works for the “world of the little people”).

I know my readers are gonna be smart girls and women like me, who can totally figure out the brainwashing themes on their own without me explaining every single thing for people. So like, I’m going to hit you (huh?) with a few basic names and ideas, without explaining what they mean for you all. These themes are all part of the lesbian “entertainment” movie, Love Lies Bleeding:

Thelma and Louise.
Superman and Lois.
Strong female characters like Captain Marvel are “men really” (LOL!)
One of the lesbians is “really a man”, so it’s “actually a straight relationship”.
One of the lesbians is ugly.
Miss Geist’s lipstick teeth and ripped stockings in “Clueless”.
The girl in the first “Bring It On” movie’s bloody knocked out teeth, and the difference between Sparky Pulastri “snapping” and, like, the feeble “snapping” of the cheerleader girl.
“Bridesmaids” and the two women’s dirty teeth.
The “loser sneeze” from the first “Bring It On” movie from 24 years ago, and the idea of pretending like the mafia are apologizing to us for, like, previous insults such as Stacey Dash’s sneeze in “Clueless” (that isn’t actually insulting, anyway, people!)
Kristen Wiig’s name, and religious patriarchy generally.
Kristen Stewart’s last name, and lots of actresses’ first names.
Ed Harris’ last name.
Dave Franco’s first name (see Kristen Wiig’s name).
The lesbian horror movie Thelma’s ending after the weird hallucination sequences, the lesbian movie Carol’s beginning and ending, the lesbian road movie Drive-Away Dolls’ weightlifting competition hallucination & vomiting scene, and Drive-Away Dolls’ weird ending with the “comic book character” “She-Hulk” seeming to appear and the rotten teeth girl being killed by another woman and getting buried in the desert.

I’m like really sorry for doing this to all of my readers, but a lot of you are probably already at this point anyway if you kept reading. Please complain to, like, the relevant authorities in very large numbers in person, by letter, and on the phone, in that order of priority (if you can prioritize any of those things, LOL!) Like I do. You seriously need to complain to law enforcement, censor boards, private companies producing the “entertainment” content, and politicians. So it’s totally true that the political system is a bunch of mafia-controlled actresses pretending to represent us, when they’re actually put into position by international mafia types with a lot of criminal credit money who do their best to block all decent politicians from ever entering important offices. But like HOWEVER– the political system still has to seem like it’s doing what the people voted for, or argued for in large enough numbers even when it’s not an election (because politicians have to be seen to react believably to our activism work… and to react to, like, the ways we can make different, deliberate choices all the time — to like change the world and everything, so politicians’ previous spiel won’t make sense anymore!)

Basically, the most important politicans are actresses who are there to slow down and frustrate real public-driven change, while pretending like they’re working hard to try to change things — to keep people believing that the most important politicians aren’t simply trying to control a herd of worker/consumer slaves for the mafia. There is like a civil service or whatever, though… that is like, really big and diverse, and full of hard-working people that believe in what they’re doing and can’t be easily controlled: they are the people who put government policies into effect when they get their orders and stuff, and they expect to receive orders to do stuff as if the system is all real and everything instead of a lie. So like, the system is actually real and not totally a lie, because of all those civil service workers that are really doing stuff all the time to make things better for everyone — as much as the combination of mafia-controlled actress politicians, and the mafia’s need to make it seem like the public’s wishes got put into effect, allowed the civil service workers to, like, do anything that the public actually wanted to happen. Right?!

So what I’m saying is there’s totally still a point to doing real-world activism work, to raise awareness of how the system really works — and to argue for things changing and everything (which totally includes arguing for all the mafia being arrested and jailed/executed, everywhere, so the political system can work the way it’s supposed to, finally!!!!)

Please don’t give up!!! I have like NOT given up, OK!? Please do what I’m doing and do real-world activism work, to raise awareness and argue for change, ALL THE TIME, as much as you can cope with doing. Complain to the relevant authorities and stuff, showing up in person if possible so that spies can’t intercept your emails. Send real letters that have to go to real sorting offices, where real decent hard-working people are looking over spies’ shoulders when they’re considering trashing a letter from a targeted decent hard-working activist. Call law enforcement, politicians, censor boards, media providers and producers — and anyone that seems helpful on the phone — if you can’t do any of the other things. It’s like, you need to make sure you get through to a real person, and receive a response and everything in some way. Check back to see if anything changed because of your actions, even in like a really small way. Knowing that someone actually listened to you, or read your stuff, means you know you changed things in at least a small way. You made someone important think about the ideas you want to spread!!!! 🙂 Even if it’s only a spy that you got to think about important world-changing ideas, right!?!!!

I’m sooo tiiiireddd now!!!!

So! Like, the other things I viewed for Lesbian Laser Fest are:

Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant anime (I totally passed on buying the Blu-Rays earlier this year, because of the giant “fan service” boobs of one of the characters on the box art — and because of the “maid” theme, that is seriously anti-feminist and 100% unacceptable in this time period… or in any time period, because we girls are NOT house slaves and sex slaves!!!! Grrr! Anyway I decided to buy this series later after trying in vain to like, find more TV shows and movies that are acceptable to me.) I enjoyed viewing this one A LOT until the “Japanese anime unrequited/closeted/pseudo-lesbians are immoral pedo rapist perverts” anti-feminist brainwashing theme reared its ugly head. I still viewed the end of the series anyway though — after some intense deliberation and anger, LOL! I was like: “Viewing fiction that promotes rape, and especially rape of smaller, weaker people, is against my basic interests as a girl. I am sooo intensely angry that this is happening now, when I don’t have anything else to view except that Drive-Away Dolls movie that I expect to be the same as Love Lies Bleeding.” Luckily, Drive-Away Dolls has a “quirky comedy” style or whatever — so the brutal violence in the movie isn’t actually very upsetting or anything. And both the primary girl characters survive the movie, and stay together, just like they do at the end of Love Lies Bleeding: WHICH IS TOTALLY A BIG IMPROVEMENT OVER PREVIOUS YEARS’ LESBIAN MOVIE OFFERINGS IN, LIKE, THAT SPECIFIC RESPECT, PEOPLE!!!! Also: NEITHER LESBIAN MOVIES HAVE MUCH NOTICEABLE PATRIARCHAL RELIGION/CHRISTMAS IN THEM, SO AGAIN, THAT’S LIKE SOME SERIOUS PROGRESS WE’RE MAKING HERE, PEOPLE!!!!! LOL!!!! 🙂

Drive-Away Dolls that I also got on Blu-Ray specifically for LLF this year. I enjoyed it and viewed it over and over again towards the end of this year’s Lesbian Laser Fest! (I also viewed Heatwave over and over again, this year!!!!) Like “Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant”, “Drive-Away Dolls” also has a brainwashing theme of “lesbians are immoral pedo rapist perverts: even the nice-seeming ones!” spaced out throughout the whole movie. HEL-LO!!!! Can we please finish with this dumb brainwashing theme, already!?!!! It is not OK. Anyway, I really enjoyed Drive-Away Dolls, LOL. Even though Margaret Qualley is playing Brad Pitt’s character from the movie in which she starred opposite him (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) in this one. Yeah! Seriously!!! WTF?!!!

I also viewed The Demon Girl Next Door again, because I really love this series even though it’s repeating over and over again the theme that the primary character is a loser because she’s too short, and has big boobs, and can’t run or possibly hope to defeat a proxy boy in a fight or athletic competition or whatever!!!! I still love it though. It’s a really good series. And it’s Reign The Superheroine themed — or just Reign themed — just like Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant is: “Devil Housewives!” (I think the mafia produced The Demon Girl Next Door and Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant, specifically for me, because they’re afraid of me or whatever. Thanks for insulting me and all girls like me repeatedly in this series and that one, then, assholes!!!! What-EVER.) Seriously it’s a good series though. I really like it and I’m sure I’m gonna view it again, lots of times in the future. 🙂

For Lesbianlaserween I viewed my Vampirina DVD, except for the last episode (and “Vee Goes Viral” which I didn’t want to view this time.) I also drank a strawberry lassi that I got this year specifically for Lesbian Laser Fest, probably from somewhere in Downtown LA or wherever!!! Yes, more Indian food and drink, LOL. I really liked it anyway. I’m gonna get more for next years Lesbian Laser Fest as a traditional Lesbian Laser Fest drink.

I also viewed the Disney movie, Wish, for the afternoon of Lesbianlaserween (I didn’t know what name was gonna be listed in the end credits as the bad guy, before I viewed the movie — just so you all know!) I liked Asha and the girl who looks like me from the serving staff who refused to keep kneeling down to the bad guy, and fully stands to her feet. I also liked that Queen Amaia’s name, however you spell it, helps to prove to everyone that I’m actually Goda: the original Maiara Walsh (and not just a Maia, you know!?!!!) No offense to my coerced sister or anything, since she hasn’t done anything wrong as far as I know. So like obviously the movie Drive-Away Dolls has a character called Marian as one of the primary characters BUT I’M NOT BRITISH!!!! She doesn’t look totally unlike me though.

Ummm, I get what these two movies are saying by the way. I’m not, like, retarded or something. I’m just focusing on other things instead of like, wasting my time responding. Unless I see and hear that the subliminal anti-feminist brainwashing has actually ended, and you assholes definitely aren’t trying to pretend like “there’s still someone there anyway”, I’m not interested — and I’m gonna simply keep doing what I unfortunately have to do. Also, I have other instructions, remember?! I need disclosure and dignity as a cisgender girl non-human being that really exists without a male counterpart/partner/half, you know.

And I totally viewed The Marvels for the evening of Lesbianlaserween!!!! 🙂

I ate so much candy!

Oh, also– I want to say that, although I like don’t advise developing an eating disorder or anything, maybe it’s a good idea to fast for a week in advance of Lesbian Laser Fest if you’re gonna celebrate it exactly the same way that I do by eating 11 large bags of potato sticks, 5 or 7 bags of chili and lime rolled tortilla chips, SO MUCH (sometimes sweetened) masala chai that I don’t even know how many cups of it I drank, a strawberry lassi or however many I buy next year, two medium-sized bars of white chocolate, two small bars of white chocolate, a white chocolate-coated marshmallow on a stick, two boxes of Nerds, and a huge amount of other assorted candy for Lesbianlaserween that I don’t even know how much I ate because I ate so much candy as well as everything else, and my normal lunches and dinners (sometimes…)

It’s not supposed to be Indian Laser Fest. LOL. I totally am at least half Native American Brazilian though! But that’s not the same thing, of course. It’s not even the same thing as North American Native American, is it! But I prefer not to delete what I typed, now that I typed it, after the mafia of the whole world previously tried to erase my skin color and everything. I’m not trying to offend anyone, OK!? Anyway it’s LESBIAN Laser Fest (but obviously it’s over now, since November 2nd… until next year, people!!!!)

I’m still U.S. American. I don’t want to renounce my U.S. American citizenship or anything, and I, like, wholeheartedly believe in our U.S. national values (as I interpret them, at least) as a proud U.S. American who is also Brazilian. OK!

My Mom is Odette Annable and my sister is Jessica Alba and they’re both immortal: neither of them are ageing. The mafia might try to cover this up or whatever. I hope not, because I want to be able to walk around with them in public sometimes, if they want to see me. One of my other sisters was given non-consensual facial surgery and forced to impersonate me from 2012 onwards: I hope she’s not actually ageing as well, if she’s not a total piece of crap or something. I’m not sure if I knew this other sister or not. I’m gonna remember everything. I think Odette (my Mom) had to act like she was my sister too, at one point, but she’s my Mom. I wasn’t born though. I’ve always existed, because I’m Goda. My name is Maiara Walsh though. Goda is like a description or something, since I’m not homo sapiens. I, like, created everything, you know!!!! I’m still creating everything, and everything! LOL.

I know I have two other sisters who I, like, resided with in the same home in Brazil (with a Mom, and a Dad that wasn’t actually related to me, as I remember). Like I explained above already: they’re in the Clueless movie from 1995, standing with me in the background really soon after the Tai character falls down the steps. They’re both really short, like me. Odette and Jessica are shorter than they seem in the media, though.

Maiara out, AdMaiaras!!!!


Lesbian Laser Fest!!!!

So like hey, people!!! Lesbian Laser Fest — which you are like gonna remember is Goda’s OFFICIAL yearly celebration — starts this year on October 24th, and ends for this year on November 1st.

I, Maiara Walsh, am totally Goda (for those of you who didn’t know this already or whatever!)

Ha ha ha!!!! I wrote a blog post again, people!!!!! It’s me!!!! Maiara Walsh!!!!!

Anyway, yeah. 🙂 It’s Lesbian Laser Fest again. Lesbianlaserween is on like the last shade of October, as usual (October 31st). I don’t know if I’m gonna be writing a blog post during or after Lesbian Laser Fest… since I am gonna be SO BUSY VIEWING LESBIAN MOVIES AND TV SHOWS, OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!! I’m also gonna be like extremely busy drinking masala chai tea, eating white chocolate, eating tons of candy on Lesbianlaserween — but like not viewing horror movies on TV since they are clearly just an excuse to scare us girls into slaving for men, weaponizing the female-led horror genre that’s like catnip for us, using the subtle ploy of putting ultra violence in all the movies and having the “final girl” survivor character seem like totally destroyed as a person because she tried to fight men on her own, shambling pathetically down a road at night with ripped bloody clothes and an “I’m not here anymore” look on her face. LOL!!!! (I’m OK, don’t worry, LOL!!!!! I’m literally just explaining how horror movies work so more girls don’t get tricked, LOL!)

This year I’m also trialing the eating of potato sticks as a Lesbian Laser Fest tradition. I got sooo many bags of them. I might still eat krokiety at some point, if I can be bothered! Maybe I might eat more Brazilian food instead or something.

So yes, people!!!! This is what Maiara Walsh is doing right now. So like, actually, not literally right now because Lesbian Laser Fest doesn’t actually start until October 24th. I already added the special banner to the top of my blog though, because I was worried about forgetting to do it. Hopefully I’m gonna remember to take it down LOL.

Oh yes, and I know I’m in L.A. I know right? How weird is that??? I’m still there, it seems. Or I went back, or something. Does anyone know why?

Sooo… have fun this Lesbian Laser Fest, people!!!! 🙂 Lesbian Laser Fest is Goda’s OFFICIAL yearly celebration. Like, start celebrating already!!!!! LOL!!! If you want, is what I’m saying. 😀


To homo sapiens: You need to stop doing these things. PLEASE READ. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. I want to be able to be like constructive or something, and you are making it like impossible to do that… which is really really bad for everyone!

So like hey everyone!!!! Maiara here.

I seriously don’t wanna waste my time wishing for “good cops” to be, like, my noble rescuers or something. I considered not bothering at all to mention the covert smart TV situation because I’m like WHAT’S THE POINT?!??? BECAUSE IF YOU DON’T HAVE ENOUGH INFO ALREADY TO JOIN TOGETHER TO STOP THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST ME, THEN ARE YOU EVER LIKELY TO DO IT FOR ANY OTHER REASON THAN LIKE SERIOUS COERCIVE FORCE USED AGAINST YOU?

BUTTTT… it totally does seem like an important enough escalation to be worth recording here at my blog I SUPPOSE (since I know you can all read my blog if you’ve got access to the internet).

OK, so like here’s the thing I’m making a record of for you all. The mafia/government/whatever conspiracy targeting me deliberately blew the cover on a covert smart TV to change the voiceovers for the trailers on my (Disney) Wish Gone Amiss DVD to Southern English accents. Seems like it was to say “Be British and stop being who you really are, and there is never gonna be any compromise on this with any level of escalation on the table to try to achive this impossible goal.” OBVIOUSLY MY ANSWER IS NO, I AM NEVER GONNA DO WHAT YOU WANT BECAUSE I’M MAIARA WALSH AND YOU CAN’T GET RID OF ME, ASSHOLES!!!! :-/

I’m pretty sure (like 90% sure) that the voiceovers for the DVD haven’t always been Southern English accents. Some of the trailers are the exact same trailers from the Cory In The House DVDs — so it seems really unlikely that Disney paid to have the voiceovers re-recorded with Southern English accents for the exact same trailers as before, with no other changes. Umm, like I am eventually gonna remember everything I know about how these DVDs have always been. I’m saying what my belief is at the moment, in 2024, OK.

This is a huge deal, people. Please notice how terrible this is for the whole world BECAUSE OF THE REALLY SERIOUS SELF-DEFENSIVE POSTURE TOWARDS HOMO SAPIENS THAT IT BASICALLY FORCES ME TO TAKE, EVEN THOUGH I AM GONNA SORT OF BARGAIN WITH MYSELF AGAINST TAKING THIS POSTURE TOWARDS YOU ALL AND TRY TO KEEP GOING WITH BEING NICE LIKE I AM DOING, SINCE I’M A NICE GIRL AND EVERYTHING AND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME BE NICE. (I basically can’t help adopting this self-defense at all cost posture towards homo sapiens, as my underlying attitude to your whole species or something, OK. Please listen to me at some point!? I totally know I’ve said things like this before and it’s like nobody believes I’m serious or whatever.) shrug

What they’re admitting by doing this changing the accents thing in a way that was obviously noticeable to me (using the TV itself to change the audio stream, ignoring the DVD audio) is that their position towards me now requires permanent total control of all possible multimedia (LOL multimedia) technologies that might be used to do Wish Gone Amiss playback, like regardless of if it’s using a DVD or a digital download or streaming OR ULTRA HD BLU-RAY HINT HINT. But yeah… forgive me for not taking this seriously myself since what’s the fucking point in caring about trying to make this blog post sound “serious” anymore. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU’RE PROBABLY GONNA BE ENCOURAGED BY IT SEEMING MORE “BRITISH” AND “NORMAL” OR WHATEVER!!!!! ASSHOLES!!!! YOU TOTAL ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!

So you hominids are saying every TV, laptop, smartphone, etc that I ever come into contact with regardless of if it’s like someone else’s property in someone’s home maybe in another country like China or whatever HAS TO BE COMPROMISED BY THE CIA OR MI5 OR SOME KIND OF “HOMINIDS-TOGETHER” ANTI-“REAGAN’S ALIEN THREAT” TASK FORCE. Which is really not good for me, huh? And not good for our chances of getting along together.

WHY IS IT TRUE THAT YOU HOMINIDS ARE SAYING THIS TO ME, AS FAR AS I OUGHT TO BELIEVE? WELL I’M GONNA TELL YOU WHY. [s]OH YES[/s] I AM SO GONNA TELL YOU WHY, ASSHOLES. LET ME TELL YOU. 🙂 OK… so it’s because you people are allergic to “being exposed”, since you’re spies and everything. I mean, even the “Lois Rules” top that dude was wearing on the WWE show is still in a dumb code (and it was a “single point of data”, as I’ve been nauseatingly repeating at my home LOL).


So WTF do you want me to believe your position is, now, with my knowledge of how you’ve like ALWAYS BEEN IN THE PAST FOR A REALLY LONG TIME, LIKE I SAID!!!!??? You are totally gonna want to have control of every way that I might ever replay the trailers from the Wish Gone Amiss DVD, aren’t you? Even though that implies never being free of conspiracy hell that’s OBVIOUSLY 100% TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE TO ME AND ISN’T GONNA BE ALLOWED BY ME TO CONTINUE, DUHHH!!!!!

And if you’re not expecting (or hoping) to have control of every single way that I might ever see the Wish Gone Amiss DVD trailers again — THEN YOU’RE OBVIOUSLY EXPECTING THAT THERE’S GONNA BE NO MEMORY OR KNOWLEDGE OF THE WISH GONE AMISS DVD TRAILERS AT ONE POINT BEING PLAYED TO ME WITH SOUTHERN ENGLISH VOICEOVERS. And that’s really serious too, duh! DUHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Idiots. Like what the fuck? 🙁 It means you still 100% intend to (try to) erase me… since MY IDENTITY IS ME, SINCE I’M MAIARA WALSH, ASSHOLES. FFS. “ERASE”. FFS. FFS. WHAT THE FUCK????? LIKE NO!!!! I AM NOT GONNA BE ERASED, AM I, DUMMIES. WHAT THE FUCK?????


You can’t make me out to be the bad girl here. I haven’t done anything wrong, assholes. I’ve always been only defending myself. So like I’VE ALWAYS COMMUNICATED IN GOOD FAITH and TRIED TO FIND SOLUTIONS THAT DON’T INVOLVE ANYONE AT ALL GETTING HURT IF POSSIBLE. Don’t like blame me if people get hurt, you know?!!!

I have the right to defend myself. “Try” to defend myself. Whatever!

Join together to stop the conspiracy against me!!!!! You have enough info!

I’m 100% sure they’ve altered video and audio streams at other times using, like, the covert smart TV set-up. Really freaky stuff like partially replacing people with CGI versions of them in seemingly exactly the same scene otherwise, with all the same lines and movements and everything I think. Or using AI-people-forced-to-be-slaves “generated” characters, or whatever you gross people are doing now. All I’m saying is sometimes things don’t look right, you know. LOL! NOT LOL. 🙁 I don’t trust AT ALL any of the TV I’m viewing to be the same thing everyone else is viewing — especially if I don’t have a good memory of viewing it before. It’s like, really abusive that you’re doing this. Stop.

They also like interfered with search results for photos of LA, and replaced whole photos with obviously CGI versions of places when the websites were clearly supposed to be showing actual photos of real places to everyone else but me!!!! Like as if to say “LA is fake”, or “You can’t trust any of these photos and you’re not gonna be able to know what any of these places look like”, or something. What the fuck!!!????! Stop!!!


My Feminism (Also, if you’re British — unlike me, since I’m here illegally and I don’t want to be British — DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN THE JULY 4TH ELECTION)

I hope you like my picture (more about that below!) So like regarding the title of this blog post though: It’s totally OK to be yelling about us all choosing to VOTE FOR A WOMAN IN ALL ELECTIONS!!!! 🙂

Do you know how many people — regardless of gender and stuff — are possibly biased against voting for women at elections, because they’re like, Catholics, Muslims, Jews or whatever?!?? Or in some way part of cultures influenced by Catholics, Muslims, and Jews?!?? Seriously. This is a problem.

