Nikki de Boer and me had a lesbian relationship.

So I remembered I had a relationship with the actress Nicole de Boer (she starred in Deep Space Nine, and The Dead Zone!) Like the reason I’m writing about this on my blog is because I need to remember my own life, and all the memories the corporate mafia stole from me!

Like, when I look at her face in some of the photos of her on the internet, I cry or I struggle with really intense and difficult emotions. 🙁 It’s REALLY WEIRD having feelings like this produced from looking at photos of someone who until recently you thought you never met, because you got brainwashed and tortured to forget her. I’ve figured out she’s both my “ex-girlfriend” I remember AND the woman I think I used to call “my psychologist friend” when I wrote about her online. It’s like the memories of her have gotten split into two fictional people who both have similar names to her — and who are both totally similar to her in various ways as well. So like I thought I knew someone called “Vickie”, but it’s actually Nikki I knew (Nikki de Boer). The “Belgian Flemish ex-girlfriend” I thought I knew was actually Nikki with her Dutch surname (Flemish is basically the same as Dutch), from her bilingual and bicultural nation of Canada, not Belgium. LOL!

I am gonna call her Nikki, to try to recover any memories I can of my own herstory. So Nikki was still married when she had a lesbian relationship with me at some point, but I don’t know when exactly. I think it must have been before 2011. Probably around 2007, when I was first famous for a big TV role, I guess. (Some asshole CIA agent reviewers don’t agree that Disney shows are “big” or “important” — but whatever! They totally are, and if you think I’m exaggerating then you can get lost.)

So Nikki and me took a few short vacations together. One of these vacations must have been to a place in Canada called Old Montreal. I’m not 100% sure about this — but I was looking at photos of Canadian cities to figure out where it was that I went with her, and I was like “This is the place. This is definitely the place.” (I’m having to figure out all of this real stuff involving Nikki de Boer, by making sense of fake memories of fictional people and fictional vacations in the European continent. I started to remember something about all of this when I decided to view a Deep Space Nine episode on TV, because of some kind of sense of having a connection to Nikki de Boer. I wasn’t sure why she was important to me, because she wasn’t part of the fake memories as an important person. She was actually only in the fake memories as like, an unimportant “disliked replacement actress for a valued character” — and I don’t have any genuine sense of valuing Terry Farrell’s Dax at all, full stop. Only Nikki de Boer meant anything to me, and I didn’t really know why.)

Like anyway. What I do remember is either her — or me — taking the other to a “family owned” building. Like, in Montreal, I guess. But my memories of the vacations happening the other way around are also of being at a “family owned” building (like the “ex-girlfriend” visiting my home area, even though Nikki obviously also resided in LA). It’s like the memories of the vacations either way mirror each other, you know? Like at “my” “family-owned building” with no family present so it was just us there alone, and at “her” “family-owned building” with no family present so it was just us there alone. I do remember one sit down dinner with “family” when she was supposed to be visiting me, in the fake version of the memories — and she talked really confidently to them the whole time (but other than that one time, we basically always had either place to ourselves on these vacations). I’m just trying to make sense of what I remember, since I’m an actress from Los Angeles and not a British person!!!! I know it’s really Nikki in the memories though, because it’s her face. Seriously, I just want to cry or something when I see specific pictures of her face that trigger some kind of serious memory emotions.

Seeing her in Deep Space Nine doesn’t trigger the emotions very intensely, because she didn’t look like that when I knew her. I think it might even have been around 2004-2005 when we got together (when she was starring in The Dead Zone). I’m basing my guess on my memories of what she looked like when she had the relationship with me.

Here is the weirdest part of all of this: I’m pretty sure from looking at recent photos of Nicole de Boer that she’s the woman I talked to late in 2021. I’m talking about the woman I expected to be “my psychologist friend” (the fictional woman from the fake memories), who I thought I was arranging to video chat with again on a small number of occasions sometime between October and December of 2021. I really talked to someone a few times — but I totally bailed in the end, cancelling the next video call which was set for January 2022, because she barely said ANYTHING to reply to me in those calls… so I believed she was compromised by the mafia or whatever, because she wasn’t behaving like a normal person and seemed under strict instructions to limit all her replies to the bare minimum necessary to seem plausibly “normal”. It really spooked me — especially because she looked so different to the woman I remembered (remember, I don’t age), and she was totally speaking with a different voice that was much lower than the one I remembered (which was like a woman with the voice of a little girl). Maybe in the fake memories, my own voice was given to her… like, to explain the memories of my own voice, in case I ever remembered that!? Honestly though, I thought it was actually a different woman playing the role of “my psychologist friend”, in 2021. At that point, I believed she was probably dead, even though I really wanted to believe it was still the same woman that eventually showed up for the video chats… after a really long period of the first meeting being delayed again and again. (The short explanation for why the video calls even happened was just because I wanted to talk to her again, so I asked someone to contact her for me to set up what I believed was “another appointment”. Because at that point, remember, I thought this person was a psychologist and not Nikki de Boer. LOL.)

Obviously the Ezri Dax character that Nikki played on Deep Space Nine is a counselor. I figure the brainwasher torturers turned the memory of Nikki into a psychologist because there was some sense of reality attached to that idea, to make it easier for me to accept it (I mean because Nikki actually played a counselor on a TV show, even though she obviously wasn’t a counselor herself).

I’m not even sure that the woman I see in recent photos of Nicole de Boer is the same Nicole de Boer that I knew. And that’s because it’s really hard for me to be sure about things like this after the mafia replaced me with an imposter who is pretending to be me, appearing in TV shows to this shade as if she’s really me. Like, what do you want me to say? I don’t want to put Nicole de Boer under suspicion of not even being herself for no reason — but I’m not gonna say “I know that’s still her” when I don’t know that, especially after all my experiences. I think she looks kind of different (like the woman I talked to in 2021 looked like a VERY similar but different woman). But I don’t age, so this is something that’s always weird and confusing for me anyway.

So yeah! That’s basically all I’ve got to say about this for the moment, people!!!! Like I explained at the top of this blog post, the mafia stole my memories and I thought talking about this might help me to get my memories back. I’m Maiara Walsh. I’m the original Maiara Walsh. Nicole de Boer is my ex-girlfriend who had a relationship with me sometime between 2004 and 2007. I remember a lot of things, but I don’t want to try to present a clear narrative of our relationship until I actually have a good idea of what happened.

I don’t think it’s necessary to apologize for “outing” her because there’s nothing wrong with being lesbian or bisexual — and I have ownership of my own experiences too without needing to hide anything that wasn’t wrong!!!! And it’s not illegal to have a relationship ignoring marriage, you know! Even though I totally don’t prefer it myself (regardless of what others might possibly suggest about me!) Also, I am totally putting myself first here… especially since I need to remember all my own experiences, and also because when it comes down to it she might have been involved in the corporate mafia’s conspiracy to abuse/control me. If it was her I talked to in 2021 — and I believe it was — then she was definitely involved in the conspiracy in some way, OBVIOUSLY… but that doesn’t mean she was voluntarily taking part in it. Some of the stuff I remember seriously suggests that she was part of some type of conspiracy or other, and that’s all I’m gonna say until I know more. It might not help me at all if I say a bunch of stuff that’s bullshit, people!!!! So please understand why I’m not saying more right now. I’m saying a lot.

I totally don’t want to get back with her!!!! It’s really weird that I thought she was dead and it turns out she’s not dead, because she’s Nikki de Boer LOL. I’m glad she’s not dead. 🙂 Anyway, like I said, I don’t want to get back with her. I’m just saying I’m glad she’s not dead.


Necessary post I suppose.

Oh yeah! So I totally need to say that I OBVIOUSLY haven’t forgotten about the weird fake bricks AND FAKE TILES AS WELL FFS and the CONCRETE HOUSE OVER THE ROAD. Seriously, I actually hadn’t forgotten about this. I just don’t really know what conclusion to draw from these things — so until I figure out why it’s like that, I’m just continuing my all-aspects war thing and doing my usual things. I tried to figure out what’s going on with it, but I was like “Well, I travel around the area on the bus and train… and it totally seems to be a real place with people who all speak English and everything, in all the different seemingly fully-functional towns I’ve visited in the previous years since I don’t know 2017 I guess. Whenever! So I don’t know how that’s supposed to work if it’s not Shitain in actual Great Shitain or whatever… but obviously I’m DEFINITELY the highest value anything EVER in THE WHOLE UNIVERSE EVER, so I’m totally not ruling anything out as possible here LMAO.” ???? You know? Like what do you want me to do? Some aspects of my street are 100% for certain not normal. That’s what I know for sure. It’s not like paralyzing to not know something, you know!

So anyway. I figure that if I do total war against everything, or just some sort of total war in some way, that eventually you’re going to have to come to the table AT WHICH TABLE MY DEMANDS ARE GOING TO STAY EXACTLY THE SAME BECAUSE LIKE I HAVE ALL THE CARDS HERE BECAUSE I’M GODA AND YOU’RE NOT. (Seriously I don’t want to reword that whole sentence I just typed to find a better way to say “you’re going to have to come to the table”, because of how you underestimate my resolve and ability to do what I say I’m gonna do. I am not relaxing my demands. It’s your fault.)


Why the corporate mafia might want to pretend there’s a male entity/god.

So like I thought about it a little more — the whole “Why does the corporate mafia try to hide my mind’s train of thought creation patterns in the media?” thing — and I totally remembered a few other ideas I had for why they do it.

I don’t know if the corporate mafia board rooms are mostly made up of men or not. But even if they have equal gender representation or something, maybe they might still want the people who notice the Goda codes to think that it’s a “man in charge of the universe”. Like, some people are really scientifically honest, or pretty open-minded, or just spiritual/religious… and lots of people of all those types are totally gonna say at some point, “Isn’t that like, a meaningful pattern that wasn’t put there by homo sapiens, and definitely wasn’t put there by like ancient aliens or something?” So when all those people eventually think that — or even worse for the corporate mafia, start talking about it out loud to other people — then maybe the mafia hopes all those people are gonna think it’s coming from a male entity/god (which at the very least, might result in people coming to the conclusion that the nonexistent male entity/god is likely to support and approve of the status quo surface-level patriarchy for-public-consumption-to-control-people). Obviously it might actually be horrible patriarchy in the corporate mafia board rooms… but if it’s not, then it’s still possible they prefer people to believe that patriarchy is what’s going on behind the scenes, because they view it as being a stable system. Like how the Russians have been doing “traditional culture” and the dumb Orthodox patriarchy church, to control the people.

Corrupt establishments feel really threatened by change that they’re not in control of, I think — because they know they’re bad, and they have to systematically lie to the public about how the whole system works to protect their positions — so they’re always scared that any rapid and out-of-their-control changes to the social paradigm are gonna result in everyone noticing how evil they are and wiping them out!!!!

Just to remind everyone who might be reading my blog! 🙂 Here’s what I wrote before in a previous blog post, “Goda’s address to the Russians and Chinese or something.”

I think it’s really important that you all fight the West to make sure you can’t be dominated by these Western corporate mafia assholes — because I don’t want them to take over the whole world after experiencing how they’ve treated me personally. My hope is that you’re totally going to all fight for your own individual interests, rights, dignity, etc — while staying sort of united and strong in defeating the Western corporate mafia and any of their supporters and collaborators over here, basically to defend your collective right to be a totally independent, strong and self-sufficient nation (and not to conquer my country of the USA… and other countries like Shitain, etc… and TOTALLY NOT TO TRY TO REVERSE THE RIGHTS OF GIRLS, WOMEN, LESBIANS, AND OUR OTHER ESSENTIAL CIVIC NATIONAL RIGHTS AND VALUES in the USA, Great Britain, and so on).” — Maiara Walsh, addressing the Russian people, 04/05/2024.

Soooo… my other thought that I remembered and wanted to share with you all is this: maybe the corporate mafia hopes that I’m gonna believe there’s a male entity/god, like cancelling out my codes and patterns and saying something exactly opposite to what I’m thinking, feeling, and saying with my mind. (Mostly I’m not trying to say anything though, and I’m just creating everything all the time from what I’m thinking, feeling, and doing — like painting a picture with my mind, using the raw materials available to me when I’m doing it. I know it sounds really shit, OK!?!!! Like, think of it as me “using it for inspiration” or something. A lot of people think it’s a pretty good world and everything. I want to do better, but people have been really horrible to me.) So yeah. Maybe they think if I believe in this other, nonexistent being, then maybe that’s gonna suggest limits and difficulty in opposing the corporate mafia’s plan for the world — because of the idea that the nonexistent being is supposed to support them, or approve of them, or something.

Anyway. Those are the things I thought it was important to share with everyone reading my blog (because if I’m right about these ideas for why they do it, then nobody is gonna understand what the brainwashing in the media is really for if they don’t have the full information… so now they hopefully know the truth, they can effectively oppose it instead of spreading information that the establishment can easily undermine because it’s ultimately not the real reason for why they do the brainwashing). I’m still not sharing exact details of specific brainwashing in TV episodes and movies, etc. I’m not sure if we need to wake people up to this very carefully or not. I’m still not really sure what the best thing to do is. What I totally do know is that people want to dissociate away from something this big and awful, so we need to make sure that our “real truth” wake-up info is actually accurate. I know it’s a big task to do disclosure that I, Goda, am actually real and everything… but we’re probably going to have to do this or the corporate mafia can poke holes in the “real truth” story (since it’s not actually gonna be true, if I’m right about all of this, and if the “real truth” that people are spreading is only that the corporate types want to coerce women and girls into being sex slaves and house slaves). People really want to stay asleep to escape from this horror, so any inconsistencies in our wake-up information gives the public an excuse to say “See, it wasn’t even true, so I bet none of this is true and I REALLY don’t want to believe it’s true… so I’m gonna ignore it and believe what the establishment is saying even though it also makes no sense.” We really need to stop people from doing that, without driving them crazy and rendering them ineffective as activists for positive change. So like, how do we do it???? I’m totally trying to figure this out myself LOL. 🙂

Other than this, I brought my milk delivery inside this morning (delivered to my door in reusable glass bottles, with recyclable foil tops, from a small local independent dairy, paid for with cash!!!!) I always feel much better about myself after doing things like this. Putting my recycling trash out makes me feel the same way about myself. I hardly put anything in my normal waste trashcan anymore.

