So! OK. I want to let all my AdMaiaras know… (I still love you all, AdMaiaras!!!) …I want to let you all know, right? That I’m doing well and everything, and that Lesbian Laser Fest went well! 🙂
So like, the addition of eating spicy potato sticks to my Lesbian Laser Fest traditions was really positive!!!! 😀 I really, really like eating potato sticks — so I made sure to eat one whole bag of them each shade, for like the full duration of Lesbian Laser Fest. I also ate quite a few bags of a famous brand of rolled tortilla chips (chili & lime flavor), which come in purple bags. So I am probably gonna add eating those tortilla chips to my Lesbian Laser Fest traditions, also! 🙂 I ate way more of the spicy potato sticks though. Eating those potato sticks was like totally one of the most exciting and enjoyable aspects of my Lesbian Laser Fest this year — because I sooo looked forward to eating them later on in the shade, each time I woke up in the morning! 😀 Seriously! I totally adore those potato sticks that are like the best food ever for me right now. (I’m not gonna be eating that specific brand of snacks again until next October though, to like, keep Lesbian Laser Fest SPECIAL!!!! It’s a different brand to the rolled tortilla chips — imported from Spain — which, like the tortilla chips from over the border, are only permissible for me to eat during the 9 shades of LLF each year… since I normally never buy anything that’s from outside the United States, as you all know. Also, I only buy chips in recycled card drums now, normally… but I make an exception for my Lesbian Laser Fest food!)
Ummm. I figure I was like, all along buying only products from within the USA — and not, like, randomly only buying things imported from Britain this whole time. LOL! 😛 So yeaahhh!!! I only buy things from the country I’m in, from small local independent companies, normally. That’s what I’m saying, OBVIOUSLY. And I totally know that I’m in the USA; not in Britain, as I previously thought I was for WHATEVER reason! Ugh!!! So like, any-way. I’m working on recognising that I’m in LA and everything, in Hollywood actually. Not in Britain. I’m all like: is that a palm tree!
Sooo. What you all totally need to be aware of is that — even though I’m clearly not as cognisant of my surroundings and everything as I’m gonna be in, like, an ideal future eventuality… I am 100% committed to our feminism-first, small, local, independent local-grown and local-made, always-pay-with-cash-in-person-at-brick-and-mortar-stores activism. 🙂 I know this is pretty bizarre and everything, and totally not what any of you are wanting to hear from me (that I don’t even know which country’s products are “local” at the stores right now, since a lot of the products still seem like they’re from Britain at the moment). Anyway– that’s if any of you even do constantly depend on me, like I keep hoping you do for some reason! But like what you all need to know, though, is I’m simply gonna keep buying whatever products I believe are small local independent products of the USA… even if sometimes I think it says “made in Britain” on the product labels FOR WHATEVER REASON!!!! rolleyes
Obviously I’m not in Britain. I totally get that now.
A girl doesn’t need to know exactly what’s going on in the world to proactively follow a sensibly self-interested approach, you know!!!!
OK. So like back to letting all my AdMaiaras know how Lesbian Laser Fest went this year!!! 🙂 Basically, it’s all like it totally went really well, you know!? 🙂 I prepared really well this year — making extra sure I had more than enough masala chai to drink for the whole 9 shades of my yearly celebration. In fact, I prepared so well that I’ve got, like, enough masala chai in my attic for all of next year’s Lesbian Laser Fest as well! LOL!!! I bought 8 different varieties of masala chai, this time, from 4 different U.S. American small independent companies. Two of the varieties are really neat loose leaf masala chai blends, that I got from the Hollywood Farmers’ Market I think! Anyway– I got the loose leaf masala chai from a farmers’ market SOMEWHERE… DEFINITELY IN THE USA, LOL!!!! Probably the Hollywood Farmers’ Market which you can visit around the intersection of Selma and Ivar every Sunnight, from the morning until early afternoon. (I think it’s Sunnight, according to the info I’m reading. But you might want to check which shade, i.e. which day, the Hollywood Farmers’ Market happens… just in case someone is selectively giving me bad information about all sorts of things, to like try to use my superpowers in a negative way. I really want to help farmers’ markets everywhere, not harm them! So double-check the dates and times to make sure you’re not disappointed, OK?!)
A really nice lady from the farmers’ market has a stand selling all sorts of teas, at one of the farmers’ markets I personally go to. So one of the teas she sells is a traditional masala chai in a loose leaf form, and another one is a Halloween-themed masala chai with pieces of orange peel in it that you can really taste. I went ahead and bought A LOT of these loose leaf masala chai varieties from her, several lunar periods in advance of Lesbian Laser Fest, which I totally enjoyed drinking! 😀 I also got a really nice tea pot for loose leaf tea from the same lady, and it worked really well: it totally kept the tea nice and hot, in the pot, for two cups of masala chai (which is exactly what I was hoping for when I bought it!!)