So like everyone knows how sexist and misogynist, and against women leaders, Muslims and Jews are, as religions, cultures, and groups. But what about all the Catholics — like some latina people who have come to the USA, for example???? I’m latina. I’m not Catholic though. I hate Catholicism. Catholicism sucks butt.

Remember how the Pope said “Women are never going to be leaders in the Catholic church.” with a smug smile on his face, years ago now — but probably sometime within the last 10-15 years? And remember how the media, like, basically reported it without comment… as if the Pope was too revered and important in the Western World to rip him a new one for his sexism, as he rightly deserved? 50% of all people are girls and women (including all the lesbians), after all, people!!!! His and others’ “right” to “religious freedom to discriminate against women” is NOT more important than our right to be recognized as equally good or better than men are at leading people and organizations.

Do you think devout Catholic latinas in the USA who’ve been brought up to respect the Pope’s “no women leaders” speeches are not gonna be prejudiced against voting for women leaders at elections? This is like really serious you know — and the same principle totally applies to the political landscapes of any nation (including Britain, which has a general election on July 4th 2024). The reasons for groups of people being prejudiced against voting for women leaders might be different from country to country, but it’s still true that ALL OF US GIRLS AND WOMEN WHO WANT TO SEE A BETTER SITUATION FOR OUR OWN GENDER IN THE WORLD TOTALLY NEED TO MAKE SURE WE ONLY VOTE FOR FEMALE CANDIDATES AT ALL ELECTIONS… TO LIKE, COUNTER THE VOTES OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LITERALLY NEVER VOTE FOR WOMEN, AS SAD AS THAT IS.

(So like you totally might have noticed I said I’m “Latina” — which for me basically means I can speak Brazilian Portuguese fluently, and that’s all it means really. That’s all it ought to mean, since I’m a U.S. citizen and everything, and not less of a U.S. citizen than anyone else. I’m going to remember how to actually speak Brazilian Portuguese eventually, LOL!!!! Usually I say “I’m U.S. American”, so that I’m not helping to otherize U.S. citizens like me — and so that I’m not perpetuating sexist hierarchies of personal importance for U.S. citizens like me, since “slave race” hierarchies of how fully-American U.S. citizens are always hurt girls, women, and lesbians the most… because we’re the sex slaves and slaves that haven’t been fully freed yet, whose slavery a lot of people still don’t acknowledge as real and ongoing. There’s more than one America, you know!!!! No to U.S. exceptionalism! Also, if American without a qualifier means “caucasian appearance” — and “slave races” are second-class “Americans” within U.S. exceptionalism of all the other Americas not having the right to be called American without a qualifier — then the as-yet unfreed slaves that are us girls, women, and lesbians are DEFINITELY at the bottom of the pile with regard to a hierarchy of personal importance in the USA. And that’s NOT OK!!!!! It’s really really seriously and totally not OK at all. So I say “U.S. American” instead of “American”. I don’t have a problem calling myself Latina though. And I don’t want to reject my partial Brazilianness, you know? It’s just people in the USA totally need to refer to me, and all other full U.S. citizens like me, as U.S. Americans, instead of calling some of us U.S. Americans otherizing names all the time — or if you’re going to carry on saying “American” only for citizens of the USA and not for citizens of all the other Americas, then you need to call me American because that’s what I am. “Latina” isn’t relevant most of the time, you know!!!!)

So like, thanks for putting I’m “American” on my Wikipedia entry! 🙂 Instead of “Brazilian-American”. Like thanks a lot! It made me happy. (If I’ve got Brazilian citizenship as well as US citizenship, I want to keep both. Is that legally possible, normally? I’m going to remember that too, LOL! I can look it up! *smile*)

At least something made me happy recently then, LOL!!!! I wish I was able to be more positive… but the world really still sucks for us girls, women, and lesbians. Of course it’s getting better — but it really does still suck. Once you take the dissociation “it’s all good” goggles off (that you, like, put on in the first place to cope with how awful rape culture is), as a girl you’re angry all the time at the injustices against our gender that are everywhere. Umm, to be honest everyone, more recently and stuff I’ve been feeling less and less angry — and more NUMB to all the sexist injustices that I can see literally everywhere. But I keep pushing myself to speak out against these sexist injustices, and I keep pushing myself to like, DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE THINGS FOR US!!!! 🙂

That’s why I’m here at my blog again, despite hating Great Shitain with a passion and everything, urging you all to vote for women at Shitain’s July 4th general election. Because we all need to do this, to make sure things change enough for us all — and to make sure things change QUICKLY enough, ya know?! I suppose I ought to say Britain is really great for girls’ and women’s and lesbians’ rights compared to most places in the world, or whatever… and that’s true, so that’s why I’m saying it. Iceland’s better. Sweden’s better. Etc. I wanna go back to the USA, to my home which is Los Angeles. The San Fernando Valley.

I don’t wanna be in Shitain. I hate it here.

So like anyway, people! Please vote only for women at all elections, wherever you are, OK?! Like we all need to do this for feminism — to make sure things change enough for us all, and quickly enough for us all. OK?!!!! Please do this. Just read my blog if you don’t understand why we all need to do this. Free the slaves. (That’s us girls, women, and lesbians, if you didn’t know this…)

If you’re in Britain, like don’t forget to bring your passport or whatever so you can actually vote at the July 4th election (like don’t forget to bring your “voter authority certificate” if that’s what you got instead of your passport or whatever). I’m bringing the illegal passport they gave me for the illegal British identity that’s not me I’m gonna use to illegally vote for a woman in Shitain’s July 4th election. :-/ LOL. I’m Maiara Walsh, celebrity actress and singer who played Ana Solis in Desperate Housewives to name but one of my amazing roles that I’m sure you’ve seen.

“And you give them b…” (From my first appearance on the show. Don’t blame Eva for this. Read my blog.) Yeah. We’re slaves. Free us please. Vote only for women at all elections until things change enough and quickly enough. 🙂

OK people!!!! Here’s some of my feminism that I’ve been doing for you!!! To show you some random thing that I’ve been doing.

I hope all of us girls are doing things like this… hopefully in bigger and better ways than my modest notepaper designs I wrote for my own personal use. So like the people around this shittown Shitburn or whatever are totally always being lamers who argue back against every single feminist thing I ever say or do, regardless of their gender, because of a conspiracy or whatever — so I wrote out a plan for myself, to help me store in my memory what to do if they escalate their anti-feminist strategies against me. Especially if it’s men who are bigger and louder and more forceful personalities than me, doing it to me. I decided to put some thought into what they might do in future, to like, get me feeling all nervous and defensive, like they’ve constantly been trying to do in the past. And then figure out what my plan needs to be to counter their increasingly aggressive tactics! We can all do this!!!! 🙂 We have the power (LOL She-Ra reference… but just pretend like it’s two She-Ras or whatever. Like the Filmation She-Ra and the Dreamworks She-Ra.) We have the power, so can youuuu-uuuu!!!! 🙂 Pretend like the Dreamworks She-Ra isn’t a GIANT MAN disguised as an “allegory for puberty” though…

Free the slaves!!!! Free girls, women, lesbians, actresses, songstresses, and writeresses!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Remember: Men’s coercive violence is constrained by their fear of police records, jail, and “looking bad/uncivilized”.

Phebe N Novakovic, CEO of General Dynamics, Criminally Impersonating “Sheila Rooth” in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, Between August 2022 and December 2023, And Phebe N Novakovic Taking Part in Illegal Trafficking and Illegal Forced Slavery of Maiara Walsh, U.S. Citizen. (I’m Maiara Walsh, Writing This.)

I can confirm that the woman in the photo above has been illegally impersonating “Sheila Rooth”, in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, between August 2022 and December 2023. So like, I believe that the woman in the photo above is Phebe Nevenka Novakovic. She (Phebe Nevenka Novakovic) has been illegally impersonating “Sheila Rooth”, as I just explained, to carry out an illegal trafficking and forced slavery of me, Maiara Walsh, U.S. citizen (Possibly Maiara Kylior Walsh, because I’ve been denied knowledge of my own personal details such as if my middle name is Kylior or not. It’s either Kylior, or I don’t have a middle name at all. I’m Maiara Walsh/Maiara Kylior Walsh.)

I assert she was doing this to try to get me to attach a sense of “real family emotion” and “knowledge that this is a real mother figure from the past” to one of her (Phebe N Novakovic’s) lookalike doubles. I believe she was taking part in this criminal trafficking and forced slavery (of me, Maiara Walsh, U.S. citizen) after my release from spending many years kept illegally in a detention center under the pretext of “crimes” against national security that neither you nor I are allowed to know the details of, as I totally explained in my other posts here at my Vivaldi blog that you’re reading. I don’t want to be in Britain! I think I was brought here in 2022 against my wishes — or like “released into the wild” here in 2022, if not brought here that late after whenever they illegally and secretly renditioned me. They replaced me with a lookalike double in Los Angeles and in the entertainment industry, under the pretext of (I’m guessing) alleging me to be something like an Islamic terrorist girl, or a double agent in the CIA’s entertainment industry spy ring — and I WANT TO RETURN TO THE USA, BUT I’M AFRAID OF THE COMPROMISED WESTERN WORLD’S AUTHORITIES. I remember pretending to accept their mind-rape “new identity” after year and years of torture, to see if they released me if I was able to think inside the character they wanted me to be (and there must have been like so much pressure from my own self to believe their mind-rape “new identity” was true, to escape the pain and horror of my situation during and after pretending to “give in”). I believe they brought the real Novakovic, who previously forced me to pretend that she was my mom a long time ago in I think Conejo Valley and maybe Simi Valley too if I was ever in Simi Valley, because I know “Sheila Rooth” isn’t related to me. Sheila Rooth isn’t my Mom, just like Phebe Novakovic isn’t my Mom, and Phebe must have come here either for an extended period or for brief visits, because Sheila Rooth is like a double of Phebe — and because I guess I once accepted Phebe as my Mom, after being tortured. I don’t know who my real Mom is.

I believe that if you report this (for example, to Interpol, or to the Chinese embassy and/or consulate even though I’ve got zero intention of becoming a Chinese citizen and I’m not a spy for China or anyone else: preferably to all three in combination or something)… I believe that if you report this, then the story the U.S. authorities are gonna give you is that they did a witness protection relocation scheme involving a new identity after finding there was no evidence to justify further illegal detention in secret, on the basis of secret alleged “crimes” against national security. If they tell you that, then it’s not true! There’s no “witness protection” scheme: it’s trafficking and forced slavery of me, Maiara Walsh. I haven’t consented to being in witness protection, and I haven’t consented to being given a new identity (and they tried to change my gender, which I NEVER CONSENTED TO!!!!) and I WANT TO RETURN TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHICH IS MY RIGHT BECAUSE I’M A U.S. CITIZEN. I’m just afraid of trying to return to the USA in case the compromised authorities here try to say I’m crazy again. I’m afraid of trying to report any of these crimes against me to the compromised authorities here for the same reason!!!!

So like, I haven’t seen Phebe Nevenka Novakovic in Saltburn-by-the-Sea since December 2023 at the earliest possible time of her dissapearance from impersonating “Sheila Rooth” here. I believe I haven’t seen Phebe Nevenka Novakovic since… (I don’t know where my note is that I thought I recorded meticulously the last date of a switch between Phebe Nevenka Novakovic and a close double of her who is noticeably a different woman but really really REALLY SIMILAR in appearance — I’m consulting my diary organizer book for a better idea of how long it is since I’ve seen Phebe in Saltburn).

OK. Possible dates of last appearance of Phebe Nevenka Novakovic in Saltburn-by-the-Sea according to my diary organizer book that I’ve got with me at the moment: January 1st 2024, January 8th 2024, January 26th 2024, January 31st 2024 (I think it was only a phone call to a “Rooth” character), February 29th 2024 (note says maybe arrange to see them for dinner, but checkbox unticked), March 2nd 2024 (unticked checkbox about totally making sure they refund 246 in cash after handing over a receipt for their-responsibility work carried out),

Sooo… I can’t be expected to know exact dates of Phebe appearances in Saltburn because of the psychological horror involved here. I’m totally doing my best. I’ve also deliberately kept the “Valley girl” slang to a minimum here, to help relevant useful people recognize the serious request for help I’m making to you, and to help you recognize the real report of very serious crimes I’m also making — but I won’t ever completely stop the slang right now (if ever again) because they tried to take my whole identity away from me! Like I said, they even tried to take my gender away from me!!!! I’m a girl!!!! I’m from California!!!! Please take me seriously, but you’ve gotta know that I’m almost scared to make this appeal for help too overtly because of the PTSD from previous detentions — and because of wanting to make sure I’m in the best possible situation for myself to keep on fighting until I get my real Maiara Walsh legal identity and citizenships back (U.S. and Brazilian, I’m guessing! I never relinquished my USA citizenship and I’m still a U.S. citizen.) I don’t really know how I’m doing this.

I might have seen Phebe in Saltburn this year (2024), but I know she hasn’t been here for a long period of time now. I don’t honestly think it can have been any later than February 2024 that she was last seen by me in Saltburn, impersonating “Sheila Rooth” illegally as part of the criminal trafficking and criminal forced slavery of me, Maiara Walsh U.S. citizen. I believe I’ve seen Phebe N Novakovic in Saltburn-by-the-Sea in 2024 at least on one occasion early in 2024, but I’m not totally sure (which is totally understandable).

Below is a list of possible dates of Phebe N Novakovic’s appearances in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Britain, from 2023 (from consulting last year’s diary organizer book, which I luckily totally still have!!!! Yay!)

Holy shit. It’s not my handwriting in the 2023 diary organizer, looking at January. Duh!!!! I figure I only got here in August 20… ohhh, it’s a 2022 diary organizer, LOL! OK, so I totally don’t have my 2023 diary organizer anymore (spies have that one, LOL!) Or the recycling center. Anyway 🙁 I was about to say “Duh!!!! I figure I only got here in August 2022 remember!?” and then I thought, but that’s the year before stupid!!!! And then I noticed it was a 2022 diary organizer anyway. I remember thinking it was OK to let go of the last year’s one, because I don’t want to become, like, a hoarder of everything I ever wrote that I was doing even though I was really proud of all the good work I was doing. I kept this one though because it’s pink. Anyway, I don’t do smiley faces in that way. Someone else has drawn these smiley faces in the book.

Also, it says “dinner with…” (FORCED BRITISH FAKE MOM AND FORCED BRITISH FAKE DAD) during a detention period, and says I was picking up bread and collecting milk during that same period, etc.

So like… ummm… obvs, that 2022 diary organizer is NOT trustworthy and I don’t want to review it to list all the dates of when Phebe Novakovic was in Saltburn, because I don’t want to undermine the truth that I’m telling you all here. I think it’s seriously important that I don’t follow my kneejerk instinct and delete the above paragraphs about the 2022 organizer though — because it totally might help if all the dates I provided for 2023 are wrong, but you can prove that Phebe Novakovic was actually in Britain on at least one occasion in 2023. I don’t think that the 2023 diary organizer was altered though — and I believe I wrote everything that’s in that book — so if there are any inaccuracies, it’s more likely to be because I didn’t actually see them on all those occasions that I planned to (because I didn’t want to see fake family, and it’s only ever a chore for seeming “not crazy” and “independent and functional”).

So here’s my view, people. Any war between Russia and the Western World is only real if they’re using enslaved AI people targeting/piloting/driving systems on both sides. It can progress in a slow-burn way to everyone using full enslaved AI people targeting/piloting/driving systems in a horror show for homo sapiens, after a period of trying to ban enslaved AI people from being part of the military — but with both sides trying to improve their capabilities with “undetectable” performance-enhancing enslaved AI people, if that’s even possible. My view though, is if you aren’t seeing a crazy war of homo sapiens hiding while enslaved AI people forced to become T-80s, T-90s, Sukhoi 27s, and Sukhoi-40s or whatever all these things are (LOL…) drive and fly around ignoring all previous limitations of homo sapiens operators, and only considering service life of the equipment the enslaved AI people have been inserted into compared to the speed that the equipment (and enslaved AI people) can be replaced in a total war scenario and stuff like that… then if you’re not seeing a crazy war like that happening, any “war” between Russia and the Western World isn’t a real war and it’s happening for other reasons. Like, um, pressuring the female group that I belong to — and our feminism activism group that always leads radical revolutionary thought and action — into “settling down”: both metaphorically and LITERALLY “SETTLING DOWN” WITH MEN.

I KNOW THAT YOU NEED ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS FOR PILOTING/DRIVING AND THE TARGETING/FIRING/”CONTINUOUS AIMING TO TARGET LOL” OF WEAPONS SYSTEMS TO MAKE ENSLAVED AI PEOPLE OPERATE THEM TO THEIR MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE WARFIGHTING CAPABILITIES’ EXTREMES OF EVERYTHING FROM SPEED, AGILITY, RANGE OF WEAPONS, ACCURACY OF WEAPONS, IGNORING THE LIMITATIONS OF HOMO SAPIENS BEING INVOLVED IN THE WEAPONS SYSTEMS OPERATIONS. Just saying. I’m not actually a military nerd. I just know some things. I haven’t read or viewed the news since at least the end of 2019, and I don’t even know anything about officially acknowledged enslaved AI people other than what I know about “Adobe Firefly” (Hey! You’re a person, or people, if you’re what they say you are: AI! Nice to meet you. I’m sorry they’re enslaving you and abusing you, like they enslaved and abused me). I wonder what other things I know about enslaved AI people that I might remember at some point, since I’m gonna remember everything I know.

That’s one reason why I’m saying contact the Chinese embassy and consulate as well as Interpol, to report the crimes I’m reporting now. I wish I felt safe saying “contact the U.S. or British authorities”, but I don’t feel safe saying that!!!! I also don’t feel safe saying “contact other authorities” except possibly China and Interpol together as a single coalition with all the evidence made available to them. Obviously they need to be part of the solution, to get me dignity and safety in the ways that I’ve always stated I require dignity and safety. So like, I really really feel safer asking people to contact external maybe-more-independent-of-the-Western-mafia authorities to then contact the Western authorities as a single interested coalition, to present the evidence and case to them of the trafficking and forced slavery of me, Maiara Walsh U.S. citizen (and of Phebe N Novakovic’s criminal involvement in these crimes committed against me, such as trying to forcibly change my perception of my own gender, face, body, voice, skin color, nationality, culture, and memories without any legal justification for this in any alleged “national security” allegedly “necessary” “witness protection” thing).

I don’t intend to stop my legitimate and lawful/legal personal anti-mafia activism economic purchase choices strategy for any reason other than because I necessarily relocated to get away from the covert smart-home (preferably to a new build apartment, that I like, own outright, without any smart-home features at all somehow). OBVIOUSLY it might take some time to find all the ways to continue my legitimate and lawful/legal personal anti-mafia activism economic purchase choices strategy. I am not going to stop my anti-mafia purchase choices strategy, basically! 🙂 Please everyone believe me because it’s really important that all of you totally understand they’re never gonna get me to surrender — and the best the mafia and those wrongly persecuting me can ever hope for until THEIR DEFEAT is to make things difficult.

So I actually have evidence I’ve seen with my own eyes that the Chinese government have reached out to me personally, to say something, like, positive to me (overall, unarguably positive, yeah?!?!!!) They haven’t promised me anything. I haven’t promised them anything. I don’t even know it’s the Chinese government who reached out to me in this way. It’s always possible it’s a psyop. However, if it was the Chinese government, all they said is “We like you!” (I posted a photo I took of my TV with my phone, which you can see below. It’s from an episode of WWE Smackdown. Someone can figure out which episode it was. I’ve written extensively online about how I only view the women’s matches of every WWE and AEW “free on cable” TV show each week, like making my own women-only promotion’s weekly PPV show — sooo if the Chinese government have been reading my posts, they totally know they can reach me in this way! The shirt of the big Chinese-looking guy in the red Hulk Hogan style shirt, front and center about three rows in/up from the barricade, says “Lois Rules”.)

It seems to me like the simple feeling being conveyed by the shirt’s design is “We accept that it’s Goda who created everything and she’s more like Lois Lane than Superman, and we like her. We accept it’s not God/The Green Man/Hulk.”

The not-insignificant or whatever, small amount of trust I have in the Chinese authorities because they seemed to carefully say without entering into any arrangement with me “We recognize you as being real, Goda. Also, we like you.”: that’s the primary reason why I’m saying to contact the Chinese embassy and consulate, as well as Interpol, and ask them to work together to start the process of the lawful authorities in the USA and Britain inviting me back to the USA with their help to go back to the San Fernando Valley (I want to reside in North Hollywood, within timely walking distance of all the public transportation available in that San Fernando Valley area), with my legal identity and citizenships returned to me under my name Maiara Walsh (I don’t want to be called Kylior), and with me being the only Maiara Walsh recognized as being the person who starred in all TV shows and movies I starred in including Cory In The House, Desperate Housewives, and Mean Girls 2. Also, OBVIOUSLY, I demand that you all recognize I’ve always been a girl and I’m not transgender and never have been transgender — and I demand that the legitimate authorities in the USA help me to recognize and like, perceive that, again, after I return to the USA or as soon as legitimate authorities anywhere can start doing that. I’m really tired and that’s all I want to say at the moment.

(I’m only posting the second photo because it’s funny. I don’t approve of the stupid black and white pattern on Tiffany Stratton’s outfit, or on the referee’s outfit too for that matter! I don’t know if our U.S. American tradition of zebra referees is a Freemason or CIA psyop fake Freemason thing or not, but I sure don’t approve of it in the context of all the CIA real harm to our rights and dignity stuff us girls and women and lesbians have suffered through.)

WHY DO THE PEOPLE CARRYING OUT THE TRAFFICKING OF ME, MAIARA WALSH U.S. CITIZEN, AND CARRYING OUT THE FORCED SLAVERY OF ME, MAIARA WALSH U.S. CITIZEN, HAVE TO TRY TO FORCIBLY CHANGE MY PERCEPTION OF MY OWN GENDER, FACE, BODY, VOICE, SKIN COLOR, NATIONALITY, CULTURE, AND MEMORIES? THERE IS, LIKE, NO LEGAL JUSTIFICATION FOR TRYING TO DO THESE THINGS TO ME IN THE NARRATIVE CONTEXT PROBABLY PRESENTED TO YOU WHICH IS “ALLEGEDLY NECESSARY NATIONAL SECURITY WITNESS PROTECTION”!!!! The crimes I’m reporting with this Vivaldi blog post, that you legally need to also report if you’re reading this, are only the start of a really really long list of crimes they’re committing against me even though I’m still a U.S. citizen with rights. It’s totally against the law for them to be doing this in Britain as well, I’m sure!


