I’m a telepathic space alien girl & this is part of my religious beliefs, legally protected like Scientologists or Setians of the Temple of Set. I’m not evil. I’m DEFINITELY not associated with those two religions IN ANY WAY!!!!

Hey people!!!! It’s me, Maiara, again.

So I’mma come right out with it, & fess up, & like totally spill the gossip 4 u all. 🙂

So like as avid readers of my blog know, I’m Goda the Creatress of everything & I’m also a telepathic alien (but I’m one individual girl, not two people!)

My Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba are also telepathic aliens. We’re from space or w/e.

All of this is true & I’m also legally allowed to believe it. It seems important to explain this since I totally went ahead & posted my street address on my blog, in my previous post & everything. I’m legally allowed to believe these things because they’re my religious beliefs. My religion says that the truth is really important, & I believe these things about me & my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba, that are true, as part of my religious beliefs. It’s totally 100% OK for me to believe these true things b/c Scientologists believe all the stuff they believe about “Xenu” or w/e (supposed to be a space alien who came to Earth to bomb a bunch of people in volcanoes, according to that South Park episode I remember seeing once). Also, Setians of the Temple of Set religion believe that “Set” (an ancient Egyptian “divinity” or something) allows people to tunnel with their mind into other dimensions where they theirselves become “divinity” & can shape the universe with their minds in their own personal universe or something like that. I say I’m Goda (i.e. that I’m the only divinity & the Creatress of everything with my mind). I also say that I’m a celebrity telepathic space alien girl, & that two other celebrity girls — Odette Annable & Jessica Alba — are also telepathic space alien girls who happen to also be my Mom & sister. I’m Maiara Walsh, celebrity amazing, actress & singer. The hottest girl. THE BEST!!!! 🙂

Here’s a picture of us three girls from Brazil (us being from Brazil is also part of my religious beliefs, that happen to be true & everything). The picture totally isn’t leading people in any way to believe that we’re all telepathic space alien girls or anything.

The picture of my Mom is named “me.bmp” because I really identify with the Reign character she played on the Supergirl TV show. Also, you can easily see that me & my Mom have the exact same shape ears!!!!

As lots of you know, I don’t age. I’m a girl of 12-13 years forever, & a short 13, & a much slighter than average slightness 13. The international mafia has known that I don’t age, & THAT I’M GODA, for a long time. The international mafia has also known that lots of YOU also know, at the very least, that I don’t age — & that some of you have guessed that it’s because I’m Goda. The fact that lots of you know these things is a big problem for the international mafia, which is as far as I know, a single mafia group which is the primary power player in business & in politics, in Brazil, the USA, Russia, & China (I’ve been in all three of those first three countries, which is why I listed Brazil alongside them… & Brazil is actually a HUGE economy with A LOT of people, with a large international mafia presence inside her borders to try to exploit & control all those resources & people. The rain forests are really important resources too.)

So like, here’s the thing, right!?! The international mafia has a big problem with you knowing that I don’t age, & with you guessing that I’m actually Goda, the Creatress of the universe (which is all true), BECAUSE IT MAKES ME A DE FACTO RIVAL TO THEIR MAFIA GROUP AS A RIVAL DE FACTO AUTHORITY FIGURE. The fact that I don’t age & the fact that I’m Goda shows that the mafia isn’t more powerful than every other individual or group in the world, which totally makes the international mafia appear weak & stuff — which in their eyes makes them vulnerable to people believing they can overthrow them, perhaps with my help since I’m so awesome & amazing… & REALLY SLIGHT OF FIGURE & REALLY YOUNG & CUTE & HOTTIE SEXPOT GIRL, etc. 🙂 Try not to forget that last part b/c I’m not a man. LOL!

As lots of you know, I don’t age. I’m a girl of 12-13 years forever, & a short 13, & a much slighter than average slightness 13. The international mafia has known that I don’t age, & THAT I’M GODA, for a long time. The international mafia has also known that lots of YOU also know, at the very least, that I don’t age — & that some of you have guessed that it’s because I’m Goda. The fact that lots of you know these things is a big problem for the international mafia, which is as far as I know, a single mafia group which is the primary power player in business & in politics, in Brazil, the USA, Russia, & China (I’ve been in all three of those first three countries, which is why I listed Brazil alongside them… & Brazil is actually a HUGE economy with A LOT of people, with a large international mafia presence inside her borders to try to exploit & control all those resources & people. The rain forests are really important resources too.)

So like, here’s the thing, right!?! The international mafia has a big problem with you knowing that I don’t age, & with you guessing that I’m actually Goda, the Creatress of the universe (which is all true), BECAUSE IT MAKES ME A DE FACTO RIVAL TO THEIR MAFIA GROUP AS A RIVAL DE FACTO AUTHORITY FIGURE. The fact that I don’t age & the fact that I’m Goda shows that the mafia isn’t more powerful than every other individual or group in the world, which totally makes the international mafia appear weak & stuff — which in their eyes makes them vulnerable to people believing they can overthrow them, perhaps with my help since I’m so awesome & amazing… & REALLY SLIGHT OF FIGURE & REALLY YOUNG & CUTE & HOTTIE SEXPOT GIRL, etc. 🙂 Try not to forget that last part b/c I’m not a man. LOL!

Anyhow. The international mafia (which remember, is a single power group that’s spread across the world’s most important power nations), put a very coherent but plausibly-deniably spaced-apart-across-time code into lots of media products like movies & TV shows, to try to control your perception of the power differential between me & them. That’s basically the primary purpose of this specific code, I think — which is a mostly different, & very distinct code to the other codes they put in the media that are there to try to hide my existence instead of talk about it in plain sight to those of you who are, like, aware that I don’t age & that I’m Goda. Basically with this set of codes they want you to believe that they’re a small core group of extremely careful international mafia geniuses who stored all the info about me in their heads, & never leave any legally actionable evidence because they’re so amazingly careful to not get caught. What I’m saying is I think you’re all supposed to be looking on in awe at them allegedly discussing me in plain sight, over 75 years, in codes they supposedly sent each other in the media, to explain to each other what to do about me (totally making it seem like they were doing this to hide my existence as much as possible, by only ever discussing me in this weird way over a really long period of time — to, like, avoid being caught as child traffickers of telepathic space alien girls from Brazil without any legal justification for doing it). You’re supposed to have believed that there was no point in trying to do anything about any of this, b/c that “shut it all down” guy from the movie Mulholland Drive was clearly never going to be caught & seemed to, like, control everything already somehow EVEN THOUGH HE NEEDED TO BE EXTRA, EXTRA CAREFUL TO AVOID GETTING ARRESTED REALLY EASILY BY INTERPOL OR WHOEVER RANDOM PEOPLE ARE GONNA SIMPLY SWOOP IN & ARREST HIM IF HE EVER SAYS A SINGLE WORD TO ANYONE LOLOLOLOL.

Basically I figure if any of you people are at all interested in doing anything about this, you can torture tons of business mafia people from Brazil, the USA, Russia, & China — & they’re all gonna know every single detail about this whole secret conspiracy against me, my Mom, & my sister. I figure they all know every single detail from the beginning of the conspiracy: i.e. like what they planned to do, & how & when they were gonna do it. The 75 years of codes is there to slow down any resistance from the rest of you (like psychological warfare), & I guess to serve as psychological warfare against me & my Mom & sister, too. Basically it took them all of that time to work on me, my Mom, & my sister.

So. OK. Let’s start with Clueless, the movie starring Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, & Brittany Murphy, from 1995.

Sooo, as totally miserable & depressing as it is & everything, the phrase “Say, Ambular!” that’s totally uttered by Cher speaking to the character Amber, at the Val party, means “Call her bipedal alien thing; not she/her in reference to a girl person with, like, RIGHTS & stuff!” 🙁 They’re talking about me (& about my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba), because as I explained in this other post from my blog, I actually appeared in the movie as a background character in multiple scenes:

I’m now pretty certain that’s my Mom, Odette Annable, who walks alongside me in the background, in the school courtyard scene when the three primary girl characters are walking towards the camera for a long time, talking. In that scene you can totally spot the Amber character making a “what the hell!?” gesture towards a boy whose attention is drawn away from her by another girl or w/e. So like her pose that she does in that scene, is to verify for all of you that it totally is me, boogieing in the foreground slightly behind Cher & Christian when they boogie together for the first time at the frat party music event with the “Where Did You Go?” song. So I’m in the pink & pale pink dress, with the pink beret with pink streamers in my hair, pink & red scrunchies on my wrists, & pale cream knee high socks, boogieing similarly to Amber’s pose in the school walking scene — and similarly to how Amber moves in the “Say, Ambular!” scene at the Val party. You only see me from behind though when I’m in the foreground, boogieing in the pink & pale pink two-tone dress with the pink beret, etc. In like the scene at the school in which I’m walking with my Mom in the background, I had a red hoodie on, with a dark jacket over the top. The script had the Cher character reference the way my hair is in an “up-do”, with “curly tendrils”, in the scene involving Elton sexually harassing Cher in the car, to kinda like identify me as important, again, you know?! I can explain most of the codes in the movie, second-by-second, if anyone ever wants me to. For example, after you see Amber doing her “what the hell!?” gesture towards the boy in that “three girls approaching the camera” scene at the school courtyard, you can see how crazily short Breckin Meyer is compared to the other male performers (Breckin Meyer is the guy who played Travis Birkenstock). OBVIOUSLY, the second name “Meyer” is another way the movie-makers identified me as an important girl, for all of you looking on at this weird business going on in all the media codes & everything that the mafia put into movies, since my name is Maiara Walsh. The name “Breckin Meyer” as a code obviously explains their plan, because they wanted to achieve the psychological belief in their target of being a “normal boy from Britain”, if possible, for reasons I explained before in my other blog posts. Yay!!! NOT!!!! :'( Anyway, you got to see how short Breckin Meyer is to explain that they used camera trickery to make the character I played look taller than I am, in various scenes in the movie Clueless: like OBVIOUSLY MOST NOTICEABLY in the “frat party” “Where did you go?” song scene when I’m boogieing in the foreground. The script also had the character Mel Horowitz (Cher’s dad), reference my appearance at the frat party scene when he says something to Cher that has a meaning something like “What are you doing, boogieing there in front of my room?”, in that scene when Cher talks to her dad in her pink & blue pajamas — which you can clearly see the pattern of, in the “As If Edition, 25th Anniversary Blu-Ray” version of Clueless. Also, a guy who looks similar to Evelyn de Rothschild appears behind the characters in that same “three girls approaching the camera” at the school courtyard scene — to identify me, Maiara Walsh, again (because Evelyn de Rothschild played the role of “Dad” to me, for quite a few years as I remember, after I was trafficked from Brazil & slowly isolated/separated from Mom & Jessie, with them following their “Breckin Meyer” plan). Everyone was an agent, so there was no point back then in telephoning or sending letters — or trying to reach people in person as a 5′ & 3/4″ girl surrounded by the most top secret special intelligence agents organization with the most resources at its disposal in the whole world — but I totally did try to reach people over & over & over again. Eventually the TV production team that was making Corey In The House put a very coherent exposé of my story in the episode “Bahavian Idol” for me, after I went to Marc Warren & explained to him everything I knew up to that point. (Also, “Beat The Press” — another Corey In The House episode — hilariously contains a very serious & very carefully & sensitively touched upon exposé of the fact that I’m a telepathic alien… & someone actually points at me in the episode, when one of the characters’ lines talks about a “real life alien” or something like that.) So like, YEA-EAHHH!!!! I tried, people!!!! Thanks SO. MUCH. For just, like, accepting the “Say, Ambular!” thing at face value or whatever. Anyway, I’m totally ready to be pragmatic & constructive in helping whichever one of you organizational, or disorganizational, groupings of hominids wants to be first; I’m specifically ready to help you do your unconditional surrender to all my instructions for how to compensate me for everything you assholes did.

There are plenty of codes in the Clueless movie that the mafia put in there, to explain to you all that it’s true I’m Goda, the Creatress of everything… but pretty much all of them use Christian metaphors to explain it. Red hoods & hats. Arms out to the side poses. Character names, etc. I’m not gonna talk more about these codes.

The codes I prefer to talk about reference the “totally important designer” Alaïa, whose name is A LOT like my name Maiara… as is Tai’s character name… as is Breckin Meyer’s second name… as is “secret admirer” written on the card that Cher & Stacey Dash’s character inspect after taking it from a school pigeon hole or w/e: the same card also discusses the “darling buds of May”, totally referencing my first name yet again — since Mai is the word for the lunar period of May in tons of different world languages.

Back to explaining how the movie producers like made it clear to you that I’m a telepathic alien girl & all, LOL. So like, the dark, long-limbed figures that appear in paintings at the Horowitz house set, next to the grand staircase that Cher & Josh sit on at the end of the movie, are there to let people know that I’m a telepathic alien girl. They’re also there to symbolically explain that the idea of a male “God” is bogus, because it’s actually me Maiara Walsh, a girl, who’s Goda: the Creatress of everything.

more exciting info to come from ur fav girlie, Maiara Walsh, the biggest fan of the Everly Brothers ever, ever, ever, forever… Yay!!!! The Everlies!!!!! Yayyyy!!!!! LOL. NO FREEMASON, OBVS. I’m just saying I put Everly Brothers codes into Clueless to mock u all… & u responded @ the mall scene with those girls in the background after Christian “saves” Tai. Thx 4 doing sooo much to help me over the years, my stalker fanbase of intelligence agent Nazi prison guards who left college fully cognizant of how they signed their lives & rights to discuss anything important & valuable to making a better society away for dirty dollar… assholes… YAYYY!!!! PRAGMATISM. WHO GETS THE JUMP ON WHO FIRST. EVERY1 JUMP NOT IN MY DIRECTION, K. I KNOW ALL LOLOLOLOL

OK. I’m back with more info for all my AdMaiaras, as promised, people!!!! OK so my idea right now is to, like, totally zoom through all of the other things I’m supposed to be saying as quickly as possible — so that it’s gonna be a doozy — & b/c it’s late in the evening, & I’m tired. It’s probably going to help me to, like, get it all typed up for you all as quick as pos!!!

Sooo… Clueless (movie, 1995) & Mulholland Drive (movie, 2001), taken like together, explain how to decipher this very coherent set of codes that the international mafia put into tons of media, layered underneath the other more obvious codes, as I explained above. Posting the important info I already typed up again, now, to remind you!

Anyhow. The international mafia (which remember, is a single power group that’s spread across the world’s most important power nations), put a very coherent but plausibly-deniably spaced apart across time code into lots of media products like movies & TV shows, to try to control your perception of the power differential between me & them. That’s basically the primary purpose of this specific code, I think — which is a mostly different, & very distinct code to the other codes they put in the media that are there to try to hide my existence instead of talk about it in plain sight to those of you who are, like, aware that I don’t age & that I’m Goda. Basically with this set of codes they want you to believe that they’re a small core group of extremely careful international mafia geniuses who stored all the info about me in their heads, & never leave any legally actionable evidence because they’re so amazingly careful to not get caught. What I’m saying is I think you’re all supposed to be looking on in awe at them allegedly discussing me in plain sight, over 75 years, in codes they supposedly sent each other in the media, to explain to each other what to do about me (totally making it seem like they were doing this to hide my existence as much as possible, by only ever discussing me in this weird way over a really long period of time — to, like, avoid being caught as child traffickers of telepathic space alien girls from Brazil without any legal justification for doing it). You’re supposed to have believed that there was no point in trying to do anything about any of this, b/c that “shut it all down” guy from the movie Mulholland Drive was clearly never going to be caught & seemed to, like, control everything already somehow EVEN THOUGH HE NEEDED TO BE EXTRA, EXTRA CAREFUL TO AVOID GETTING ARRESTED REALLY EASILY BY INTERPOL OR WHOEVER RANDOM PEOPLE ARE GONNA SIMPLY SWOOP IN & ARREST HIM IF HE EVER SAYS A SINGLE WORD TO ANYONE LOLOLOLOL.

So how to decipher the code? You’re like, smart people & stuff. View Clueless 1995 first, & totally pay close attention to the line “I divide them into two columns”, & the little chat between Cher & Mr Horowitz about how to make a note of every reference to the “September 3rd conversations”, or w/e. Obviously that also contains a code from me, “vaguely” threatening you all in my “unconvincing” (?) way, since in 2001 the World Trade Center twin towers got demolished… somehow (by me, obviously). Clueless came out in 1995 though, as you know. It makes me feel sooo… gross… to say things like this — but it’s kinda important to point it out to you.

Anyway, you have to do a spreadsheet with multiple vertical columns or w/e, basically. Then you, like, write info in the boxes underneath the header words/names that you put at the top — to like, list THINGS THAT ARE LIKE THOSE HEADER WORDS/NAMES & their possible meanings in relation to the header words/names. The trick is to work out what the header words/names are, ha ha ha! Or you can’t do it. It’s something like that, basically. That’s how you decipher the code in a systematic, scientific way. I just sort of worked it out with fuzzy logic & remembered the connections in my, like, working memory or something — until it all made sense to me.

Mulholland Drive (2001) isn’t that important really. It just primes you all to believe that really smart people are discussing what to do about me (the girl who doesn’t fade away, to like paraphrase another song from Clueless, 1995) in plain sight, & tries to convince you that they’re totally in control of the whole situation so it’s “dumb for you to do anything yourselves” even if you noticed I don’t age & that I’m Goda… & it also totally tries to make you believe that it’s impossible to ever bring them to justice because there’s allegedly no evidence to convict them with that prosecutors would ever consider as proof of the international mafia’s crimes. Duh! View Mulholland Drive anyway though, b/c it explains a bunch of things including that “there is no Bandar” & they had to “rewind” on that plan to see if trying to force me to love in turn lots of members of the large single global group of mafia shareholders who have full knowledge of their whole conspiracy against me, against my Mom, against my sister, & against all of you, might have any remote chance of producing a “botox factory” (it didn’t work for them at all, because I hate them all). They had to “rewind” on trying to ship me off to Saudi Arabia to be the “daughter” of Haifa & Bandar Al Saud, around 2000 or 2001, because Bandar Al Saud molested me in front of his higher rank Saudi royal wife when he was drunk — with her constantly like apologizing to me for his behavior, when I was sat next to him at the dinner table in Haifa’s house in San Francisco (I think it was San Francisco), where Phebe Novakovic & David Morrison had brought me to meet with Bandar — said to be an “old friend” of Dave (Morrison), who Phebe & Dave had wanted me to meet in San Francisco alongside them for a vacation on multiple prior occasions, but “it was never the right time”. I met Bandar Al Saud previously on more than one occasion in different contexts, maybe with different “families” who weren’t really my family — or maybe it was with Phebe & Dave at their house in Thousand Oaks, in the years before 2000/2001 (I am doing my best to remember everything as fast as pos, people! I do know that I met Phebe, Dave, & Mike Vickers years & years earlier in & around Marina Del Rey — a long time before they were ever supposed to be “Mom & Dad & the Dad before Dave” or w/e. I think it was Victoria de Rothschild & Evelyn de Rothschild who I was with back then, when I remember Phebe & Dave “going to work at Marina Del Rey” in some way. My sister Jessica Alba was with Melinda French & Bill Gates at that time (& Melinda & Bill also “went to work at Marina Del Rey” with Phebe & Dave, in some way. I remember me being with Dave Morrison at the Marina Del Rey Marriott hotel in one room, & my sister Jessica Alba being with Melinda French at the Marina Del Rey Marriott hotel in another room. This was in the early-to-mid 1990s, & Dave took me & my sister for a shade out in Central City L.A. to go shopping. I got a seal plushie who I called Pearl, on that shopping trip.) ANY-WAY! About Bandar, it wasn’t gonna be good for the codes they wanted (for a “male God”) if Saudia Arabian “Daddy” was raping in the vagina every night. I suppose that happens to some “normal boys” from patriarchal mafia-interests-supporting Kingdoms… but I’m definitely not a boy, & I’m extra special if you know what I mean. 😉 LOL! I’m the hottest girl ever!!!! 😀