I’ve been viewing Daria on TV. I only view it for Brittany, Quinn, and Sandy, who are all so like me. I find Daria really annoying. Jane is less annoying, but still really annoying. I think it ought to be called Quinn (which I know is one of the focuses of the brainwashing narratives, but I actually am like Quinn, Brittany, and Sandy… so I approve of it LOL). I’m trying to wake people up a little bit, slowly and carefully here, because I don’t know how else to do it. 🙂 Seriously though, I’m not joking. I’m just like Quinn, Brittany, and Sandy so I really enjoy the show. I was able to put references to the fact that I’m Reign The Superheroine The Cynthia Burman onto the show (don’t laugh at me appending “The Cynthia Burman” onto my title now: it just feels right, and I really want to put “The Cindy Burman” but it doesn’t sound as much like “The Superheroine” when you say it quickly). Anyway! There’s an episode called “Quinn The Brain” or something, in which she starts wearing black all the time like Reign and wears a beret like Cindy. Quinn wears the same costume again in another episode, and claims she “always dresses like this”. 😀 Also, Brittany dresses totally in black in one episode, in a night club when she’s hanging out with another guy to punish Kevin. It’s funny. 🙂 I also like the paintball episode when Brittany becomes like a really effective war leader, to basically truthfully depict me doing my all-aspects war ha ha ha. 🙁 I really like Sandy, but my voice is much higher pitched than hers. It’s really fun how the makers of Daria represented the schoolgirl vocal fry thing, that I think started in LA high schools. (I guess they represented it, even though patriarchal establishment really hates it LOL, so that some of the characters can symbolically become “the man” when they have status or power or whatever in the stories.)


I really enjoy viewing Daria to feel like I’m with my own kind again… in all the Fashion Club scenes and whenever Brittany does anything… but OBVIOUSLY I know it has some of the worst brainwashing ever. I complain to Ofcom in Shitain when I have time, but like I WANT TO ENJOY TV AND EVERYTHING so I still view it even though I can see and hear all of this terrible stuff. I’m just saying. :-/ I don’t want people to think I’m supporting like ACTUALLY THE WORST BRAINWASHING SHOW EVER or something. I totally don’t support it. Mostly because Daria is ugly and unfashionable and annoying, LOL!!!! 🙂 I don’t like how they try to force her and her girlfriend Jane to touch boys more and more, as the seasons go on… and I seriously don’t approve of how they force Daria to eventually wear lipstick when she clearly wants to be ugly (so she ought to be allowed to just be ugly and horrible, instead of being raped by a conspiracy slowly over time). Anyway. I don’t have any lipstick at the moment, by the way. I don’t actually need any make up though because I’m immortal and really, really young forever. I’m really, really pretty and like ultra hot. Like hottie, hottie, hottie, hottie, hottie… hottie… hottie… hottie… hottie (I say this every night, as well as saying that I’m the New New Hotness, The Sex, and Sex Made Real — as part of my Goda’s Truths thing I do). I might get some new lipstick eventually if I want to, but I’ve got so many things to do with my war and everything and just BLAH!!!!

So I’m gonna go ahead and post this anyway since no one is replying at the moment or whatever. Where is “Dapper Pop” when you need him, huh????! Or Telephraphgh. Whatever!

The important thing is I’m being myself and being really constructive, which is more than I can say about humans. You all suck butt, but we can totally work together if you’re on my side and my interests are being served and everything BECAUSE YES I DO HAVE INTERESTS TOO YOU KNOW!!!! FFS. Maybe some of you don’t suck butt, like the people I respect Extinction Rebellion, Debt Rebellion, Greta Thunberg I guess (call me!!!! you’re a top right? no, I remember you always sitting on the ground… well anyway, at least you won’t squash me if you do happen to be a top. is it OK to say this???? obviously don’t call me, and just keep doing the environment and everything really great. I am totally a big fangirl for you though Greta because you have principles and you seem like a really good person determined to do what’s constructive and right! I hope you’re not like totally all an “illuminati” lie and aren’t even real *sob* seriously Greta Thunberg you or the idea of you I REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE YOU’RE REAL ARE LIKE PRETTY MUCH THE ONLY PERSON I RESPECT IN THE WHOLE WORLD.)

This is just how I feel at the moment. The corporate mafia don’t control me!!!! Blah blah etc. I’m not about to give up and lose blah blah etc. Things I suppose I have to say if I’m gonna actually talk normally and real for a while.

To “people” I might have described as coerced. I am totally still in love with you and everything in my pathetic way, but I’m not looking anymore since the “white shoes” thing or whatever because I CAN TOTALLY SEE THAT THING THERE IN THE “BLACK SHOES” PICTURE AND I DON’T WANT TO GET HURT AND TRIGGERED ALL TO HELL BECAUSE OF THE SHOW AND THINGS I REMEMBER WITH THE CHARACTERS AND THE MAFIA BULLYING ME ETC… and BECAUSE I’M NOT ACTUALLY THAT PATHETIC!!!!!!!!! and also BECAUSE I’M NOT AN ABUSER OF COERCED DISSOCIATED PEOPLE!!!! FFS!!!!!!!!!

I’m gonna eat some candy now that I got from a small local independent shop and paid for in person with cash blah.


Why does the corporate mafia hide the true heights of celebrities?

I know people are going to be like “Why hide the true heights of actresses in TV and movies?” Umm… I think the short answer is like, to make women and girls seem as weak and defenseless as possible in TV and movies (so that people subliminally recognize how tiny our bone structures are compared to normal sized girls and women, to try to prompt thoughts in the audiences’ minds about women needing men for protection from violence: to like, psychologically coerce female audiences to cohabitate with men that they don’t want to cohabitate with, and have sex with them more often than they want to because of fear of violence… umm, to try to stop men in society from rebelling against the establishment with all their testosterone or whatever.)

I think the basic idea is supposed to be that guys don’t do revolutions so quickly if they have steady girlfriends violently coerced by the male group to be sex slaves and house slaves. Obviously us women and girls can be the most effective political and economic activists and revolutionaries, in a very safe society protected by effective law enforcement systems of crime and punishment.

So like I’m not completely sure if the whole “brainwashing conspiracy against women and girls” in entertainment media is even a real conspiracy — or if it’s just a “psyop” of the CIA, to try to stop people from detecting my mind’s train of thought creation patterns in the names and stories of TV shows and movies (by obscuring my own patterns with fake-Freemason patterns that are pretending like Freemasons run the world, and are doing a weird conspiracy against women because they have their dumb ban on women in male Freemasonry LOL. Like OBVIOUSLY it must be Freemasons if they’re against women LOL. “NO WOMEN” LOL.)

Why try to hide my mind’s creation patterns from the public? I guess to try to stop people from daring to think that there might be an alternative de facto authority figure to the corporate mafia, basically. I’m not saying I ever wanted to be an alternative de facto authority figure to the corporate mafia. I’m just saying, I totally am — because how can I not be, with me being Goda and everything. :-/ Also, maybe they want to hide that I’m a girl. A lot of my thoughts give it away I think, not that I’m being sexist or anything. And OBVIOUSLY they want to also hide that it’s them, the corporate mafia, who are trying to do whatever it is that people think is going on… so they pretend like it’s Freemasons. Maybe they need some Freemasons to actually do stuff in the LA entertainment industry to get it to really seem like this might be true — but I’m seriously not convinced there’s any truth to the “Freemason conspiracy in the media” thing AT ALL.


Quick blog post about my clothing sizes LOL. (OK, so it turned into a longer post…)

Soooo… I found my size for pantyhose in Britain, which is girls’ size “small-medium” for pantyhose (these ones are called tights here) from New Look’s 915 Generation clothing line for schoolgirls. New Look does a bigger size for schoolgirls, which is “medium-large”, but that’s too big for me — so it’s confirmed that I’m TINY then, LOL.

Also, the New Look 915 Generation girls’ age 12-13 size bralets fit me (but I have to adjust the adjustable straps quite a lot to make them much shorter than the default). I totally do have boobs though.

Primark girls’ age 11-12 size dresses fit me PERFECTLY.

I just wanted everyone to know this.


P.S. I somehow remember everyone on Cory In The House being very short people. It’s like the memories I have of people like Madison Pettis, Raven-Symoné (I know she was only in one episode), Kyle Massey, Jason Dolley, Lisa Arch, etc got transferred to fictional British people I never really met, because of brainwashing torture or something — but I’ve more and more been able to remember some things from my career and personal herstory. The director and camera crew look ridiculously gigantic compared to all the cast, in the behind the scenes featurettes on the DVDs. They were like trying to hide this though!?!!! Like, sometimes they’re totally trying to hide how short all the cast are… then other times they’re pointing it out really obviously, on purpose. And you often can’t see the people’s legs, or there’s weird camera angles and perspectives going on. I think the idea was to make people think “It’s impossible to know the heights of the people involved with all this conflicting data, so just accept you can’t ever know their heights — and don’t ever question the official heights of celebrities”.

I believe I’m 5’1″. I’m very sure this is true — even though I’m having to guess my own height because of whatever horrific brainwashing torture happened to me for years, since 2011 or whenever. I’m nowhere near 5’5″ like they say I am (even though they’re saying an imposter is me at the moment, FFS), and even 5’5″ is not tall obviously. But I’m 5’1″. I remember this really clearly, even though in the false memories it’s a height of 6’1″ that’s a really clearly established figure LOL. Obviously I’m not 6’1″. I’m 5’1″. 🙂 I’m really short, and really really slight — which is taking some accepting, but I’m getting there. 🙂

One really weird thing is I totally remembered an actress called Brittany Finamore… and there was NO fake memory of knowing someone in Britain who looks like her, or is like her in some way… and there was NO memory of seeing her in anything else on TV in Britain. It’s like, I recognized her name really clearly — and my mind tried to find some explanation for how clearly I recognized her name, like trying to say “Oh yeah, Brittany Finamore… I saw her recently on TV in… umm… nothing… I didn’t see her in anything.” and then I looked up her filmography, and there was still nothing I remembered seeing her in recently in Britain or at all, ever… except Cory In The House. It doesn’t mean I know her well or anything. I just recognized her name really clearly. I have no idea why her name was so recognizable to me, but it really was. The only reason I’m saying this is because I want to remember who I am, and I thought it might help. I really might not have known her at all and I just remember working with her in two episodes… and maybe that’s why I remember her, because she was in more than one episode????

Goda’s address to the Russians and Chinese or something. Also, blog post!

So like what is there to say? I totally want to say something on my blog, so I’m just going to write whatever things I feel I want to say at the moment.

Umm. So in case everyone in the world is reading my blog right now or something — I want to say I really like the Russian people for some reason (even though I’m nothing like the stereotypes of “the Russian people” I know about). I think it’s because I respect them for standing up to the people who I KNOW FOR SURE abused me lots: the U.S. American corporate mafia and the British. :-/ I’m U.S. American though, not Russian. I don’t think I’ve ever been a Russian spy or anything, as far as I know LOL.

(Don’t make fun of me for saying “U.S. American” because that beauty pageant contestant said that same thing once. Because I’m gonna say U.S. American now — since I think it’s seriously important to change the USA’s civic national values so we don’t act like we’re the only Americans in the American continents that are worth caring about. Seriously! Don’t you think that saying “American” to mean United States American is like having civic national values that implicitly establish a sexist and racist hierarchy of personal importance and worth? It’s like saying “We’re American. You’re Brazilian, and you’re not important and we own you, slave. You’re not American.” I really don’t want US civic national values to be like this at all, so I’m gonna refer to myself and others as U.S. Americans when I remember to do it. I’m not sure how Brazilian I am — but I might be Brazilian in some way — and it really got me thinking about this in the first place. But like, when it comes down to it, it really doesn’t matter if I’m Brazilian or not for me to know it’s right to say U.S. American instead of American. Really, it’s like saying U.S. American is the same thing as believing that U.S. Americans aren’t intrinsically better and more valuable people than South Americans or whoever — even if you might also believe that parts of U.S. culture and our civic national values are objectively superior to parts of South American national cultures, or parts of other national cultures. I am REALLY REALLY against Catholicism because it’s one of the worst strains of Christianity for its misogyny and sexist segregationist discrimination, like in the ban on women in any type of leadership role in the church: so I support a ban on Catholics emigrating to the United States, and a ban on anyone from unacceptably sexist nations emigrating to the United States — to stop inferior civic national values from taking away the rights and dignity of 50% of the United States’ population. I know we’ve totally got some retarded strains of Christianity in the USA though. I support a ban on ALL Christians from emigrating to the USA and Britain, as well as a ban on ALL Muslims and ALL Jews from emigrating to the USA and Britain (for the reasons I explained just now: because they’re misogynistic, sexist, segregationist, discriminatory religions that are harmful to 50% of the US and British populations that are girls and women!!!!)