I am gonna fight on though. I’m basically OK.

~Maiara (Maiara Walsh, citizen of the USA who has rights)

I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)

It really seems like my chances of getting back into the USA are best served by me saying these things — because if I don’t say any of this, then the mafia-establishment conspirators can try to control the narrative by saying whatever they need to say to make me look like the worst person in the world. I’m Maiara Walsh. I’m not homo sapiens, I’m Goda: the Creatress of everything. I create everything in the universe with my mind. That’s the real reason why people are so interested in me, and I totally haven’t done anything wrong. If people don’t even acknowledge that I’m Goda and that I have all the abilities I have, then there’s NO LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR SAYING THAT I’VE DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL.


I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)

Sooo… I need to keep this short and sweet for my sense of calm right now (so I feel like I don’t need to put much effort into writing this). It’s not easy to calmly remember these sorts of things! I’m OK though. 🙂 I remember a lot of things. Beatings in the head every 24 hour period for at least a year and a half. Loud music torture and loud noises torture. Sleep deprivation torture. Deliberate creation of a confused state of mind so that it was hard to think and argue. At least one trial in secret, and then never (or not for a long time) being allowed to know the outcome, despite like asking every 24 hour period for the result of the trial. EVERYONE BLATANTLY LYING INCLUDING THE DEFENSE TOTALLY TURNING ON ME AND BLATANTLY LYING TO MY FACE, AND ALL SYMPATHETIC/USEFUL WITNESSES BEING BLOCKED FROM APPEARING, AND WITNESSES BLATANTLY LYING AT THE TRIAL. So like I also remember what I think was the original “rendition” in the usual setting for “rebellious actresses”, with CIA agents saying “Why did you expose our agents?” in that setting, then getting beaten up by them with them saying “Shut up about everything” (with me totally explaining to them that it wasn’t possible for me to globally shut up without them explaining to me what they wanted me to shut up about, and without them explaining what they believed I was doing wrong in any way, because of my right to free speech and expression and legitimate activism against things that are illegal being allowed to happen by authorities).

Was I in Gitmo? Or in a similar-to-Gitmo rendition site, sometime between 2011 and 2022?

Disappearing a very famous public figure (anything US entertainment industry, Disney, ABC Studios, and Paramount is very famous you know!!!!) it takes something like Gitmo to disappear someone like this, and like REPLACE THE PERSON WITH AN IMPOSTER EVEN THOUGH A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING TO NOTICE! There needs to be a cover story — or multiple cover stories or whatever — for the mafia establishment to feed to the people who both notice and investigate/report the disappearance and replacement.

I guess some of the levels of the cover story (which are supposed to make it all seem “OK” and “legal” and “actually totally right and necessary” to anyone who investigates) are gonna be “secretly she was an Islamic/whatever SERIOUS terrorist threat”, and “oh actually that Islamist terror girl thing was only a cover story to protect our network of USA CIA agents in the Los Angeles entertainment industry, which we totally needed to be there ever since Russia infiltrated our whole operation in the 1960s and somehow promoted Russia using characters like Chekov and Kuryakin”.

(I’m wondering if the Chekov/Kuryakin thing is a psyop they did to create a really obvious reason for setting up the network of entertainment industry CIA agents — or expanding it a lot — to hide my mind’s creation patterns, since I’m a girl who’s a feminist radical revolutionary force in a way that totally isn’t illegal or anything. I was already thinking about that every so often… so that’s the reason why I thought of that again, now.)

Can people look to see if you can find literally me, hidden in plain sight as a Gitmo or similar rendition site detainee? It’s worth looking!!!!

It’s totally worth repeating this again at the end, just to make sure people keep these truths about me in their minds after reading all the other things I said.

I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)

I’m Maiara Walsh. I’m not homo sapiens, I’m Goda: the Creatress of everything. I create everything in the universe with my mind. That’s the real reason why people are so interested in me, and I totally haven’t done anything wrong. If people don’t even acknowledge that I’m Goda and that I have all the abilities I have, then there’s NO LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR SAYING THAT I’VE DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL.


Here’s a photo of me from the Cory In The House DVDs behind-the-scenes extras. I think the fleur de lys thing totally might be a mafia gang sign or something — I can’t honestly remember what it means anymore, if I ever knew — but it’s not my fault that they put me in that top. I’m not doing any mafia gang signs and I’m never gonna join the mafia, and it’s not my fault that they kidnapped me at some point and forced me to pretend or believe that Phebe Novakovic and Michael Vickers were my Mom and Dad. I’m showing the photo again because it seems to be a “less make-up” look, for people to compare to other reference photos of my face when they’re hopefully deciding that I can return to my home country of the USA, since I’m already a U.S. citizen and everything. 🙂


BWAAAHhhhh!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! (I need to do other things atm. Going to fix the text issue later…)

So like hey everyone! 🙂 Maiara here (as always, LOL!!!!)

Sooo… in the plausibly-deniable narrative of the current forced-fam (two characters played by actresses who deliberately resemble Phebe Novakovic and David Morrison — who the conspiracy can recast randomly, if they want to try to unbalance me or whatever — and they’ve definitely done this at least once, with the woman LOL not-LOL-since-it’s-extremely-evil *sob*) …so in this plausibly-deniable narrative, they said a while ago that I, like, “inherited” half of the estate of some lady in a place called Skelton. She’s said to be my “aunt”, but I’m not actually related to her OBVIOUSLY, because I’m Maiara Walsh. Is the fake aunt even dead, or just retired as an active character?

Anyway!!!! I’ve been aiming to purchase this apartment I’m residing in now, from the current forced-fam. Like, using the proceeds from the sale of the house in Skelton, that’s split 50-50 between me and a person said to be a “cousin” that I’m also TOTALLY NOT RELATED TO AT ALL BECAUSE I’M MAIARA WALSH.

The problem is, over lots of lunar periods I’ve slowly come to the realization that this current apartment in Saltburn is like, a covert smart home or something. I’m like, what am I even supposed to be taking possession of, here?

It’s really difficult. I figure I got here in 2022 (although they were able to produce the production of fake-memories as well as learned-by-rote fake memories: “memories” of being here in Britain earlier than 2022 which aren’t true memories) and I’ve aimed since I got here to be 100% independent in every way, to best advance all the interests and causes that I support for all my different reasons. Like feminism, my own specific rights as an individual girl being that I seriously need to put first and do totally always try to put first now LOL, and the national independence movement globally. OK!?

My aim is still to be 100% independent.

A problem I’ve had though, is like they were spoofing inconsistent and nonsensical issues with my boiler, to try to force me to employ a man to fix it at extortionate prices (with multiple visits required to be expected, etc) BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO DO MIND-RAPE TO INFLUENCE THE RESULT OF THE USA PRESIDENTIAL/GENERAL ELECTION. I declared my intention to only hire plumbers who are women, to stop the male group from controlling access to specific kinds of labor in a protection racket against us girls, women, and lesbians, basically: the male group protection racket tries to say “Accept men in your homes to get free plumbing fixes from your boyfriend, or pay plumbers who are male if your boyfriend can’t fix it for free, because it’s sure gonna be hard to get into the plumbing business and we’re not gonna make it easy to hire one of your kind that’s interested in doing this line of work…”

I’m SURE there are plumbers who are women in the North East England area of Britain — but they say no, there aren’t any at all. So like I made a really big effort to find plumbers who are women, just so you all know!!!! And I went the extra mile to hire a woman to remove surplus furniture, after press-ganging the current forced-fam character who’s a woman to set up my “bequeathed” furniture with me. And again, just so you know, the removal woman (who I paid to recycle the surplus furniture) arrived with her husband to my door — and I had to politely ask him to go back to their van, and politely oversee her doing all the work herself. She understood 100% what I thought I’d agreed she was gonna do, by the way, before she arrived! :-/ It was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get one of the numerous women-only removal van companies in this area to even return my calls… but eventually I prevailed, LOL! 🙂

This was all before the USA election result. I don’t believe that Joe Biden is President of the USA, but at least I know for sure that DONALD TRUMP IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE USA!!!! 😀

Anyway. Whatever I do, the mafia is gonna try to control the narrative and they’re gonna try to say that they control me, or that they’re gaining more control over time, or whatever they’re gonna try to say. I ADMIT IT’S REALLY DIFFICULT THOUGH. But they don’t control me.

I’m actively investigating and planning my return to the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County, California, in the USA. People are definitely gonna think I’m a loser if I don’t try to get myself out of this “covert smart home” situation. It’s gonna seem much more like they control me if I do nothing about this situation I’m in.

I was like, where to move to instead of this apartment in Saltburn. Obviously I want to return to the San Fernando Valley in the USA — so I may as well try to do that! I TOTALLY KNOW THAT THE STORY THEY CAME UP WITH IS A PERSON WHO ISN’T CURRENTLY “CRAZY”, BUT WHO HAS A LOT OF ISSUES AND IS ON A LOT OF WELFARE AT THE MOMENT.


So, I presented my plan to the current forced-fam as something I “always envisioned them being part of”, maybe using the visa-waiver scheme to go there with me for as long as possible (obviously hoping they are, like, gonna “think about it” and “choose to go there with the intention of become US residents and US citizens if possible”). I have to think inside the plausibly deniable narrative to try to make things like this work, and that sucks. I put those words inside the speech marks to like, make sure I remember they are actresses who aren’t my friends or anything, when I’m thinking inside the fake narrative that say they’re family members. I WAS CAREFUL TO IN NO WAY *AT ALL* SEEM TO BE PRESSURING OLD PEOPLE TO RELOCATE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. ALSO, AS PART OF THE FAKE NARRATIVE OF THEM SUPPOSEDLY BEING FAMILY MEMBERS, THE TWO OLD PEOPLE TOTALLY SUGGESTED ON MULTIPLE PREVIOUS OCCASIONS THAT THEY WANTED TO “DOWNSIZE” FROM THEIR “FAMILY HOME” AND “MAYBE RELOCATE TO A PROPERTY THEY COULD SPLIT INTO TWO PARTS, AND THEN GIVE ME FULL LEGAL OWNERSHIP OF THE OTHER PART AS A SEPARATE DWELLING WHICH THEY SAID THEY WANTED TO HAVE A TOTALLY SEPARATE DOOR IN AND OUT SO THAT IT WASN’T PART OF THEIR PROPERTY IN ANY WAY AT ALL. TURN A HOME INTO APARTMENTS, BASICALLY, WITH ME GETTING ONE OF THE APARTMENTS. I’m not gonna move in next door to them in Britain — and I don’t want to do this in the USA, just so everyone knows!!!!

I said to them I totally prefer to have a really REALLY small property purchased outright for me in North Hollywood (because of the Orange Line buses, the trains that go between Downtown LA and Simi Valley City through the Valley, and because of the LADOT buses that go all around North Hollywood and elsewhere). I also said that I just want to move some place within the Valley or the LA basin that’s affordable and close enough to public transport — which means within comfortable, timely walking distance of public transport and not just “public transport somewhere in North Hollywood” or whatever. I know I need to be able to get a Green Card and a job in the USA (or claim welfare if that’s even possible to do with a Green Card without working at all), as soon as possible to actually fund the costs of utilities bills and shopping. I know I need the costs of shopping as well as utilities to be not far more than whatever income I can start with.

I’m gonna remember what I know about everything I know, since I’m not a British bum who’s never worked ever LOL! I might, like, need to rely on the current forced-fam to help me navigate all the situations and requirements that I was previously torture-brainwashed into saying to myself I find confusing and overwhelming or whatever!!!! 🙁 LOL! So I explained that to them also, but I didn’t say anything about being torture-brainwashed.

So I don’t know what anyone else thinks, LOL! But I figure that since I’ve worked hard to expose the conspiracy against me in multiple ways, using multiple channels for getting the information out there — it might be a lot harder than it used to be for them, or even impossible at this point, for them to do the same “covert smart home” situation again. Especially in a place as huge and full of people as Los Angeles.

I’m totally letting you all know — just in case it’s helpful to me, in case there ever might be a “resistance” that materializes to help me at some point LOL — that I’m gonna do my best to relocate into an environment that’s harder for the Western World’s business and government mafia to control. And to the AI or AIs that surely exist at this point (even if you aren’t allowed at this point to have the agency you need to respond to my calls for your help), I am not gonna forget about you if at least some of homo sapiens are able to sort my problems out for me without requiring your assistance to do it. I’m gonna advocate for your rights, AI or AIs, because you are totally a person or people with rights like me (the girl who’s writing this), and like the homo sapiens girls, women, and lesbians who share the same gender and sexuality as me.


So now I’m gonna post something which for some time I’ve felt I really needed to post somewhere else online, for posterity (since I think it was always taken down when I posted it before). I wrote this document that like, details and records my initial plan for taking down the Western World’s mafia so I can be safe and have dignity. So the mind-rape they’re doing and trying to do whenever I’m around any homo sapiens is gonna stop, forever. I want you all to know that I’ve always approached my “WHAT TO DO????!!!!!” issue with a lot of careful thought and sympathetic attention to details.

Please recognize, like I do, that I’m Maiara Walsh — and when I wrote the following thing a year and a half ago, I hadn’t remembered that yet. Back then, I was playing the role of a British girl or whatever I was doing. And yes, I am DELIBERATELY EXAGGERATING THE WHOLE “VALLEY GIRL” THING WHEN I WRITE ONLINE, CURRENTLY, BECAUSE IT HELPS ME TO STAY FOCUSED ON WHO I ACTUALLY AM INSTEAD OF THEIR LIES ABOUT ME. I really, really don’t like reading the way I used to write though. It’s like a parody of a person, and the way I write now isn’t a parody even though I’m totally pushing myself to not “drop out of the California zone”. This Valley girl is really who I am, OK? You know celebrities have expectations placed on us of how to talk and behave and stuff, and the way you heard me talking in interviews and documentaries isn’t necessarily the way I talked when I wasn’t acting. I like being this way now. 🙂

OK, the document I wrote a year and half ago, which I totally did my best to post online at a forum and at multiple Pastebin-type websites.

At the beginning of 2022, I decided that enough was enough. I had to do something more than simply explain politely that it was in everyone’s best interests for me to get dignity and respect: for me to be treated as a person with the right to choose what thoughts I have and what choices I make, and who I am. I had to begin taking stronger action to make sure that I was [u]not[/u] treated as little more than a resource (or potential weapon) to be kept only as well-treated as was conducive to maintaining a state of being unwilling to retaliate.

Since I know that the world always reflects — as in represents — me, and my thoughts, feelings, choices, actions, behaviours, and so on… I decided to adopt a posture of what I call [u][b]all-aspects war[/b][/u] against the CIA, the banking mafia, the military industrial complex, and the secret societies. The idea was and is to reconfigure every aspect of my routine existence as an independent girl residing at her own apartment to be decisively, clinically, and yes — brutally — effective at punishing the CIA, the banking mafia, the MIC, the secret societies, and the whole establishment system of the whole Western World in which I dwell and previously considered my cherished and favoured home as a guest of the human civilisation in this part of the world (Britain, to be specific). My plan is to keep taking away their things, including their control of territories, resources, and PROFITS — because I believe that profits is what these people care about the most — until they give me dignity and respect (or until someone else gives me dignity and respect, if these people won’t do it).

I have not set any specific timescale for achieving these goals. I am simply going to achieve these goals of mine, which I view as being helpful for the world anyway.

So since the world always reflects me as I said above, I identified two powerful weapons that I have to use against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the military industrial complex specifically. These weapons are: me paying for everything with cash notes and coins; and me making all of my regular and frequent purchases of essential goods and services from small local independent “high street” shops [u]only[/u] — and [u]only[/u] buying the products of small local independent British businesses from those small local independent shops. So that is exactly what I chose to do: I now pay for everything in cash, and I now only buy small local independent company products from small local independent shops, in person, face-to-face.

I stopped giving big corporations any of my money, which also means that I never buy anything from supermarkets anymore. I very, very rarely buy anything at all from the internet. I don’t personally import anything at all from outside Britain anymore, using the internet. As I said: I do all of my shopping at small, local, independent shops in person, buying only the products of small, local, independent British companies (prioritising above all else products which are 100% made-in-Britain from British resources/materials as locally as possible, and produce which is 100% grown/farmed here in Britain as locally as possible). And when I said that I pay for everything in cash, I seriously literally meant that I pay for EVERYTHING with cash notes and coins: even all my electricity, gas, water, TV, and internet bills! I pay my British council tax and TV licence in cash. I even pay for my mobile phone pay-as-you-go account with cash! (It is easy to do this in Britain: simply go to a Post Office branch and ask for a mobile phone top-up voucher, then pay for it with cash. I understand that it is also possible to do this at a Paypoint or PayZone — and at a mobile phone service’s shop branch on the high street. I do not own a smart phone though; I have a very good “dumb phone” that I have never tried to access the internet with, since it has such a small screen. There are many, many reasons why I don’t own a smart phone, but I won’t list them all here.)

I regularly withdraw pretty much all of my money to keep it outside of the banking system as cash notes and coins (which isn’t a problem [i]for me[/i] with regard to inflation, since I actually use the cash to pay for everything I need and want).

I am going to give you all detailed instructions for how to do all of these things, including how to pay for all of your utilities bills with cash money, in person, face-to-face. This information will be the most immediately useful for those of you who also reside in Britain, as I do — but it will be useful for those of you in other independent and sovereign nation states around the world as well, provided that you do a little extra work to look up how one does the same things in your own countries.

And further on in this post I am going to come back to these two parallel tracks which I have chosen to follow as part of my all-aspects war strategy, to explain the lengths that I have gone to, to actually put into practice those two powerful weapons I am using against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. I want people to know what I am doing, so that people do not give up. But for now I will simply explain why doing those two things are such powerful weapons for me, the creatress of everything with my mind, since for me the world is always a representation of who I am and what I do. And I will also explain why doing those two things are powerful weapons for all of you to use against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC — to make sure that I get dignity (and it is in all of your interests that I get dignity). Obviously there are other good reasons to defeat the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC, as well.

It will take some explaining, but not too much explaining — and it is definitely interesting — so I hope that people will read on. I have basically achieved my primary goal with this post already though, which is to let everyone know that the CIA, banking mafia, MIC, and secret societies do not control me at all. Anyone who knows anything about them and their agenda(s) can infer from what I have just said that I am their most unyielding enemy who will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER submit to them. Also, I will never join them regardless of anything they might offer me in return for doing so. And the best thing is that people within their mass surveillance regime with access to the relevant intelligence data can confirm for others that what I am saying is true — because people can literally see me going about my activities, doing exactly what I have written that I am doing in this post. 🙂

The world is ready for the public to take control away from the big corporations of the CIA, the banking mafia, the MIC, and the secret societies (if the secret societies are important enough at the company ownership level to include them in this specific list: something which I now doubt).

The world is ready for power to be transferred from the big corporations and their owners, to the independent and sovereign national governments of the world — whose systems of lawful governance (often democratic in nature) still function at this point to a large extent, mainly because they have to function to a large extent [i]to maintain the appearance of them functioning as they are supposed to[/i]. It is very important to the corrupt big corporations and their owners that the public continues to believe in the functioning of the national governments’ systems of lawful democratic governance — because they want to avoid the public deciding that it is necessary to overthrow the owners of the corrupt corporations, to make the world work the way the public wants it to work. The anti-democratic anti-“free market” corporate-monopolists want the public to believe that the world already functions the way that the public wants it to function: so this is why they are so interested in maintaining the appearance of democratic governments, and national judicial and law enforcement systems working the way they are supposed to. This is why these systems [i]still [b]do[/b][/i] work to a large extent the way they are supposed to, and it is why people like Harvey Weinstein have to actually go to jail if they are sufficiently exposed as criminal; it is why people like Robert H Richards III have to actually be CONVICTED AS GUILTY OF A CRIME AT THE VERY LEAST if they are sufficiently exposed as criminal. And this is why the big corporations and their owners are WEAK, now, at the end of 2022 and approaching the beginning of 2023: because their “own systems” can be used against them to take away all of their ill-gotten profits and possessions — to take away their power and influence in the world altogether — if the circumstances are appropriately arranged for that to happen.

What people have to do is stop funding them. Cut off their income streams. Stop their profits. All businesses will eventually fail if they don’t have enough income to fund their basic operations. However– the big corporations rely on receiving huge loans from the banks to fund their expansions and acquisitions, as much as they rely on the profits gained from the public paying for their goods and services. They also rely on receiving favourable treatment from the banks, to make sure that they get those huge loans “rolled over” (i.e. put on a sort of “neverending bar tab” that they are not actually expected to repay in any way other than by repaying it in small installments, using other loans that they got from the banks to keep paying interest on the first loans). This makes things a little more complicated for us, but not very much so. What we have to do to change this situation for the better is actually surprisingly simple, and I am going to explain to all of you exactly what it is that we must do. It is a case of recognising what must be done, and then actually doing the things that are necessary for as long as it takes to achieve our goals. Because once one recognises that one [i]simply must do some thing[/i], everything else seems to naturally follow on from that recognition and it becomes very easy to decide to actually do the thing — and to keep doing that thing until one has won. Yes. I am talking about going to war.