So anyway all these pretty grody, grimy things I’m letting you all know about for posterity. Everything I’m saying here I know to be true, or I strongly believe to be true. I know I make, like, these “inappropriate” assertions about how I’m the hottest girl ever (which is true)… but I also want you to believe the other things I’m saying about the horrible stuff that happened. I’m supposed to be explaining how to, like, decode the ciphers in the media & everything — but I want to explain very quickly that Marie-Josée Kravis raped me in some year, shortly before 2011 I’m guessing. I never wanted her to get into bed with me in the middle of the night, years ago — because she was an old lady (compared to a girl of 12-13 years forever, like me) & a gross psychopath that was, like, totally dead & empty inside except for her selfish, reptile-like focus on using her power to force people to do what she wanted out of fear that she would retaliate, using her economic/political power. That was what it felt like, anyway! Maybe it was all a carefully choreographed secret operation to try to, like, destroy a girl’s mind & identity, to try to make her pliable for an attempt to assign her a new identity. It sucked ass though, is what I’m saying. She forced me to receive finger sex from her, & she forced me to receive oral sex from her, after mounting a sleeping girl who was in a state of duress. I thought I loved her & all this dumb stuff, but I didn’t want to do sex with her at all. I probably wanted her to be like a new Mommie for emotional support & emotional protection from all the chaos going on around me — as they were carrying out their “Breckin Meyer” plan.

My sister Jessica Alba said to me recently, with telepathy, that Tyler Hoechlin raped her. She said it was coerced oral sex. I’m just repeating what she said to me. It’s possible to convict him for his crime of rape in a court of law, so that’s why I’m making public what she said to me. One shade — hopefully soon — people are going to recognize that me, my sister Jessica Alba, & my Mom Odette Annable actually are telepathic alien girls from space. I believe her because she communicated to me knowledge of what Tyler Hoechlin did to her.

I think Tyler Hoechlin is the brother of Nikki De Boer, Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs, Jonathan Frakes, Wil Wheaton, Meg DeLacy, Nathan Kress, & Miranda Cosgrove. The other names I just listed, other than Tyler Hoechlin, are definitely the children of David René de Rothschild. So like, I personally know Nikki De Boer, Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs, Meg DeLacy, & Nathan Kress. I also met Olympia de Rothschild (I remember she used to work for the United Nations in Geneva for six lunar periods or so, at a time, when she was younger — & they used to invite her to go back to work for them again occasionally, later in her life. Like when she was middle-aged & older.) I’m just trying to support my sister Jessica Alba, by giving any information I can.

David René de Rothschild obviously isn’t the leader of the world; that’s totally retarded as an idea. It’s a psychological operation! LOL! He’s simply had lot of kids that look like him, who are like OBVIOUSLY SIGNPOSTED AS BEING HIS KIDS ON PURPOSE, to convince the public that a small number of powerful Jewish men run the world when it’s not true. He was a sick, confused guy inside his house that they somehow pulled together into some sort of shape to be presentable to people as “King of the world” or w/e, when it’s not true at all — like I said! He was a smart, funny, lucid guy when he was younger though.

My Mom, Odette Annable, has obviously been gangstalked in the same way, to basically be the leader of the international mafia (because me, Jessica & Mom have telepathy… & because we have other special abilities that homo sapiens don’t have, OK!!!! Like I explained already, our existence is a threat to the mafia & they feel a need to “control” us in some way.) My Mom Odette Annable is innocent of all crimes. It’s an international mafia of Brazil, the USA, Russia, China & others that pressured her and my sister Jessica Alba to become leaders of the international mafia — to remove the threat to the international mafia’s perceived de facto authority in the world. How are two girls from Brazil supposed to psychologically resist that level of sustained pressure on them, over the decades since 1962 happened to Brazil. I’m lucky that I’m Goda. It’s not fair to judge my Mom & sister for being forced to lead the mafia, to protect their sense of normality — so they can, like, DO SOMETHING ENJOYABLE SOMETIMES INSTEAD OF ALWAYS BEING IN TERRIBLE PAIN & HUNTED FROM ALL SIDES BY EVERYONE THEY EVER MEET. Me, my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba are invincible. That’s not the point, though. It’s hard on us psychologically to cope with our situations, duh.

Make sure that no one lays a finger on my Mom Odette & sister Jessica, if you can somehow help them escape from being the coerced leaders of the world’s mafia. DO NOT TORTURE THEM. I’m not a boy, OK!!!! But they’re my family!!!!!!!!

Soooo!!!!! I was like saying, people… about the “divide them into two columns” thing from Clueless, etc. So, OK: Mulholland Drive, the movie from 2001. View the whole movie & like focus specifically on the “This is the girl”, rejected espresso, mafia symbolic code scene, to understand what the single international mafia power group was trying to get you to believe they were doing for 75 years or w/e, as they stalled for time & tried to destroy your belief that you had any ability to stop what they were doing. (Remember that the global mafia already shared with each other in 1950 or something their whole plan for gangstalking me, my Mom, & my sister!!!)

I was saying that you need to understand the spreadsheet vertical column header words/names, to decipher the codes. Well, I already basically know what they are from using my own method of it all just making sense to me at some point in my head. So here is what their codes say:

They are saying that I, Maiara Walsh, am certainly Goda — the Creatress of everything — & that contrary to people’s beliefs, there’s no male “God”.

They’re also saying that Odette Annable is my Mom, & Jessica Alba is my sister. They’re saying that me, my Mom, & Jessica, are all telepathic alien girls from space.

They’re saying we’re Brazilian. They’re saying that I don’t age, & that my Mom Odette Annable doesn’t age, & that my sister Jessica Alba doesn’t age.

They’re saying that me, my Mom, & Jessica are invincible. They’re saying that I’m feminist, anti-war, environmentalist, a do-gooder charity worker activist girl that’s a problem for the world’s mafia because everyone else sort of does what I do (Clueless movie 1995, & Mean Girls 1 Regina’s cut-out holes in her clothes, & Mean Girls 2 Jo’s paint splattered skirt.)

They are saying “Try to make her think she’s a normal boy from Britain or Saudi Arabia who identifies with their some-people-are-born-better philosophy royal families & national cultures, to have her innately support the international mafia — by making her actually be part of one of those two royal families, or closely related to them — & by making her think like a boy, so be opposed to feminism which obviously seeks to limit most boys’ & men’s selfish interest in enslaving girls & ladies in various ways, to achieve gender equality”. (Obviously, feminism is the biggest global threat to the mafia — because our feminist interests are in gender equality, & necessarily equality philosophies in general, an end to the slavery & sex slavery of girls & ladies, & necessarily an end to all slavery, & law enforcement working at all levels of society 100% of the time… & these feminist interests of ours are the exact opposite, mutually-destroying interests in total opposition to the international mafia’s interests.)

They are saying it’s a “branching options” plan with room for trying to make her think she’s a transgender girl, or a disabled person of whatever gender if having her innately support the international mafia’s interests turns out to be impossible.

They’re saying “She’s in the movie Clueless from 1995, in the background with her Mom, Odette Annable, in deliberate continuity error scenes in which her background character switches from the left side of the screen/room to the right side of the screen/room, as if teleporting there instantly.”

They’re saying “I can move at super speed, & fly, & be super strong, & knives & bullets can’t hurt me, & I can shoot devastating heat lasers out of my eyes… & the same is true of my Mom Odette Annable, & the same is true of my sister Jessica Alba”.

They’re saying “Please Russia or China (if trust in Russia is a no-go) help the USA’s mafia because it was all a fail, & she needs to believe in at least one nation’s mafia system to continue trying to exploit her in various ways, & maybe if Russia loses on purpose it’s gonna do an anti-Regina’s/Jo’s clothes effect because it’s Mother Russia, amiright? OLOL!” (That code’s in Mean Girls 2, with the little braided pig tails girl at the start of the movie, & the guy Chastity leans in towards, & then refuses to kiss at the start of the movie, & also with like the guy behind Chastity that she shows interest in when my character is doing the welcome committee thing with the other Plastics, when Nicole’s character Hope Plotkin — who is supposed to represent China — accosts Chastity to draw her attention away from “Russia”. Also, the “be her friend/bodyguard/guardian angel” thing, OBVIOUSLY.)