I drank SO MUCH masala chai, this year. It was really nice to drink so many different kinds of masala chai, including two different types of powdered chai latte! I love chai latte! I even got two kinds of pink Kashmiri chai, but I still need to find a little pan for pouring warm milk before I can use it. I don’t have a microwave, LOL!
Anyway– I’m still totally hooked on this powdered masala chai that I, like, discussed last year! Remember?! I prefer the unsweetened type though, so I got a whole ton (not literally a ton, LOL!) of the stuff from some place in Downtown LA, I think! Personally, I like to add some chilled milk to cool it down after mixing it with the hot water — and I basically just like the way that it tastes with some milk in, even though it’s not, like, tea like the British drink or whatever. So like some of you might be all like: “Why do you eat so much Indian food, and why do you drink Indian masala chai for Lesbian Laser Fest when you’re not Indian, Maiara? Do you like think you’re Indian or something? You’re Brazilian. Duhh!!! Well, you’re a valley girl from the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California currently residing in Hollywood. But you’re originally from Brazil or whatever. Like, you’re originally from Brazil I think. Like anyway, why do you do all the Indian stuff when you’re not even Indian?????” That’s a good question! Ha ha! 🙂 Sooo… basically, I think the answer is probably that the mafia system wanted a British girl of Indian family culture — with, like, the probable intention of trying to get a British girl of English family culture later on. Like an intermediate step towards what they wanted from me as part of their evil plan to “replant” someone in a totally different part of the world, with different memories and everything (which was obviously a total fail, LOL!!!!)
So it’s like — as I’m guessing at the moment from my memories — if the world’s mafia previously homed me with Doria Palmieri… then I guess they did that as an intermediate step before Phebe Novakovic and David Morrison (with Mike Vickers involved at some point, too).
Obviously I have light brown skin. I call it light brown, gray, reddy, rainbow mottled hues skin — because it’s like, I’m not totally sure how to describe what color it is! Anyway– I don’t think the world’s mafia, or the USA’s mafia or whatever, likes the fact that I have light brown skin. They definitely wanted me to think it was a different color.
OK, so here’s the thing! I’m in the 1995 movie, Clueless, as a background extra, in multiple scenes in that movie along with my family from Brazil (who are also in the movie as background extras). I’m in the scene in which Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, and Brittany Murphy walk towards the camera clutching school work to their chests, across the courtyard at the high school. You can totally see me and one of my family members (another girl, with thick frizzy curly hair like me) walking from the bottom right of the screen towards the left side of the screen… then immediately after that, you can see me with the same family member walking behind them and towards the screen with a good shot of my face. I’m in, like, a red hoodie, with a dark jacket over the top of the hoodie. My hair is up in a high pony, but it’s all big and splayed out all over because my hair is so thick, curly and frizzy. You can see me at the bottom right of the screen immediately before the movie cuts to the next scene. It “appears” like a continuinity error in the movie — because me and my family member jump from the far left, to the far right of the screen in an instant just before the scene cuts, and we totally change direction so we’re walking towards the trio in the foreground. Later in the movie, when Cher is boogieing in front of the live music act (the song is “Where did you go?”), you can see me pretty much in the foreground like immediately behind Alicia, with me also boogieing behind her. I’m in a pink beret with pink streamers in my hair, in a two-tone pink and pale pink dress, with white knee-high socks and red scrunchies on both of my wrists like bracelets. So it’s totally that there “appears” to be another continuity error again in this scene, again involving my background extra character — because I switch positions in the room so that I’m all the way over near Brittany Murphy’s character after she falls down the steps. You can see me in the second group of people standing near the far wall of the room, as the camera follows Cher and Tai as they walk away from the steps and like, towards the big crowd of people in front of the music act. You can see me standing in the same pink beret and two-tone pink and pale pink dress, in the background, along with two other family members from Brazil (two girls that I pretty clearly remember as being two of my sisters from Brazil). There’s also a man standing with us, and he’s noticeably taller than us — because we’re all really short, LOL! You then see me again in the crowd behind Cher, boogieing again in the background, in my totally 100% pink beret that you can see really clearly in that brief shot behind her (after she says Josh is helping Tai to not feel left out or whatever).
I’m probably in other scenes in the movie, in the background. I think I’m behind them in one other scene at the school, at least!
I’m just saying! LOL!