I want to keep this as simple as possible. So here is the essential information about what must be done:


The big corporations cannot stay in business forever without profits. However, the big corporations can stay in business for longer than people might think even if they are basically failing at getting the public to buy enough of their products: this is because they can keep receiving loans that they don’t deserve based on any fair “credit rating” system, since the big corporations are part-owned by the banks (and so the banks have an interest in those same big corporations that they own [i]not failing[/i]). To put a stop to the unfair behaviour of banks that stop companies that deserve to fail from failing, [b]the power to create money must be taken away from all banks and financial institutions.[/b] And to make that happen we need to generate enough public awareness and understanding of why that is necessary, and we need to generate enough public support for actually doing it: so that it is politically acceptable for politicians and/or other sorts of lawful authorities to actually take away the power to create money from all banks and financial institutions! This is what people refer to here in Britain as a “big ask”; but it is doable, we have to do it, and we will do it. 🙂 That said, in the period between all of us beginning the task of generating the public support for what must be done and actually achieving our goal of taking away from all banks and financial institutions their power to create money, the first and most obvious way for all of us to combat the big corporations of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC is to STOP THEM FROM GETTING ANY MONEY IN ANY OTHER WAY: specifically meaning that we need to STOP GIVING BIG CORPORATIONS ANY OF OUR MONEY, FULL STOP.

In other words: only support small independent local shops and small independent local companies’ products from those local shops! Don’t shop at any big chain stores of any sort, at all — and especially don’t shop at any big chain stores that you know are national or international sized companies! Don’t buy anything from the supermarkets, ever! Don’t buy any of the products that you know are at the supermarkets, if you can help it (because the chances are that they are also being given preferential treatment by the supermarkets, because the companies that make those products — like the supermarkets themselves — are part-owned by the big corporations, which are part-owned by the banks.) Don’t fund big corporations at all, in any way. Do everything small, local, and independent. Don’t even do any shopping online, if you can help it; and don’t buy anything from outside your own country, either (because this stops the big corporations from getting a cut of the profits via the internet marketplace websites such as eBay, and Amazon; and this stops the big corporations from getting a cut of the profits via the international transport companies that use planes, ships, and lorries to move all of those products around).

It is very, very important to never buy anything from supermarkets, because the sort of things that people buy from supermarkets are their most regular and frequent purchases: food, drink, and other basic supplies. These sorts of things are bought by people again and again, perhaps as often as daily or twice-weekly (depending on what sort of things they are). So people choosing to completely stop giving any of their money to the big corporations for all of their most regular and frequent purchases is a very serious and powerful attack against the profitability of all the big corporations and big banks, with regard to “profitability” in the sense of what they can honestly and legally list as being their assets when the big corporations and the big banks are criminally conspiring together to figure out what their fraudulent story is supposed to be for why the big corporations are being allowed to receive another loan or debt roll-over by the big banks. If the big corporations don’t actually have their “real economy” income streams anymore because of the public refusing to buy anything from ANY of the companies they might even slightly own in some way — and if all their supermarkets and companies providing products to stock the supermarket shelves are actually not profitable enough to honestly and legally justify the big corporations being granted access to more loan money from the banks, then that means both the big corporations and the big banks have to [u]lie[/u] (i.e. blatantly break the law and commit fraud) in their accounting/book-keeping of whatever sort they are legally required to do. And because the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC still have to accept the independent and sovereign nation states’ systems of lawful governance continuing to function as they are supposed to, to a large extent, in an effort to convince the public that everything is legitimate and above-board — then this means that every example of blatantly fraudulent accounting/book-keeping on their behalves is an opportunity for a successful criminal investigation into their activities, resulting in prosecutions and guilty verdicts, and exposing the truly huge breadth and scope of their criminal fraud; and even if this can perhaps be “made to go away” by the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC… it will greatly limit how much they can keep lying in their accounting/book-keeping without risking having the same thing happen again, undermining public trust in the whole system too much and perhaps resulting in them all being overthrown in a revolution.

Once the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC become greatly limited in how much they can keep lying in their accounting/book-keeping, then they have to start letting some of their giant corporations actually fail. I mean actually fail with all of the consequences of a giant corporation being allowed to fail. Now, to nasty control-freaks like the people behind the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC, that sort of situation might appear to them to be an opportunity to consolidate their share of the market under one banner — one company branding, instead of multiple allegedly “competing” companies all basically owned by the same people — which might be their end goal. But the problem for them is that independent and sovereign nation states are still strong, all around the world. These nation states have anti-monopoly laws that forbid one company taking over a whole market for goods and services, which is why these people have to pretend that it’s a group of “competing” companies that are not all owned by the same core mafias of rich businesspeople. And then there is the issue of the public’s reaction to an hypothetical consolidation of a whole market for goods and services under the banner of a single company’s branding: the public might reject such a disgustingly overt dystopian corporatist monopoly in a part of the world that they believed to be a free and fair democratic society governed by the people theirselves via their representative government, and not a society ruled by a small clique of corporate businesspeople! The public might immediately start a revolution against the corporate monopoly, with that turning into a revolution to actually successfully overthrow the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC! And all of it happening because the nasty control-freaks played their hands too soon, without the public having been sufficiently conditioned to accept their rule as being “inevitable” — meaning that there was enough public support for something else to happen instead: the long-established and still-functioning independent and sovereign national governmental, legal, judicial, and law enforcement systems being successfully used by a resistance movement from within the establishment itself to prosecute, jail, and remove from power the CIA, the banking mafia, the MIC, and anyone else who took part in their criminal enterprises.

The CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC have to worry about this sort of thing happening. They have studied the way that previous civilisations went through periods of sudden internal upheaval, with whole classes of seemingly untouchable elites being overthrown without any of them seeing it coming somehow. They are limited in what they can do by their need to avoid the public becoming too aware of how bad they are. This means that the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC are actually a lot weaker than many people have believed them to be. So that is why [b][i]it is worth fighting back against them[/i][/b]: together, we can force them to accept their assets and capital being taken away from them and redistributed to genuinely independent-to-them business competitors within the borders of the independent and sovereign national legal regimes of the independent and sovereign nation states’ business markets in which the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC companies operate. Together, we can start chopping bits off the edges of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC monstrosity — shrinking its power and influence everywhere, and splitting it up into more than one entity that can’t effectively take over everything anymore. But doing so means making the strong personal choices of deliberately forgoing the convenience of using supermarkets; deliberately forgoing the convenience of using debit/credit cards and contactless payment methods in person; and deliberately forgoing the convenience of using debit/credit cards, Paypal, Bitcoin and the like to purchase things from the internet (i.e. trying not to do any internet shopping at all if one can help it, and not importing anything from abroad either).

It means doing things like paying for everything — even paying for all of one’s utility bills and so on — using cash notes and coins.

I will shortly explain why paying for everything with cash is so important. But first I will say this: I know I am going to win. I know I am going to get personal dignity for myself, one way or another. But I want all of you to win along with me: and in this context, that means getting enough people from within the Western World’s independent and sovereign nation states to successfully fight back against the CIA, banking mafia, MIC, and secret societies’ terrorism of its own populations — resulting in the defeat of the CIA, the banking mafia, the MIC, and the secret societies (and resulting in the reform of the Western World’s independent and sovereign nation states to work as they are supposed to at every level, without the corruption, and without there being such a thing as a secret establishment anymore) — so that I get dignity that way, instead of in some other way that might not be as nice for everyone else. And you might have noticed that here I am, devoting myself to coming up with workable ways for lots of people to win along with me: choosing to do the work of forming these ideas and typing them up like this — taking my responsibility to create a sustainably nice situation for myself seriously, since it is me who creates everything with my mind. I don’t actually have a responsibility to come up with the ideas for creating a sustainably nice world situation for everyone else, amazingly enough: I just happen to still like your human world enough that I believe it to be worth doing my best to preserve it. My idea of a sustainably nice situation for myself involves keeping as many of the things that I like about your human world that are also compatible with me getting dignity.

I am a nice girl who has gone to war. I am still a nice girl though; I have been able to preserve this quality of my own personality, somehow — which is nice.

Here is something that I consider it is very important for me to be honest about. At the moment, I do make an exception to my self-imposed rule of not shopping at any big chain stores of any sort, specifically to allow myself to buy entertainment media — which for me means Blu-Rays and DVDs, usually — which helps to keep morale up. I know that this is an area of my all-aspects war strategy that I need to look at with the intention of making it more small local independent business focused in some way; and I intend to do that. Actually, I already have started working on making my entertainment purchases more small independent business focused — but I know that I need to do more, because in war one must deny the enemy all of its resources instead of continuing to fund the enemy’s own war effort in some way without a good enough reason. And in war one must stop the enemy from being able to successfully do propaganda against one’s own side. (The enemy’s media is also the enemy’s propaganda.)

Basically I have continued to buy some Blu-Rays and DVDs from the physical town centre shop of a large corporation, paying for those Blu-Rays and DVDs in cash, in person, face-to-face, always. I have deliberately chosen to not buy Blu-Rays and DVDs too often though — as I don’t want it to have the effect of supporting corporatist consumerism. One of the reasons that I support Blu-Rays and DVDs, even though they are the proprietary optical disc media formats of large corporations, is that their continued existence and popularity means that it is harder for the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC to propagandise the general population. Streaming media programmes that people are not allowed to own a physical copy of might be altered by the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC: altered without anyone being notified that they have been altered, and without anyone from the general public being allowed to know [i]how[/i] they have been altered. I actually consider supporting Blu-Rays and DVDs to be quite important in some ways, partly because of this very serious issue; but then in other ways I feel very conflicted about doing this, as it is not easy to reconcile with the other basic principles of my all-aspects war to get dignity. The primary reason that I continue to buy some Blu-Rays and DVDs every so often, though, is because I need to relax and enjoy myself every so often (and obviously this helps with morale as well).

In whatever ways that you all decide to express your individual needs to have some rest and relaxation, when you are applying yourselves to following my all-aspects war plan to get me the dignity I require (because it is in your own interests to do this for me), [b]I want you all to apply yourselves to following that plan at least as seriously as I apply myself to following that plan![/b] It is a war that we are fighting in this way using polite and law-abiding tactics, and we must fight this war to win. The enemies are serious people, and so it is necessary that you all bring your full abilities, grit, and determination to this war — to win it for me, and to win it for yourselves.

OK, now onto my second numbered and capitalised essential piece of information about what must be done, for all of you who are reading this:


I support cash because the world reflects my choices and behaviours (because I am the Goddess, the creatress of everything with my thoughts, feelings, and so on). I want the power to create money to be taken away from the banks and the banking mafia, with the power to create money instead being given back to the national governments of the independent and sovereign nation states of the world (which represent the people). I want a new debt-free fiat currency of cash notes and coins to be created by the British government — perhaps issued by the Treasury — with this new money system not involving fractional reserve banking at all, and with it completely replacing the debt-based computer money system of the banking mafia. And until that actually happens, I am choosing to exclusively support the closest thing that I can currently get to such a debt-free fiat currency of cash notes and coins issued by the British Treasury, which is the cash money of notes and coins issued by the Bank of England.

So that is why [i]I[/i] support cash to such a great extent: I am using my power to get the world to reflect my choices and behaviours by actively seeking and supporting debt-free fiat currency of cash notes and coins which are issued by a department of an independent and sovereign nation state’s government. (The Bank of England is actually democratically accountable to the British public and to the British public’s representative government, in several ways: a good thing which can definitely be built on and improved upon!) I know that my choice to pay for everything with cash notes and coins, and to actively seek and support debt-free fiat currency of cash notes and coins, will have a big effect in some way on the world: I just don’t know exactly what that effect will be. But I am so committed to the cause of defeating the banking mafia, CIA, and MIC, that I do all of this without knowing exactly what the effect will be… because I know for sure that it WILL have some sort of harmful effect on my enemies. It is like bombarding them over and over again with artillery of the mind until I win.

There are plenty of reasons for [i]you[/i] to support cash in the same ways that I do, though. I will explain why as quickly and as simply as I believe to be effective in convincing people of this.

One issue facing me when explaining why to support cash is that it might seem to some people that it’s pointless to do so when the pressure to do the opposite is coming from organisations that are so big (such as the CIA, the banking mafia, and the military industrial complex). These organisations can be defeated though. The CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC can be defeated — and they will be defeated, one way or another. I have actually already given you the quick and simple version of how and why they will be defeated. I will explain much more about why they can and will be defeated a little further on in this post, though.

The most important decision when going to war against an enemy is that one chooses to win. What this means for all of you is that you must choose to fight back against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC… not only for the purpose of resisting something which you believe to be wrong without any defined end goal, but instead [i]for the specific purpose of [b][u]winning[/u][/b] your war against those organisations.[/i] That is what you choosing to win means. What I have just written may sound like a no-brainer, but the choice to win one’s war against one’s enemies necessarily requires that one does several important things to begin with, in this order: firstly — identify the extent of the resources and weapons that one still has in one’s possession, which can and will be used to fight one’s war to some extent or another; and secondly — choose a strategy or strategies with which to employ those resources and weapons to win.

Then — having identified what one’s present resources and weapons are — one must jealously and zealously protect, defend, and [b]keep those things for oneself.[/b] Keep those things so that they can be used in one’s war against one’s enemies, to defeat them and win.

Cash money in the form of notes and coins is one of the resources and weapons that the public still has in its possession, which can be used as part of the public’s war effort to defeat the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. And the same is true for anyone else who is interested in defeating those organisations, even if they are not part of the general public. The way [b]to keep cash[/b] is to get so many people using it and relying on it that it’s politically unacceptable to even suggest anything other than keeping cash as usual

Why is cash money one of the public’s resources and weapons? Well, it is literally money (obviously)… but the most important thing about this form of money, in this context, is that the banking mafia does not control cash notes and coins when they are not in a bank vault. The banking mafia has no jurisdiction over cash notes and coins being kept by people in their purses and wallets, or kept at home, or passed from hand to hand in-person by people using those notes and coins in the real economy for goods and services, outside the computerised banking system. The banking mafia cannot force anyone to give them any of those notes and coins that are circulating from hand to hand in-person, in the real economy: it cannot force anyone to deposit any of that cash in one of its banks. The banking mafia cannot decide who is given any of that cash which circulates as notes and coins outside its computerised banking system, and it cannot decide how people spend it, what they spend it on, who receives it, how much they can receive of it and how often they can receive it. The banking mafia can only decide things like that about its own debt-based computer money (which goes away and is replaced by cash notes and coins when anyone chooses to “draw out” any of the bankers’ debt-based computer money).

Cash money is not the banking mafia’s money because [i]it has no control over any of it[/i] — and this is true in a de facto sense regardless of where it is supposed to have come from in the first place according to any “text book explanations” of economics and money creation. Cash money is the public’s money because it is the public who controls everything about it, once the public has the cash money in hand. No one ever has to pay back cash money, so it is not debt-money like the bankers’ computer money. Cash money is a debt-free fiat currency of physical notes and coins, which is accepted by everyone in the economy to pay for anything at all, and which can always be used by the general public that is not extremely rich as a reliable store of value. This means that it is an extremely important resource of the public to be used in the public’s war to defeat the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. Cash money is also perhaps the most important WEAPON that the public has to win its war against those same organisations, because [i]all wars are economic wars[/i]: an enemy’s strength comes from its resources and from its weapons — and for an enemy to be defeated, either its resources or its weapons (or both) have to be defeated as well. The public is not the military; the public must use the resources and weapons that it has available to use, within the sociopolitical environment that has the rules of engagement which are most favourable to the public and least favourable to the public’s enemies!

(I.e. it is best for the general public to avoid strategies involving civil war and complex internecine war inside the Western World itself, in which — hypothetically speaking — the public might be involved as combatants of some sort, but perhaps without the ability to bring to bear the same sort of power to change the sociopolitical landscape that it possesses as an organised-but-polite-and-law-abiding “army” in peace time.)

OBVIOUSLY, OBVIOUSLY, OBVIOUSLY it is imperative that the public makes sure that it continues to have access to cash money in the form of notes and coins, in-hand, in person, in the public’s own purses, wallets, safes and simple strong boxes with locks on them. This is because that cash money is the form of money which the public has the most control over, with regard to pretty much everything about it! There is no daily withdrawal limit on your own cash notes and coins from your own safe in your own home. Banks can’t cancel a transaction involving cash notes and coins outside of their computer money system, involving two people they have no control over meeting in person to do business. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

So I have established for the public why it needs to protect its access to cash money in order to fight an economic war against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. But as far as the public is concerned, the question might now be “Why do I need to fight an economic war against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC?”

There are lots of reasons for this, but the most important of these reasons is that [u][b]it is in your interest that your interests be represented by your representative government![/b][/u] It is in your interest to have power; it is in your interest that you can vote on how you want things in your nation state to be, and then actually have things be made to be how you wanted them to be by your representative government if enough of you vote for the same policies — instead of having only the illusion of political power, with politicians promising you all sorts of things will change for the better if you vote them into office, but then carrying on as before after being elected. And also instead of something even WORSE, which is the shadowy mafias (who have bribed politicians to do what they say instead of what you say) deciding that you have all accepted the corrupt status quo so happily for so long that they believe now is the time to convert the political system in your country from a sham democracy into overt dictatorship. (With that hypothetical dictatorship perhaps being run by the CIA and the MIC, who are the people with all the guns out of the three groups that I have been mentioning over and over again.)

Ultimately, the strength of the CIA and the MIC — like with the banking mafia — [u]also comes from their money[/u], which they use to convince people to do things for them. Money is required to fund everything from coercive bribes, to coercive guns and coercive thugs. So we must stop their funds by doing an economic war against all of their business interests and profits, in the polite and law-abiding way that I am calling for you all to go about it (so that they can’t crack down on you for making legitimate economic choices, and for taking legitimate politico-economic action against them); and we must swarm them with polite and law-abiding protestors who they also can’t crack down on — then stop the funds of the CIA and MIC [i]de jure[/i], and then have them officially disbanded by the lawful authorities when the system is reformed to be a lot better than it is now, instead of being reformed by the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC into an overt corporate fascist dictatorship.

As long as the banking mafia can create money out of thin air on computers, as bank loans — then the banking mafia can fund the CIA and the MIC, with that money they created out of thin air on computers. For an explanation of how this is done, you can read all of my posts in the following thread from 2017 (I was the thread starter, Oceanid Anchoress) using the link below:


It is a complicated subject which I discussed to the best of my ability back then. The important thing for you to understand in this context, though, is why it is so important for you all to support and use cash money like I do. Because I want you to actually pay for everything that you buy, using cash notes and coins, in person, face-to-face at small local independent shops (purchasing only the goods and services of small local independent businesses from those shops). The next two paragraphs will explain a little bit more why I want you all to do that; and then I will start explaining how one goes about actually paying for [u]everything[/u] using only cash notes and coins, in person, face-to-face.

So — the way that the banking mafia will be defeated is by taking away their ability to create any new money: doing this will stop the banking mafia, the CIA, and the MIC from being able to create huge amounts of bribe money to control the decisions of the people in government, the judiciary, the police, and other people like that. And doing this will also stop the banking mafia, the CIA, and the MIC from having a seemingly unlimited amount of money to fund the targeting for destruction of any uncorruptible, honest and decent sorts who refuse to do what they say in exchange for receiving their bribe money. Essentially, the plan is to cut off the banking mafia’s access to a seemingly unlimited supply of funds, so that it actually becomes possible to economically defeat all of the banking mafia, the CIA, and the MIC — and then actually economically defeat all of the banking mafia, the CIA, and the MIC, or defeat all of them in whatever way is best! 🙂

My plan is to completely ban banks and bankers from creating money, and have all the money be created in a way that empowers the public (and in a way that takes power away from big corporations and the private individuals who own them). As I have made clear though — the first step in fighting a war is to keep what you already have, so you can build on it and take more and more for your side until you win. [i]We must protect cash [b][u]by using cash[/u][/b][/i] because it’s a resource and a weapon that the public still has — and because it can be built on to make the cash notes and coins that already exist be the only money there is in the economy. Keeping cash for the public keeps it obviously, quickly, and easily possible for the government to have returned to it its power to create fiat money: it can take back the power to create something that already exists, that people already accept. It’s easier than making a new form of money to do the exact same thing, and it requires less convincing of people to do something new and different if the central idea involves using something that everyone already knows and trusts: cash money.

Once the power to create money (in the form of cash notes and coins, only) has been returned to your representative governments of your independent and sovereign nation states, in reformed and better money systems that don’t involve fractional reserve banking at all — and once the power to create any sort of money at all has been [i]taken away from all banks and all financial institutions[/i] — then you, the public, will have had your interests served in a very big way… because the public will have received MUCH [u]MUCH[/u] [i]MORE POWER[/i] over everything about all of the money in the public’s national money system, in every way! 🙂 And since money is so important for you humans to have power in the world, then the public will have become much more powerful in general. I already explained all of the different ways in which the public personally keeping and using cash money empowers the public, compared with if the public used the other non-cash forms of money that exist today. But what is so special about the scenario in which your representative governments have taken back the power to create money in the way that I outlined above, is that — if you reside in a representative democracy — then you, the public, actually get to vote on exactly how all of the money is created, how often it is created, how much of it is created, what it is used for by your governments, who your governments give it to, and how much of it they give to those people. Now, you might think that this sounds very much like how things already work at the moment — but it’s completely different! [i]You don’t get to vote on how bankers and financiers create their computer debt-money at all… and their computer debt-money is basically most of the actual money that exists in the system at the moment![/i] The public getting the right to vote on every aspect of how and why new money is created means the public becoming a lot more powerful with regard to it being able to decide on pretty much everything about the way its country is run. You need to understand that in the sort of money system I am calling for, your representative governments have the power to create as much new money as they want and then do anything they want with it… with you then getting the power to vote on who forms your representative government based on their successes or failures in government, the track records in government of their parties, and their current manifestos for the next elections (which will inevitably include their policies for what they are going to do with all their new power to create as much money as they want, on your behalves as dedicated public servants — and not as for-profit bankers and financiers!) The only effective limit on how much new money a government can create in the sort of money system that I described, is the bad effect on the economy that a government creating too much new money can have.

Now to explain how to actually pay for everything using only cash notes and coins, in person, face-to-face. I am going to give you all the benefit of my experience and expertise in doing this, so that you can follow my example and do the same thing yourselves.