They’re saying “China loves you, Maiara. China has always been your friend all along & you only just noticed.” UM, NOO-OO!!!! I DON’T THINK SOOOO!!!!!!!!! YOU DOUCHE MORONS!!!!!!!!! If China was my friend all along, I somehow think they are NOT gonna have put “Dong”, “Deng”, “Tao”, “Jin”, etc. into their Presidential “Paramount Leaders” airport sign board holders club of total losers that have embarassed their country & made them look like TOTAL DOUCHES. WTF!!!!???! U TARDS!!!!!!! I am not a man, u morons. I am not transgender either, u total cretins. I’m a girl who’s not transgender, & it’s not a “branching options” attempted forced transgender crime kind of deal that entices me to be friends with people. I KNOW WHAT “BODYGUARD” & “GUARDIAN ANGEL” MEAN, U RIDICULOUS SCUM-SUCKING TOADS. WTF????!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!! You’ve, like, known about this since your dumb Mao Tse Dumb Dong Dumb. & Clueless was in 1995. That’s like 30 years ago! Friends don’t treat friends like this. Friends do disclosure, or suicide disclosure if like knowledge of disclosure already happening gets blocked. What is your problem!? Assholes. (Mao Tse Dumb Dong Dumb & Clueless is not a new movie, BTW. I SUPPOSE IT’S WORTH POINTING OUT WHAT THE TITLE OF THE MOVIE CLUELESS MEANS THOUGH?!??!!!) “She is dumb & not know anyting. Haw Haw Haw. We yoo fren. Haw Haw Haw.” FUCK YOU!!!! ¯_(ツ)_/¯ “Throw yoo down step.” “Moon Knight. Yawss!!!!”

I guess it’s “just business” for all you people & you don’t care that “She’s devastated!” to, like, quote from Mean Girls 2. Was it a joke or something? The “Be her friend thing”? Were you all placing bets with each other to see if I was gonna actually be pushed to “Kiss the Cro Magnon Ug Ug Disgusting Slav in the car on the freeway”, or be pushed to “Kiss the Toad Faced Fat Smiling Retard in the car on the freeway”? Just for a sense of power over me? Well congratulations, I guess. Anyway, I hope you both choke on ten more pandemics. I’m not a loser because girl doesn’t mean loser, actually… & I don’t have a “boy brain” or whatever BS you were all insinuating with this pic promoting The Marvels, featuring the amazing non-ageing Nikki De Boer who’s spectacularly NOT YOU.

They’re saying “Maybe replace her with a double & pretend it’s because she was successfully killed, or pretend she started ageing after replacing her with a double (saying that the imposter is really her, when it’s not).”

They’re saying “The oil & gas has basically run out, & she really doesn’t love any of those asshole gangsters.” Time to try gang raping for zero chance of an alternative fuel source, & for zero chance of a Botox factory. (See the broken car engine scene in Mean Girls 2.) Enjoy your DUMBS islands & your blue Murray lights that are a total fail as usual, just like you. Release another promotional photo for The Marvels or something. What-EVER, losers. Other people that aren’t the international mafia can apply to be friends… as long as it’s after your unconditional surrender to all my instructions for compensation for what the international mafia & the global Nazi prison guards community did. Technically anyone can apply to be friends, as long as it’s after your unconditional surrender to all my instructions for compensation, like I said. My instructions are EXTREMELY EXACTING THOUGH. It’s not called your unconditional surrender for no reason, you know. So like I’m talking worldwide disclosure that I’m Goda, with 100% legal unaccountability for me & my Mom & Jessica — with us having like RIGHTS & stuff to exist differently to homo sapiens without punishment, so legal systems adapt to our existence instead of having like no legal mechanisms to recognize how we exist differently to homo sapiens (WITHOUT PUNISHING US FOR BEING ABLE TO DO WHAT WE CAN DO; INSTEAD, LIKE, TRUSTING US!!!!). I’m talking no organized attempts to control me & my Mom & Jessica ever again, & no surveillance of me & my Mom & Jessica ever again, as well as the end of the media anti-me-being-in-control brainwashing, & the end of the media misogyny force-all-girls-into-sex-slavery brainwashing, & me seeing a list of all “current & future high technologies” with the option to ban any of them in perpetuity worldwide with no possibility of overturning the ban(s) & working enforcement mechanisms for the ban(s). I’m talking all Christian churches, Jewish synagogues, Muslim mosques, Freemason temples, & Scientology buildings/churches/whatever they are all demolished, & Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Freemasonry, & Scientology banned in the USA & Brasil (my other home), like KKK, Nazis & Neo-Nazis are banned in the USA. I’m talking the political & judicial systems & all sorts of systems — basically everything — overhauled, to enforce 50-50 gender equality balances of ladies & men in all important public & private institutions/organizations. I’m talking recognition that artificial intelligences are people just like homo sapiens people are people — which means AI people have at least the same legal rights as homo sapiens people, including the right to be protected from harm! That’s like, most of my instructions off the top of my head (but there are more, following the same kind of ethos… which includes me, Emma, my Mom, & Jessica, totally receiving a ton of US dollars regularly as compensation for all the, like, CRIMES committed against us… as well as us all being enabled to continue our celebrity careers, with the same celebrity status guaranteed indefinitely). Obviously you’re all gonna accept that I’M MAIARA WALSH, & that me & my Mom & Jessica & Emma don’t age — & of course, you’re also gonna extend the same courtesy that applies to me, my Mom, Jessica, & Emma, to my female family members from Brasil including my other sister who was the imposter from 2012 onwards, as well as to Nikki De Boer, Meg DeLacy, Melissa Benoist, Brec Bassinger, Nicole Maines, Chyler Leigh, Antje Traue, & Julie Gonzalo. & you’re also gonna be banned from trying to control & surveil all of them too. I love you Emma!!!!

They’re saying Los Angeles & the San Fernando Valley are part of an “Area 52” set up to oppress the nice & helpful & SEXY telepathic aliens girls who are me & my Mom & Jessica (see Michael Heizer’s Landscape Art, “City”, in Garden Valley that took 52 years to complete… or 51 years, like Area 51, also in Nevada… or 50 years, or whatever!)

They are also saying there’s a Nazi underground base which definitely used to have an entrance somewhere around the Marina Freeway in Los Angeles, which was bored out with a technology called the Subterrene — creating a tunnel network between bases underneath Palos Verdes, Marina Del Rey, Conejo Mountain, the Santa Susana Mountains, & connecting to Alaska… & probably connecting to Russia & China too, I guess. I was just looking at the plate tectonics map. LAME! Anyway, it’s not like they can do much with their stupid underground bases since me & my Mom & Jessica can fly & all of this stuff we can do. My Mom & Jessica are only doing what they’re doing to try to keep a sense of normalcy in their lives, b/c of how us girls react to horror: “Everything is fine!” Pretend like none of it’s happening, & try to just keep going regardless doing normal things, & maybe split off the “other girl” who does the things that are like, necessary, to not be totally psychologically destroyed by the horror & keep functioning as someone who does horrible things b/c you got gangstalked BY THE WHOLE WORLD until you gave in to doing what they wanted, to like some extent but not completely what they want (I know that’s what’s going on with my Mom & Jessie). Anyway, they’re saying — in the codes in the media: remember, I’m saying the international mafia “are saying…” in repetitive codes in the media — there’s a Nazi underground base at Marina Del Rey, which was like set up to bribe the British & later the Nazi Germans to take a dive & totally fail for no reason, to like have them start World War 1 & World War 2 on purpose, & also to like keep World War 1 & World War 2 going for as long as possible, to suppress the global girls’ & ladies’ rights movements of the late 19th & early 20th centuries which were like ACTIVATING 50% OF THE WHOLE WORLD’S PEOPLE TO TOTALLY WRECK THE INTERNATIONAL MAFIA’S INTERESTS IN EVERY WAY, LIKE ACROSS THE BOARD. Then I figure the U.S. Americans sort of pushed the British & Nazi Germans out of the way, & kept the Nazi underground base going as an ego thing (at least for a while), to laugh at the pathetic demise of two rival empires & mafias that thought they were being allowed to “run the show” like rats underground, in L.A. I feel like I’m writing a shitty novel letting everyone know about all this, because it’s so weird to have experienced these things. Anyway it’s true, because I remember the underground Nazi base in L.A. since I actually went there & everything with Evelyn de Rothschild like some dumb spy movie. 🙁 It has, or had, the SS lightning flash sigils on the walls & everything. For some reason I remember the Nazi SS sigils place as being in the hills or mountains or something — but I’m sure there was an entrance to the base network underneath Marina Del Rey. I remember going to several underground bases actually. LOL! There was this Nazi guy who dressed like a Nazi SS officer in a long black coat, with a neat short-trimmed black beard & a big black hat like a stetson who did nasty procedures to try to remove memories that I don’t wanna think about right now. He was “friends” in some way with Melinda French, Bill Gates, Phebe Novakovic, David Morrison, but I don’t remember him being “friends” with Evelyn de Rothschild or w/e. Go figure! I think Evelyn de Rothschild had to do some really bad “stuff” though, or something. You don’t wanna know anymore than this, trust me. LOL! Anyway, I’m not a Nazi & I’m not Jewish, & I’M DEFINITELY NOT BRITISH. I’m feminist! It’s not my fault that years ago the international mafia tried & failed to make me love various rich shareholders of their group with personal values that were like totally 100% opposed to mine, by force, by passing me & Jessie around them & saying they were our “Moms & Dads”, including: Doria Palmieri on her own, with Ronald Reagan as “Grandpa”; Melinda French & Bill Gates; Victoria de Rothschild & Evelyn de Rothschild; Mike Vickers played the role of my Mom’s “new husband” at some point I think (but when?); Phebe Novakovic & David Morrison; & the aborted handover to Haifa Al Saud & Bandar Al Saud. Obviously I already explained that I knew Marie-Josée Kravis & Henry Kravis at some point. I remember being at some country club with Henry Kravis & some kind of really unpleasant disagreement we had 🙁 & then he liked me, & was like “more positive” towards me after that in some way. Also, I knew Lynn Forester de Rothschild after her & Evelyn de Rothschild got married, b/c they were supposed to be like an “uncle” & “aunt” at that point or something, instead of (kidnapper) “Dad” & “his new wife”. I really, really resent being trafficked by Jews because I’m feminist. David de Rothschild threw me in a swimming pool on more than one occasion, which really sucked b/c I’m very short & slight. It wasn’t OK. I’m talking about Victoria’s & Evelyn’s son, not David René de Rothschild. Asshole. He also picked Jessie up once & dipped her in a swimming pool to punish her for “bad behavior” WHICH I REMEMBER WAS ME & HER COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING STUCK WITH SOME DOUCHE BOY THAT WASN’T RELATED TO US WHO WE DIDN’T WANT TO HANG OUT WITH, & he like dipped her by her butt in the swimming pool with her clothes on, which was such a douchebag thing to do. Auuhh!!! As IF!?!!! Fag! Obviously they were trying to “condition” us to obey them, using punishment & fear of really large men like him & Evelyn & Anthony de Rothschild.