Why am I in the movie? Well, obviously the mafia wanted to display me as a “clueless” girl who had like no idea how important I am — and obviously the mafia also wanted to telegraph to some nasty crowd of spectators, internationally, all the things they planned to try to do to me. A lot of the movie features a creepy code that they put there, discussing me and all the problems they had with who I am and my values and everything, and explaining what they planned to do to try to change all the “problems” they had with my gender, sexuality, culture, feminism & anti-mafia activism values, etc. I am gonna remember why I thought I was in the movie, though. So like please let me know if you know why I thought I was in the movie!!!
Maybe they couldn’t stop me from being in the movie and that’s when all their weird behavior for the nasty international crowd of spectators started: to try to, like, control the narrative or something!!!!
Anyway, people!!! I totally want to let you all know what other things I did to celebrate Lesbian Laser Fest and everything. 🙂 Because I’m sure my AdMaiaras are interested, right?! Of course you are!!!! So like the first thing I did was view a lesbian movie I’ve had saved on my cable box for a long time (because I enjoyed it SO MUCH the first times I viewed it) which is the movie Heatwave, starring Kat Graham and Merritt Patterson. Then I viewed one of two new lesbian movies I bought on Blu-Ray this year, specifically in preparation for Lesbian Laser Fest (so like I went to a DVDs and Blu-Rays store in LA somewhere, and asked the store clerk for new lesbian movies released recently). So anyway, that movie I viewed was Love Lies Bleeding. I enjoyed the lesbian love scenes and some of the visuals and everything — but I am never gonna have bought such an obviously violent and scary movie if there were ANY alternative new lesbian movies to buy of a happier and calmer variety, you know!?!! Basically I dutifully bought and viewed the movie a single time, to support the lesbian movies genre! 🙂
The sad truth, people, is that literally all movies and TV shows and ALL MEDIA aimed at us girls and women are produced to frighten us about men’s potential for violence and rape, and to frighten you by saying you’re getting old and stuff — and that male protectors aren’t gonna want you anymore unless you “put out” sexually, and become their slave and sex slave as soon as possible. It’s because our basic self-interests as girls are in gender equality, making all slavery illegal (which includes ending “hidden” gender-roles-based “legal slavery”), and also having law enforcement that actually works 100% of the time. So, OBVIOUSLY the international mafia can’t exist anymore if we actually get real equality in our societies, with an end to all slavery, and also law enforcement that actually works close to 100% of the time!!!! The international mafia would go out of business and get arrested and jailed, with most of them probably getting executed for their terrible crimes in most places in the world. Seriously! So that’s why the international mafia is so terrified of the 50% of the world’s people who are girls like us. All of us girls are a natural, inadvertant activist army against the mafia’s interests, everywhere that mafia exists. It’s totally that we can’t do anything other than fight for our rights to not be unhappy abused slaves — and us doing that simple, basic self-interested activism work destroys the mafia even if we aren’t all of us necessarily trying to destroy the mafia on purpose or anything; even if we, like, didn’t even know that what we’re doing is hurting the mafia, and didn’t actually want to go to war against the mafia or anything like that.
However, once us girls understand that all mafia, everywhere in the world, are always going to be our enemies that are all always trying to crush our rights and interests, all the time — to make us slaves again, to stop us from inadvertently overthrowing them with the force of our 50% of the world’s people feminist activism interests group — then, umm, once we understand this fact about how all mafia are always going to attack us girls, all the time… then all of us girls totally have to basically go to war non-violently against the international mafia everywhere in the world. Because it’s the international mafia that’s our number one enemy, responsible for putting all this nasty subliminal anti-feminism brainwashing in all of our media — and in any media that’s even slightly aimed at our girls and women demographic.
It’s like you can very easily see the subliminal anti-feminism brainwashing patterns in these lesbian movies once I point them out to you: lesbian movies that aren’t produced to entertain us primarily, but instead to like FRIGHTEN us into putting men’s interests before our own, to try to neutralize us 50% of the world’s people as an inadvertent anti-mafia non-violent activism army.
Here are some of the easy to spot subliminal anti-feminist brainwashing themes in the movie Love Lies Bleeding:
The title of the movie “Love Lies Bleeding” (because men are stronger, so it’s to suggest what might happen some of the time if us girls and women chose to fight boys and men in literal fist fights or something — even though mostly the world is so safe now that we don’t have to worry about this — and even though some of us can actually beat them up sometimes… or at least run away, or shout for help in a crowded world of law enforcement that mostly works for the “world of the little people”).
I know my readers are gonna be smart girls and women like me, who can totally figure out the brainwashing themes on their own without me explaining every single thing for people. So like, I’m going to hit you (huh?) with a few basic names and ideas, without explaining what they mean for you all. These themes are all part of the lesbian “entertainment” movie, Love Lies Bleeding:
Thelma and Louise.