So like, yeah! Those are my views and everything. 🙂

So to the Russian people, I know you have your nasty Russian Orthodox church thing that I hate. The leaders of your church are called patriarchs FFS!!!! It’s patriarchy, like the rest of Christianity is disgusting and evil patriarchy. Yours is not very well disguised though, since the leaders are called patriarchs and everything. So I suppose I support a ban on all Russians from emigrating to the USA and Britain, to protect my own rights from being harmed by your patriarchal religion and “traditional culture”. No offense though — because I know that you have feminism in Russia as well, and the church and “traditional culture” are like control mechanisms of the state to control the public (that a lot of people totally understand, and don’t support I HOPE, LOL!)

Anyway, I don’t know FOR SURE that you people abused me or anything, so I like you more at the moment. 🙂 Especially since you’re all (of all genders/sexualities/identities) like really strong and brave in standing up to these assholes over here in the West, and you’ve been able to kick their butt quite a lot which I really appreciate. I think it’s really important that you all fight the West to make sure you can’t be dominated by these Western corporate mafia assholes — because I don’t want them to take over the whole world after experiencing how they’ve treated me personally. My hope is that you’re totally going to all fight for your own individual interests, rights, dignity, etc — while staying sort of united and strong in defeating the Western corporate mafia and any of their supporters and collaborators over here, basically to defend your collective right to be a totally independent, strong and self-sufficient nation (and not to conquer my country of the USA… and other countries like Shitain, etc… and TOTALLY NOT TO TRY TO REVERSE THE RIGHTS OF GIRLS, WOMEN, LESBIANS, AND OUR OTHER ESSENTIAL CIVIC NATIONAL RIGHTS AND VALUES in the USA, Great Britain, and so on). These are totally my hopes for any other peoples and nations that want to help Russia kick the West’s butt, so the Western corporate mafia can’t abuse and bully me anymore. You are all welcome to help out… even if you’re the hated Muslims or something, LOL. I mean, it’s your countries that you peoples are hopefully in charge of running yourselves — since if you don’t do a revolution against your governments and establishments, then I guess that means you’re basically OK with how things are and that’s up to you peoples to decide how you govern yourselves. If you’re hated misogynist sexist Muslims and Christians then I’m just gonna advocate for you to be banned from entering Western countries, and I’m gonna do my best to completely stigmatize all the religions and cultures like yours within Western countries until they change or go away. Like, please don’t include Israel in your alliance though because Jewishness and Judaism is the worst source of misogynistic sexist segregationist evil in the herstory of the world, in my opinion, and I feel like it’s totally unsalvageable even simply as a nasty culture and not as the nasty religion. I feel like all Jews ought to leave Jewishness… especially if they’re female, because it seems like everything about Jewishness has no respect for girls and women — and the less culturally Jewish something is, the better it is for female people’s rights and dignity. Can you just go around them or something? (LOL.)

I used to identify as Jewish, but I don’t anymore. 🙂

ANYWAY. 🙂 The reason why I felt it so essential and necessary to reach out to the Russian people and everything is totally because you might have read the whole “Dugin’s second expired daughter” thing that somehow happened before. So, I want you to know that the reason that happened is totally because I thought I might have remembered being sent to Russia, or Ukraine, to be tortured and brainwashed sometime between 2011 and 2017. I’m not sure if that actually happened though. 🙁 I am gonna remember everything at some point, but it’s really upsetting thinking things like this might have happened to you… and I thought maybe everyone might have ganged up on me, including the Chinese people as I might have referred to at some point in a different context! 🙂 Basically, I’m just letting all the normal non-mafia/establishment Russian and Chinese people know that I respect you as people like me with rights and dignity, who don’t deserve to be bullied for no reason. My warning to all the world’s mafias and establishments is totally not rescinded though… and I don’t apologize to Russian men and Chinese men for anything I said (if any of you had chance to read it) because thousands of years of patriarchal oppression that still continues to this shade equals a right to let off some steam every now and again, as a girl. I think Russian and Chinese women are pretty though. Not being weird, I’m just saying! I’m a big supporter of women and girls everywhere, so I really don’t want to have offended normal Russian and Chinese women and girls AT ALL. Please fight for your rights like I’m doing here in Shitain!!!!

So I guess that said what I felt needed to be said to the “normal” citizens of the world who aren’t, like, terrible evil mafias or their henchpeople trying to get me or something. (I put the word normal in speech marks because you’re all totally not normal or whatever. I’m not assuming you’re like, less worthy people than me just because I’m Goda. Obviously I’m special and everything… but that doesn’t mean I’m a nicer, kinder person that people are going to like the most if not for being afraid or wanting something from me, you know?)

I’ve been reading a lot about my home, Los Angeles and that whole area. I want to remember everything about who I am. I think Thousand Oaks is in Ventura County, not Los Angeles County… but it’s really close to the San Fernando Valley (as is Simi Valley). So like, I might have resided in different places or in more than one place!!!! Thousand Oaks is actually near where the Kardashians live, and Miley Cyrus! The traditional guides to places and landmarks like Burbank, Studio City, Mulholland Drive, etc all seem to talk about male celebrities’ homes and just nothing but male celebrities and what they did… so I want to mention some of the famous women. I was wondering if I knew them or not. I was in one of Miley Cyrus’ music videos, but the articles on the internet show the wrong girl as me LOL.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel about any family I might still have in the USA (or Brazil). I want to feel something, but I don’t know what to feel or how to feel it. Also — I totally don’t want to feel anything until I remember something clearly, and until I can do something about whatever I feel.

I want to write more about everything I’ve been doing to defeat the Western corporate mafia, and to defeat patriarchy, as soon as I feel up to writing more. Talk to you more later, people! 🙂


So like I decided to upload some photos of my street.

Photos taken with my Nokia X2-00 (mine is black, red, and silver LOL). I really love my phone which has the coolest design ever. It’s got this cute little hidden micro USB port with a hinge that swings up and out when you open it with your fingernail… and it’s all made of a single piece of plastic (well the hinge is, anyway). It’s a really clever design the way the hinge works and everything because it’s so simple and it looks pretty. But anyway — enough about that!!!! 😉 LOL!


So I thought the photos of my town are interesting, right? The first two are of the houses over the street from my apartment. They are really interesting-looking, aren’t they? This town — Saltburn-by-the-Sea — is supposed to be over 100 years old or something, but the bricks are all so sharp and seem like they’re invincible or something. They are totally cool and very interesting buildings, even though I hate Shitain (that’s what I call this place that I don’t want to be in, because I’m excited to return to the San Fernando valley area in Los Angeles County, California as soon as possible… and hopefully to a place called Thousand Oaks which is the area of LA I’m sure my house was at).

You can see that some of the house over the road has had some of it’s bricks replaced… or some of them are different looking, or whatever. One side of it’s got a kind of princess tower that’s not in my photo because I was taking a picture of the bricks that had interested me. It’s like it was supposed to have a princess tower on both sides — but for some reason, one side has a more boring looking corner with newer looking bricks instead.

The next pictures are from the stairwell that connects my apartment to the street. So like, there’s no one in the apartment below mine — and that weird plaster wall is all I see of the first floor apartment other than the permanently closed door. I tried knocking on it and it’s definitely made of plaster or something because it sounds hollow; it’s not concrete, and it’s not plaster over bricks. I don’t really know why it’s been left like that.

Most of the pictures are totally of my apartment block — or “terrace”, or whatever!!!! Do we call them “townhouses”? That’s what I’m reading on the internet at the moment. Is mine a townhouse? Or is it the wrong style? I’m trying to re-learn how to speak American, LOL! (And just so you know, I’m not trying to sound “dumb” or anything. I’m just being myself without much of a filter, basically. Totally trying to figure out who exactly I am. Obviously I know I’m Maiara Walsh and I’m from the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, California — just like I knew I was!!!! Obviously I wasn’t actually born though, since I’m Goda and everything… so I’m not really “from” any place… but I like being from LA, and I am from LA. 🙂 I might also be from Seattle and Sao Paolo, Brazil, as well… because I might have resided in both of those places. I might have!!!! LOL!)

You can see in the next photos I took that there’s like, a row of facade bricks or something, on my side of the apartment building. Mine is the top floor apartment, and the weird empty apartment is the one with the ugly-looking green bay window. My house number is 23, and it’s the only part of the building with a painted sandstone frame around the front door. (I think it’s sandstone, isn’t it?) The sandstone frames around the other doors I took photos of from the opposite far end of the building are looking in really good condition, aren’t they???? I was really shocked at how pristine they look, considering Saltburn is supposed to be like over 100 years old. I suppose paint protects the stone though — and you can remove the paint later, or whatever.

The whole facade of the building at the front is in really, really good condition too. All the bricks look pretty much pristine, with some weathering… and in places, some clean lines suggesting that the occupants had cleaning work undertaken (or had bricks replaced or whatever)… but overall, the facade of the building’s front is pretty consistent looking all the way along on every level as if it might all be dated to the same time period. Weirdly though, on the far end of the building’s front all the way down the street from my apartment, the facade looks like it’s actually made of thin tiles and not special facade bricks (unlike on my side of the building, at which front corner of it you can clearly see it’s like special facade bricks). I don’t know what’s going on there.

For some reason a large load-bearing part of one of the houses over the street seems to be made of concrete for some reason. Like, most of the front of the house is made of concrete with stucco applied over the top of it? That’s what it looks like to me anyway. I don’t get it. The whole front of the house seems to be made of concrete even though I thought it was a Victorian house from 1900 or even earlier. It seems like it’s gonna have been difficult to replace an original brick section of a house that large with a single slab of concrete. Maybe they put up temporary load bearing walls to keep it all up, and then somehow poured the concrete in (like I’ve seen on “Help! I Wrecked My House”, LOL! They put these little wooden load bearing structures up in the American houses when they’re taking other load bearing house features out).

I don’t really know what’s going on with the weird half-removed brick (that’s not really a brick) section of the facade, down at the bottom of the numbered section of the building immediately adjacent to my house number 23 part of it. You can see it’s like, just over the little wall to next door from my part of the building, down at the bottom of the front facade wall. Weird!!!! You can also see that the facade there DEFINITELY isn’t full bricks at all, and is actually just thin tiles applied over the top of some other weird materials.

So these are totally some photos of my town I know as Saltburn-by-the-Sea in Shitain, Great Shitain or whatever. The photos are of Windsor Road, specifically. Let me know what you think in the comments below, people!!!! 🙂

UPDATE: So I totally added an extra photo that I’ve just taken, to show you all the beautiful princess tower over the street. Just in case anyone was thinking there wasn’t a princess — because I totally am a princess! 🙂 Trying not to accidentally upload my nudes here, LOL. Which I take for myself, obvs!!!!


I wanted to write my feelings down or whatever. I’m still gonna do my serious activism posts too, for girls’ and women’s rights and everything (seriously it’s not fair if I’m not allowed to be myself, is it!?)

So like I’m still totally hopeful to see this person again in the right circumstances (with me not being corrupt/coerced or abusive, and with her not being coerced or abusive). It’s really painful for me to be like sooo carefully wording that last sentence to recognize my “privilege” as Goda or whatever… it’s really painful, because I want someone to protect me. Like, some of the time I want someone to protect me. Not ALL the time, obviously. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I totally don’t know what it’s like for people to feel like they’ve got no other option but to do something… or they’re worried they might get killed or something. Like I know I’m not gonna get killed, so I won’t call her corrupt (and I don’t even know if she is or not — I mean, I really don’t have much evidence at all that she is… and she might have been “reconditioned” or something as well, I don’t know!) I really wanted to point out that I can be coerced though FFS — BUT I HAVEN’T BEEN, BECAUSE I’M REALLY STUBBORN — but I totally can be. And I feel a lot better letting people know this, so they don’t think I’m like, A MAN, or something. 🙁 Because I’m not, OK! But it’s totally true that I can’t be harmed and everything… so it’s really hard to coerce me if I do my best to not be scared of things that aren’t gonna happen.

So yeah. I think I’m probably saying this to you all because I REALLY WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH HER AND I REALLY WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW THIS. Anyway instead I insulted all the mafias of the whole world, and all the world’s men (and I don’t take any of it back!!!! Assholes!!!!) I’m still hopeful though of this date happening, if she still wants to meet me again.

So anyway this totally brings me to my next point — which is, I need to be given special legal status as Immortal Responsible Child. Because I am a child. I don’t age. It’s like not my fault!!!! Like she can totally meet me in public even though I’m a child. It’s not wrong or anything. I’ve been around forever, LITERALLY. I’m Goda, you know!?

I think that I need to be given the right to go to school for free with other children of the appropriate size and abilities range, over and over again, as much as I want — in a world after disclosure of my existence as Goda and everything, so all the other kids know I’m Goda attending their school for a few years (to be treated the same as the other kids while I’m there). But I also need to keep my rights to do everything that adults do, including residing completely independently, even though I’m not an adult. OK???? Like, I ought to be able to keep residing at my own apartment and attend school for free, for a few years at a time with other kids like me… if I can somehow keep up with all my shopping and housekeeping and paying bills, as well. Like, that’s only fair considering I’m both a child and a responsible person, since I’m immortal!!!! You all agree that I’m a responsible person, right???? Because I don’t care if you don’t think that. You can’t say I’m not a responsible person when I’ve literally been around forever. It’s not fair!