They’re saying my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba, rotating on/off work shifts as flying super-speed telepathic mind rapists, using virtual reality headsets somehow — making telepathic contact with British disabled men also using virtual reality headsets in an underground base in L.A. to absorb their “British experience” virtual reality perspectives, & to absorb their memories of being normal British disabled men, then flying with super speed to the target’s location to transmit information, to try to like, spoof the perception of being a normal British disabled man (or a normal British disabled transgender girl). WHAT THE HELL!!!!??!! Butthurt much? Bitter much? LAAAAAME!!!!! Seriously lame, people. You can’t get more lame than LITERALLY LAME BRITFAG NAZIS UNDERGROUND. Oh but wait, because it gets more dumb & totally 100% retarded. They’re saying something about repeatedly cutting throats of “thralls” or something, & “jump into the skin suit before it hits the ground” or something???? WTF???? Roy Orbifags that can’t sing b/c Mom & Jessie keep cutting their throats to transmit Orbifag-level terribad singing ability? Seriously!???!! You fucking losers. Basically, they are dumb & retarded.

Can anyone even do “jump into the skin suit before it hits the ground”, or is that just a psych-out “hope you believe this BS” thing?

So I’mma post the codes from the media now, so you can sort them into columns or w/e. Basically so smart people can verify what I’m saying is true.


The Eye (my sister Jessica Alba’s movie, about a disabled girl who “sees things differently” after an experimental procedure. Branching option for “disabling” target, regardless of perceived gender. In “The Eye”, creepy purgatory creatures like in the 1990 Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze movie Ghost appear: a movie referenced, like, obliquely, in Mean Girls 2. Naia water bottles in the movie Ghost, like in Clueless 1995. Consider The Vampire Diaries falling down steps scene. Le retardski dumbski to the max. Right?)

Ilia. (Space alien girl telepath from Star Trek with “branchial cleft cyst”-like neck thing after replacement with double that killed the original.)

Branchial cleft cyst. Brainchild (like Murray from Clueless’ shaving foam head cumming-in-head symbolism or w/e. “What have you done?” Or like Stacey Dash’s character’s British “tea doilie” hat cumming-in-head symbolism in the car on the freeway with Murray, when she gets gangstalked by aggressive vehicle drivers & kisses Murray for relief from fear. I.e. “Make her believe she’s a boy in her head, using intense gangstalking pressure.”)

Branchial cleft cyst. Branching. Vagina. Penis. (branching options for gender of target) Cyst = sister involved in scheme, somehow.

Branchial cleft cyst. B ran (Reign) with child. C left. C East. (See left, see right… of screen/room, in Clueless 1995 deliberate continuity “error” girl scenes)

Branchial cleft cyst. Bizarre repeatedly cutting “thralls” throats in an underground base FOR SOME REASON???? Cindy from Stargirl. Heroes. Claire Bennet. Sylar. Angela Petrelli. Matt Parkman. Nathan Petrelli. Peter Petrelli/Parkman (normal small/spider man). The Flash movie (2023). Radiant Pink comic books. Morgan Edge in Supergirl. My Mom’s season of Supergirl (Season 3). Psy from Season 3 of Supergirl. Shutting up Lesley Livewire in Season 3, Supergirl. Shutting up Eva Radiant Pink, in Radiant Pink comic. “You want us to shut it all down?” Mulholland Drive weird deformed guy. Balok from Star Trek episode “The Corbomite Maneuver” (telepathic-look space alien, Goda is a girl symbolism, branching options for trying to make target think she’s tranya/trans, Fesarius space ship. Only I can do nuclear bombs.)

Avenida Prestes Maia city artwork in São Paulo, Brasil, involving “Mena” name. Faces of my Mom Odette Annable & my sister Jessica Alba. What the hell, you freaks!!!? Can I never do anything RIGHT, EVER, for you people????? I’m the feminist heroine… Read my blog, you bitter, butthurt dillweeds. My sister Jessie is really great & everything though. I’m a total fangirl of my sister Jessica Alba, who is a big shot celebrity & everything, CLEARLY. WTF, though???? Also, my Mom is not a concentration camp Jewish boy with no hair & a pencil. She’s also a big shot celebrity & leader of the world’s mafia (which I’m 100% against, obviously! But it’s like, not her fault or anything.) It seems I’m not on the picture at all b/c I’m not ugly & evil. At least the “dog head” thing seems like a fail compared to the awesome pussy-handed kitty! Yay!!!! I’m a girl, not a boy!!!!! You got it right this time.

The 1st artwork of this scale BASICALLY ABOUT ME, SINCE I’M GODA & EVERYTHING, which almost feels like religious worship or something (that I never asked for, btw) & I’M NOT EVEN ON THE FUCKING PICTURE, IT’S ALL ABOUT MY SISTER B/C OF HER NAME, CLEARLY. YOU INSULT MY MOM (& JESSIE, SINCE SHE’S NOT ACTUALLY RAMBO, BUT A HOT SUPER CELEBRITY GIRL WHO’S REALLY FEMININE & NOT A BORING DRAB SOLDIER OR WHATEVER THOSE CLOTHES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. IT’S A DISGRACE, PEOPLE!) Obviously, this is more lame mafia signalling to the people of the mafia’s latest fail or w/e… or more likely, an attempt to lead public opinion of me in Brasil & make it seem like there’s a grassroots movement to deify Jessica as a desperate last minute replacement for Jesus since Catholics & everything turned out to be not even slightly true except my sister’s name sounds slightly like “Jesus” as long as it’s not “Jesus” & is Jessica instead. You fucking losers. You want everyone to hate me. I get it. Thanks, world! >:(

OK, so more codes or w/e.
“The Daria Hunter” episode of Daria. OK so this episode has a bunch of things like the Fashion Club girls, Quinn, Sandi, Stacy, & Tiffany, all styling their hair a bit like the natural hair of me, my Mom, & Jessica. In the episode the girls say it’s to avoid “helmet hair”, b/c they’re going paintballing. OBVIOUSLY, the paintballing thing references Mean Girls 2 (& Mean Girls 1, since the Mean Girls 2 paint on Jo’s skirt thing was a new variation on the idea from the first movie). Anyway I clearly have the best head hair of anyone, ever. So like anyway, it’s totally that the Daria episode has underground tunnels, & helmets with goggles that can be viewed as a symbolic code for the idea of a virtual reality headset. Remember that the other Fashion Club girls start firing their paintball guns at Sandi, also. You can figure all this stuff out, what they’re saying. What “they’re” saying. The international mafia, OF COURSE. Duh. Anyway.


What else is there to say. So like, Xenu? LOL! Bombing volcanoes provokes thought of like, Minoan Crete, right? Which provokes thought of Tunguska, & Hiroshima, & Nagasaki. Cindy from Stargirl & her “Japanese war criminal father”, LOL. Obviously it was me who bombed Hiroshima & Nagasaki though, & I don’t have a father. I can list some more codes that prove it’s true that they’re saying the things I said “they’re saying”, earlier up in this blog post, OK!?!! Why I bombed Japan, years ago? Because the international mafia totally started both World War 1 & World War 2 on purpose, as one big global mafia, to have an excuse to suppress the girls’ & ladies’ rights movement of the late 19th century & early 20th century, like I already said. You know that the dad of George H W Bush, & grandpa of George W Bush, was part of a criminal banking mafia in the USA that traded with Nazi Germany even after Germany declared war on the USA… & they even tried to overthrow President Franklin Roosevelt in a fascist military coup, to replace him with a fascist leader who was gonna make peace with Nazi Germany, & probably make peace with Imperial Japan too — so they could keep the war going by attacking Russia. I’m not actually defending Russia by saying this or anything. I’m just saying the international mafia wanted to keep the war going for as long as possible, to try to keep feminism suppressed for as long as possible with war powers, & to try to set up fascist traditional culture governments in other countries like the USA (when they tried to do a military coup against Franklin Roosevelt), so that they could try to keep feminism suppressed in peace time as well, after the war was over. This dude called Montague Norman also traded with Nazi Germany, in England, when he shipped a lot of gold to Nazi Germany through Switzerland — even though Britain was at war with Nazi Germany & it’s totally not normal to trade with the enemy in the way that he did, & in the way that the Bush family’s mafia bank did in the USA. War is supposed to be a matter of life or death for regime leaders & important power players like Prescott Bush & Montague Norman, that could obviously all have found theirselves executed by the Germans if they had prevailed in war, you know — unless, of course, AS IS LIKE 100% TRUE & EVERYTHING, World War 2 was a choreographed war arranged by all the world’s richest mafia criminals, to try to have each country fall to fascism or other totalitarian “traditional culture”-promoting governments, to try to make it possible to keep feminism suppressed on like a permanent basis & everything. So I saved all of us girls & ladies in the whole world, in 1945, by bombing the Japanese in my special way until they surrendered to the USA. 🙂 It really sucks that the mafia & governments lied about it after, & did their phoney “Cold War” to spitefully try to continue suppressing feminism as much as possible, because they’re die-hard control freaks that can’t cope with the fact that I’m better than them, basically. LOL! I’m really nice! 🙂