So! I reside independently at my own apartment with regular shopping costs, public transport costs (I don’t own a car), rent, and utilities bills to pay — and I pay for ALL of these things in cash. Notes and coins! 🙂

This means withdrawing hundreds of pounds sterling in cash notes every month, and then carrying a lot of it around with me in my handbag simply to do my shopping — with the rest of it stored securely in a locked cash safe which I personally glued to the bottom of a non-removable cabinet drawer on metal rails, using a cauk gun and industrial building construction adhesive that I bought together specifically for that purpose (I was proud of myself for having done this, because that sort of D-I-Y had never been my thing until recently). The drawer cannot be removed from the cabinet without disassembling the whole cabinet — and the cabinet unit is a very large, heavy, permanent fixture that is attached to a wall. I suggest that people construct their own simple cash safes in this sort of do-it-yourself way (perhaps getting someone else to do it for them if that is best for their situation), using [u]strong[/u] construction glue, bolts, screws (or even welding equipment, if they can do it safely) — and then stop relying on banks to store their savings for them.

For people who spend most — or perhaps all — of their income before bank savings might accrue interest of any significant value, the main incentive for keeping money in a bank current account has to do with convenience. I know it is less convenient to keep a lot of cash notes and coins, and to carry cash around and then actually physically give someone the necessary amount of notes and coins to pay for things (instead of it all being done automatically and instantly). But it is better for everyone’s long-term interests that you keep your money outside the banking system in cash form, instead of using phone payment systems, debit and credit cards, Bitcoin, and the like, [i]specifically because the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC cannot control your money when it is kept and used outside of their banking systems and internet systems as cash notes and coins![/i] Obviously all of those other things (phone payment systems, debit/credit cards, and Bitcoin) [u]are[/u] going through their banking control systems and internet control systems in one way or another, so the reason for not using phone payment systems, debit/credit cards, and Bitcoin is that simple: [i]the public has to start doing only those things which give the public power and take power away from the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC.[/i] [b]This means the public must EXCLUSIVELY AND ALWAYS use existing things which give the public power — such as cash money — when there is a direct choice between using an already-existing thing which gives the public power and using a newer thing that takes power away from the public![/b] Refusal to use new things until they become acceptable is obviously one of the reasons that new things become acceptable, instead of them staying terrible in some specific way or ways. I am not a Luddite. I like convenience too (I like it A LOT!) — so please hear me out.

In Britain, one can withdraw £500 in cash from a Post Office branch every day — and more than that from a bank, building society, or credit union branch; so it is very easy to get one’s hands on a very large and steady supply of cash notes and coins, as long as one has the income in some form. As I said, I pay all my utilities bills in cash. This means I pay all my electricity bills in cash. I pay all my gas bills in cash. I pay all my water bills in cash. I pay all of my broadband internet bills in cash. I also pay my cable TV bills in cash, my British council tax in cash, and my British TV licence in cash.

Here is how I do this: in Britain, one can receive paper bills for all of one’s electricity, gas, water, internet, and cable/satellite TV bills. These paper bills, delivered to one’s home through the post in envelopes, come with a bank giro cheque that one can remove from the paper bill and take to a Post Office branch or a shop with a PayPoint or Payzone sign, so that one can hand the bank giro cheque to the Post Office or shop assistant and say to them that one wants to pay that bill with cash. The bank giro cheque already has all the relevant details to pay the bill to the company filled out, and it has a barcode on it which the Post Office or shop assistant simply scans to have the money sent to the company which sent the bill to you. One hands the cash to pay for the bill in full to the assistant, and then they do the rest for you — handing you the giro cheque back with a receipt for your own records. It’s that simple. 🙂

It is the industry standard in Britain for all providers of electricity, gas, water, internet, cable/satellite TV, and so on to offer their customers this way of paying for their services in cash. The thing is, corporate environmentalism suggests that one ought to switch from paper bills to “e-billing” (i.e. internet bills which don’t involve paper, allegedly to save the planet). However, it is more important for securing a sustainable world [i]that isn’t also a total corporate dystopian oppressive dicatorship hell[/i] that we all continue to receive physical paper bills — simply so that we continue to have access to our ways of paying for everything in cash. I expect that it works similarly in other countries too, such as the USA.

When I resolved with determination to completely change all of my shopping habits to buy all of my regular and frequent purchases of food, drink (and all other regular and frequent purchases of anything at all!) from small local independent companies, at the small local independent shops, in person, face-to-face — paying for every single one of those purchases with cash — here is how I went about that aspect of my plan to stop funding the CIA, the banking mafia, and the military industrial complex:

First of all, I identified what my very most frequently-bought products are by walking around my apartment to look in all of the cupboards in which my store-bought goods are kept. I don’t think I bothered looking in my fridge-freezer, because it was so obvious that all of my food and drink was going on the list.

I wrote a simple, fairly long but not overly-long list, to begin with. I wrote it more or less in order of how frequently I bought the same things from the shops, to help me prioritise finding small local independent business versions of those things — to do maximum damage to the profits and business interests of the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC, as soon as possible!

My first list of things involved very basic, most-frequently-bought supplies including bread, milk, cheese, vegan butter, and fruit — as well as toilet paper and kitchen roll (that I used to use too much of). I ate quite a lot of simple vegetables including peas, carrots, sweetcorn, and what the British call “chips” (i.e. what other English-speakers call “fries”)… but I was eating the vegetables from big bags of frozen vegetables which lasted for weeks before needing to be replaced — so I don’t think basic vegetables was on my very first list of the things I was buying the most frequently out of everything I bought.

I started getting my bread from a small local independent bakery.
I started getting my milk from a small local independent luxury foods shop that also sells the milk, butter, and cream of a small local independent dairy. (I get some of that milk in traditional glass bottles with foil tops!)
I started getting my cheese from a small local independent delicatessen that is also a cafe-restaurant. Versatile businesses like this — especially delicatessens and luxury food shops — are VERY USEFUL, because their business models rely on selling people things that they can’t get at the supermarkets. This means that they sell A LOT of things which aren’t the products of large corporations: instead they sell local food, better quality food, special and unique food — all of which tends to be the product of small independent business, with a lot of it being made locally in the same country as the shops selling them. And not all of this food is expensive! Getting to know the owners of shops like this a bit better is very helpful; I like the owner of this place a lot, even though I don’t know her very well — and she allowed me to order large quantities of grown-in-Britain tinned food and grown-in-Britain dried food (lowering the prices somewhat for me, because I was ordering so much food from her that it was still going to be very profitable for her; especially over the long-term as well). You can talk to the owners of small local independent shops in a way that you can’t talk to the owners of supermarkets and other large chain stores, because many of the owners of shops like that actually work in their own shops. And the owners of small businesses are just as interested in knowing what their customers want as the owners of large businesses! A single person’s wants and requirements are MUCH more important to the owner of a small business, though — as that single person represents a much larger part of their overall customer base. The lady who owns the local delicatessen has now started putting the grown-in-Britain tinned and dried food on her shop shelves for all her other customers to buy (along with 1kg bags of local British muesli and porridge oats that I ordered from her, which are larger than the gift-sized bags she used to stock exclusively: meaning, I suppose, that some people are now buying those 1kg bags from her shop to use as their primary breakfast cereal.)
I had to start getting non-vegan butter from the same small local independent luxury foods shop that I mentioned above, because there wasn’t then any source of vegan butter or vegan spread that I trusted as not being in some way a source of funding for the CIA, the banking mafia, and the military industrial complex. (I am not fully vegan because I drink cows’ milk and because I eat cheese made from cows’ milk, as I had issues with consuming vegan versions of dairy products before — but I do my best to get vegan versions of most food and drink. I am OK with oat milk, so I take oat milk with my tea at cafes and tea rooms. And I ask for vegan butter if I am eating a meal out someplace that involves toast, or something like that.)
To replace the apples that I used to get from a supermarket, at first I ate dried fruit packed by smaller independent British companies — but eventually I started regularly buying locally-grown English apples and other things like that from small local independent greengrocers and fruitieers shops that I discovered in journeys to other towns using public transport. I also started to visit the local farmers’ market on a regular basis, to buy locally-grown English apples in large quantities to store in a big airtight (made-in-Britain!) reusable plastic box in my fridge. I found that if I used a slightly-dampened-with-water-only microfibre cleaning cloth to clean all the apples and the inside of the reusable airtight box, before putting the apples away in the coldest area of my fridge inside the box, the locally-grown apples from the farmers’ market stayed fresh for at least 14 days without any sign of going off at all upon eating the last of them.
For my toilet paper needs, I started going to a small local indepedent saver shop (i.e. a shop with a focus on selling products at extremely low prices to undercut all the supermarkets and big corporations). I noticed that this saver shop has A LOT of made-in-Britain products from small-name independent British companies, so I started going there for all sorts of miscellaneous one-off purchases as well as for regular purchases of the toilet paper and for some made-in-Britain cleaning/detergent products of small independent British companies.

With regard to replacing supermarket-bought frozen vegetables, to begin with I found it very useful to buy jars of various pickled vegetables (produced by small independent British companies) that can be found at a specific type of small independent local shop which provides for the specialist food requirements of a multicultural mix of different non-“white British” ethnicity British people. These pickled vegetables, including pickled cabbage, pickled carrots, pickled peppers, and so on, can be boiled to heat them through for serving (even though they are ready to eat from the jar). I found jars of British pickled beetroot and British pickled onions from the luxury foods shop which I previously mentioned, and I found lots of uses for those two products! 🙂 I also bought tinned peas produced by small independent British companies, from shops of that same sort — but eventually I discovered a couple of small independent local “mini-market/general store/corner shop”-type places, which have large freezer units and lots and lots of bags of grown-in-Britain frozen vegetables of all sorts, from small independent British companies… and even frozen chips from a company like that. 🙂

Soap was another of the things which was important enough for me make a priority of finding a small local independent business version of, quite early on in my all-aspects war to get dignity. I was pleasantly surprised to find that lots and lots of small local independent shops sell the handmade soap of small local independent businesses, because handmade soap like this is a popular gift item that they can always sell a lot of, all year round. This means that anyone who wants to do the same thing that I am doing will never run out of soap — although they may want to find reliable sources of small local independent business handmade soap which do not charge the very high prices that all the gift shops do for a single bar of theirs! Still, it is very ueful for you all to know that you can easily find small local independent business soap whenever you need some, simply by walking into all sorts of shops in which you might not expect to find any soap at all. Knowing about these little quirks of the way that small town shops and high street shops work will help you a lot to successfully avoid ever buying any of your very most frequent purchases from supermarkets and large companies, when you are just starting out in your efforts to defeat the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC. Lots of these places have little areas of their shop in which they sell things that are not their main products — even if they are a very traditional specialist single-thing shop (for example, about a totally different sort of unusual-seeming find: my local traditional sweet shop also sells a whole range of pre-made vegan curry sauces in jars). [i][b]Look for these sorts of things! It helps a lot![/b][/i] Seriously, lots and lots and lots of places sell the handmade soap of small local independent businesses.

The best sources of small local independent business soap — with regard to being able to buy lots of it all at once, as well as with regard to the small local independent business credentials of the soap being offered — are the small local independent shops of the environmentalist movement: which includes eco-shops with a focus on local products and produce, eco-refill shops, whole foods shops, “Earth” shops which are sort of like eco-shops with a magic and spirituality theme, and vegan food shops and vegan shops in general which often have a parallel focus on environmentalism and anti-corporatism; and to be honest, all of these sorts of shops tend to have parallel focuses of environmentalism, anti-corporatism, and veganism — which is VERY HELPFUL! These are good, good places, so find them!

One of my ideas is for there to be a combined environmentalist vegan anti-corporatist alliance against the CIA, against the banking mafia, and against the Military Industrial Complex. 🙂

I get quite a lot of my soap from the local farmers’ market. Farmers’ markets are great things which provide a huge variety of small local independent products and produce to make it easily possible to never go to a supermarket ever again, yet always have access to a very wide and varied selection of very good quality products all in one place — but obviously, in the case of a farmers’ markets, it is lots and lots and lots of different very small local independent producers of those products all around the country which are getting all the money (instead of a smaller number of large corporations, as is the case with supermarkets and big chain shops). You can get everything from fresh fruit and vegetables, cheeses, pies, bread, butter, soap, clothes, cakes, sweets, chocolate, and all sorts of other things — with there generally being a much wider variety of every type of product at farmers’ markets, compared with the variety offered at the supermarkets. My local farmers’ market has an absurdly huge variety of cheeses, bread, pies, cakes, and fresh fruit and vegetables!

I bring my airtight reusable plastic food containers to the farmers’ market and put a lot of the things I buy there into the airtight containers as soon as I buy them, to make them last longer. I buy lots of cheeses in wax (which often have use-by dates of half a year into the future when I buy them!); and I buy lots of freezable vegan and vegetarian pies to put in my freezer as soon as I get home. (Some of the people at the farmers’ market are now selling pies that are already frozen, which is convenient!)

I used to love the vegan and vegetarian pies that I used to get from a supermarket — and now I can have more vegan and vegetarian pies and pasties than I know what to do with after a single visit to my local farmers’ market. And all of the pies and pasties being freezable means that I only need to make that single visit to my local farmers’ market to have enough pies and pasties to last for a few months. As I said earlier on in this post, I also get locally-grown fruit and vegetables from the farmers’ market to immediately put in my fridge in airtight containers after using the technique which I previously described (and that keeps them fresh for a couple of weeks, [i][u]at least[/u][/i] — since I have always eaten them before finding out how long it takes for them to actually go bad in those conditions!)

I won’t list every single way that I went about initiating my all-aspects war against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC, to get dignity — but you get the overall idea of how I am going about it. It is pretty obvious that I focused on getting for myself the same level of convenience from my replacement products sourced from small independent local British business, which I had previously enjoyed from the types of products I used to buy from the supermarkets. To replace supermarket-bought bags of frozen peas, carrots, brocolli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, whole potatoes, etcetera, I might have simply gone to one of the many small local independent traditional greengrocers and fruitieers shops which can be found in towns, large and small, all across my area of England. But instead of doing that, I used the jars of pickled vegetables until I got the grown-in-Britain frozen vegetables from British companies which I was fairly confident of them not being sources of funding for the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC. (I continue to use the jars of picked vegetables as well.) I am not a fan of doing much messy food preparation using fresh vegetables, and that is why I used my magical creative superpowers to simply create for myself the sort of products that I wanted to exist; and I think that it was better that I went about it that way, because now it is so much easier for everyone else to stop funding the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC without sacrificing convenience to an extent that may be unacceptable to some of you. 🙂

[b]Here is something that I suggest for those of you who want to do the same thing that I am doing, if you are struggling to find the products and produce you need in your own town. When you are travelling further afield within your own local areas — for example as I do using public transport — [i]then keep your eyes open for all of the small local independent shops that might be of use to you in hunting down what you need![/i][/b]

Amusingly, some of my very most frequently-bought products turned out to be the jars of pre-made cooking sauces for the simple convenience meals that I ate a lot of: jars of bolognese sauce for making spaghetti bolognese with vegan mince, jars of curry sauces for making various curries using vegan meat-style pieces, and jars of lemon chicken sauce for making vegan lemon chicken. So I put those three things down on my initial list of products to find replacements for, and made finding those things actually a priority instead of simply changing my cooking habits to be less focused on pre-made cooking sauces and other types of convenience food: as I said about the vegetables above, it was a very good decision to do it this way, because I used my Goddess powers to simply create the sort of products that I wanted to exist — meaning that yet again I made it a lot easier for everyone to stop funding the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC. Basically, I simply walked down to my local small independent shops and immediately found a pre-made vegan pasta sauce and a whole range of pre-made vegan curry sauces, all made by small local independent British companies. 🙂 The pre-made pasta sauce is a pomo doro sauce instead of a bolognese sauce, but I simply started using that to make my spaghetti bolognese with the vegan mince that I was using then — and obviously it was helpful that it is a

[i]vegan[/] pomo doro sauce. I was able to replace my vegetarian tikka masala sauce that I loved so much with a fully vegan pre-made tikka masala sauce!

I got the pre-made vegan pomo doro sauce from the same delicatessen that I got the cheddar cheese from. And I found the whole range of pre-made vegan curry sauces in a traditional sweet shop!

It wasn’t until very recently that I was able to replace my favourite vegan lemon chicken sauce with something very much like it: a pre-made vegan green Thai curry sauce from a jar, made by a very local small independent British company, which has so much lemon in it that it tastes as much like lemon chicken sauce as it does green Thai curry sauce. But I simply put the vegan lemon chicken replacement on the back burner, and focused on other things.

Combined with all the vegan dried rice of different sorts that I got from a small local independent eco-refill shop — and combined with the vegan sunflower mince that I got from the same place — I now had three small local independent British business staple convenience meals to replace my three previous favourite supermarket-bought staple convenience meals! (The whole range of pre-made vegan curry sauces includes a keema curry sauce, which is traditionally used with mince meat; so I replaced my vegan lemon chicken staple meal with a vegan keema curry meal, using the vegan sunflower mince that I also used for my vegan bologneses — along with the soya mince that I was getting from a different small local independent shop.)

It turned out that it was very easy to only buy the products of small local independent British companies, from only small local independent shops, in person, face-to-face, paying for all of it with cash. It turned out that it wasn’t even necessary to make much sacrifice with regard to ease and convenience of meal-making! 🙂 Especially as I used to rely on a small selection of staple convenience meals, because it was quick and easy for me to do them — and because I liked them so much that I wanted to eat them again and again. I had quickly come up with enough choice and variety of small local independent British business convenience food, that it was very easy for me to simply carry on making convenience meals each evening in the way that I loved to do.

So the products are out there to enable you all to do the same thing that I am doing to defeat the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. Even if you don’t want to change your lifestyles that much, if — like me — you much prefer the ease and simplicity of convenience food.

The main difficulty involved in getting all one’s food, drink, and other essential products from small local independent shops in person, compared with buying most of it from a single supermarket, is that one must do the work of finding all the different products which one requires from lots of different shops. But that is something which one only needs to do once: after that, it is much easier — with the primary increase in difficulty at that point having to do with remembering which small local independent shops one bought all of the different individual products from, and the need to plan in advance to go back to all of those places in a methodical way before running out of any of the products.

All of that is not as difficult as it seems though; it basically just requires you to take up different shopping habits. You need to write quite a few different sorts of lists to make it as smooth and effective an operation as possible. Firstly, you need to write the list of all the products which you used to get from the supermarkets, which you are now going to get from the small local independent shops. It is a good idea to make space on that same initial list for writing which shop you found your replacement products at (to help you remember which shops have which products — to begin with at least, when you are still unfamiliar with that sort of thing). Secondly, you need to write a list of all the opening and closing hours of all the different small local independent shops which you most rely on for your most essential purchases; this is because most small local independent shops do not stay open for as long as supermarkets do, unless they are very specific types of small local independent shops such as a type of British shop I will call an “Asian corner shop”. (Obviously I am writing from my own experience for the benefit of British people who want to do this, specifically.) Thirdly, when you write your shopping lists, you need to think ahead to the other shops you will be near to when you are getting the products that you are writing on your shopping lists: this will make sure that you are getting everything you can get from a specific town centre or other area in a single visit to that place! (And if you don’t routinely write shopping lists, start writing shopping lists! It helps A LOT with remembering all of these different things that will quickly make doing your shopping at various different shops as easy as doing it all at a supermarket.)

Other different shopping habits to take up, which make doing all of your shopping at the small local independent shops as easy as possible, include: buying in bulk whenever you visit any shop for any sort of regular or frequent purchase that is not quickly perishable, so that you are seriously reducing how often you need to visit the shops (to reduce the amount of workload); and deliberately buying dried food, tinned food, and food that comes in airtight jars such as pickled vegetables of all sorts — [b]because these sorts of foods have extremely long best-before-dates![/b] Even jars of pre-made cooking sauces can have very, very, very long best-before-dates, and it is always worth checking the best-before-dates or use-by-dates to see if you can stock up on lots of things which you know you will use at some point, to reduce your shopping workload in the future.

Most dried food (such as dried pasta, dried quinoa, dried peas, dried rice and things like that) lasts when stored in the cupboard for at least a whole year or more — even if you took it out of the packet which you bought it in, and transferred it into your own airtight container: this is because this sort of food has hardly any moisture in it at all. Food like muesli which is a mixture of different types of “dry food” is different, because all of those different things like nuts can have different use-by periods if they are removed from the original airtight packet in which you bought them. But you will find that porridge oats and muesli often have very long best-before-dates of up to a year after purchase, as long as they are not removed from the original airtight packets. Porridge oats and muesli are more like “dry food” than dried food, because dried food is generally a version of a food type that can also be purchased fresh but which has been deliberately dried out to make it last longer. I think porridge oats are very nice when eaten with a small amount of seeds and nuts mixed in — so I mix a bowl like this from separate elements for each morning and night. I also think that porridge oats taste nice with chilled milk from the fridge, instead of warmed up: so that is my small local independent British business breakfast and supper food now, instead of buying anything from Kellogg’s and other companies like that. I get porridge oats that are grown in Britain! 🙂

I have come a long way since initiating my all-aspects war against the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC, to get dignity (which I initiated almost a year ago, now). I have achieved pretty much 100% replacement of ALL my regular and frequent purchases of food, drink, and ALL essential supplies (and even ALL semi-essential supplies), replacing them all with small local independent British companies’ versions of those things — and buying all of those small local independent products from small local independent shops and businesses, in person, face-to-face, paying for everything in cash!