I hope that this is OK with her if she wants to date me. I mean, she doesn’t age either. I ought to stop talking about her, but it’s bothering me because I need to be able to be myself. Also — I really, really want to protect our rights as children. Like, the rights of children like me. I don’t want other kids to be predated on by confident celebrities or whoever, in power-imbalance situations. I don’t want to lower the age of consent or anything. I don’t age though. I’m a special case… so it’s not fair if I can’t date confident celebrities without putting a ******* moon suit on to hide that I’m a child!!!!

Anyway, I’m a celebrity too OBVIOUSLY. I was in Cory In The House, and Desperate Housewives, and other things. I’m Maiara Walsh. (Just so you know, there’s an imposter now pretending to be me in the USA, which sucks. But I don’t blame her because I figure she’s a victim of mafia coercive violence against women and girls.)

I was also in a Nickelodeon show — although I don’t remember at the moment, but I’m going to remember — anyway, I was in a Nickelodeon show, “Unfabulous” (starring Emma Roberts!) LOL. I’m really famous though. It’s like, shocking. I think people actually recognize me from time to time. Like walking around at the shops and stuff. Anyway, I really like Nickelodeon and it pains me a lot that I won’t view any Nickelodeon shows anymore, because of “The Haunted Hathaways” blatantly promoting domestic violence and sexist discrimination committed by small boys against their much smaller and younger sisters. This happens in the Haunted Hathaways episode “Haunted Cookie Jar” — because Miles and Frankie are practically step-siblings, with the way the show is set up and everything. They’re totally presented like step-siblings… and the abuse happens at a family-owned building. I was like, NO, I JUST CAN’T SUPPORT THIS ANYMORE IF THEY’RE GONNA KEEP SHOWING THIS CRAP YEAR AFTER YEAR, INSULTING AND ABUSING ALL OF OUR RIGHTS, DIGNITY, AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY AS GIRLS AND WOMEN IN THIS WAY. So I stopped viewing Nickelodeon, and I haven’t even seen the new Thundermans movie or anything. 🙁 I feel like some people are going to laugh at me for writing this, but I really, really want to view Nickelodeon shows again. I really, really love Nickelodeon. Anyway, I just wanted to talk about this again. 🙁 Every shade I check out what they’re showing on the Nickelodeon TV channel, but I never view any of it anymore in protest as a girl against brainwashing small children to treat us as slaves that it’s OK to blatantly abuse without anymore saying it’s wrong.

I wrote more about this issue in this blog post I’m linking to now:

Oh yeah. And just so everyone knows… I totally haven’t read or viewed the news for over four years now, including every single thing about Coronavirus. Basically all I know is some facts about Russia’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine, from a brief period of reading the news at the beginning of 2022 (and pretty much the only thing I read about was that one thing). I’ve been aiming to create the best world possible for myself with my Goda powers, based on knowing almost nothing about what’s going on in the world, and just choosing to believe it’s really great. And why not? It might be that great!!!! 🙂 People might not even be telling me the truth about what’s going on, because I’m Goda. I think the world stinks, honestly — so I’ve been focusing on doing what I can with my powers to change that. Like, in every way that I think the world stinks, I’ve been working on changing every single one of those things so I actually like the world instead of hate it.

Like do I even have to say I’m still totally 100% putting the same strategy into effect or whatever (even though tons of people might question if I’m still going to keep caring about the same things after a while… well I am!!!!) >:( Like just read what I said in the paragraph above. You have to interpret it.


Acknowledging something I’m not sure what it is! :)

So I know I said I don’t want to be a stalker (which is totally the reason why I haven’t said more since I said the “I don’t know if she cares” thing, last November)… but, I don’t want her to feel unacknowledged or anything. I know I don’t like to feel unacknowledged, and I basically don’t know what’s going on with the new thing that’s happening. So I just want to acknowledge and reply to the person herself, and her only. So that’s what I’m doing. 🙂

(It might be seriously helpful if I was able to remember what happened last Summer. All I remember is being surprised to see you in a shop in my town, but not talking to you. Then something happening in a cafe around 6-7pm the same shade, but not remembering anything very clearly at all. I don’t wanna make up stories or anything and I’m just saying what I remember. I think I know what happened though.)

Anyway I sent you a smiley face above. So like I totally do want to see you again if that’s what you’re asking. I am not gonna join the mafia though. I’m never gonna do anything in exchange for meeting you. Just to be totally clear, I’m never gonna do anything at all for the mafia or any other group PERIOD (and I’m not gonna explain this more because I respect you, and I’m sure the only reason I might need to say this is because of people trying to control the narrative).

The reason why I said that extremely awkward thing immediately before saying this, is because I can never betray your thing that you’re most known for… like, the idea of it and what it stands for and what it means for all of us… I can never betray it by seeming to be even slightly OK with any of us being thought of as being that. Because none of us are. This is like in public and everything. So I can’t betray what I believe in, by letting anyone believe that. It’s like, more important that everyone knows that we (all of us) are NOT that.

So I hope you do want to meet me again. I thought we can meet in a cafe and talk, if you want to. You know how to find me!

Like the worst I can be accused of is like being “in love”, or something!!!! Like a “love at first sight” sort of crush that hasn’t gone away that I just sort of ignore and do other things, because I have a life you know. (Talking to everyone else here. It’s my reputation at stake here too, you know!)

Oh! Also… hopefully you read all the stuff I wrote on the internet before (and hopefully that’s the reason why you came to find me in the first place, right?) so I’m informing you now that I fervently believe Chris Pine is dead and that he didn’t even appear in Wonder Woman 1984 (except in the opening credits when his name is listed, and except in a framed photograph or something at Wonder Woman’s apartment at the beginning of the movie — BECAUSE THAT’S ALL I’VE SEEN, SINCE I STOPPED VIEWING THE MOVIE WHEN BARBARA KISSED MAXWELL). I also believe that the Steve Trevor character doesn’t appear in Wonder Woman 1984 AT ALL, and neither does Steve Trevor Jr, “Dave Trevor”, or anyone else of that sort. Wonder Woman is lesbian with Barbara Minerva in the movie, and Barbara still has all her superpowers at the end of the movie and doesn’t die.

Other things I know to be true, just so you know if you want to meet me again: Reign played by Odette Annable swiftly killed everyone who fought her in Episode 13 of Supergirl Season Five, including Sam Arias’ adoptive mom, Supergirl, Mon-El, and Lena… and in that same episode, Reign The Superheroine played by Odette Annable in my Reign The Superheroine costume that I posted about IN EXHAUSTIVE DETAIL AND AT LENGTH on the internet easily heat-visioned to death an assortment of lame and unpleasant people including Martian Murderer, Mon-El The Cruel, and Overgirl (because they were trying to take over the Earth for evil, under Overgirl’s Nazi direction or whatever in some bizarre “clip show” themed thing… and the DEO was evil SO NO CHANGE THERE THEN, and Lena had to turn Sam back into Reign as a superheroine to stop Overgirl’s evil Nazi reich). In this episode, Reign didn’t even slightly get beaten at all except for getting back up from a Kryptonite syringe attack and screaming “YOU FOOLS I AM A WORLD KILLER, I CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!!” before easily heat-visioning all the people still alive in that first scene in which she was still alleged to be “bad” and they were the normal Supergirl, Mon-El, Sam’s adoptive mom, and Lena. So yeah.

After that very successful second outing for the character, Reign played by Odette Annable never appeared again in anything ever.

And in The Flash movie of 2023, Faora played by Antje Traue repeatedly cut the throat of the more experienced and better primary protagonist Flash in single combat after she sped up her movements to show that she’s actually faster than him (which is totally fine, because they used to say maybe Superman was faster than the Flash in the comics or whatever), which meant that the older of the two primary protagonist Ezra Miller Flash characters died over and over… with the younger Flash character trying to save him again and again and always failing, and I don’t know how this works and I don’t care. The new Supergirl in that movie that people don’t like as much DIDN’T DIE — and simply whupped Zod’s butt faster than Henry Cavill’s Superman did in Man of Steel (and then she seemingly got erased from existence at the end of the movie even though she never died and never lost at all, but that’s fine I guess). Obviously Faora didn’t die at all in that movie either, and never lost at all.

Hopefully you’re not gonna be an agent of the conspiracy against me and contradict any of these four things I just explained really clearly in the four paragraphs above. 🙂 If for some reason, the conspiracy or whatever is compelling you to lie about the true things I explained above (that ARE actually true), then we can simply only talk about other things. Sometimes people have different political views or whatever, and they just don’t talk about them ever. 🙂 Like OBVIOUSLY you might want to talk about other stories like the ones I mentioned… and that’s totally fine!!!! Most stories and things are totally nothing to do with the ones that are really, really important to me. 🙂 I know that it’s really like “It’s not OK to expect me to do this at all, even for just one thing.” I feel that as well, but this is between me and the mafia… and I feel it’s between me and the male group, if I’m honest. It’s about the rape of one group by another group, and the question of if all of us have to say “OK that’s fine then I guess, if you feel so strongly about it”, or not. I say NOT.

Honestly I think it’s a good idea for me to not find out about whatever happens in Stargirl Season Two as well… but I didn’t “officially” add that to my list of things. I really hope you can think about what it’s like for a massive conspiracy of loser idiots to have targeted someone personally through TV stories and movies for years, trying to get the person to give up to their dumb loser mafia and “accept that all girls and women are losers”, when SHE WON’T EVER DO THAT, ASSHOLES!!!! (That’s me: I’m a girl who won’t ever do that, dummies!) I know they’ve been trying to do this to all of us and not just me. All I’m saying is that they’ve personally targeted me — singled me out — and I’m not simply accepting it. I am going to defeat them on my own if necessary and have all intolerable grievances they’ve inflicted against me made right using any necessary tactics to do that. Seriously: girl does not mean loser. Woman does not mean loser either. They don’t get to take our best characters from us to try to crush our morale over and over. Those things are exactly like I said they are and it’s permanent war against everything and everyone in the way of people letting me know the truth that they are exactly as I said they are, until everyone that’s not retarded or something lets me know that they ALL ARE EXACTLY AS I SAID THEY ARE. I hope you’re with me on this. LOL!

I said “girl does not mean loser”. Obviously “Supergirl” apparently does mean loser when she’s fighting Reign or whatever, which might not seem appropriate to some people since she’s the titular character of the whole Supergirl TV show. But ummm… she was getting beat up by random alien men since the first episode when they were doing the whole “any random guy is too strong for even the strongest woman” brainwashing thing, to try to have us all be afraid all the time (and be sexually available, on our backs, and cohabitate with men even if we don’t want to do any of those things at all). And the writers were like “hit him in the dick”, or whatever. His dumb axe is his dick or whatever, in the first episode. Supergirl is a really amazing prevailer character who prevails at the end of pretty much every episode, in some way. And she whupped Superman’s butt in that one episode. They built Reign up to be really amazing though, and I want us to have characters that are like unquestionably the best character who can beat everyone on her own, like men have. I hope you understand why I feel this way. I thought maybe Overgirl seemed to be overcoming Reign The Superheroine’s heat vision for a moment, in Episode 13 of Supergirl Season Five… before Reign The Superheroine turned her own heat vision up to the max to kill her instantly in her Nazi castle where they had their confrontation (after Reign The Superheroine instantly killed her lieutenants Martian Murderer and Mon-El The Cruel, at the evil DEO building). Obviously Reign the alleged to be “bad” slaughtered everyone including Supergirl extremely easily in the earlier scene though. I hope that’s OK.

I don’t wanna conclude this post sounding crazy or whatever. It’s just I’m 100% serious — and why am I not gonna be serious about it, since those things are actually true — so I thought I really needed to like, explain these things to you at some point. I’d been putting it off. Because it’s awkward.

Anyway, I really want to see you. I’m only replying to you so that you don’t feel ignored though. Because you already know how to find me, and I don’t want to feel like a stalker. You have to decide what you want to do… and come see me to go on a date or whatever, or not! 🙂 Can you do actually talking to me instead of the photos? I suppose you might be shy or something when you’re not playing a character, or “celebrity guest” (and that’s OK). I’m not making fun of you; I’m totally wondering about this. I thought you might be making fun of me, actually. Hopefully you haven’t been “reconditioned” or something… but if you have, I won’t take it personally obviously!!!! You’re safe and they can’t harm you — so if you’re reading this, remember that OK! You look really pretty!

Wow, I wrote a lot about those “other things”, huh? So like, at least you know I’m serious about wanting to meet you again for a single date at least. Because I put the effort into including you in really weird things that are extremely important to me. So has anyone published a news story or anything? I don’t wanna be naive (or totally retarded!) BUT… I suppose it’s always possible that you took my advice and waited to see if anything was actually gonna happen in the media after showing up here before. People might be trying to control the narrative. I don’t know! That’s why I’m saying more and more about all these possibilities of what’s going on, because I don’t know. LOL. I guess I am just gonna have to concentrate on being myself and see what happens. 🙂




I Gave £400 to Women’s Rights.

tags: Maiara Walsh, Ms Victoria Olivia Rooth, President Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, only using the USA’s mass surveillance apparatus to surveil every single person in the USA’s job earnings in relation to everyone fulfilling the exact same job role in society to enforce 100% equal pay for the same work when one person doing that work is a woman and another person doing that work is a man in EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE IN WHICH THAT IS TRUE FOR ALL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S JOB ROLES, putting Robert H Richards III in jail for life with Presidential powers and working with the Supreme Court of the USA to make sure it never happens again in conjunction with using Presidential powers to do that (no matter how big a can of worms it opens up!)