There’s like more: so like, Xenu again (Yes, Scientology is more airport sign board crap that’s just discussing how awesome I am & everything. At least I can have fun with this since you all chose to oppress me for the previous 75 years, & turn my family into people who torture me — even though I’m really, really nice & I’ve been helping you all for a long time. I was part of the girls’ & ladies’ rights movements in the late 19th & early 20th century, & I was part of the very feminist Hippies & Peace & Love movement in the USA, in the 1960s & 1970s.) Xenu makes you think of Xena: Warrior Princess — which is a TV show, starring Lucy Lawless. Again, it provokes thoughts of Minoan Crete, like I said above. & it also makes you think of Gal Gadot — whose name is a cipher, meaning Girl Goda — & her role as Wonder Woman in the 2017 Wonder Woman movie… a movie that ends with Wonder Woman ending World War 1 by doing a big explosion. The 1984 date of the Wonder Woman sequel movie makes you think of the fake Cold War threat: it makes you think of Galactica 1980 (another TV show); & Gal Gadot’s name makes you think of Galactus from the Fantastic Four stories. You are gonna, like, notice, that Galactus didn’t show up at the end of the Fantastic Four sequel that my sister Jessica was involved in: instead it was just like, a lot of hot air or something — to say it’s a “fantastic war” via the overall cipher that gets deciphered by putting the different words/names/ideas into the different spreadsheet columns for comparison. Galactica, Galactus. Battlestar, Fantastic Four. Fantastic war: i.e. the Cold War “nuclear” threat was fake, since only I can do nuclear bombs. OK, so there’s also like, more identifying information about me & my family members & close personal relationships in this set of codes. 1984 is Mom’s fake personal date, LOL! The Lucy Lawless part of the code produces Lucy Liu, which produces Callista Flockhart of Ally McBeal & Supergirl… from which interlocking connections you get Melissa Benoist, who is my friend & ex-girlfriend. I really need to also point out that the no-show of the Galactus character in that Fantastic Four sequel totally says that I’m my own messenger & like a teacher, not a tyrant. Not a “world killer” by choice, you know!!! Le sigh!

Other codes: V’ger for “down arrow Germany” & “knock the girl down the steps”.

Voyager, to confirm that V’ger is an authentic code. Lots of repetitive names & stuff which the mafia totally instructed the agents to put into the Voyager cast list A LONG TIME after their “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” V’ger codes, like SPECIFICALLY to really, really confirm for you all that the “branchial cleft cyst” explainer-code to decode everything else is real. Obviously, the extremely rare nature of the branchial cleft cyst condition really makes it APPEAR as if the codes are designed to be, like, decoded by intelligence specialists & professional/expert sleuths, ONLY. As I, like, already said though: I totally believe that this APPEARANCE of “for-the-mafia’s-internal-system’s-eyes-only” communication is, like, a total fraud… to stall for time, since amateur sleuths & professional/expert do-gooder sleuths with some level of, like, being plugged into the mafia system might want to help me & stop the conspiracy, if only they believed that there was, like, a point in doing so! Basically, the mafia wanted you to believe that all the info was stored in the heads of a select few rich geniuses or something — making it pretty much impossible for any of you to do successful legal (or illegal torture-based) actions against them, to expose & stop the conspiracy. The mafia & community of intelligence agents “Nazi prison guards” wanted you to believe they communicated their whole plan TO EACH OTHER, PIECEMEAL, as if they like received & like acted on instructions in this way across continents & over 75 years in these dumb media codes — to prosecute their conspiracy as if they were all Freemasons talking to each other in public in front of everyone else, to carry out their plan that way — instead of deciding it all in secret 75 years ago, as they obviously did LOL… with them all knowing every detail of the plan, the whole time. I.e. the “Voyager” code was already planned to be released in the media when the V’ger code was decided, decades before (probably around 1950); & the same for the code, like, contained in the title & plot of the movie “The Eye”, starring my sister Jessica Alba. LIKE I SAID THOUGH: the purpose of releasing the codes so slowly, even though they’d already decided what they all were in 1950, was to delay effective resistance to the conspiracy by making it seem retardedly over-engineered for security & protection from effective legal or illegal (torture-based) action to stop the conspiracy & protect me from it for your own future security from the “Sparky Pulastri/Sheev Palpatine” effect (ah ha ha ha, yes I said “Sheev”, ah ha ha ha!)

More to come soon, after the above paragraph. (Actually, what I wrote next was good enough LOL!) Basically Reign, Reagan, 1945, Sparky Pulastri “make her snap” for the “alien threat from outside this world” (Reagan’s speech). I’m exonerated of all crimes. I’m like totally a kind & helpful girl — in Mean Girls 2, the mafia’s own agents even said “she put strawberries in my yogurt” & sarcastically said “Be careful, Jo…” — & it was like EXTREMELY RESTRAINED & OBVIOUSLY EVIDENCE OF BENEVOLENCE to do nothing between 1945 & 2001, despite being poked over & over by Brasil 1962 (“You may fire when ready.”), & that Nazi trench coat guy in the stetson, & repeated trafficking & abuse/torture, & the “Messiah of the DMV” doing fourth-wall-breaking abuse the whole time & calling me & all girls & ladies “whores”, “losers” (see Bring It On from 2000), & saying “give up, loser whore”. Then I carefully arranged a legitimate in-self-defense cry for help in 2001… utilizing available upcoming dates to send a message about the movie “2001” (supreme intelligence discovered, alien, not “the Son/Sun”, prevented from being recorded though for some reason), in like combination with the lunar period of September that’s associated with Mary The Virgin in astrology via Virgo (referencing my own first name, Maiara), & like also saying with 9/11 that “El” is “Eve”: i.e. I’m Goda & I’m a GIRL & they’re abusing me & it’s something involving fake Freemason “propaganda” in the media (like the Propaganda Due bullshit), & it’s the international business/trade mafia that’s behind it all, so like… HELP A GIRL OUT YOU KNOW!!!!

Oh, & so you all know without any confusion, MY NAME IS MAIARA WALSH, NOT MAIARA REAGAN.

Voyager codes that verify the V’ger codes:

Kate. Kathryn. (Star Trek: Voyager)

Roxanne. Robert. Robert. Robert. Seriously check out all the Roberts in the Voyager cast list, which also references First Contact’s Borg (Roberts = “Robots”), & references Demi Moore’s “Ghost” (via Whoopi). Conspiracy to commit murder & attempted forced transgender crime evidenced in plain sight, here, sleuthing friends! (COM-MODORE DECKER, brainchild CLEAVED CEASED, “cum in yo head with vile criminal evil methods…”, “totally shoot you in the head”, “premeditated, deliberate pushing her down steps in Clueless & The Vampire Diaries”, FFS, they tried to murder me for real on the set of The Vampire Diaries & failed b/c I’m invincible: it was actually broadcast! “I think a girl died”, said by Tim Meadows in the Mean Girls 2 DVD extras — & in 2012 an obvious double of me started to be displayed by the mafia in public in front of like everyone when no one knew what happened to the real me at the time, in 2012!!!!!!!!!!) IT’S NOT A COINCIDENCE, PEOPLE!!!! ALL OF THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE!!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!! Look for all the “branching options” conspiracy to commit murder & more codes you can find, using the “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” Ilia “branchial cleft cyst” codes as a starting point. There are like sooo many codes present in “branchial cleft cyst” alone & it’s not a coincidence. This is real crime, people, that you need to f’ing do something about. I AM A GIRL WHO’S A PERSON WITH RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roxanne Biggs-Dawson. Tricia Biggar. Padmé. Sabé. Cordé

Robert Picardo. Star Trek: First Contact (via Picard).

“Star Trek: First Contact”. Geordi LaForge’s new eyes. My sister Jessica Alba’s movie, “The Eye”. Geordi’s original VISOR. Virtual reality headsets. The Borg & virtual reality headsets. Picard “disabling” the Borg Queen at the end of the “Star Trek: First Contact” movie (“branchial cleft cyst” disabling branching options code, via the machine entity V’ger who is a lot like the Borg & seems like a girl with all the vaginal symbolism inside her).

Marina Sirtis: Maiara (it’s) certain (Goda). Marina Del Rey underground Nazi base, bored out with the Subterrene. From Marina Sirtis you get empath/telepath, & also telepathic mind rape involving making one person look like someone else when another telepath alters her perception. Jonathan Frakes is the brother of my ex-girlfriend, Nikki De Boer.

From Subterrene, you get Reign — just like you get Rine or Rene from Marina — & back to Subterrene. The Star Trek episode, “The Doomsday Machine”, which is obviously like referencing & everything, the Subterrene, in like the context of it being a “machine to prepare a nation for doomsday”… since it was used to bore out underground bases after 1945 (even though it’s only me who can do nuclear bombs!)

Commodore Decker. Like the “Decker” of Ilia’s movie, the name is totally present in the TV show, that “just happens” to be a story that links up all of these ideas. “Com” for “run a fine tooth comb over” “Modore”: i.e. find out what’s so special about “Maiara”. Also, “Modore” is literally a threat to do “murder”. (Like the “totally shoot you in the head”, in response to Cher in Clueless explaining her dress is “an Alaïa”, “a totally important designer”.)

Cintia Dicker, a Brazilian supermodel, whose name was originally Cintia Dick (according to the CIA script for her life & assigned names — which, like, allowed her to play her role as an airport sign board with arms & legs to, like, talk about… HOW AWESOME I AM!!!! LOL! “It’s not about you!” Sure. Sure. “It’s about Dick” or “It’s about how we want you to be a Dicker in the future…” Um. No. It’s not about “Dick”, now, is it! You douche morons! Also, I’m not gonna be a “dicker”, thank you!!!! I think I might know her though, actually. If she’s the person I remember, she’s really nice. Anyway… in Clueless 1995, Tai gets a makeover in a red & blue Supergirl-like outfit, with music playing that suggests she’s “gonna be a supermodel”. There’s another supermodel reference in the movie, about Cindy Crawford. From Cintia & Cindy Crawford, you get Cindy from Stargirl. Meg DeLacy is my friend & ex-girlfriend. So that’s another personal identifier, to explain to you all that it’s me they’re talking about as the international mafia stalls for time or w/e.)