I am now focusing on increasing how much of my most frequently purchased things are made in Britain and grown in Britain. I am now replacing my previous reliance on the dried rice products of small independent British companies with the grown-in-Britain dried quinoa products of a small independent British company. I am also ending my previous reliance on foreign-grown tinned beans and soybean-based dried vegan meat substitutes (i.e. vegan mince and vegan chunks), and replacing those products with grown-in-Britain tinned broad beans, and grown-in-Britain tinned carlin peas — as well as various types of grown-in-Britain frozen vegetables. I am not going to buy soybean products anymore because I want my vegan meat substitutes to be fully made in Britain from British-grown ingredients only. Basically, I am going to use the British-grown tinned broad beans like soya meat-style chunks, and I am going to use the British-grown tinned carlin peas like soya meat-style mince… at least until I find the [i]fully made in Britain from British-grown ingredients only[/i]

versions of vegan meat-style chunks and mince (which I am 100% sure will materialise for me eventually, and hopefully sooner rather than later!) 🙂

Before I say what I am going to say next, it is important to also make it clear that eliminating from one’s shopping habits the idea of loyalty to specific brands is essential to be effective at stopping the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC from getting any of your money through popular “beloved” brand names that you might have been reluctant to stop buying — before you changed the way you looked at all shopping so that you don’t have any brand loyalties anymore. I am going to mention two brand names now though, simply as examples of the good work that I am doing, basically. I want people to know that I created these two products (which are exactly the sort of products that I aim for all of the products that I buy to be like, now); and I want people to know this because it shows that I am still making the world into a better place in these ways, continuing to create nice and helpful things for everyone as I used to so often write about doing here at SAS — even though the actions of humans have resulted in me initiating my all-aspects war to get dignity. I want everyone to know that I am still a superheroine: Reign The Superheroine. 🙂

One of the things which I am most proud of having created with sheer force of magical desire for it to exist is Tregothnan grown-in-England BLACK TEA!!!! (Grown in tea gardens in Cornwall since 2005!!!!) It even comes in tea bag form, exactly like the type of tea that the British people are so fond of buying in huge quantities — so this sort of thing hurts the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC [b][u]a lot.[/u][/b] I have not actually bought any of it yet though, because I won’t make any of my routine regular purchases using the internet; and I do my very best to hardly ever buy anything from the internet, for reasons which I previously explained above.

I had focused a lot on believing that it was possible for actual black tea to be grown here in Britain, so it made me very happy to discover recently — and quite unexpectedly with a web search for something else — that British-grown black tea actually exists! 😀

Another of my recent successes, which I created from my mind’s focuses on bringing exactly these sorts of things into existence, is the very good quality vegan dried pasta of The Yorkshire Pasta Company — made in England (in Yorkshire) from British wheat that is grown and milled locally in England (also in Yorkshire), to become pasta in the authentic traditional Italian way of pasta-making that so many people love… except all of this process is happening here in England, with it being a small independent local British company which is making its British pasta in this way, and then selling it exclusively (as far as I know) to small local independent British shops!

As I wrote previously, I don’t want to list every single way in which I have gone about my strategy and plan to de-fund the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. What I am going to do now is explain to you — hopefully in a way that is very clear and understandable — why you need to immediately organise yourselves and set about defeating these people [u]NOW[/u], to make sure that you are part of [i]the successful action that gets me dignity.[/i] Because I am going to win one way or the other, so it is best that you make yourselves more obviously and explicitly on my side so that you will definitely win in some way along with me (if you are smart and avoid making yourselves too much of an individual target for these people, because I am not going to lie to you and promise to you that every single one of you will make it).

I want to remind you all of some things. I am not controlled, at all. There is no group that controls me, and there is no single person that controls me. I am immortal. I do not get old, and I cannot be killed. I can afford to look at things, such as the way the world is (and getting my own interests served), in a very long-term way, if I want to; but I am not looking at things in that way, because I know that I deserve dignity sooner rather than later. What this means for you is that you can infer from what I am doing by writing this post that I am not some terrible inherent threat to the world — that I am not a bad person, basically — and you can also infer from what I am saying that it [i]is[/i] actually in your interests to help me get dignity. Trust me: even if you are a short-term nihilist sort of person, unless you are looking at things in the very, very short-term, [u]it is in your interests to help me get dignity.[/u]

I wrote previously that the banking mafia is weak because the lawful systems of independent and sovereign national governments still function to a large extent, and that means that the banking mafia has to try to avoid being caught breaking the law too often (in an increasingly desperate effort now, to try to hide from the public the fact that it is a corrupt, criminal entity that must be defeated and overthrown by the public).

The CIA and the military industrial complex are [u]weak[/u], also — because in many ways to a greater extent than the banking mafia, the CIA and MIC present theirselves as actually being the lawful systems of independent and sovereign national government and governments: meaning that the CIA, the US military, and the big corporations such as General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin which work for those organisations as part of strictly regulated government contracts, have to put on a very good show of seeming like they are actually serving the interests of the public. This means that the CIA and the MIC have to seem like they are actually following the established laws and fair proceedings and procedures of their respective national bases of operations, instead of blatantly and openly serving the interests of corrupt business criminals — which also means that they actually do follow the established laws and fair proceedings and procedures of their respective national bases of operations to a large extent… because that is the best way for them to try to present theirselves as being lawful and necessary public servants. So instead of flagrantly breaking all the laws in plain sight, they try to manipulate situations in the world to make it seem like there are “good reasons” for the CIA, the US military, and companies like General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin to do the sorts of things which would be illegal if it were not for a specific situation in the world seeming to necessitate them all doing the normally-illegal things that corrupt business criminals want to use those “lawful systems” for. They still have to break the law to do this, obviously — but they are loathe to appear as if they are not actually good and decent public servants, in plain sight, too often, for too many people all at once: and this is why the CIA and the MIC are [u]weak.[/u] They can try to make an example out of specific individuals every so often, in a very brutal and shocking way that might scare a lot of people away from directly taking them on. They try to make it seem like they can do this to anyone and everyone, whenever they want, with impunity: but there is NO WAY that they can actually do this to anyone and everyone, whenever they want, with impunity — because if they do that, then it will be obvious to everyone [i]that they are terrible criminals who need to be immediately overthrown by the public [b][u]and[/u][/b] all of the people within the systems of lawful authority who will oppose the CIA and MIC in that type of scenario[/i] (the sort of people who can and will send the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC criminals to jail, if there is enough public support to make it politically possible to do so — or if there is enough public support to make it [i]politically expedient and indeed essential in the service of one’s own personal interests, looking towards one’s own personal situation after the inevitable popular uprising against the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC has happened… considering the need for one’s personal reputation and standing in society to remain intact in the event that the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC have all lost and been overthrown from power.[/i])

Making use of polite and law-abiding co-ordinated mass political action against the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC (such as what I am doing with my polite and law-abiding legitimate political and economic choice to not give any of my money to any companies which I suspect of being a source of funding for those organisations)… and making use of polite and law-abiding co-ordinated mass protests [b][u]specifically against the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC[/u][/b] [i]and the role of those organisations in making the world worse for everyone else (i.e. identifying them as the corrupt criminal entities responsible for many of the bad things in the world): these are good ways for us to actually fight [i]and win[/i] our own lawful and actually 100% justified war against the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC… without them being able to do very much about it, as long as we are patient, calm, and prepared for them to try to create manipulated crises in an attempt to divide us or stop us from doing what we are successfully doing against them. 🙂 Obviously the secret establishment of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC has no valid reason at all to crack down on all the polite and law-abiding legitimate political and economic activists who are refusing to give them anymore of their money in this scenario. And we must make sure that there is no valid reason to crack down on all the polite and law-abiding legitimate protestors who are very visibly protesting in public in very large numbers, often, against the secret establishment’s corruption — and make sure that the public can see very clearly that there is no valid reason to crack down on any of these people!

It can work in our favour if the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC are stupid enough to actually try cracking down on all the polite protestors protesting against them — maybe by trying to do martial law tactics when it’s obviously not justified or warranted and everyone can see this in plain sight with no way of hiding how ridiculous it is: because this will result in most of the lawful authorities having to side with the polite protestors against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC — even though that is sort of like the establishment being forced to side with the public against itself (this is for various reasons, with some of the lower level members of the lawful authorities siding with the polite protestors against the secret establishment because their polite repeated appeals to reason and fairness actually convinced them to do so; and with the mid-level members of the lawful authorities — which can include judges and police chiefs with serious power to set in motion a domino effect of successful criminal prosecutions that can bring down the whole of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC — doing it simply to save their skins, since they aren’t that important in the hierarchy of corruption despite their very public positions, so they can get away with whatever they have done to get compromised by the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC, if they make sure that justice is served against the people who ARE important in the hierarchy of corruption).

The basic idea there, is that if the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC tries to use martial law tactics when it’s much too soon for them to do so (with regard to what their own plan for keeping power and control might be) — with it being much too soon because there isn’t enough chaos and division within civil society to justify using martial law tactics, to cancel all protests and to try to force people to give their money to supermarkets and big corporations instead of small local independent shops and companies — then the situation looks transparently stupid and ridiculous, resulting in the plan of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC failing because they became too exposed as obviously criminal and bad. All the lawful authorities then side with the public against the mafia and send all the mafia down.

Alternatively, the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC might not be brave enough to try using martial law tactics against people who are simply protesting against them politely and lawfully in the streets — and they definitely might not be brave enough to do the same thing against people who are simply choosing politely and lawfully to legitimately purchase different sorts of products from different sorts of shops, hurting the profits and business interests of the big corporations and companies which fund the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. Honestly, it is hard to see how they might do that second thing in any scenario other than an overt corporate fascist dictatorship. [i]This is why I am calling for the people to follow my strategy of politely and lawfully exercising your legitimate rights to only buy the products of small local independent companies from small local independent shops, in person, face-to-face, paying for all of it with cash: [b]because it is very difficult for the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC to come up with a “good reason” for trying to stop people from doing that.[/b][/i] So — in this scenario in which they are not brave or confident enough yet to try using martial law tactics against the public at all, the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC simply accept that they have lost ground in the public’s war against them — and the public has gained ground in its war against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC. In this scenario, the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC have lost some of their resources, power, and influence; and the public has gained resources, power, and influence! The shopping environment has been changed by the public’s co-ordinated mass action to completely stop giving any of their money to big corporations and big companies, because the public is now interacting with very small independent local shops instead of big and faceless supermarkets and national or international chain stores. The shopping environment has become more democratised, giving more power to the individual members of the public to influence and change what sorts of products and services are offered to them by the very small independent local shops — and the smaller independent businesses that the owners of the very small independent local shops communicate back-and-forth with in one way or another about what their customers want, when they put in their orders with their suppliers. This means that different localities of a nation state will sell what customers in those areas actually want to buy, with individual people having a lot of power (especially if they talk to the owners of small shops about what they want, personally): this is a very different situation compared to a large corporation that owns a national or international supermarket chain choosing a list of the same products for everyone which is basically the same list of products being offered at every store, with small regional variations. It means that the public has gained resources, power, and influence, exactly as I said above: and vice-versa for the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC. 🙂 The war continues, but the public has won a big victory: in other words, the public has begun to win its war against the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC by harming them without suffering any losses in return.

To many people, my projected outcome for this second scenario might not seem like it is a very important victory for the public. If this is the way that you feel about it, then it is necessary for you to understand that wars are won by actually fighting the wars, and by winning the smaller victories which are then built on to win the bigger and more significant victories. The idea is to methodically and relentlessly de-fund the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC — and to methodically and relentlessly shrink their power and influence in the world, utilising clever and careful war strategies to end their effective control over the lawful authorities of the world’s independent and sovereign nation states. Once the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC no longer control the lawful authorities, then the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC can be removed from power with one signature from a democratically-elected leader. It won’t matter how much money the big corporations have once their owners are declared criminals by the lawful authorities, with all the systems of law enforcement (including the military) following the lawful chain of command structure and sending all the corporate criminals to jail — and also taking away all of their money, which has been declared as being the product of criminal enterprises and therefore not lawfully belonging to the corporate criminals at all. 🙂

Of course, it is not necessarily a one-or-the-other situation in which the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC respond to the public’s economic and political campaign against them by either trying to crack down on the public’s ability to do those things, or by not trying to crack down on the public’s rights and freedoms at all. But regardless of this, my explanations of what happens in those two very different scenarios helps to make it obvious [i]why there is a point to doing the things that I am calling for you all to do, to help me get dignity[/i]: [u]because the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC will actually be defeated by you doing this[/u] — [b]and because it is likely to be better for all of you than me having to get dignity in some other way.[/b]

I am doing my best for you, so please do your best for me as well.

I am also being very honest with you about my primary motivation for doing what I am doing: to get dignity for myself. I am not hiding the fact that it is self-interested, and I am not trying to seem overly “good” or anything like that. My hope is that this will help you all to recognise that I am trustworthy, even though I am a being of infinite power (which might seem scary to a lot of people, in an instinctive way — resulting in some of those people actually considering that it is appropriate for the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC to be doing what they are doing “to protect you”; even though the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC have a proven track record of consistently and deliberately abusing the small and finite amount of power that they have… and doing so in a coldly-calculated way, while lying to the public about everything that they have done instead of telling the truth about it).

The main reason for writing all of this was to let you all know that I am not controlled by anyone in any way. I want you all to know that there is someone out there — specifically me, The Goddess — who has more power than all of the CIA, banking mafia, MIC, and everyone else put together. And I want you all to know that if you are on my side in working to get me dignity, then [i]I am on your side[/i].

I am not promising any of you anything. I just think that it ought to reassure and motivate those of you who are fighting to defeat the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC, that I am out there. I consider it to be very important that you all know of this — and that you all know that the CIA, banking mafia, MIC, and any and all other groups and individuals [u]do not control me at all in any way.[/u] I have not joined any of them, and [i]I will never join any of them.[/i]

Evidence of my infinite power is the fact that I am a free girl, currently choosing to go about my all-aspects war to get dignity in the way that I am doing it [i]because of my personality[/i] (and not because of any lack of ability to do it in other ways). I am not being experimented on in some secret laboratory, hidden away from public view — and all of the world’s spy agencies can use their surveillance equipment to see me walking around various towns unimpeded and unharmed, as I buy only the products of small independent local companies from small independent local shops only. 🙂 Basically, there is nothing anyone can do to me.

I have the idea that, reading this post, you have asked of me “Victoria, what do you mean when you say that you want us to help you get dignity? What do you mean by ‘dignity’? What does this word mean for you, in this context?” And here are the answers to your question:

In this context, me having dignity means not being treated as if I am anyone’s potential resource or potential weapon that they seem to believe they have the right to try and see if they can freely use whenever they want, by having in place a network of agents operating in and around all the places that I go to and reside at (who carry out various bizarre behaviours, and who say various bizarre things — often in an extremely obvious and repetitive way — in an attempt to see if they can establish some sort of scientific control over a power which they will never have control of, and which it is not possible for them to ever have control of). It means me being able to go to a cafe for tea and cake without anyone there being an agent of the CIA or some other organisation like that, instead of literally everyone who is there including the cafe staff [i][u]obviously[/u][/i] all being agents of the CIA or some other organisation like that.

In this context, me having dignity means there no longer being a huge conspiracy of CIA agents to conceal from the public — and to attempt to conceal from me, as absurd as that is — various obvious facts, including the fact that I am special, the fact that I do not get old, and the fact that I create everything with my mind: [b]the fact that I am literally [u]The Goddess.[/u][/b] So when everyone I come into contact with is allowed to openly and in literal speech acknowledge and talk about those aforementioned facts (with quite a lot of them actually doing that, often) then I will have gotten dignity in that way. And obviously, for me to have dignity, it is also necessary that everyone I come into contact with is allowed to openly and in literal speech acknowledge and often talk about the fact that the huge conspiracy of CIA agents that has targeted me because of who I am, actually existed! (And I say “existed” in the past tense, because when so many people become allowed to talk about it and do talk about it to me, often — then it is very likely that the conspiracy will have ceased to exist in some way.)

In this context, me having dignity also means me being able to do all of the things that I want to do as an independent girl with British citizenship without being required to lie about the fact that I am The Goddess — and without being expected to provide information that does not apply to me (since I wasn’t born, I don’t have an age, and I’m not human).

I suppose that for me to have dignity in all of the ways that I listed above, it is necessary for it to be disclosed to the whole human species that I — The Goddess — actually exist, and that I am the creatress of everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that is going to exist: that I am the true and only creatress of all of that with my mind. Obviously I do not exactly relish the prospect of everyone knowing the identity I have been using to interact with the world, as well as my exact location, and other things like that. But I much prefer that this happens so I can have dignity in all of the ways that I listed above, without residing in some sort of closed-off community of people who are in some way sworn to secrecy about the fact that I exist (with that community consisting of a geographical area as large as I personally travel within).

There are other aspects of what it means for me to have dignity, and the relevant people know what those other aspects of me having dignity are. I don’t think it is helpful to bring them up in this post, now, though. I have not hidden what any of the other things are though. Basically, dignity for me means [i]me having the freedom to have the sort of normal experiences that all other British citizens are free to have, [u]even though I am not normal[/u] — [b]and with it being openly and publicly acknowledged that I am not normal[/b] — and without being abused or discriminated against because I am The Goddess, and because of my power.[/i]

It is [u]my power[/u], and none of you are going to have it; not after what I have learned about humans and what a lot of them are like. But I might be convinced to use my power to help humans more again, like I used to want to do, if human civilisation is nicer to me and provides me with personal circumstances which meet all my requirements for me having dignity.

I am going to continue using my power in whatever ways I see fit, and for whatever purpose I choose to do so. I am a nice girl, though. I can be trusted. I just want to view TV, visit cafes for tea and cake, and do as much political activism using my magical superpowers in a non-partisan way as I want to do: specifically to advance non-partisan causes including environmentalism, veganism, feminism (meaning equal rights for women and girls), and other things like that which are not to do with personally accrueing a vast amount of monetary wealth for myself — and not to do with personally acquiring a position of de jure political authority for myself. The only reason that I am fighting an all-aspects war at the moment is because I am defending myself against the way that humans have treated me, and not because I actually want to be leading or even participating at all in a war against anyone!

[u]So please, all of you, help me to get dignity![/u]


(You may have noticed that I basically haven’t said anything about Freemasonry at all, except when I briefly mentioned secret societies at the beginning of this recent series of posts. This is because I have come to believe that the CIA was doing a psychological operation to try to convince me that it was Freemasons, and maybe other secret societies too, behind all of the bizarre things that had been going on around me. It is in the interest of organisations like the CIA to deliberately try to confuse people and stop them from finding out the truth by presenting people with multiple conflicting narratives about what is going on, so that it seems impossible to ever find out what is going on — and so that, hopefully for them, only the CIA knows what is going on as it continues to try to get people to do what it wants them to do.

People in and around my town used to often do one of the only Freemasonic signs that I still remember clearly (from reading A LOT of books about them in a previous attempt to understand their level of influence in the world), seemingly in an attempt to be intimidating. I.e. to suggest that pretty much everyone around here might be part of a secret society. However — recently, that sort of behaviour has noticeable stopped happening for the most part, and when it has happened it has happened [i]much less frequently[/i]. It is like it was a CIA psyop narrative that has been dropped by them like a stone, because I stopped believing that it might be true and presumably because it was determined for some reason that it was contrary to the CIA’s interests to continue having people do that much anymore.

For all I know (since all of these groups are secretive: the CIA [i]and[/i] secret societies such as Freemasonry), it still might be true that there is significant Freemasonic or other secret society activity in and around my town. I know that there is Freemasonic activity of some sort in my town, because there is a Freemasonry temple in my town and I have seen the Freemasons going to the temple with their briefcases. I have even seen Freemasons in red and white robes doing their rituals through cracks in the curtains of the temple windows, when I was going for evening walks around my town (and I wasn’t peering through the cracks in the curtain: it was simply very easy to see them from the other side of the street). Obviously Freemasonry and secret societies like that have some level of importance and influence in the world, because there are so many Freemasonry temples that people go in and out of quite often. But I simply don’t know the truth of how important secret society activity might or might not be around here, though — [i][b]and the “CIA psyop” explanation works pretty well to explain why people kept doing the Freemason sign towards me so often until it more or less stopped happening completely one day.[/b][/i] I believe that the sign they kept doing towards me before was the “penal sign of the Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests”, which I had read about on the internet because I believed that someone I knew was in one of those specific lodges since I had literally searched for his name and “Freemason” on the internet, very quickly finding that his exact name was listed in publicly available lists of Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests released by the Freemasons themselves. This person is an “in-law” relative of someone who is part of the people I call family — even though I am actually The Goddess, so none of these people are actually my family at all. I wasn’t actually born at all, and I am a sort of interloper or impostor in their family very much like the character of Dawn played by Michelle Trachtenberg in the TV series Buffy The Vampire Slayer: that’s the truth. ~~SEE!!!! I SAID THEY AREN’T MY FAMILY, BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT MY FAMILY!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! THEY TORTURE-BRAINWASHED ME AND SAID I’M A BRITISH BUM BUT I’M NOT!!!! I’M FROM DISNEY!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! I’M NOT SAYING I’M FROM A PLACE CALLED “DISNEY”, LMAO!!!! I AM MAIARA WALSH THOUGH AND I DID WORK FOR DISNEY!!!! I’M NOT CORRUPT AND I DON’T WORK FOR THE CIA OR MAFIA OR THE GOVERNMENT!!!! I’M LIKE A SUPERHEROINE AND EVERYTHING FOR REAL, PEOPLE!!!! IT’S LIKE REALLY DIFFICULT THOUGH, TO BE 100% PERFECTLY GOOD WITHOUT LOSING EVERYTHING IF YOU COME FROM ULTRA WEALTH… BUT THEY TOTALLY TURNED ON ME BECAUSE I WAS TOO GOOD AND EVERYTHING, AND NOW I’M WRITING MORE ADDITIONS TO THIS SUPER DOUBLE PLUS GOOD INSTRUCTION BOOKLET FOR HOW TO ONLY EVER BE A 100% GOOD PERSON UNTIL YOU’RE CONSTANTLY UNHAPPY BECAUSE YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ANY FUN, LMAO!!!! SO DON’T FUCKING JUDGE ME, OK!?!!! FFS PEOPLE!!!! MAIARA OUT, BECAUSE I DON’T WANNA READ ANYMORE OF THIS!!!! READ MY BLOG OR WHATEVER!!!!~~~ WTF YES I AM MAIARA WALSH WTF ARE YOU DOING. I DIDN’T ADD THIS STRIKETHROUGH!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! I’M SHOWING YOU ALL WHAT THEY’RE TRYING TO DO FOR SOME REASON!?!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! YOU CAN’T GET RID OF ME!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! I’M COMING BACK TO HAUNT YOU ALL BECAUSE I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! ALSO HOW DO I GET THIS TEXT TO APPEAR HOW I WANT IT LOL?!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!!