Obviously my name is actually Maiara Walsh because I never relinquished that name, which was my legal name in America!!!! Yeah I know this isn’t great for what I’m trying to do here, but I have to put myself first OK? I’m not trying to fail. I have to be who I actually am, so that’s good magic, right? :-/

To Zack Snyder

Dear Zack, so I hope it’s OK for me to just call you Zack, and not Zack Snyder. I totally get it if it’s not. I’m trying to write this in the way that feels best for explaining what I promised to explain to you at my other blog (which I know you didn’t ask to be explained).

Umm, before I say anything else, I need to say this: the mafia wants me to think I’m a boy from England even though I’m obviously not. They never explained why very clearly because the CIA or whoever needs to keep plausible deniability… because the mafia is basically weak and afraid of the public doing a revolution that puts them all in jail or whatever. They want me to support men’s interests with my Goda powers (in this case I mean like, how the world is always at least sort of like me and what I’m doing). I wrote this paragraph to explain why I’m going to keep writing in my valley girl style — the same way that I talk in person again, now. The mafia/CIA people are really dumb and keep trying to insist on the same thing over and over again, like I just explained that they want from me. Anything I do that seems like what they want from me, they take as being a sign of them making progress. 🙁 LOL.

I mean it’s not even normal, honestly, to write in spoken-out-loud valley girl slang. But it’s normal for me now. I started doing it to forcibly be myself again, all the time. I like doing it though and it’s not “fake” (I’m saying this for everyone else, because it’s true).

So, Zack Snyder, I feel you are probably going to hate me and be really angry at me. I just hope you get how much abuse and trauma there’s been in my past. I know I’m probably not really that nice of a person… but maybe it’s because of everything that’s happened, especially since I’m immortal and everything.

The reason why I’m writing this blog post now, to be totally honest, is because I viewed Mean Girls 2 (which I starred in, because I’m Maiara Walsh… so you need to read my previous blog post if you didn’t already know this). I hadn’t viewed Mean Girls 2 for a long time and I noticed that I was actually in the movie. Anyway, at the end of the cast list at the end credits, the actress who played Karate Girl is listed as Autumn Dial. I’m really sorry about this. I think I must have briefly thought/felt something about what you and others who read my SAS and Reddit posts might think about me when you find out that I was in Mean Girls 2. (I know I was in other things too, and that I had an actual career as an actress, actually famous and everything — but I haven’t gotten the chance to see any of my other roles yet, partly because my internet was turned off for some reason for quite a while after I noticed that I’m Maiara Walsh. Somehow I was able to get back online to do that “I’m Maiara Walsh” blog post and download a whole bunch of websites and photos that are in my name.)

I thought it was best to talk about the Karate Girl casting info first, instead of seeming like I was dropping it on you at the end of a blog post that seemed caring up to that point. I’m not mocking you on purpose and I don’t know how to stop doing it. I’m really, really sorry.

I guess I must feel like a lot of people are laughing at me because of my role in Mean Girls 2, and whatever else I was doing when I was acting professionally in the USA. The thing in the end credits I just referred to… I don’t even know if it’s directed at you specifically, or simply “people that I feel are like the Henry Cavill Superman in the Justice League theatrical cut being all rapey brute strengthy public humiliation of Wonder Woman” and “Reddit/SAS people who know I’m Goda”. Maybe the guy I asked to contact you with Vero is the person who you heard from, I don’t know? I’m sure you must have read what I said somehow, at this point.

Anyway, I promised to give you some kind of explanation for what happened. I don’t want to cause you more distress though. Basically what happened is I viewed you as being a kind of father figure, because I knew that the people I was calling “mom” and “dad” weren’t my real family (and I don’t even have a real family at all, other than my sister, because I’ve always existed). I really liked the movie you directed, Man of Steel. I don’t like it anymore, but that’s only because of the mafia trying to force me to be a boy and stuff Henry Cavill said a few years ago. I still think you’re a really talented director. Anyway… I felt like you were personally counselling me about how to be Goda, and helping me decide for myself what I ought to do with my powers. I took the movie really, really seriously and I totally gave it my all in being the sort of person I believe you personally wanted me to be. I really latched onto you like a parent figure (no offence, LOL, because I know you’re really muscly and I don’t think you’re like my mom or anything, but I find it really really hard to talk very much about the idea of having a father figure after all the sexist abuse I’ve suffered from the world). When you directed Batman v Superman, and you directed Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman to look so strong — making her look better than Superman — I felt like you were supporting and accepting the real me, the girl, in a way that the rest of the world really hadn’t been prepared to accept. Like in religion and everything. I don’t want to be a messiah/saviour and I’m not… but I am actually real, so it meant a lot to me that someone out there was on my side as I actually am, the girl. Promoting me, emotionally supporting me, and saying “I like you as you are, it’s OK. Be you. You’re just as good. You’re better.”

(Zack Snyder, I’m going to continue explaining stuff to you in a moment. I really, really need to acknowledge that I’ve got a whole other family from when I was residing in LA, who I don’t even know or remember at the moment. As soon as I realized I had a family from LA, I started talking out loud at my home about wanting to see them again. Umm, I don’t know what to do about it though — other than, like, demand to get my life back so I can ask them if they want to see me again — so I’m demanding that happens, and just trying to focus on other things because I don’t even know if they’re still alive.)

To my family (and friends) from Los Angeles (and Seattle? São Paulo?), I want you to know that I hope you’re all still alive and I really want to meet you again. So like, I know I said I don’t have any real family because I’m Goda. What I meant is because I wasn’t born at all, and because I don’t age, I must have had lots of different families at different times. I guess I was moving myself around before humans got involved with the process of that happening, you know? That’s really all I’m saying. I really don’t want to upset and offend you. You’re my family who I don’t know, because I guess you’re not a fake CIA family. Umm… I guess you’re basically just the family I created for myself at some point, with a fake backstory I created for myself back then. I create everything, since I’m Goda, you see. If you’re reading this, please don’t reject me just because I’m not human like you must have thought I was. I’m not an alien or anything (as far as I know, LOL… I mean, as far as I know I’m not an alien AS WELL AS Goda, LMAO); I’m simply Goda, the Creatress of everything. I can’t help being me and it’s not my fault. You haven’t done anything wrong. It’s OK if you can’t cope with all of this and you don’t want to meet me. I don’t want to break your minds or anything. I hope you, like, didn’t “give me away” in some sense, because of not being able to cope with me being Goda. I guess I was independent at that point though. I hope you’re all OK. Hopefully the way I talk is still recognizable to you. Seriously, I hope you’re all OK.

OK, to Zack Snyder: I suppose I ought to say that I’m not trying to make it seem like I’m your daughter. Obviously I’m not your daughter. I just thought it might seem like I was being really nasty or something, trying to make it seem like something horrible. I viewed you as a sort of father figure though, like I said… and I still do view you like that, kind of, from time to time. It’s difficult because I figure you’re likely to hate and despise me. When I contacted you using Reddit and the medium of the Stargirl TV show, I didn’t even recognise that I was mocking you through the TV show because of my anger towards you. I thought I was trying to warn you about another presence that I thought was trying to make it seem like I was mocking you through the TV show. So I guess I did actually recognise what I was doing on some level… but I found it sooo hard to come to terms with my own mind being that nasty, that I projected what I was doing onto another persona that wasn’t real. I really believed what I was saying back then though.

If you view Stargirl Season One again, you can see the themes of father and daughter like I’ve been explaining to you how I felt you represented that kind of figure to me. Stargirl is learning how to be a superheroine, like I explained how I felt you spoke to me with Man of Steel. You’re gonna have noticed the whole thing with Zarrick’s son, and Zeke (the guy at the garage)… but in case not, I’m explaining it for you again here so you won’t misunderstand the full meaning of everything. You might not want to view it again, obviously.

At Henry Junior’s funeral, Brainwave gives a speech to the people assembled there, saying no one is to blame for suicide. Then he says “Except you.” with his mind powers, inside Stargirl’s head. That says exactly how I feel: that it’s always my fault when anyone dies, even though everyone else gets to be free of guilt and blame if they didn’t personally murder someone in a “normal” causative way, somehow. We both know that I literally did it myself — I actually chose for it to happen, I made it happen, and I designed the whole event myself even though it’s a horrible thing that I designed. I don’t know how to stop doing things like this though. Everything happens so quickly, and all the things are linked together… so if that had never happened, then a lot of other things are never gonna have happened either and what sort of person might I have been like now? I know I can easily change anything… but if I do that, then the world doesn’t make much sense anymore if the things I changed are too important to me, and too linked in supposedly causative ways to other things that are important to me. I like having a coherent personality. Not having a coherent personality, and the world totally making no sense anymore really upsets me. If I’m really upset, I might do another thing like I did when I destroyed the World Trade Center twin towers with my mind. Or I might, like, create a random petulant thing in the world targeting people I blame for how I’m feeling, that they can easily link to me, and then make things worse for myself… making myself more upset… making other people more upset with me, etc. What am I supposed to do?

So like, what I suggested — actually, ORDERED — the world’s elites to do, is to never, EVER try to control me and never, EVER even try to punish me for anything I do, instead establishing that I’m completely unaccountable. Basically trusting me to do my best to drag myself out of this spiral of resentment and hatred towards everyone and everything, once I’m allowed the space to actually work on my emotional issues, work on my own designed and chosen self and identity (and especially work on my fear of actually being Goda in the first place, you know????) I think that’s a good idea, myself, but whatever!!!! You know????! I was going to say “It’s so much easier in the movies!” but then I remembered that Man of Steel basically ends with 9/11 happening. At least they’re doing me as a girl now, right? 🙂 Like in The Marvels.

So Zack Snyder, you can see in Stargirl Season One also that Cindy (who I feel represents me best out of everyone in that series, because I’m so much like her honestly)… Cindy stabs her dad through his heart, as if she’s saying “You hurt me so I’m gonna hurt you, and let you know who I feel like you’re hurting!!!!” I’m really sorry. I know that for most people, movies are just movies and even if you directly bullied me through movies for some reason (which as far as I know isn’t true), most people are gonna say it’s not OK to create someone’s daughter killing herself as a fair deterrent against doing that. HOWEVER — I honestly believed you were trying to kill me with magic or something, with your weird suicide charity tee shirt thing that had Kaballah stuff all over it as well as a giant dick sword ejaculating sperm and blood or something into Darkseid and/or Lois Lane???? WTF????!!!!! I’m not being a bitch here, I promise. I’m not playing nice only to turn things around on you and stab you in the back, emotionally, or whatever (which is what you did to all girls and women with the Superman versus Wonder Woman scene from the JL theatrical cut, that I believe you shot yourself and isn’t substantially different from whatever you originally intended to be in your first version of the movie). I really, really want to understand what your tee shirt thing was about but I just don’t get it. I don’t know why I believed the tee shirt thing was about trying to attack me with “magic” or whatever… and you can see the evidence that I completely believed that was true, in Stargirl Season One with the whole Magician storyline and the tee shirt Stargirl has that says “Get Lost” to the Shining Knight when he’s leaving.

I think it’s totally OK for me to write the above paragraph and just leave it as is, even though your daughter died. I don’t want to hurt you for no reason… but your tee shirt thing really is a huge WTF moment. It stinks of CIA gone crazy with a really weird plausibly deniable story that you were somehow commemorating your adopted daughter with the sperm blood sword thing. Maybe you had no idea why you were coerced into doing that tee shirt thing — but you must have known that it was for some malicious purpose, and possibly something really serious that was meant to cause psychological destruction (or death, if you believe in magic).


You can actually read how terrorizing that tee shirt thing was for me in the way my writing has changed when talking about it. So the truth is I ought to have created a different event that more appropriately targeted the perpetrator, as a fair deterrent. I’m sorry that the wrong person committed suicide. I guess it’s just a lot easier for me at the moment, with my fear of my own power issues, to create an unknown-to-me daughter who committed suicide than create an event in which a movie director I was a huge fan of committed suicide despite seeming emotionally stable and psychologically resilient. So it was still justified in self-defense — because it was the type of retaliation that was available to me at the (non-linear) time. OK?

I really wish that this didn’t happen. You can see me wishing that it didn’t happen, and that you were still my cherished favourite movie director, but you’re not. This really sucks. I feel like I’m not allowed to have any friends at all. It really isn’t fair that I found myself creating events in which these awful things happened and I’m not allowed to like you or your movies anymore.

I promised you an explanation and now I’m following through on that. Because I did it. I’m really sorry.

What I wanted to be true is that you were coerced by the mafia to shoot that horrible scene for Justice League (or that they were coercing you to cut from the movie other scenes you shot that featured some kind of pay-off later in the movie, with Wonder Woman going “up a level” and being better than Superman — coercing you to butcher your movie, to personally target me because of what I was doing back in 2015/2016/2017). I totally wanted that to be true. It might still BE true, and I completely 100% believed that it was true for a long time.

When it comes down to it though, you’ve got a pattern of behaviour of filming rape scenes in movies that are like, comic book fantasy in style and content, and not part of some sort of “truthfully depicted recorded events” genre. I know they’re based on comic books, and I do actually understand the basic premise of Watchmen… but you people changed the ending of the story, and the literal attempted rape of a superheroine depicted on screen is one of the worst things you can do with a character type that only exists to empower us girls and women who might have actually gotten raped in real life. Sucker Punch is really rapey in a generalised way, with the whole “you are powerless against the man’s system” theme and the things that happen inside the setting of the movie. It’s totally plausible and completely believable that you actually wanted to basically rape the Wonder Woman character and all the girls and women who are fans of Wonder Woman. You might have even wanted to do much worse than what the CIA allowed you to do, because of their plausible deniability ruleset.