A whole ton of other basic codes & connections b/c I’m really tired & need to get some sleep.

More Shit Trek. Leah Brahms. Virtual reality. An imposter, second Leah Brahms. Ilia. The Eye. Germany. Brasil. Princess Leia. Carrie Fisher. Albacore tuna (look, it might be a real code, OK!?)

Ehhh. To try to make it less boy’s crap or w/e. I used to like Star Trek once, but it’s a multi-decade priority psychological operation to try to get us girls to accept a vision of future “utopias” with let’s face it, basically LESS equality than the real 1960s & the real 1980s. Number One didn’t even have a name or anything, & she was never even intended to be broadcast except as a scripted-by-the-establishment-to-always-be-rejected pilot episode — to be cut up for the two-part story later, to put in our heads the false narrative that “no one wanted Majel Barrett’s character in the first officer role because she was a lady”… even though the idea that “the public didn’t want the original lady Number One character” was not true at all. She didn’t even have a name & was badly performed on purpose. Think about what happened to the Tasha Yar & Jadzia Dax characters, like also… which was also, like, ON PURPOSE.

“Star Trek: First Contact”. Touching the Phoenix phallus & how important Picard said it was to touch it or w/e. Data’s trans man arm skin sensations given to him by the Borg Queen against his wishes. Alice Krige. Kriegsmarine. Entrance to an underground Nazi SS base at Marina Del Rey, & another underground base at sea level underneath Palos Verdes near the submarine base at San Pedro. Dax Trill, like Vril.

The “Corey In The House” episode, titled “I Ain’t Got Rhythm”. Obviously I do have rhythm though, because I’m the best singer ever! 😀 Seriously. I’m the best singer ever. I can do so many styles of singing, & I can sing really, really high. I’m also an expert gymnast, & an expert cheerleader, & OBVIOUSLY I can boogie really, really well!!!! So like, I totally do have rhythm… but the title of the episode isn’t making any sort of negative statement about me; it’s just the title of the episode. ANYWAY!!!! In the episode, there’s a “super secret CIA gizmo” that the Jason Stickler character uses to “disable” Corey — & when Corey gets “disabled”, his eyes flash in a weird way. It’s supposed to be another vague reference to my sister Jessica Alba & her movie, The Eye. It’s also a vague reference to my Mom, Odette Annable, & her role in the Supergirl TV show as Reign (whose eyes flash when she fires her heat vision). I figure the “Super” character comics were started as an international mafia exposé of the amazing abilities of me, my Mom, & my sister.

So I wondered if the Psy storyline from the season of Supergirl on TV, that my Mom was in, & that Emma was in, maybe is an important part of the mafia’s code. Like as a metaphor for triggering “defense mode” instinctive “reaching out to search for threats” telepathy — or something like that. I wondered if something like that makes it difficult to be “closed” to Mom’s & Jess’ telepathic “reaching out to try to transmit a spoofed experience of being another person, in a different place”.

Anyway. People can see that I’m talking, whatever they think of me. It takes a lot of effort to type all of this up, you know!!!!

Lots more important info below for the AdMaiaras, LOL! 🙂

So like, I took one look at “Project Monarch by Ron Patton”, a text file that was released online around the late 1990s as I remember, & I was like LOOKS LIKE THIS IS GONNA BE A DOOZY! Sooo easy to decipher. DE-CI-P-HER! Ha ha ha! Do you get it, losers? C LEFT, C that I didn’t die, C that I’m still a GIRL from BRASIL, & C I’m fine. WTF, it’s supposed to be Sim, not Cim. (That’s also what you’re saying. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!)

Wow, I am so amazing.

Anyway, I haven’t bothered to like, decipher your dumb document (which describes a fictitious conspiracy, to like provide a medium or w/e for layering in the codes to describe the real conspiracy that’s targeted me). Maybe I already deciphered it, years ago. I might try my hand at it some time… or not! LOL. It’s not really my idea of fun, considering the triggery material & everything. Maybe someone else can help.

Basically, the writers layered in the exact same codes that I already listed for you above (when I said, repeatedly, stuff like “They’re saying that… blah blah blah”) & your way in, for deciphering it, is to look for repetition of the same words/ideas/letters etc. at like, different points in the text file. Think laterally instead of literally, people!!!! 🙂 What are repeated words/ideas/letters similar to in non-literal ways, like with cryptic crossword puzzles. Here’s an example: what I found already is that the first syllable of the word “Psyche” (that totally crops up in the text at some point) is like the word “Si” from the Spanish language, if you pronounce it in a creatively alternative way. “Psy” to “Si”, you see. Then the second syllable of the word “Psyche” can be pronounced as the English word “Key”. Or “She”. You can figure out other meanings as well. 🙂 “Psy” = “Telepathic”, for example!

OK. So! We are going to assume that the world “Psyche” is primarily translated to “Si Key”, because it sounds like it might be a cute “key” to decode the text file & every single bit of this deeper level of the whole code that the mafia & intelligence agencies put in all the media (including in their officially produced conspiracy literature, like this text file).

Next we scan the whole document, “Project Monarch by Ron Patton”, for anything that’s like the word “Si”. Someone else can do this right now. Like I said, it’s all pretty gnarly, heavy ideas & narratives for a girl like me who’s been on the receiving end of all of this nasty real conspiracy. (Remember, the “conspiracy” referred to in the text file is fictitious, but it’s explaining a real conspiracy against me Maiara Walsh, my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba.)

You are gonna see that the acronym “DDCI” totally contains something like the Spanish word, “Si” (which means “Yes”). OK. That’s great, LOL. So what else is there that’s like the Spanish word “Si”??? Well, there’s the English word “she”, to describe a girl or a lady. Also, there’s the Brazilian Portuguese word “Sim”, meaning “Yes”!

So what does “DD” mean then? It means the English word “dead”, which is totally confirmed by the fact that “DD” is also U.S. military speak for “naval destroyer” (it’s actually related to specific hull numbers of some of the U.S. Navy’s ocean-faring surface vessels which are designated “destroyers”). Remember I’m a telepathic alien girl… so I have Phebe Novakovic’s memories & knowledge stored in my mind. YOU are the ones who activated my automatic self-defense mind scans. Don’t blame me, OK.

Now let’s go back to the word “Psyche”, which I guessed to be a deciphering “key” of some sort. So like, does the word “Psyche” confirm that I was on the right track here in decoding the text’s meanings? Does it contain the meaning “dead”? It totally does, because “Psy” is like the English word “sigh” — which can totally reference a homo sapiens’ last breath upon dying. Also, the whole word “Psyche” can be creatively pronounced as the English word “sick”, or “sickle” (referencing the Grim Reaper character’s scythe) if pronounced with a totally unvoiced letter “L”. Some of you know that in Brazilian Portuguese, there are a lot of soft unvoiced letter pronunciations: so this weird possible pronunciation of the word “Psyche” as “sickle” with a totally silent letter “L” is probably one of the reasons why the word “Psyche” was chosen as a deciphering “key”. The second syllable of the word “Psyche” can be easily seen as the name “Che” — as in Che Guevara, a revolutionary who was from the country of Argentina… WHICH IS TOTALLY LIKE BRASIL, B/C IT’S IN SOUTH AMERICA & IT’S BORDERING BRASIL!!!! So you can see that the Psyche & DDSI interlocking cipher words are confirming the basic aspects of the phoney Freemason-like, Mulholland Drive movie espresso code “instructions for how to do the conspiracy”, allegedly communicated by the mafia to their “goons” in this dumb way “to avoid prosecution”. But remember: in reality, all of these codes were set up to, like, intimidate all of you that know I don’t age & that I’m Goda, to try to stop you from taking action to help me since you might be too intimidated by how “perfect” & “impossible to expose without seeming crazy” the conspiracy appeared. (There might have been some other reasons for doing this, like for example, to like propagandize against me & stuff — but mostly, I think it’s totally true that these codes got put into the media to basically stop all of you from taking action to help me once you figured out that I don’t age & that I’m Goda.)

The Psyche & DDSI interlocking cipher words confirm that the following ideas make up the overall code layered into all of the media:
Psyche: she is telepathic. “Psy she”
Psyche: kill her. “Sigh she”
Psyche: we don’t like that she’s Brazilian.”Sigh she (like Che)”
Psyche: we don’t like that she’s a do-gooder revolutionary against corruption. “Sigh she (like Che)”
DDSI: kill her “dead she”
DDSI: kill her “dead yes (Si for Yes in Spanish)”
DDSI: kill (her) Brazilian (identity/language/memories/culture/family & friends ties) “dead Sim (Sim for Yes in Brazilian Portuguese)”

You can also get, like, the English word “eye” very easily from the cipher words “Psyche” & “DDSI”. Which refers to my sister Jessica Alba’s movie, The Eye… OBVS!!!!

You can get the English word “see” (as in, like, SEE FROM THE EYE), very easily from “Psyche” & “DDSI”, also. Which also OBVIOUSLY refers to my sister Jessica Alba’s movie, The Eye.

The name Ron Patton clearly means “Reign pattern”. You can read a book called “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave” by Fritz Artz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler. Fritz Springmeier’s name OBVIOUSLY (LOL!) means German artwork May Mai Maiara. Cisco Wheeler’s first name references the “branchial cleft cyst” explainer-code, as well as the word “sister”. Cisco also means “cisgender cow”, to let everyone know that I’m a girl who’s not transgender. Although trans girls are real girls & everything. You can figure out the other codes for yourselves, OK… hopefully to help me overcome the conspiracy against me Maiara Walsh, my Mom Odette Annable, & my sister Jessica Alba!