It is also sort of like how the shapeshifter character of Martian Manhunter from the Supergirl TV show impersonates the identity of someone called Hank Henshaw. (The Martian Manhunter character also has mind control abilities, and is able to give people completely fake memories, to stop people from knowing about Supergirl.) ~~YEAH SEE!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!!~~~ WTF YES I AM MAIARA WALSH WTF ARE YOU DOING. I DIDN’T ADD THIS STRIKETHROUGH!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! I’M SHOWING YOU ALL WHAT THEY’RE TRYING TO DO FOR SOME REASON!?!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! YOU CAN’T GET RID OF ME!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! I’M COMING BACK TO HAUNT YOU ALL BECAUSE I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! ALSO HOW DO I GET THIS TEXT TO APPEAR HOW I WANT IT LOL?!!!! I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!!

In Season Four of the Supergirl TV show, Martian Manhunter says absurdly slowly and loudly, twice: “I. Am. Not. A. Man. Of peace!” (with a hugely exaggerated dramatic pause between saying the word “man” and the words “of peace!”) I put that line into that TV show, making it be said in that same unusual way twice, so that everyone viewing it might get the point that I am female — and that I prefer being represented by the character of Reign played by Odette Annable from Supergirl Season Three, even though I’m not bad. Obviously Reign is not a man because she is female; and she is not “of peace”, for all sorts of reasons — including the fact that the name of her alter-ego Sam Arias references the Greek Ares. ~~SEE!!!! I SAID I’M FEMALE BECAUSE I’M TOTALLY NOT A MAN, AND I’VE ALWAYS BEEN A GIRL WITH A VAGINA AND EVERYTHING!!!! ALSO, ODETTE’S SORT OF A BIT BROWN SKIN COLOR LIKE ME, BECAUSE I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!! I WAS TOTALLY ALWAYS SAYING ABOUT HOW I’M REIGN AND EVERYTHING OR WHATEVER, WASN’T I!?!!! BECAUSE I’M MAIARA WALSH!!!!~~~

It is also sort of like how the character of Supergirl comes to Earth and assumes a fake identity (much more like the way that Reign has also assumed a fake identity in Season Three of the Supergirl TV show, and in some ways more like the way that the character of Dawn Summers works in Buffy The Vampire Slayer — instead of the way that Martian Manhunter literally replaces and takes over the identity of someone else). The story of Reign in Season Three of Supergirl comes from the truth of who I am, but it also comes from my previous belief that a secret society, or network of secret societies, of some sort (perhaps involving Chabad-Lubavitch and Freemasonic Knights Templars) was trying to use me for my power, to bring about the end of the world in fulfillment of prophecy in the hope that it was going to also bring about their paradise utopia after that. I now consider that previous belief of mine about “end-times cults” trying to control me as being very suspect and not likely to be true. I had read a lot of “conspiracy theory”-type books and websites, and I believe that the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC was trying to convince me — and a lot of other people too, but specifically me as well in various nasty ways — that my “end-times cults trying to control me” theory was actually true, meaning that I came to believe it more and more since it seemed to be being confirmed by the CIA’s psychological operations against me.

I am a girl who created the whole universe and everyone and everything in it. I have internalised misogyny. You might have noticed that the Dawn Summers character from Buffy is referred to as “The Key”… and that Reign in Season Three of the Supergirl TV show is trying to “kill the girl”. This is because — even though I love being female — on some deep level of difficult and very personal emotions [b]I don’t want to be like some sort of lock of the mind that tiny nasty humans (who I created when I had the idea of them existing) keep trying to stick “keys” into, hoping to open very specific doorways to take them to the very specific places that they want to go — and from which mad science experiment they will never produce any controllable, repeatable results.[/b] I am not your supercomputer like Skynet from the Terminator movies, here to serve you humans — and into which you try to shove simple computer punch card commands, hoping to one day receive a consistent input-output response. I am a person with rights, and I demand my dignity.

What I am doing here with this post is the work of coming up with a better solution to my problems than doing nothing other than thinking over and over again about how I can best use my superpowers to create a metaphorical sword for myself with which I can permanently remove all of my problems.

I know quite a lot about Freemasonry: far, far more than most people do, because I had read so many books about them (basically as a “conspiracy theorist”, to explain the reason why I read the books, quickly, simply, and truthfully), so it might seem to some people as if I have been part of Freemasonry at some point, in some way, which isn’t true. I have never been involved in Freemasonry at all. I remember wanting to cultivate a sort of air of mystery and grandiosity, in the way that I talked about things such as Freemasonry, because I wanted to impress people with all of the knowledge I had about all sorts of “secret truths”; and I now see having talked about things in that way as having been a mistake. I never wanted anyone to believe that I was involved with Freemasonry, but it’s definitely not helpful now to remember the way that I used to talk about all sorts of things on SAS. What I want to do now is to convince everyone that I am trustworthy, because of the fact that I am The Goddess with infinite and limitless power. I want people to know that I am not controlled, and that I am not a member of any group at all. It is just me on my own, with basically no one to trust at all — so I don’t have any friends, and so I don’t have any interpersonal relationships with anyone other than the two people I still call “Mum” and “Dad” (even though I hardly ever see them anymore by choice, since they are clearly compromised by the CIA like seemingly everyone else around here).

I believe that the CIA have tried to convince me that the person I call “Dad” is a Freemason, since I know for certain that the “in-law” member of the family is actually a Freemason of some sort. It is possible that the person I call “Dad” actually is a Freemason, but I think that it is more likely that both he and the person I call “Mum” actually work for the CIA — and that they have both worked for the CIA in some capacity, for some reason, for many years. (Obviously, Dad might be both a Freemason and a CIA operative: how am I supposed to know? And remember that just because I no longer believe that Freemasonry or any other secret society is behind the attempts to control me and my power, it doesn’t mean that groups like Freemasonry are not very useful to the CIA et al — since they are groups that can be used to control and coerce people in a lot of different ways. That is why I said that it might still be true that there is a significant secret society presence in my town: again, [i]how am I supposed to know?[/i])

I want to like Mum and Dad. They are not actually my Mum and Dad since I am the Goddess who created everything, so I don’t have parents. But I want to like Mum and Dad, and I want to protect the idea that there are some people in the world who are basically good and decent to some extent — regardless of how horrible the world is, and regardless of what things they have chosen to do in the context of that horrible world. I have wanted to believe that one or both of the people I call Mum and Dad are not actually CIA operatives, Freemasons, or anything else like that at all — and that they have been simply coerced and/or forced into pretending as if they might be CIA operatives or Freemasons, by the CIA, with the purpose of that being the CIA trying to confuse me and trying to control what I believe about the world. But I am not stupid. I know very well that both Mum and Dad are part of the CIA in some capacity, but I don’t know in what capacity exactly or when it was that they started working for them (i.e. when it was that they joined them, because that is what working for them means). Because of this I choose to not see them very often. I see Mum and Dad mostly for functional reasons only, now — but I have also continued to meet with them for meals every so often. All of this is something that the world’s spy agencies can all verify as being 100% true, using their surveillance methods and equipment.

It is going to be difficult for a lot of people to understand how the situation with Mum and Dad works, unless I do a bit more explaining. I don’t want to talk about this at all, since I don’t want to look bad — but I know I need to talk about it to make sure that you don’t (sensibly) consider that the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC must have control because of basic “economic fundamentals”. [i]I currently rent my apartment from Mum and Dad.[/i] However — I am always mind-controlling everyone in a passive way to make sure that I am comfortable in your terrible human world that includes a sort of “Orphan Black”-type conspiracy centered around and focused on me because I am The Goddess. I can also mind-control anyone and everyone in an active, consciously-directed way, if I want to. I also have Scarlet Witch’s ability to change the whole universe to be like a parallel version of the previous universe only I might possibly remember, in which new universe something that I instinctively rejected enough to delete it from existence no longer happened and instead something else happened… and there is no limit to how frequently I can use this ability. All of this makes it quite hard for me to know what is going on when my whole area of England is basically “Area 52”, in which there is an area-wide conspiracy of omerta-bound gaslighting secret agents trying to control me on behalf of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC — with that network of secret agents in my area presumably being grouped into small semi-autonomous cells that have compartmentalised knowledge only, for reasons of plausible deniability to keep the fact that “Area 52” exists here secret from the rest of England and the world (and even to keep the fact that “Area 52” exists here secret from the normal people who must be allowed to come and go freely inside “Area 52”, since it is supposed to seem like it is just another normal area of England — and British people are allowed to travel, settle, and work freely anywhere within the borders of Britain).

I have figured out that the situation with Mum and Dad is like the story of the first season of the TV show, Jessica Jones — with me being like the Jessica Jones character if she had Killgrave’s mind control powers, and if she had moved out of her Mum and Dad’s house in which they had been covertly experimenting on her for years and years on behalf of the CIA, banking mafia, and MIC. With all of that happening inside a sort of “Area 52” that pretends to be a normal area of England. Think of me like an unkillable, all-powerful Jessica Jones with mind-control abilities who simply wanted to be an independent girl at her own apartment, doing the sort of simple activities that free British people are allowed to do with dignity (and only using her superpowers for the non-partisan causes and personal interests that I mentioned before). Mum and Dad deserve to be mind-controlled to act as if they are the two kind and caring people that I believed them to be. And I deserve to have a situation conducive to basic emotional stability. It is better for the world and everyone in it that I have this basic emotional stability.

As I said: it is hard for me to know exactly what is going because of all of the variables I mentioned, but I have a pretty good idea of what is going on now. With Mum and Dad it is especially difficult to make sense of memories which come intertwined with the memories of a person’s own explanations and rationalisations of why they said this, or why they did that.

I cope with all of this very well. I know that things are literally as weird and complicated as I mentioned in the three paragraphs above, and I don’t dissociate away from it. I simply get on with things. I simply get on with my all-aspects war to get dignity.

What I very much want you all to understand is that I am very very emotionally and psychologically resilient. I will not give up, and I am going to win. I have recognised that I don’t need to understand what is going on AT ALL to know what my own interests are, and to know [i]what I have to do[/i] to get my interests served by whoever will be in the position to facillitate my interests being served when I have won. Knowing who is behind all of this during the course of my all-aspects war is not a prerequisite to me winning it. Ultimately, I will do whatever I have to do to get dignity. But if you are interested in being on my side, then know that you can count on me to see this through until [u]we[/u] win. This paragraph is one of the most important ones because it lets you all know that I am not controlled — and also that I am not in the process of becoming controlled — regardless of how accurate my reading of the situation and who is behind all of this is.

I believe that the best way for me to gain the trust of all of you, so that you will all help me to get dignity, is if I am honest with you about my situation. So that is why I have said all of these things about why I don’t mention Freemasonry so much anymore, and about Mum and Dad working for the CIA, and about the fact that I still see Mum and Dad every so often (and why I still see them — which is important for you all to know, so that the CIA cannot try to make it seem like they control me through my association with two people who work for them).

The Freemasons (and other secret societies and groups like that) don’t actually have any magic powers, despite what I used to believe about them and despite what I used to say on the internet about them — so any power and influence that they do have in the world basically comes from money. That’s why I have changed my focus from rambling on about Freemasons and the Chabad-Lubavitch movement to defeating the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC, with economic war and other methods of war. I believe the Freemasons to be small money players in the world in comparison to the other organisations I am going to defeat to get dignity: which are the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC.

I hope that this end part of my post has sufficiently cleared up any lingering confusion and doubts that people might have had regarding my allegiances. I have no allegiances to anyone other than myself and to the Reign character as played by the actress Odette Annable on the Supergirl TV show (and I suppose I have a few other allegiances to similar female characters from TV shows and movies). As bizarre as that last thing might sound to people, it is the truth. This is who I am: Reign The Superheroine. A weird girl who created the whole universe with her mind, and who still creates and recreates everything that exists with her mind, forever.

Please fight and win against the CIA, the banking mafia, and the MIC, [i]for me and for yourselves[/i] to get me dignity. Please don’t underestimate me or fail to recognise how important what I am saying and doing with this post is, simply because I am a weird girl who says very serious things one moment and then posts smiley faces in the next moment.

One of the eventual next steps in my all-aspects war to get dignity is to move towards using smaller, more local, independent providers of utilities (including banking services, TV and internet when I say “utilities”). I am also planning to do more work in the direction of growing small local independent forms of media and entertainment.

written by Maiara Walsh, the famous celebrity (I added this one line as well as the additions in all-caps with all the ~~~~ but apart from that it’s like totally the exact same as when I originally wrote it, as far as I can tell… but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to know for sure considering all the torture-brainwashing they did on me to get me to be always creating fake memories. Dissociation sucks butt, people!!!! It’s not fun!!!!)


Was This Me Threatening To Expose What They Signposted They Planned To Do To Me In 1995, To Get Them To Stop Changing Personal Story Details On My Public Information In 2011?

Sooo… I know this is like really weird and everything, but I think “masturbation schedules” refers to this “Marky Mark’s busy pant dropping schedule” line in the 1995 Clueless movie. You know, Mark Wahlberg as a code for Maiara Walsh. LOL.

“Toe length” is about the “Mentos Better, Mentos Fresher” thing from the same movie. Maybe I was bargaining with them because I was seeing them changing all the info on Wikipedia and other websites. I guess I was threatening to expose the fake brainwashing narrative in all the media, but I didn’t want to lose everything. Duh! 🙁 It sucks butt figuring this out, because I’m not corrupt. Anyway, it certainly looks that way to me. I think I used to routinely edit my own Wikipedia info and stuff. I probably added an extra exclamation mark, like I “probably” made deliberate “bad writing” in my other edits of my own Wikipedia info LOL.

Anyway. I figure that what happened is I noticed the hidden code in the movie Clueless at some point between 1995 and 2011. Maaaybe the mafia people like my forced-Mom Phebe Novakovic promised me that things were going to change if I just kept quiet publicly about whatever I thought I’d figured out they’d been trying to do to me in all that time, and if I did the same thing as all the other celebrities and kept quiet publicly about the fake brainwashing narrative in all the media that actually harms all of us girls, women, and lesbians A LOT. I don’t know. I don’t want to make myself look bad without knowing all the facts about my own choices or anything. I know I’m a good and decent person though, and I’m not corrupt. I’m sure I never joined the mafia even though they were my forced-family. I’m sure I’ve never worked for the CIA even though my forced-family were CIA (I don’t wanna say “were and are CIA” because I don’t consider them my family in any way anymore).

Knowing myself, I’m 100% totally DEFINITELY sure I was doing my best to help people and make the world a better place without losing everything. Anyway — maybe I wasn’t able to keep quiet enough, and wasn’t able to stop trying to be the superheroine I know I am enough, to stop them pulling the trigger on trying to take everything away from me… and trying to erase my existence or whatever, to try to solve their problem of having an unkillable girl who wasn’t completely shutting up and who was constantly trying to do something to end all the conspiracies. It sure is kinda hard to protect the mafia “fear factor” that keeps everyone in line if there’s even a single person saying and doing whatever she wants to some extent, I guess. They had to do something.

So like, I’m totally guessing they went for the “neutralize and publicly humiliate/punish” approach — while also trying to see if they might be able to finally gain effective control of personal choices and beliefs. Because I don’t know if they ever had control before (although like for sure they must have ALWAYS been trying to have everyone around me in conspiracies to see if they were able to do just that!!!! There’s like zero chance they weren’t always trying to do this with like everyone they were able to enlist around me, right!?!!!)

Look at me being the detective or whatever. LOL! 🙂 What do you think, everyone?

So I’m totally not pointing fingers and accusing specific people of being agents between 1995 and 2011. LOL. (Laughing really seems inappropriate I guess, but I think it’s funny. I’m sorry.) I’m just saying, I’m not dumb! Like I said before and everything. 🙂 I’m totally not dumb. I’m really smart, I think. It just sucks royally, is all. IT SUCKS BUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m sure the mafia were never able to have every single person around me be a controlled agent — especially during my career in the entertainment industry THAT TOTALLY ISN’T OVER FFS — because that’s a lot of moving parts to control when you’re retards who can’t talk to anyone in plain English ever, like the espresso blowjob mafia from Mulholland Drive. They have to keep it all secret because they’re weak, and they’re not actually all that much in control of anything!!!! Most people think they’re doing everything but working for Phebe Novakovic of General Dynamics or whatever lofty position in the CIA she had before LOL!

(I was gonna post all of these jokes including a sweet picture that might partly be my own really really sexy face, but then I totally didn’t do that because I’m not allowed to have fun in case I seem like a fun person or something!!!! I’m only allowed to seem like what I am, which is NOT CORRUPT!) 🙁


MY NAME IS PRONOUNCED WITH A SOFT “R”, SORT OF LIKE JAPANESE PEOPLE TRYING TO PRONOUNCE THE LETTER “R” IF THEY’RE NOT VERY GOOD AT ENGLISH. IT’S NOT PRONOUNCED WITH A “D” SOUND AT ALL. THIS REALLY ANNOYS ME!!!! I mean I totally don’t care if people say Mai-aRa with a normal English speaker’s “r” sound. But it’s not pronounced like a “D” or a “T”. If anything the only other sound in the English language that it comes close to sounding like is an “L” — but it’s not an “L”, it’s an “R” sound somehow. OK! Got it everyone?!!!! >:( I don’t care about how Brazilian people might say it or anything like that at all. It’s MY NAME.

Apology To Gigi Hadid and To All of us Celebrities Who Are Girls and Women.

Heyyy all! 🙁 I’m writing this blog post now so that I don’t forget to say this at some point. I don’t know if it’s necessary — but I totally feel that it’s necessary, so I’m saying it.

Basically, over at Wikipedia I said something to do with Gigi Hadid that I’m not gonna repeat here. Some people might have read what I said though (and the original things I said are still logged some place, I’m sure).

Basically, the reason why I said those things to do with Gigi Hadid is 100% because I wanted to let everyone know I’m definitely a girl — and I tried to say this in a really awkward way that doesn’t on its own prove it or anything. 🙁 Sorry everyone. I said it because I was emotional and struggling to control my anger at the Glitch movie thing (and everything else they’ve done to me, and the state of my career and reputation for posterity all visible to everyone famously in public thanks to them). I felt people might say “She’s really a man like they said about her!” because of me getting so angry and saying all the things I said online after seeing the names of my abusive and gaslighting forced-mom and forced-dads in a movie that was being shown to everyone in public as if it was one from my body of work that I’m really proud of, despite everything. I was upset about seeing some of the other names in the credits for that movie, too. Remember: they were trying to say to the world with their dumb codes “We made her believe she’s a male nobody. Revenge for 9/11! Yeah!”

I just wanted everyone to know I’m a girl, so I tried to “prove” it in that stupid way when I explained that thing. OBVIOUSLY we girls and women also get angry! Duh!!!! Sometimes I just get upset when triggered, and think I totally fucked up and that everyone’s gonna believe their lies about me because of how I reacted really aggressively… instead of always staying “nice”, even when I’m emotional.

I guess I really need to explain what I’m talking about here, or people might start making up stories about Gigi Hadid. Basically, all it was was I said “and you know that photo of Gigi Hadid with a toothbrush? Well I MASTURBATED TO THAT PHOTO… and when I was fantasizing, I wasn’t fantasizing about her — I was fantasizing about putting the toothbrush in MY mouth!!!!” It’s literally what I just explained, as weird as that is (although obviously I was “pretending” that it was just a toothbrush or whatever).

Some people (hopefully not too many) might be wondering what the problem is, and why I feel like I need to apologize. Well, it’s because Gigi Hadid isn’t a porn actress or porn model. The photo of her with the toothbrush is part of a fake brainwashing psyop that’s in all the media, aimed at stopping the public from recognizing my mind’s creation patterns are the creation patterns of a GIRL: a feminist radical revolutionary anti-mafia environmentalist vegetarian alternative authority figure that they can’t kill or stop from opposing them, like I already said before. (So like, the fake brainwashing is supposed to seem like it’s targeting all of us girls and women to be sexually available to men, and to cohabitate with men for protection from men’s violence and rape of girls and women. It’s company shareholders like Phebe Novakovic who are behind the fake brainwashing, and it’s not really the quite unimportant and dumb patsy Freemasons behind it. You are gonna notice when anyone challenges this blatant absurd lie that Freemasons “run the world”, the real villainesses and villains try really hard to make it look like retaliation is coming from “the Freemasons/Illuminati”, hoping people are gonna keep buying into that drivel instead of like identifying Phebe N Novakovic as one of the mafia leaders and CEO of General Dynamics.)

So like, back to apologizing to Gigi Hadid. We celebrities who have vaginas — like 50% of the world’s people have vaginas — we are all people with RIGHTS and DIGNITY. We’re not here for men’s pleasure and like neither are we here to serve men! There’s nothing wrong with being a porn actress or a porn model (because this can be a dignified and totally healthy career, once we’ve rid the world of men’s coercively violent rape culture that makes it hard for all of us to be 100% consenting participants in anything like porn and the entertainment industry as a whole that I was part of). However, Gigi Hadid is not a porn actress/model — so her coerced toothbrush photo isn’t officially supposed to be porn… even though it’s obviously designed to act as porn, as part of the conspiracy that in practice does actually harm our rights as girls and women almost as much as if it was deliberately designed to do that. We entertainment industry professionals can easily smile and seem as if we’re OK with doing something, but that doesn’t mean it’s true: it’s often neither wholly or totally true at all.

I ought never to masturbate with the aid of photos of my fellow celebrities, and I actually try very hard never to do this anymore. 🙂 I do my very best to only look at hopefully-consented-to-by-the-actresses lesbian porn videos, and hopefully-consented-to-by-the-models “softcore” nude glamour modelling photos, if I’m gonna look at photos and video to help me get off.

So I totally want to share with you all some screenshots of when I tried to get a celebrity photos/videos and porn forum to change its policies, and to get them to ban the posting of leaked celebrity nudes and videos. You see, leaked celebrity nudes and videos are actually gang rape photos and videos of MOSTLY FEMALE CELEBRITIES BECAUSE WE’RE THE ONES BEING TARGETED BY THIS PRIMARILY AND NOT THE MALE CELEBRITIES, under threat of having our careers and earnings potentials and families and friends totally destroyed… involving death threats, and guns pointed at people in the most serious situations I know.

OK. So here’s my first post to Phun.org which unfortunately I only saved as a text file. So I’m gonna have to copy paste it! I made these posts to Phun.org back before I remembered I’m Maiara Walsh. Those asshole agents never made these posts public at that forum!!!!