I feel under sooo much pressure from myself to not be like “legs open” for the mafia and what they want from me (to support their interests, and men’s interests, instead of my own interests as a girl). Writing this blog post, I felt like I ought to throw you under the bus for the greater good, and be totally like “We’re not friends.” “You’re a rapist. Literally a rapist.” (I’m not saying this about you, because you’re not a rapist.) I mean because of the US presidential election. I don’t even know when it takes place because I’m still not reading the news, but I feel under pressure to create the best result I can for girl’s and women’s rights to not have institutionalised sex slavery, sex trafficking, and sexual abuse of girls and women be normalized as “just something that all politicians, celebrities, and important public figures do”. I mean, I’m a girl, and I’m a celebrity. I have to stand up for my rights or I’m an idiot.

I’m not a sex slave, you know. That’s how the mafia sees me (and I hope it’s not true that all the world’s elites see me this way). Just some unpaid whore that only exists for them to try to force ideas into. According to them, I’m not even allowed to be female even though they want to keep forcing ideas into me anyway. I’m not asking for payment for my services. I’m not offering anyone any services. It’s not OK. I need disclosure of my existence, basically. I need rights and dignity as Goda — since I actually am real and exist and everything — and not simply my rights as a girl, only.

Anyway Zack Snyder, that last paragraph wasn’t directed at you exactly unless you want to help out with the disclosure thing. I’m Maiara Walsh. I’m located at 23 Windsor Road, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, Great Britain. Don’t come here because I don’t want to see you. We’re not friends. Obviously I’m safe, and I’m not concerned for my safety AT ALL. That’s not sarcasm, LOL. I’m safe. No one can harm me or anything.

I hope the Zack Snyder I wanted to exist is proud of me, even though I did Coronavirus (or whatever it was, LOL) and all the other things you know about. I’m like, a really, really young girl trying to do normal things and be Goda the best way I can do it considering I’m apparently a really terrible evil girl and everything.

I’m Maiara Walsh.

So like, hey everyone. I want to let everyone know that I’m actually Maiara Walsh. I played the character of Mandi Weatherly in the movie Mean Girls 2.

(I know the name of the character is like really bad PR for me… but whatever!!!!)

I viewed the movie on DVD really recently and noticed it was me in the movie. Like, actually me in the movie this time and not just an actress or character that seems similar to me.

There’s another person impersonating me, calling herself Maiara Walsh. But she wasn’t in the movie. You can see that she’s got a different, thicker nose compared to me, and she doesn’t have a cleft chin like I do. In the movie, you can see my thinner nose and cleft chin. I guess I was really tan at the time, and I had a lot of make up on (probably to hide my pimples, since I don’t age).

I don’t know much more than that at the moment since I only just noticed that it’s me in the movie. I hope I remember more. I must have been moved around a lot (like the story in the movie, LOL), because I don’t age.

JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS, I TOTALLY NOTICED ALL THE BRAINWASHING IN THE MOVIE AND I KNOW THAT I ACTED OUT SOME “FUNNY SLAPSTICK COMEDY”. I KNOW THAT THE MOVIE IS “AN INSULT TO ALL GIRLS AND WOMEN” (IN LIKE, A MILLION ZILLION WAYS). I put the insult thing in the speech marks because I feel it’s close to being the best movie ever, since I’m in it and I’m totally the hottest girl who ever existed (and I still am, and always am going to be the hottest girl who ever existed). That’s what I care about most, I guess…

But I also totally care about prevailing. My all-aspects war for my rights, dignity, and emotional safety is still a thing that I’m totally still doing. It was just acting, OK? I know I kissed a boy in the movie. I’m still lesbian. Please don’t laugh at me. I look away from the screen when it happens, when I replay the movie.

I mean, it’s totally fine for me to pretend to do stuff that I don’t personally like doing. That’s what being an actress involves unless you can get full creative control over every single thing you ever do. And yeah, I know that I’m the Creatress of everything. I’m Goda, obviously… so… please refer to stuff I said before about all my issues. I’m writing way more about this than I need to I guess, but yeah.

I try not to blame the imposter Maiara Walsh for STEALING MY IDENTITY. Because she’s definitely gonna have been a victim of men’s violence and coercion of women and girls. Like, the mafia and stuff. But I do want my identity back, because I’m Maiara Walsh and she isn’t. You know!!!!!

No one has “gotten one over on me” or whatever, with this movie existing. I’m proud of it because I’m really hot, and famous (LOL, Paramount Famous), and I’m actually a really good actress. I know my performance is the best in the movie. They lowered the volume and did bad dubbing on my second scene (the one with Coco Chanel in the bag), on purpose, to complement their dumb brainwashing thing to say nobody listens to/nobody can hear high school queen bees. To pathetically try to say that we’re low status, and have “no status after high school”, because the first movie was such a cult hit… with Regina being such a popular character who tons of girls wanted to be like, because she has power and prestige. They ought to have reshot the scene as well, if I said my lines “Coco Chanel” and “Prada” too quickly for the dubbing. I think I’m using the right terms, LOL.

Anyway, the Fraudulentmasons are still losers and don’t control me or anything. Especially since they’re a dumb two-bit rotary club patsy organisation for the CIA (that’s a losery lame front organisation for the walking fat corpses of the Western World’s biggest corporations… lol they call their companies corpses, don’t they! Losers!!!!)


That’s all I have to say about this at the moment. Later!!!! 🙂

Edit: So the movie is only an insult to all girls and women, in like a million, zillion ways, if you can read all the CIA brainwashing (which I’m not gonna explain for everyone right now, because I’m not sure it’s actually helpful for the morale of other girls and women in the world to be forcibly undissociated about this phenomenon… like I said at my other blog: we are doing really well right now, with more women graduating from universities than men all around the world… and more women than men in management positions all over the USA). I think it’s a really fun movie for us girls, despite all the issues. I’m really proud of my role in the movie. I hope a lot of you enjoyed it.

Umm… because I can see all the brainwashing in all the things now (LOL), it’s not as easy for me to process movies like I assume a lot of normal people still do at this point… but I think this movie is one of the worst examples of really obvious brainwashing in plain sight. That’s why I felt it was necessary to say the thing about it being an insult to all girls and women. 🙂 I need people to know that I haven’t turned into a dumb “doll” or anything who’s oblivious to what it’s gonna look like for me to reveal my role in this movie to the world (not that there’s anything wrong with being a doll, in the sense of being like, really, really pretty! I am totally a doll in that sense, OBVIOUSLY.) I suppose some people might also think this movie role means I work for the CIA. I don’t work for the CIA. Obviously I acted in a movie that was basically run by the CIA as a brainwashing operation against the public, but I don’t know if I worked for the CIA in 2010/2011 or at any time in the past. That’s all I know at the moment, like I said. I’m not with the mafia. I’m totally 100% independent of anyone, and if anyone ever tries to say that I’m with them or that I work for them, then you know it’s not true. It’s not like any of you people are my friends or anything, though. I don’t owe any of you anything, but I’m telling the truth. 🙂

E! Entertainment’s anti-feminist brainwashing is no longer available in Britain. :)

So hey everyone! 🙂 I won a big victory recently, because I got the E! TV channel taken off the air in Britain. The E! channel (which mostly focuses on so-called “reality TV” shows, that are not actually very real at all… since they’re pretty much 100% scripted like professional wrestling) features a lot of shows similar to Keeping Up With The Kardashians: a really evil TV show that is totally stuffed full of VERY NASTY brainwashing designed to harm the rights and dignity of women and girls, and to keep men in control of society as much as possible. Keeping Up With The Kardashians exists to try to keep us girls and women “in our place”, as submissive second-class people, subservient to men and afraid of men. Just view the first two seasons of Keeping Up With The Kardashians to see what I mean. It’s like, really, really bad! 🙁

Keeping Up With The Kardashians is also full of all that extremely dumb pretend-Freemason symbolism I talked about before — such as black-and-white checkerboard patterns all over the place (like Freemasons have on their floors in their buildings, which a lot of people have read about now, I guess). Black-and-white checkerboard pillows at the Dash shop, black-and-white checkerboard patterns on people’s clothes… and the whole Kardashian house has an absurdly in-your-face black-and-white checkerboard floor for the whole downstairs of the house at one point! LOL! It’s so dumb. The people on the show wear black and white stripes a lot — which isn’t even a Freemason thing… but it’s obviously supposed to be suggestive of Freemasonry, or whatever. Kylie Jenner even has black and white tiger stripes or something like that, for her bedroom carpet, when she’s like 10 or 11 years old! It’s like they’re laughing at all of us girls and women, saying they control us all, and that we’re just dumb sluts who don’t understand anything (and that we supposedly can’t do anything about it, even if we do understand what they’re saying about us and our place in the world, compared to men).

Soooo… like, please remember everyone, that it’s not actually the Freemasons who “run the world, behind the scenes”. It’s actually the Western World’s richest corporate shareholders who are behind it: just a bunch of rich, mostly male, mostly caucasian corporate shareholders of the biggest and wealthiest companies around. And it’s probably agents of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (the CIA) actually co-ordinating the anti-feminist brainwashing and making sure that it goes onto the TV shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians. If it’s not the CIA, it’s gonna be some different agency or other of the United States government — and it’s probably the CIA, even though they’re not supposed to do anything like this… so I’m just going ahead and saying it’s the CIA. I’m not gonna be gaslighted. They might try to, like, do everything through private contractors so that it seems more legal or whatever… but I doubt it. I bet it’s as simple as the CIA doing it IN SECRET, and then denying that they’re doing it.

They say that it’s Freemasons, even though it’s not really them behind all of this bullshit, to try to deflect attention away from the real culprits (the male corporate shareholders with the most money, and the CIA which works for them and not you). I wrote a whole lot more about this phenomenon in this blog post I’m gonna link to again, below:

I remember reading a while back that it’s supposedly legal for the United States government to propagandize the US public via news and entertainment media, and that it’s been that way for quite a long time now. But I figure it’s still not legal for the United States government to promote pedophila and child sex work in TV shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians, like when a guy asks Kris Jenner if she’s trying to pimp her two youngest daughters to him… and like when Kendall pole dances on the “stripper pole” (which is what the guy in that episode calls the pole dancing pole, when Kendall dances on it). The “stripper pole” guy jokes about managing Kendall’s career in that same episode, when she’s like 11 or 12 years old or something, and when the “career” he’s envisioning for her involves pole dancing on a “stripper pole” (i.e. being a child stripper, or child prostitute, or something??? WTF!??) Seriously, this casual promoting of pedophila and child prostitution thing isn’t even the worst aspect of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Like I said: just view the first two seasons like I did, and be amazed and angered by the huge amount of anti-feminist brainwashing in seemingly every single episode!

Anyway, I mentioned the promotion of child sex work thing just to point out that I’m sure the rich men’s groups and the CIA behind the making of Keeping Up With The Kardashians can quite easily be brought to justice, and get convicted to serve very long jail sentences, on the strength of all the United States laws they must have broken in the process of making these brainwashing TV shows — even if it’s technically legal to brainwash the public with TV shows. I want these people to go to jail for a very long time, for laughing in the faces of girls and women like me… and for calling us to our faces (through the TV shows that we want to love) losers, and stupid, and nothing more than whores who only exist to serve men.

So yeah. I said I won a big victory when I got the E! channel taken off TV in Britain. Obviously this is exactly what I’ve been fighting to achieve with all my feminist activism I’ve been doing, targeting Nickelodeon and Virgin Media specifically. Nickelodeon because of all the anti-feminist brainwashing in its TV shows for kids, and Virgin Media for showing those Nickelodeon TV shows on its cable TV service in England (which is the part of the world I reside in). I ought to be really happy about this big victory that I won, for myself, and for the rights and dignity of all girls and women like me. And for lesbians like me, too (because it feels like lesbians don’t exist on the E! channel, even though gay men do!)

I haven’t felt very happy about this situation though, because, well… I’ve been viewing a LOT of E! to reconnect with my culture, which is from like, a wealthy part of Los Angeles (I’m not sure exactly where). Actually I’ve felt on the verge of crying about this situation a lot, ever since I found out that the E! channel was closing in Britain on 01/01/2024. The only reason I haven’t been sobbing about E! closing over here, is because it’s really hard for me to cry anymore after all the trauma I experienced previously. It really, really sucks. I actually enjoy viewing Keeping Up With The Kardashians, because it’s like remembering being with some other family in the LA area, at some point — and I just wanna go back to being that girl who I was then. I know that this is actually true: that I used to reside in Los Angeles, some place over there. I think my family had a lot of money (although, obviously they weren’t actually my family, because I’m Goda — so I can’t ever have a real family, only some kind of pretend story of who I’m supposed to be instead). Obviously I don’t age, so I think I must have been updating my fake background story on Earth, and relocating to different places with a new identity for as long as possible. Something like that. I don’t know how long this has been going on for. I don’t know if humans have found out about this at some point, and like, gotten involved with the process of moving me around like this. I really don’t know at the moment.