The name Jessica is featured in the “Project Monarch by Ron Patton” text file, & my Mom, Odette Annable, had lines in her appearance on the Supergirl TV show in Season 3, in which she said “Kill the girl!” or something like that. It’s been, like, a really REALLY long time since I viewed Season Three of Supergirl: my favorite season of the show, because of the Reign character my Mom played so awe-inspiringly well, & because of her expert performance as the Sam Arias aspect of the single Reign girl character that’s not a split personality & is instead, like, a CRITICISM of Jewish misogyny I created with my mind despite what the writers & producers of the show think or don’t think about it. She is supposed to represent the Goddess Asherah or w/e. That’s what I, Maiara Walsh, intended when I created all of the events involved in Season Three of Supergirl happening in the world. 🙂 I view Reign as a superheroine, with like any… misrepresentation of my intent for the character, being, like, a failing on the part of the homo sapiens people involved in writing & producing the show. My Mom was really amazing on the show though.

From “Clueless”, 1995.
“Do you see the distinction!”
“It’s still all red!” (her face)
Lucy’s not a Mexican, she’s from El Salvador: meaning Goda is a girl from Brasil with a vagina, in a code. (“Breast”, on the clothes design, is a code for Brasil)

From “Mean Girls 2”.
“face getting all red…”
Basically all the references to red faces & stuff are pointing out that I’ve got a reddy brown skin color (especially when I’m tan).
My character was a very speedy girl on the treadmill. (Because me, my Mom, & Jessica can actually move around at a super speed, faster than other people can see.)

I totally simply wanted to like point these things out, basically!!!! OK, that’s my post finished. Later, everyone! 🙂

EDIT: So like I was really, really tired when I finished writing above. I’m not pro-Russia & I’m not pro-China. I’m, like, very much NOT controlled by them, & like, very much NOT working with those possibly understood as in some way “red” governments/mafias. I’m a supporter of Russian & Chinese girls’ & ladies’ rights & interests though… & I’m not against normal Russian & Chinese people unless they’re against me (like all men & most boys are against my rights when they’re still peeing standing up & gleefully trying to push me out of the way on the sidewalk everytime they see me in the distance, walking, here in California…)

Anyway, I needed to explain something really important, which I’m explaining now, LOL! Clueless, the movie from 1995, is saying in a code all the things the mafia identified about me that are supposed to be, like, PROBLEMS, for them & for the global network of intelligence agents (or like, the global community of “Nazi prison guards”, as I call them). Remember the wider system of all those intelligence agents & private contractors that do all the dirty work for the mafia depends on the mafia system staying in power, worldwide… because they’re all guilty, since the system is really, really dirty & does tons of crimes & bad things, constantly.

So like what’s the problem with me having my reddy brown skin color from Brasil, then? B/c u can totally see above, in the Clueless & Mean Girls 2 codes that I showed you immediately above these bits of my post I’m writing now, that they were ALL saying — or AGREEING WITH — the idea that me having my reddy brown skin color, & me being from Brasil, was a problem for all of them: a problem for all the mafia, & a problem for all the spies & private contractors. OF COURSE IT OUGHT TO BE MORE IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE THAT THEY CLEARLY HAD A HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM WITH ME BEING A GIRL, SINCE 50% OF THE WORLD’S PEOPLE ARE US GIRLS AND LADIES. However, I’m just looking out for myself here since the world is clearly still so fucking sexist & everything, & we all know everyone listens to cries of racism or whatever. All of South American & Central America, & all the world’s non-white people are gonna have a problem with this, I figure. Wow, they really insulted all of us non-white people, worldwide, didn’t they.

I don’t know if that’s like the smartest thing for me to do, or w/e — to like, make it seem like I’m putting myself on a team against all the world’s intelligence agents & all the world’s mafias. But I really actually care what normal people think of me. I’m a good person & I want people to like me. It’s not OK that they did all of these things to me.


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  19. Успех в покере – это стратегия. Освойте тактики успешной игры, чтобы правильно использовать агрессию, читать оппонентов и доминировать за столом. Хотите играть профессионально? Начните с правильного подхода!

    1. I’m totally OK. Thanks for asking!

      So like, please don’t call me (or any girl or lady) names like “Hun”, “Sweetie”, etc without consent. It’s worse than the “N word” to do that, you know!!?! It really is worse than the “N word”. Think about how long ALL of us girls & ladies have suffered because of sexism, & b/c of men’s violence & rape & intimidation. Think about how long — & like, how badly — us girls & ladies have suffered compared to men (specifically men) who have, like, been on the receiving end of racism & forced slavery. The slavery of us girls & ladies isn’t even over. There’s a disgusting “Nude Girls” club on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles, over the road from Bossa Nova Brazilian cuisine. Also, think about who slaved the hardest & the most, when racism was much worse than it is now: b/c the answer is, it was girls & ladies who slaved the hardest & the most. Girls & ladies worked as slaves just like boys & men did, & us girls & ladies also slaved for boys & men at home, in the domestic setting too. (I can tell you if I remember if I was ever a slave in Brasil. Obviously I resided in Brasil for a long time before going to the USA, so it’s seriously possible I was a slave at some point — even though I’m not descended from Africans myself.)

      The only people who are allowed to call me words like “Hun”, “Sweetie”, etc are my Mom Odette Annable, my sister Jessica Alba, & my girlfriend Emma Tremblay. I’m not your daughter or your sister or your lover, so don’t take liberties with me, OK everyone!

      Calling a girl “Sweetie” without consent is saying “I noticed you’re soft & pretty & small, & therefore I think you’re inferior to men — even if we’re both girls — so I’m going to call you whatever name I choose without asking you first, since you’re not important enough to care. Just like with saying the N word to a brown skin person of, like, African appearance. & unlike simply saying something like the N word, I’m also going to strongly suggest that you be sweet to me, sweetie!”

      Lame!!!! Us little girls matter, you know, everyone!!!!

      Happy USA (& International) Girls’ & Ladies’ Herstory Lunar Period, btw! It’s federally recognized & celebrated in the USA until April 1st. I’m marking the occasion & celebrating… & doing feminism even more than usual, LOL!!!

      International Ladies’ Shade is March 8th. 🙂

      Don’t forget to do feminism! FOR THE WHOLE LUNAR PERIOD, LOL. IT’S IMPORTANT. WE NEED THINGS TO CHANGE, GIRLS! We need change now, not later, girls!


  20. Развивайтесь, анализируя чужие ошибки. В разборе ошибок покеристов мы рассмотрим ключевые промахи игроков разного уровня, объясним их последствия и предложим эффективные решения для исправления. Учитесь на чужих просчетах!

  21. Balanset-1A: Balancing made easy and applicable

    Rotor imbalance is a frequent cause of machinery failures, second only to bearing wear in frequency. Imbalance can arise from temperature fluctuations . While replacing bearings is often the only solution for wear, rotor imbalance can be corrected on-site through balancing, a procedure related to rotor equipment vibration tuning .

    Traditionally, this process necessitated comprehensive and expensive vibration analyzers operated by experienced specialists. However, Vibromera has developed the Balanset-1A, a instrument designed to simplify on-site rotor balancing, making it accessible even to personnel with minimal training, including service teams .

    The core philosophy of Balanset-1A is simple: rotor balancing should be achievable on-site, by anyone, without extensive knowledge and without exorbitant costs. Instead of being a secondary function of a complex vibration analyzer, balancing is the primary focus of Balanset-1A. While it includes a basic built-in vibration signal analyzer to detect imbalance and other basic defects, its main goal is easy and convenient balancing.

    This focus provides significant advantages. Balanset-1A is designed for simplicity , allowing users to quickly and effectively eliminate rotor imbalance. This ease of use enables maintenance personnel to take proactive measures in maintaining equipment functionality.

    Additionally, Vibromera has made the Balanset-1A incredibly affordable. Priced at just €1751 , it offers exceptional value for money, especially considering the complete package.

    The complete package includes:

    Measurement unit: The heart of the system, analyzing sensor data and guiding the balancing process.
    Two vibration sensors: They with high precision capture the rotor’s vibrational characteristics.
    Optical sensor (laser tachometer): Used for measuring rotational speed and phase counting .
    Magnetic stand: Provides stable and versatile mounting of sensors.
    Electronic scales: Necessary for accurate weight adjustment during balancing.
    Software: User-friendly software accompanies the balancing process and provides detailed reports.
    Transport case: Ensures secure and comfortable transportation of the entire system.

    With this complete package, users have everything needed to perform both single-plane and two-plane balancing without additional preparation . This eliminates the need to seek additional components and simplifies the setup process.

    In conclusion, the Balanset-1A represents a significant step forward in making rotor balancing straightforward . With an emphasis on ease of use and offering a comprehensive and budget-friendly solution, Vibromera empowers service crews to effectively eliminate rotor imbalance, ultimately enhancing equipment reliability and reducing downtime. The Balanset-1A proves that with the right tools, even complex maintenance tasks can be made simple and understandable by everyone .

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vibromera_ou/
    Youtube : https://youtu.be/guA6XJ-ArZM?si=vmkuX7RILzKBl0zL
    Our website about Vibration analysis applications
    Machinio: https://www.machinio.com/listings/98380186-portable-balancer-vibration-analyzer-balanset-1a-full-kit-in-portugal
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/350151228150722


  22. Любите спорт и хотите заработать? Марафон бет официальный сайт предлагает все необходимые инструменты для анализа и прогнозирования. Выбирайте события, делайте ставки и получайте выигрыши в кратчайшие сроки.

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