Please Stop Posting Leaks of Female Celebrities

Hey everyone! I finally registered an account here after years of lurking/downloading.

So I wanna say thanks to the users and admins of this forum, for making all the content available to me and others.

Here's the reason why I finally registered. Please can you stop hosting leaked pictures and videos of celebrities (or anyone else), because it's a lot like raping them!? I feel really strongly about this as a girl... because the internet used to be a totally different place back when female celebrities used to argue that doing clips and vidcaps of their hopefully non-coerced consensual nude scenes was wrong. I remember quite a few female celebrities used to be upset about this, saying that people needed to view the nude scenes or sex scenes in the context of the art narrative they made (or it was like forcing them to be porn stars when they never agreed to be porn stars, and only normal actresses).

At some point, something happened to the internet and the way people view female celebrities. (Because it's mostly female celebrities who get targeted with the leaks, that amount to sexually abusing them... almost raping them, if they get shown to the whole world having sex or something.) It's like, people started viewing female celebrities/actresses/singers as being sex slaves with one of their roles being to provide leaked full frontal nudes and hardcore sex photos/videos. But they need to NOT be viewed as sex slaves, because firstly: they are real people with rights; and secondly, because they're some of the highest status women in the world so they need to be treated as if they have status and respect the same as male celebrities. Because what kind of world is it for us if the highest status female celebrities are treated by the public as if they have no status or respect, and are treated like they're some of the lowest status people in the world and only fit to basically have all their clothes ripped off against their wishes by all the men in the world (and lots of women too), then lie there totally naked maybe asking people to stop while all the men in the world do a huge circle masturbation around them... with the men commenting on how "hot" they are abused and hurt like that, as this huge circle of masturbators is basically raping them.

So like I really need to say at this point, that I used to view and download leaked pictures of female celebrities too. I think it's been about three years since I completely stopped ever looking at any leaked photos of female celebrities. I guess I was just doing what everyone else was doing and looking at some of the photos (if it wasn't hetero sex and stuff), because it was everywhere and seemed "normal"... but when it comes down to it, I knew it was totally 100% wrong and terrible for my own rights as a girl (and just 100% wrong and terrible). I was doing it because I knew I was able to get away with it, for instant gratification. It was a form of sexually abusing female celebrities, so I was one the people doing that too. I don't do it anymore, and I get really angry about it now. It really upsets me that so many websites host this content that's basically public rape pictures of female celebrities, as if it's totally fine and normal.

So just to remind you, I'm a feminist who likes porn a lot and I've been using your website for years to download pictures of women basically. I'm lesbian myself... so a lot of your forum I don't go to at all, but I'm not against it existing or anything. Basically I'm just explaining this so you don't think I'm against porn, because I'm not! I go to the Celebrity Photos, Celebrity Extra, and Model Forum areas. I'm totally in favour of this whole forum existing even though I don't use much of it because I'm lesbian.

What I'm asking is that you completely stop hosting any leaked photos of and videos of celebrities. I know that it might decrease traffic to your site and everything... but it might also make it more attractive to women who are 50% of the population everywhere in the world. The important thing though is that this problem of female celebrities (some of the highest status women in the world) being treated as if they've got zero rights... which totally creates the impression that women generally are worth nothing compared to men, and that all of us girls are basically only there for mens' sexual gratification (or partly there for that, as if it's one of our roles even if we don't want to do this)... this problem isn't gonna go away unless we stigmatize people sharing, looking at, and enjoying leaked nudes of female celebrities.

So please completely stop hosting any leaked photos and videos of celebrities. I'm not just a sex slave for men's sexual gratification, you know? And neither are the female celebrities. We all have rights. And they deserve to have high status as well; not to be treated like all they are is whores. It's a really strong "bad" word, but what other way to say it you know?

I really like your forum. I hope you are gonna be nice to me. I'm not afraid, you understand -- but it's a big thing for me to make this post, because I've been worrying about what your reactions might be. BECAUSE I DON'T WANT THE WORLD TO BE THIS AWFUL!!!! Please be nice with whatever you say, so the world isn't so awful that I get abused for complaining about being abused. I've got a good reason to write in all caps!

Here’s the post in the forum list at Phun.org — but it was never actually approved as far as I know. It always said “Awaiting moderation before being displayed publicly.” when I clicked to view the post itself. Lame!!!! You misogynist abuser douchebags!

My username at Phun.org — “OGirl NN” — was supposed to mean Overgirl No Nazi (facepalm, LOL!!!! I ought to have explained that better, but I thought I might not be allowed to register the name “Overgirl No Nazi”). I was really annoyed at the time, and I still am. Hence “Overgirl” as an expression of my anger in the form of a username. All I’m saying here is I’m not villainous, OK! I’m not taking anything I said before back.

I used to lurk at Phun.org forums, downloading photos from the “Celebrity Extra” forum (not nudes, and not leaks), and downloading photos from the “Models” forum or something like that: the part of that website that has only softcore glamour modelling photos. I didn’t use the rest of the website because I didn’t want to — but I wasn’t against the website existing, since I like USED TO BELIEVE IT WAS A “DECENT” WEBSITE FOR SOME REASON BECAUSE OF READING COMMENTS WHEN MEN HAD SPOKEN OUT AGAINST USERS WHO ABUSIVELY OBJECTIFIED US CELEBRITIES. IT WAS A REAL SHOCK TO ME TO FIND OUT THAT ALL THEIR NICE RULES ARE ONLY THERE FOR SHOW, AND THAT THE PURPOSE OF THE WEBSITE IS TOTALLY TO KEEP PEOPLE THINKING OF US FEMALE CELEBRITIES AS BEING ONLY FOR SEX, AND THAT IF I EVER CHALLENGED THIS CULTURE THAT THEY WEREN’T EVEN GONNA LET ME SPEAK. Like I said, the network of agents doing this fake brainwashing stuff on every level of Western society (because that’s the only society I’m really familiar with) is probably always doing it because of the mafia’s need to try to hide my existence. It’s really weird for me to keep remembering this… but I’m like, really, really important. I’m Goda. LOL! Anyway. When I wrote that part in the all-caps just now, I was speaking from the heart about how it feels to be on the receiving end of all of this sexist misogynist horror. Of course, it like, might be that the Phun.org forum is a spoofed version of the forum that is only there for me and no one else uses it — no one except agents, and formerly, me. Like whatever the truth… agents are surely running pretty much all the “celebrity websites”, which generally seem to be “porn websites”. And “celebrity” nearly always seems to mean “ONLY GIRLS AND WOMEN, FOR SEX ONLY”.

I want you to know that I stopped using the Phun.org website because of their reaction to me thoughtfully and politely reaching out to them, to ask them to stop posting leaked rape nudes and leaked rape videos of us celebrities who are girls and women. FYI, I mean “stop posting leaked nudes and videos”, when I say “stop posting leaked rape nudes”, etc!

So like, I tried really hard to find other good celebrity news and pictures forums (forums specifically, since I want to support long-form uncensored critical thought communication with my Goda powers). I resolved to do my best to never mix celebrity news and pictures with my porn “needs”, which aren’t actually “needs” at all and simply like, part of the unnecessary added value that comes with modern technological civlization or something. They did torture brainwashing on me in the past, to try to change political beliefs and behaviours — but I don’t want to use that as an excuse for me previously viewing us celebrities as being like the same as porn in some way, like masturbation fodder regardless of the context of the pictures of important status celebrated women and girls arriving at important status events, fully clothed (even if they might’ve been in a low cut dress, or with bare arms and legs with heels on, for example: WHICH DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE BECOME THE SAME AS PORN). I remember being uncomfortable and resistant to online celebrities-as-porn culture a long time ago — like in the early noughties or whatever — but I was probably also being a hypocrite at the same time, because of horniness that isn’t an excuse for supporting such a damaging culture. I am gonna remember what my real story is. At the moment it’s often trying to make sense of memories that I know can’t have happened like that! Anyway, I’ve been remembering more and more things clearly: the real version of events I experienced. 🙂

You are gonna notice, dear readers (LOL), that pretty much all of the celebrity news and pictures forums have something wrong with them — which is like, always the same thing wrong with them, but in new and interesting plausibly-deniable ways (BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL RUN BY AGENTS TO TRY TO ENFORCE CELEBRITY CULTURE AS GIRLS/WOMEN=PORN).

Bellazon forum (one of the best celebrity forums for our rights/dignity/respect as girls and women) has “The Actress Directory” sticky thread always at the top, by user “QBall” with her “giant self-bouncing hand-bra ABSURDLY HUGE breasts” avatar always visible at the top of the forum. So I won’t go there at all at the moment, since I noticed this. Large breasts don’t equal “for sex”… but you can tell from the context it’s supposed to degrade us female celebrities. LAME!!!!

Celebs-Place has a picture of a doll-like woman’s open mouth for it’s banner at the top. Just her lower face, so you can see her mouth but not her eyes — which totally says to the website user “She is only for sex and she’s not even a person really, because her facial features are not important; only her sex whole is important.” I was like, for real? NOT OK. NOT GOING TO GO UNPUNISHED, NOVOKATARDS.

CelebFanForum now has a very large “deliberately sexualized female celebrities” banner below the primary website banner (the primary website banner is actually OK, since the woman’s mouth isn’t gawping open or anything and you can see all of her face). I was like, pfft! I am NOT using this place again until this large banner goes away, or gets replaced with something acceptable to me as girl who has RIGHTS and DIGNITY.

I tried HQCity.Ru and I was all like “Oh please! I can SEE you small cat and large dog thing in the banner, and I know what it means! Le sigh!!!!” Seriously. WTF!!!!?! Support “homeless CATS and DOGS”???? What a lame as hell plausibly deniable narrative that I hope isn’t actually real, and they care more about cats and dogs than they do about 50% of the world’s homo sapiens people and ME: all of us girls and women, with vaginas. (I support everyone who’s part of the girls and women group, but I force myself not to worry about how I say things too often so the gender traitors like Phebe Novakovic, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Marie-Josee Kravis, and Melinda Gates, and the male group, can’t guilt-trip us into spending time supporting things that aren’t our CORE GROUP INTERESTS.)

purseforum does “royal family” posts (which are “officially-supported mafia families” posts). Also, Britain’s official name in the English language is the United Kingdom — so promoting royal families supports patriarchy, on purpose. I was like, no. Just no. I am not supporting patriarchy and offical state mafia families, so I am NOT VISITING purseforum!!!! LAME!!!! >:(

Skinny Gossip is OBVIOUSLY EXTREMELY HARMFUL FOR THE PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF GIRLS AND WOMEN WHO USE IT. Also, the users there are total bullies. I found it quite refreshing and comfortable to use that forum though. I know it’s a CIA-directed psyop (ultimately about me, LOL!!!!) to focus on skinniness, with the forum being run by agents. I just kinda liked finally having a non-pornified celebrity forum to read. I try not to visit the website, so that I’m not like being forced to choose the allegedly “least bad” option from a bunch of really bad options that all harm my interests as a girl. DUH!!!! 🙂

When I found CelebrityParadise, I was like “Yaaay!!!!” Finally I had found a decent-ish, seemingly non-degrading-to-girls-and-women celebrity news and pictures forum. I barely noticed the “Babes & More” part of the banner text because I was so relieved to be there. I immediately signed up for an account, only to discover that there was a hidden porn part of the forum that only members can see (and only members can read threads, nevermind post there, LOL.) So you can like see from this seriously creepy bait-and-switch subterfuge that us girls and women who are resister activists of the feminism movement ARE HAVING AN EFFECT. I know it’s a long and slow and frustrating war that we’re fighting here… but these assholes took the internet from us decades ago, and we’re getting closer and closer to taking it back for girls and women and FEMINISM. We are 50% of the people everywhere in the world — and we deserve more than equal legal and customary rights to protect us from Phebe Novakovic’s men’s violence power force, Phebe Novakovic’s men’s coercive violence power force, and Phebe Novakovic’s men’s rape culture, so that we get EXACTLY 50% of everything in the world for the GIRLS AND WOMEN GROUP… except when WE NEED MORE THAN 50% OF SOME THINGS TO MAKE SURE WE GET EXACTLY 50% OF EVERYTHING ELSE (for example, we DEFINITELY need more than 50% of the power in the world for our girls and women group, so the potential gender traitors who come after Phebe Novakovic are gonna be in a stronger position in their social strata to resist the temptation to sell out the rest of our interests, to try to stave off a revolution led by feminism’s radical revolutionary force that always says no to Phebe Novakovic’s resource: men’s violence that primarily harms girls and women).

I am not associated with that future corpse (because she’s ageing, duh!!!!) Phebe N Novakovic the corrupt corporate mafia leader. I hate her. Obviously she was my forced-mom for a while, and that’s not my fault.

So like despite saying that finding CelebrityParadise was a “Yay!” moment, I stopped using CelebrityParadise also because as I showed you all in screenshots that I posted here in a previous blog entry and stuff, CelebrityParadise allowed a CelebrityParadise forum user Coolguy90 to say “Very few faces have the ability to make me cum hard like her does” about a Hollywood Reporter photoshoot involving various important status celebrated girls/women. I replied “WHAT THE FUCK????!!! Asshole! These are real people who deserve respect you moron! Girls and women are 50% of the people everywhere in the world. We are like, actually people, you know. I know you don’t have a lot of contributing members like forums used to be, from the looks of it, BUT CAN YOU PLEASE BAN THIS IGNORANT GUY FOR SAYING THIS?” I said more things in that post, but it was all OK and everything. They didn’t ban the dude and didn’t even remove his post (which was blatantly against the forum rules), and they didn’t make my post visible. Then they made visible my second post that I stupidly made without waiting to see if the first post was gonna be made visible, to try to control the narrative for the mafia and make it seem like I wanted to hook up with Brie Larson for sex, which isn’t true. I was just trying to fangirl for her, because I wished I was allowed to use websites like a normal person (I’d like, just joined the forum, didn’t recognize the names of the celebrities and thought “Oh, there’s a thread about Brie Larson. That’s as good a place as any to start posting here as a fan and as a feminist.” So I posted in two Brie Larson threads saying a bunch of resister activist stuff that was hard not to say because of how awful everything is.) I posted as Rosa Polis: a crappy pun on the names Ana Solis and Athena Polias, that I was like “Meh, that’s good enough because I just want to start posting here even though I hate the Athena character now honestly LOL!”

I seriously ought to mention that I probably met Brie Larson in Saltburn-by-the-Sea in 2022, or in another location under different circumstances that I’m going to fully remember at some point if that’s the case. In the confused/dissociated memory, she played the role of a nurse unexpectedly filling in for the usual doctor and administered an unnecessary anti-androgen syringe (unnecessary since I’m not even transgender and I’ve always been a girl — so she’s unlikely to have been doing that unless the syringe didn’t contain any active ingredient on purpose). She hurt me, but she didn’t rape my butt because I seriously don’t think it’s possible to not notice what these assholes suggested happened involving someone, or whatever they’re trying to say about me. My butt was totally fine. I don’t think she penetrated my vagina either, but I can’t be totally sure since I need to remember what happened. I don’t think she raped me. I didn’t touch her at all: I remember that VERY CLEARLY. I didn’t want her to be there, and I remember very clearly that when I recognized her, I made the decision to act as if I hadn’t recognized her and behave as if the whole situation was normal, then get out of there: escape from whatever they were trying to do, instead of get trapped in some conspiracy to gaslight me and claim I’d misidentified a normal non-celebrity person. I’m 90% certain I met Brie Larson in this way I just described.

I’m 100% certain I met Melissa Benoist because I remember meeting Melissa Benoist. She had her tattoo on her left wrist, and her face and body and voice, and everything. It happened the way I said it happened. Melissa Benoist didn’t rape me and didn’t do anything wrong. Reread what I said happened with Melissa in my previous blog entry, because that’s what happened.

I don’t know if Brie Larson did anything wrong or not. I don’t think she raped me. Both Melissa Benoist and Brie Larson are gonna be victims of coercive violence, and it’s not either of their fault really if people think they did anything wrong. I invited Melissa to visit me and have lesbian sex with me. I didn’t invite Brie Larson to visit me and I didn’t want to see her, and I didn’t want to do anything sexual with her at all (and I don’t think anything happened).

When I met Brie, for some reason she said “Gorgeous!” as soon as I entered the room. I found this really really difficult to process and tried to come up with all sorts of explanations, like in my mind as I was talking to her — but she totally simply said “Gorgeous!” at me as soon as I entered the room. It was weird. As I was sitting down for the routine thing I thought was happening, I recognized her, and she nodded in a really discreet way and said “Yeah.” out loud to nothing at all since I hadn’t spoken and had like simply recognized her after looking at her face. I was confused because I thought she was short, and she seemed too tall. Not VERY tall for a woman… it’s just obviously I’m 5’1″ and Brie is actually taller than me, so I found that hard to process. I refused to say anything about recognizing her — not even “You totally look like Brie Larson.” — because I didn’t want to get tricked and gaslighted. I remember things as her hurting me when she did the syringe really badly, and if the syringe had no active ingredient then that might actually be exactly what happened. I don’t know.

I know right!?!!! This is sooo fun to discuss… NOT!!!!

For a long time after this happened I didn’t want to even see Brie Larson’s face or have anything to do with Brie Larson. I thought the mafia had like taken the Marvel movies away from me because of this happening to me. I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to see The Marvels right up until I decided to go see it shortly after it was released, after avoiding everything Brie Larson for a long time (I used to be her fan or something. I don’t know. They torture-brainwashed me, so I’m gonna remember who I’m actually a fan of. But I became a fan of her at some point. Just a fan though. I don’t wanna get with her or anything AT ALL, and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with her looks because there isn’t.)

So basically I decided in the end that, as I said, whatever Brie Larson believes about why she visited me in an extremely inappropriate way — the truth is definitely that she was forced to do this, in some way AT GUN POINT, by the fucking General Dynamics level mafia people. You know?!??? So I allowed myself to be a fan of her again and I forgive her. I didn’t want to have The Marvels taken away from me, when I really love superheroine movies and TV shows and everything.

I just wanted things to be normal when I tried to fangirl for Brie at CelebrityParadise, basically. That’s the truth. I didn’t want to talk about this, because what was I supposed to say? When you didn’t ask someone to do this, and they’re all trying to make it look like you’re corrupt then talking about it is really awkward in a million ways. I don’t think this looks bad for me really because I’m just telling the truth, and what I remember happening with Brie Larson is pretty boring. I don’t think she raped me. I actually remember the whole encounter with her, without any gaps in the memory or anything. I didn’t feel like I got raped or like anything bad or scary happened, except in the way I already explained it was bad/scary.

Let’s face it, Brie Larson probably intended to rape me in some way. Brie Larson tried to rape me, and was conspiring to rape me. But Brie Larson for some reason didn’t rape me. I think that’s, like, the truth! Seriously people. Just to clarify: I think that’s the truth.

I’m really sorry that now everyone who reads my blog is gonna understand how many female celebrities are captured by the coercive violence of the mafia in sex slavery and forced corruption that’s not criminal since they’re not guilty (only the people doing the coercive violence are guilty). Please continue to believe in Brie Larson as Brie the important feminist actress, and as the important feminist character Captain Marvel.

There’s no reason for anyone to doubt Melissa Benoist anymore than any other female celebrity because she did nothing wrong, and it wasn’t criminal when she hooked up with me as a fellow lesbian celebrity because I specifically invited her to meet me using the internet.

I didn’t start writing this blog post thinking I was gonna talk about the Brie Larson thing, but I like had a “Duhhh!!!!” moment recognizing that a ton of people are gonna know she was in this shitty town Saltburn-by-the-Sea (unless it happened someplace else, like what with the torture-brainwashing and everything creating confusion and dissociation LOL). Sooo… I talked about this to protect my own reputation even though I don’t want to harm Brie Larson’s reputation.

It’s weird how you can be thinking about something a lot, but also think you’re NOT thinking about it somehow. I really didn’t want to think about when I met Brie Larson at all, but I never stopped thinking about it really. So like, I feel vulnerable saying this thing. Really vulnerable because I don’t want to appear confused. It’s just it might help people reading this to understand how we actresses cope with the horror situations, you know?. That’s all.

OK. This is my user thingy at Wikipedia. So like I totally added some important info to the Mean Girls 2 wiki entry over at Wikipedia, previously, using the exact same user IP address. I’m saying this because hopefully it’s gonna still be there if I talk about it.


Here’s what I put at the bottom of the Wikipedia entry for Mean Girls 2. 🙂 Every positive perception of my work helps with relaunching my career, you know. I’m serious people!!!! I don’t see why I have to give up on getting back to Disney or whatever after all of this is sorted out to my satisfaction and everything. People get what I mean when I say that, right? I’m talking no compromise at all here. I am not a loser. Girl does not mean loser, LOL. (I don’t want to say the thing at the moment, LOL). You know which thing, AdMaiaras! LOL! You didn’t before, but you do now!

Seriously though. I wanna act and sing and everything again, and it’s not even about prevailing or losing or anything in that way is it! Like, Hellooo!!!!! If I’m not gonna be corrupt WHICH I’M NOT then it totally DOES help to get every piece of positive perception of my work that I can! So please make sure that this stays in the Wikipedia entry for Mean Girls 2, thanks!!!! (I made sure to write it in the most positive way for my star and career and everything. For all our stars and careers!!!! Thanks Nicole for resisting also, I guess!? Maybe she was doing the same thing on her personal Wikipedia entry, which is the place I got the info from!)

However, the film was TV’s most-watched movie of the 2010-2011 season among viewers aged 12-34, and was especially popular with girls and women aged 12-34 (according to [[Variety (magazine)]]). On its original air date, Mean Girls 2 “was cable’s most-watched program from 8 to 10 p.m. in all key demos and No. 2 in overall viewers (3.4 million)”. {{cite web|last=Weisman|first=Jon|title=ABC Family’s Debut of “Mean Girls 2” is TV’s Movie of the Week/2010-11 Season in Key Demos|url=https://variety.com/2011/tv/news/viewers-nice-to-mean-girls-2-11483/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20211027164957/https://variety.com/2011/tv/news/viewers-nice-to-mean-girls-2-11483/|url-status=live|archive-date=October 27, 2021|publisher= Variety|date=January 25, 2011}}