Other TV shows I’ve been viewing, to reconnect with who I am and who I used to be in some “past life” that I can’t really remember at the moment (and I don’t know how much information still exists about it, unless I just create the information so that I’ve got something to remember, LOL)… other TV shows that I’ve been viewing for this reason are like, “The Rich Kids of Beverly Hills”, “Beverly Hills Pawn”, “Flip or Flop”, and anything else that I can find like that which doesn’t have “housewives” or “WAGs” in the title of the show. “Flip or Flop” is MUCH better than the other shows in the sense that it has hardly any obviously noticeable anti-feminist brainwashing (and maybe doesn’t have any at all… I’m not sure). But… it’s mostly about construction workers digging holes inside people’s houses and assembling and disassembling wooden frames and stuff — which I find really boring compared to looking at finished interior designs of homes. I like listening to the people talking, looking at the establishing shots of all the houses and beaches and stuff, and seeing what the houses look like when they’re finished. I feel like I ought to only view “Flip or Flop”, and not view any of the other shows which I’ve recorded on my Virgin Media box… but the E! shows like Kardashians and Rich Kids are the ones that help me remember this past life in LA much better, so I’ve been viewing them over and over again. I can’t bring myself to view them without constantly complaining to the TV about everything that’s wrong with them though. They are so anti-feminist… it’s really, really bad. 🙁

What’s really, really nice about “Flip or Flop” is it totally reminds me that most people in Los Angeles and California aren’t terrible misogynist, anti-lesbian, anti-feminists like the E! reality TV shows suggest. LA has a really big LGBT community and it’s a very socially liberal place. “Flip or Flop” isn’t about feminism, anti-feminism, or lesbianism or whatever… but the people on the show are just nice-seeming, normal-seeming people, who I feel very comfortable viewing. I never got really angry and shouted at the TV viewing “Flip or Flop”. And I’m sure that the very wealthy parts of Los Angeles and the surrounding area are full of really nice people, who, similar in this way to the people on “Flip or Flop”, aren’t terrible misogynists, anti-lesbians, and anti-feminists. I know the E! channel deliberately presents a skewed, untrue, and unfair idea of LA’s culture — because it’s like, doing exactly that ON PURPOSE, to brainwash everyone viewing the shows into thinking it’s normal for things to be that way. The rich male corporate shareholders want things to be that way, so the CIA makes it look like things are that way in these fake, scripted, “reality TV” shows for them.

Something that upset me SO MUCH, viewing seasons 3 and 4 of Rich Kids of Beverly Hills, is the fact that there are TWO gay men and NO LESBIANS AT ALL. :-/ This made me SO ANGRY. I mean, granted, I’ve only viewed those two seasons and I haven’t searched for any information about other seasons of the show — but TWO gay men and NO LESBIANS???!!!!! That is NOT OK!!!!! Not OK. AT. ALL.

It’s completely unrepresentative of actual self-reported sexualities of women and men. Hardly any men at all identify as gay, but a really really REALLY large number of women identify as being at least bisexual… WHICH IS HALF LESBIAN!!!!! Even if there was like one lesbian each season, in seasons one and two of Rich Kids (which I doubt), it’s still completely unrepresentative of actual demographics and it’s 100% wrong and NOT OK. I mean, we lesbians are literally one of the most marginalized and oppressed groups that has ever existed, everywhere in the whole world… including in the “First World” West. WTF!!!!!? If anyone deserves “positive discrimination” on TV, it’s us lesbians!!!! And if you bastards do actual population demographics representation instead of “positive discrimination”, THEN IT STILL OUGHT TO FAVOR US LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!


Seriously. Give us lesbians.

Anyway!!!! So like… I said before a couple of times, I got the E! TV channel taken off the air in Britain. Some of you are probably wondering how I did that. Well, it happened because I’m Goda, the Creatress of everything — as I’ve explained before here at my blog, and at other websites — so the world naturally reflects and represents my choices and so on. It’s totally complicated and really boring for me to explain how this works over and over again, so I’m not gonna do that. But like, suffice to say: I wrote a blog post, made a telephone call, and sent a lot of emails with the intention of getting Nickelodeon and Virgin Media to do internal reviews of their TV output to stop the fake Freemason anti-feminist brainwashing in Nickelodeon kids’ shows (even if it meant Virgin Media removing all Nickelodeon programming from its cable TV service until that happened)… AND BECAUSE OF THAT THE WHOLE E! TV CHANNEL THAT’S FULL OF FAKE FREEMASON ANTI-FEMINIST BRAINWASHING IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN BRITAIN.

So I guess I achieved my overall goal of getting fake Freemason anti-feminist brainwashing taken off TV in Britain. I mean, I achieved that overall goal to a ridiculously huge extent, huh!? 🙂 Nice going, Victoria, I think!!!! (Despite me wanting to cry about not having Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and Rich Kids of Beverly Hills, on British TV anymore, for the reasons I explained above).

The really narrowly specific thing that I wanted to happen when I did all of that work was to get Nickelodeon and Virgin Media to stop allowing anyone to see Haunted Hathaways, in any way, on every kind of service/media that they offer to people. And I wanted them both to do internal reviews of all their content, to make sure that they weren’t, like, deliberately (or unknowingly in the case of Virgin Media, maybe) harming the rights, interests, and dignity of girls and women as part of a conspiracy to advance the rights and interests of “ultra rich” male corporate shareholders in America. (I put “ultra rich” in speech marks because I’m sure they’re not as ultra rich as they used to be, LOL!!!! Assholes!!!!) Anyway, I’m just saying I achieved my overall aim to a MUCH LARGER EXTENT than I expected was going to happen… primarily because, I like didn’t even know that the E! TV channel was so full of the same type of fake Freemason anti-feminist brainwashing. I only started viewing it after I complained about the Haunted Hathaways thing, LOL.

I’m totally ready to continue with my mission to stop Haunted Hathaways being seen by kids ever again, and to stop Nickelodeon from harming the rights, interests, and dignity of girls and women! And I’m gonna keep going with it as soon as I can. I did pretty good already though. So I’m just reporting that for all my fans. 🙂 I know there are plenty of people out there who support me, Reign The Superheroine (or Reign The Cynthia Burman as I’ve been calling myself more recently, as a joke). I’m still Reign, and I’m still a superheroine!!!! You might all get nuclear bombed at some point — or suffer some other kind of horrible fates — but at least all my fans out there know that I’m still basically good, and doing my best regardless of how I feel and everything that’s happened. Is anyone even still alive out there? I have to say I’ve been wondering about that. Anyway, anyone can comment on my blog. I set it so you don’t even have to register with Vivaldi to comment. You don’t even have to enter a username, LOL. You can just write a comment and click to post it, with no other information necessary at all.

(Vivaldi is really cool in allowing us to make it as easy and anonymous as we want to make it for our commenters, or as moderated and protected as we want it to be for ourselves.)

I’ve known for a really long time that I don’t even have to interact with people to change the world in a big way, with very finely tuned and accurate outcomes based on what I intended to make happen in the world with my mind’s focuses. I’m just saying. I literally create the world with my mind, so it’s always gonna be like that. I know I have my issues and I’m a little girl and everything, but I have serious power and I’m using it. USING IT FOR GOOD, YOU KNOW!?!!!?! REIGN THE CYNTHIA BURMAN, BITCHES!!!! (Saying “bitches” is part of my culture as an annoying and wealthy school girl from Los Angeles someplace, so I hope people are gonna be OK with me saying it and everything.)

I hope some people still like me, but I can’t help being me. I literally can’t help being me… and saying what I’m saying… and doing what I’m doing. And if I can help it, I don’t want to. Y’know? I like who I am. It’s not like anyone I care about has asked me to be someone different — but I still wonder if people stopped liking me because of the way I talk and act, now. I don’t know if anyone really liked me to begin with, though. Everyone likes a girl who’s “nice”, don’t they? But that’s not the same thing as really liking someone. If you like someone for being “nice”, you basically only like them for being compliant, passive, submissive; for making you feel good, even if it doesn’t make her feel good doing it. I don’t wanna be like that anymore. I wanna feel good myself. And what’s wrong with that? Countries go to war if things get too much not-to-their-liking, so I don’t see why a person can’t do the same thing. And it’s not like I’m doing anything illegal. 🙂 All I’m saying people, is don’t blame me for doing whatever I have to do to make sure I’m gonna be OK with the mafia being such nasty people and all. I don’t have to give in to the mafia or anyone else if they’re bullies, so I’m not gonna — and I hope some of you respect me for it, even if it means I’m not very “nice” anymore and really bad stuff happens in the world you’re all in. Getting E! taken off TV in Britain was pretty good, wasn’t it?

So like anyway. I’m gonna finish this blog post with the first paragraph I wrote, shadebefore evening — before I decided to begin the post totally differently. (I felt it didn’t read right, considering how important the E! thing is, so I chose to lead it with that instead.)

I just got myself some really great takeout from one of my local takeout pizza places. I got a triple-cheese vegetarian burger (the burger bun is out of this world), and a side of fries. The fries from this place are really, really nice. It’s simple food, but it’s all so good to eat that I wanted to write about it! I never knew that one of those mixed vegetable patties can taste so hamburger-like until I asked for three slices of cheese on it. It totally has the whole cheeseburger taste somehow — even though it’s like, not even meat at all, and it’s just a bunch of veg mashed together in the shape of a burger and not, like, one of those fancy soy burgers or anything (that are supposed to be just like real meat). I guess it’s because a lot of the cheeseburger taste comes from the taste of a quality burger bun and the cheese. Here I am talking again about how you’ve gotta add cheese to food to make it better, but I guess people say that sort of thing for a reason, huh?! 🙂 So take it from me: if you’re going to have one of those really basic vegetarian burgers from a fast food joint, ask for THREE slices of cheese in there (at least!), and you won’t regret it vegetarians!!!!


I’m a feminist and I’m against all immigration. Am I wrong?

So like, I’m a feminist and I’m against all immigration to the country I reside at (which is Britain). Am I wrong?

The reason I’m asking if I’m wrong is because I’m like genuinely unsure if my new political position is what’s best for my interests as a girl… and I’m like, inviting you to comment: to share your opinions with me about this. Try to change my mind, or maybe even agree with me?! 🙂

Before I explain my reasons for my new political position, I wanna say a few important things first. I noticed that there are a lot of people from all around the world who write blogs at Vivaldi Community. I think this is really cool, and I’m glad you’re all here, because it means we can share ideas with each other and learn more in the process. I don’t want you to think I’m a racist because I’m not! 🙂 Also, I wanna say that I’m not associated with the Vivaldi company at all. LOL!

I viewed the videos of Jon von Tetzchner being interviewed at Web Summit 2023, and he said that the original purpose of the internet was the exchange of information — and that he wants to get as many people online as possible with equal access to information and services. He didn’t say anything like what I’m saying here, obviously. LOL again! 🙂 But I hope it’s gonna be OK for me to say what I’m saying now (since internet censorship, and outside pressure to censor, is still something we all need to be concerned about, sadly). I like, especially hope it’s gonna be OK for me to say all this, since the reason I’m saying it has to do with my interest in equality — to do with equal rights for us girls and women in this case — and to do with my interest in free, uncensored exchange of ideas, to help us all make up our minds about what to believe.

OK. So like I hear you asking, why am I against all immigration to Britain? And like, what does that have to do with feminism?

So here’s the answer: I recognized, nowshade, that there are pretty much no countries in the whole world that have better rights and respect for us girls and women than Britain (except Iceland, Sweden, and maybe the other Scandinavian countries that I haven’t heard so much about). This means pretty much all immigration to Britain from other countries is only gonna be bringing in people from comparatively backwards cultures, in terms of how progressively feminist they are, who probably believe in us girls and women having less rights and respect in society. And I figure that most people from countries that are as good as Britain aren’t going to want to emigrate here, since they’re likely to be happy enough where they are already!

My recent experiences — like when I discovered the CIA agenda to brainwash multiple generations of children to grow up with internalised anti-feminist ideas about what it means to be girls and boys, to try to roll back feminism on behalf of “elite” mens’ groups in the USA and other Western countries — these recent experiences have taught me that us girls and women have to start focusing on the rights of our girls and women group EXCLUSIVELY, above all other people’s rights and TO THE EXCLUSION of us devoting time and energy to fighting for the rights of any and all other groups!

There are people out there with a lot of money, resources, and socio-political influence, who are actively working to roll back many of the rights that we girls and women won for ourselves at great cost to us and our group. And quite simply, we can’t afford to be fighting for anyone else’s rights when there hasn’t even been a woman President of the United States of America yet (the so-called “leader of the free world”). This is not a joke people!!!! It’s like feminism as a political force — and as an interest group — has gotten too strong for the rich men’s groups that try to hide in the shadows of Western society, and now they’re like, trying to completely reverse all the gains that feminism has won for us. I’m not talking about Freemasons or whatever, remember! I’m talking about “elite” corporate shareholders, and the CIA that works for them!

Maybe these rich men’s groups used to feel that feminism was actually helpful to their agenda before… like since getting more women into the workplace wasn’t exactly unhelpful to promoting consumerism, to keep their consistent exponential growth of the economy Ponzi scheme going for as long as possible (to try to siphon away all the wealth from the public, through inflation and all of that). Also — I guess they probably found women’s rights movements to be useful in keeping the general population divided and fighting amongst itself, instead of uniting as a single interest group against the rich men’s groups.

In the last decade or so, though, Harvey Weinstein went to jail, Jeffrey Epstein died in prison awaiting trial, and everyone knows all about Epstein’s list of important contacts who probably all partook in the rape of trafficked young girls. Everyone knows all about Robert H Richards III, too! Feminists, and all people interested in protecting the rights of us girls and women to decide who has sex with us (or if we wanna have sex at all!), have been getting closer and closer to taking away the ability of these rich men’s groups to use and abuse some of us in secret… because we’ve been exposing what they’ve been doing to us!!!! And that means other people have been like calling for it to stop!!!! Obviously the rich men’s groups don’t like that very much. They want things to continue on as before. They’re only interested in feminism — and our rights — when it serves their interests… and when feminism starts working against their interest in having unrestricted access to the “best females'” vaginas, suddenly the rich men’s groups and the CIA are against feminism. What a surprise, huh!!!?

It’s not a surprise to me anymore 🙁 but I suppose it might still come as a surprise to some of you.

So! I decided that because of the situation in the world, with the CIA actively trying to roll back feminism on behalf of rich men’s groups in The West, I have to put the interests of my own girls’ and women’s group first. Like, put girls’ and women’s interests first in every way… even if that means prioritizing what’s best for our rights as girls and women ahead of what’s best for the struggle of all of us together, regardless of gender, against “inequality” in a general sense. Because I don’t see many people caring about the things that I’ve been saying matter to me as a girl. I guess I don’t have that much faith in other interest groups standing up for my rights reciprocally, if I invest time and energy in standing up for their rights.

I’m not sure that I believe in “feminist allies theory” anymore. 🙁 <— non-sarcastic and very deeply felt sad emoticon.

I’m not sure that I believe in “multiculturalism = feminism theory” anymore either.

So like just to make this totally clear, I’m not sure that I believe in those two staples of popular modern feminist thought anymore because I feel like both of those things are urging me to invest time and energy in fighting for the rights of other interest groups who aren’t gonna invest the same amount of time and energy in fighting for my rights. And to be honest, I don’t believe anymore that they’re gonna invest ANY time and energy in fighting for my rights. I feel like any time and energy that I invest in their rights results in a net negative improvement in my own rights (as part of the girls and women group), because I helped improve their rights and my own rights stayed the same. They didn’t help me at all in return, I now believe. 🙁 So yeah. That’s basically why I’ve turned against supporting immigration and multiculturalism, to the extent that I’m now against all immigration to Britain… and I’m basically sort of against multiculturalism too, which I’m gonna explain more about below so people don’t think that I’ve turned racist. It sucks butt. I don’t wanna feel this way — but I have to put my own interests first when I know they’re under attack from “elites”, and if other interest groups don’t care about my rights even when I’m helping them.

So to like reiterate what I said already: when it comes to immigration, because I guess that only Iceland and Sweden/Scandinavia have better rights and respect for girls and women than Britain does, ANY immigration at all is only gonna be bringing in people from outside Britain who probably believe in us girls and women having less rights and respect in society. I also guess that the amount of immigration to Britain from Iceland and Sweden/Scandinavia is negligible, compared to the amount of immigration coming from nations and cultures that are always gonna have worse rights and respect for girls and women than Britain does. So pretty much all immigration to Britain is basically harmful to the rights of us girls and women, here. So I’m against all immigration to Britain.

I want there to be no immigration to Britain AT ALL — until girls’ and women’s rights and respect in other countries are as good as they are in Britain. Maybe that sounds unrealistic, but it’s what’s best for my rights and respect as a girl… so like that’s what I’m calling for!

It occurred to me that it’s in my interest as a girl to call for the emigration of British people to other countries though. So I’m in favour of that! LOL. Kind of funny, huh? I have a real example of how this works in my interest though. I’m a fan of women’s pro wrestling in WWE and AEW (I view WWE and AEW only for the women’s matches, because of my PTSD to do with aggressive men… but I used to like viewing all pro wresting matches and storylines, not only the women’s divisions.) A few years ago, WWE started doing an annual pay-per-view show in Saudi Arabia called “Crown Jewel”. So like, when Crown Jewel started, Saudi religious-oppression-of-women rules meant that the female WWE wrestlers had to wrestle in baggy pants and baggy long sleeve tops, that completely hid the shapes of the women’s legs and breasts in all of this excess clothing material. It was ridiculous… especially since the male wrestlers were coming out practically naked, the same as they do in the USA!!!!

I used to think that supporting WWE Crown Jewel was against feminism (because the Crown Jewel pay-per-view is shown all around the socially liberal world, including in the USA, Britain, and Western Europe — so it feels like being forced to accept the backwards and oppressive rules that the Saudis have enforced on women and girls in their nasty country, if you view the show in a Western country). I was like, WTF WWE???? Why have you even agreed to do this show in Saudi Arabia if it means forcing your female wrestlers and your female fans in the West to accept the oppressively sexist rules of the Saudis towards us girls and women???? I was like, doesn’t WWE give a shit about the rights of us girls and women as long as it’s making dirty sexist Saudi money? And I still feel that way about Crown Jewel and WWE’s decision to start doing that specific annual show in the first place.

BUT — I noticed when fast-forwarding through the televised highlights of this year’s Crown Jewel show, that the female wrestlers of WWE now wrestle in skintight body suits when they go to Saudi Arabia. And these skintight body suits very much DO show the shapes of their legs and breasts… even though the only actual bare skin made visible by these outfits is at the hands and face/neck of the wrestlers. So that’s a huge improvement in the attitudes of the Saudis towards women, probably directly resulting from WWE’s decision to put on an annual wrestling event in Saudi Arabia. I still feel that the show ought not to be shown here in The West at all — but noticing the huge improvement in a handful of years made me recognize that socially liberal Westerners traveling to less socially liberal parts of the world can force an improvement in our rights as girls and women, in those parts of the world that still treat us as second class citizens with few rights. So that’s why I’m in favor of Western emigration to less feminist countries, LOL! It sounds kinda dumb saying it out loud, but it’s actually true that it’s in our interests as girls and women to support it. So it’s actually not dumb at all. We ought to support activist groups that voluntarily travel to less feminist countries, specifically to improve the rights of girls and women around the world. Like non-Christian feminist missionaries, I suppose.

I wrote to a group like that (Plan International) seeking help with the “Haunted Hathaways promoting sexist abuse of girls” issue! I also wrote a letter to Ms Magazine. And I wrote to the largest domestic violence support organisation in Britain, Women’s Aid. If anyone here feels like helping me with this issue, then like, please do!!!! What I’m trying to achieve is for someone to ask Nickelodeon to comment on why it continued showing the “Haunted Cookie Jar” episode for ten years, when a little boy angrily shouts “NOW WOMAN!!!!” in a horribly aggressive and sexist way at a little girl (who doesn’t challenge this, and actually runs away in fear to carry out his command to do something). And why Nickelodeon continued to show “Haunted Camping”, in which the same little boy says “woman!” in a similarly sexist way to an older teen girl (who also doesn’t challenge his abusively sexist behavior). If I can get someone to at least contact Nickelodeon or the TV providers that show Nickelodeon for comment, then I can say to my TV provider Virgin Media that this happened because of me — so they ought to take me seriously, and listen to me when I demand they stop showing this sexist kids’ show that’s trying to brainwash kids to turn against feminism in the future. Getting Virgin Media to stop showing Haunted Hathaways, or cancel all Nickelodeon programming because of Nickelodeon sexism, is better than nothing!!!! What I really want is for Nickelodeon itself to carry out an internal review of its programming to remove all of this anti-feminist brainwashing, though!

I’m fighting on every level for my interests. And I’m not going to stop.

It’s worth pointing out that the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards take place in Abu Dhabi this year. So that means Nickelodeon is acting as a net force for good over there (like, with respect to the rights of us girls and women — since it’s good for us to have more rights, you know!?) when Nickelodeon acts as a non-Christian missionary to Abu Dhabi, speaking overwhelmingly with its programming in favour of feminism to the Abu Dhabi audience — that I guess must be consuming Nickelodeon content like The Thundermans and Danger Force, featuring female superheroic characters that are strong and confident leaders of society. I haven’t forgotten Super President Kickbutt, LOL! 🙂

So like about The Marvels again, which I enjoyed sooo much at the movie theater recently: I loved the Ms Marvel character and she’s totally my favourite part of the movie — but like, upon reflection after seeing it, I wondered if I ought to be against the character being featured so prominently in Marvel movies since she’s Pakistani American. This is because I’d also recently seen this feminist documentary on TV that was about a woman traveling on Indian trains to interview Indian women about their experiences as women in modern India. The documentary made India seem like a pretty oppressive place for girls and women to exist in, even now in 2023… although the attitudes of the younger women was much, much better (the young women seemed to be pro-feminism, mostly — with the middle-aged and old women being anti-feminist, or basically defeated/apathetic about their rights as female people). I know that Pakistan is a different country to India since a long time, LOL. Buttt… I figured that since it’s still a similar culture to India, compared to Britain and the USA — and since it’s also a mostly Muslim culture, which I guessed to be worse for us girls and women than Indian culture, then I thought it might seriously be against my interests as a girl to support the Kamala Khan version of the Ms Marvel character in any way. (This isn’t something that I ever thought about before, until I viewed The Marvels, for some reason.)

But after I went to multiple showings of The Marvels, I began to recognize that Ms Marvel’s family in the movie are extremely Americanized in the way that they behave and dress. They’ve retained very few elements of Pakistani culture, as they’re simply Americans living in Jersey City, and Kamala Khan is an American girl. Honestly I don’t care if they’re Pakistani or American, as long as it’s good for the rights and respect of girls and women like me!!!! And supporting the Kamala Khan Ms Marvel of The Marvels movie specifically is not much like supporting anti-feminist Pakistani Muslims in Pakistan, or anti-feminist Pakistani Muslims in America either. She doesn’t even seem to be a Muslim character in this movie. There was no suggestion of her being a practicing Muslim in the movie, and no suggestion of her family being practicing Muslims in the movie either. Are they supposed to be Muslims in the movie version? Is Kamala a Muslim in the movie, even though it’s never mentioned by the script in any way? I know she’s a Muslim in the comics — and I’m against that, because it seems to me that supporting Islamic culture as being equally valid alongside feminist Anglo-American culture is pretty much supporting the oppression of girls and women. If she’s supposed to be Muslim in the movie then I’m against her being Muslim (because I’m not gonna support people who aren’t supporting my rights as a girl… even if they’re not fully practicing Muslims, and only tacitly supporting the oppression of us girls and women by legitimizing it when they self-identify as Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc).

Honestly I ought to stop self-identifying as partly Jewish like Rachel Weisz’s character does in that lesbian movie, Disobedience. I guess I’m doing that now, saying what I’m saying. I’m not Jewish.

I really, really like the movie version of the Kamala Khan Ms Marvel. I hope she’s not supposed to be Muslim in the movie, so I can keep supporting her. I’m not going to look up the information because I’m happy, and I don’t want to know. As far as I know she’s not Muslim. Anyway, at least I think her costume is OK because it’s basically just a form-fitting standard superheroine costume basically the same as most of the other non-Pakistani superheroines in Western comic book culture have now — except the movie Ms Marvel is a bit like some traditional Pakistani dresses I guess (but it doesn’t look much like the ones I’ve seen). We girls and women don’t always have to show flesh, so I don’t have a problem with the costume. That’s something positive to say after wondering if I need to stop supporting the character completely, LOL! The costume’s basically no different to the Captain Marvel costume from the first Captain Marvel movie, except it has like two layers to it. It’s still very form-fitting though, and not oppressively “chaste” or whatever.

One really nice thing about The Marvels is that Kamala’s mom is pestering her to do her science homework — which is totally like a positive stereotype of a different culture, instead of a negative stereotype. It’s more of a stereotype of Indian Americans, I thought, instead of Pakistani Americans? Like, Indian American parents expecting their kids to become doctors or whatever? Anyway… it’s a good thing in this movie, because Kamala is a girl. Her mom expects her daughter to become a scientist or something, even though their family comes from a mostly Muslim country (and I was under the impression that Muslim cultures are pretty much always oppressive to girls and women, even if they’re not the Islamic State kind of head choppers or the Saudis that I really don’t like!) It’s good for my rights and respect as a girl that Kamala’s mom wants her to be a scientist — or maybe a doctor — because scientists and doctors are respected, “high rank”, well-paid, and culturally influential people in American society!!!! I’m all about my rights as a girl and not anyone else’s rights, these shades! 🙂 Maybe I can be more of a philanthropist again when I have enough rights and respect!!!!

Weirdly, I searched for a neutral “anti-immigration” free licensed picture to use here in Adobe Stock free images search, and the search bar asked me “did you really mean anti-immigration?” I clicked yes, and it returned a single picture which is a “No KKK” picture with one of those red circles with a diagonal red line through it to say “No” to something. WTF? I’m not KKK!!!! LOL! There are legitimate reasons to call for no immigration as a national policy, and it’s not always racist. I just explained a perfectly legitimate reason to call for no immigration in this blog post! We girls and women are 50% of the population, and it’s OK to be concerned about anti-feminist cultures arriving in Britain and America and being promoted as equally valid here, with the multiculturalism political philosophy. I believe in civic nationalism, and I’m not a Nazi. The Nazis were 100% TERRIBLE for the rights of my girls and women group.

Here is the Wikipedia definition of civic nationalism: “Civic nationalism, also known as democratic nationalism and liberal nationalism, is a form of nationalism that adheres to traditional liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, individual rights and is not based on ethnocentrism.”

(Generally I don’t lazily post Wikipedia’s heavily CIA-influenced consensus definitions of things, but in this case it’s like really helpful to show people that the CIA hasn’t been able to say civic nationalism is evil or whatever!!!!)