Superman and Lois.
Strong female characters like Captain Marvel are “men really” (LOL!)
One of the lesbians is “really a man”, so it’s “actually a straight relationship”.
One of the lesbians is ugly.
Miss Geist’s lipstick teeth and ripped stockings in “Clueless”.
The girl in the first “Bring It On” movie’s bloody knocked out teeth, and the difference between Sparky Pulastri “snapping” and, like, the feeble “snapping” of the cheerleader girl.
“Bridesmaids” and the two women’s dirty teeth.
The “loser sneeze” from the first “Bring It On” movie from 24 years ago, and the idea of pretending like the mafia are apologizing to us for, like, previous insults such as Stacey Dash’s sneeze in “Clueless” (that isn’t actually insulting, anyway, people!)
Kristen Wiig’s name, and religious patriarchy generally.
Kristen Stewart’s last name, and lots of actresses’ first names.
Ed Harris’ last name.
Dave Franco’s first name (see Kristen Wiig’s name).
The lesbian horror movie Thelma’s ending after the weird hallucination sequences, the lesbian movie Carol’s beginning and ending, the lesbian road movie Drive-Away Dolls’ weightlifting competition hallucination & vomiting scene, and Drive-Away Dolls’ weird ending with the “comic book character” “She-Hulk” seeming to appear and the rotten teeth girl being killed by another woman and getting buried in the desert.
I’m like really sorry for doing this to all of my readers, but a lot of you are probably already at this point anyway if you kept reading. Please complain to, like, the relevant authorities in very large numbers in person, by letter, and on the phone, in that order of priority (if you can prioritize any of those things, LOL!) Like I do. You seriously need to complain to law enforcement, censor boards, private companies producing the “entertainment” content, and politicians. So it’s totally true that the political system is a bunch of mafia-controlled actresses pretending to represent us, when they’re actually put into position by international mafia types with a lot of criminal credit money who do their best to block all decent politicians from ever entering important offices. But like HOWEVER– the political system still has to seem like it’s doing what the people voted for, or argued for in large enough numbers even when it’s not an election (because politicians have to be seen to react believably to our activism work… and to react to, like, the ways we can make different, deliberate choices all the time — to like change the world and everything, so politicians’ previous spiel won’t make sense anymore!)
Basically, the most important politicans are actresses who are there to slow down and frustrate real public-driven change, while pretending like they’re working hard to try to change things — to keep people believing that the most important politicians aren’t simply trying to control a herd of worker/consumer slaves for the mafia. There is like a civil service or whatever, though… that is like, really big and diverse, and full of hard-working people that believe in what they’re doing and can’t be easily controlled: they are the people who put government policies into effect when they get their orders and stuff, and they expect to receive orders to do stuff as if the system is all real and everything instead of a lie. So like, the system is actually real and not totally a lie, because of all those civil service workers that are really doing stuff all the time to make things better for everyone — as much as the combination of mafia-controlled actress politicians, and the mafia’s need to make it seem like the public’s wishes got put into effect, allowed the civil service workers to, like, do anything that the public actually wanted to happen. Right?!
So what I’m saying is there’s totally still a point to doing real-world activism work, to raise awareness of how the system really works — and to argue for things changing and everything (which totally includes arguing for all the mafia being arrested and jailed/executed, everywhere, so the political system can work the way it’s supposed to, finally!!!!)
Please don’t give up!!! I have like NOT given up, OK!? Please do what I’m doing and do real-world activism work, to raise awareness and argue for change, ALL THE TIME, as much as you can cope with doing. Complain to the relevant authorities and stuff, showing up in person if possible so that spies can’t intercept your emails. Send real letters that have to go to real sorting offices, where real decent hard-working people are looking over spies’ shoulders when they’re considering trashing a letter from a targeted decent hard-working activist. Call law enforcement, politicians, censor boards, media providers and producers — and anyone that seems helpful on the phone — if you can’t do any of the other things. It’s like, you need to make sure you get through to a real person, and receive a response and everything in some way. Check back to see if anything changed because of your actions, even in like a really small way. Knowing that someone actually listened to you, or read your stuff, means you know you changed things in at least a small way. You made someone important think about the ideas you want to spread!!!! 🙂 Even if it’s only a spy that you got to think about important world-changing ideas, right!?!!!
I’m sooo tiiiireddd now!!!!
So! Like, the other things I viewed for Lesbian Laser Fest are:
Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant anime (I totally passed on buying the Blu-Rays earlier this year, because of the giant “fan service” boobs of one of the characters on the box art — and because of the “maid” theme, that is seriously anti-feminist and 100% unacceptable in this time period… or in any time period, because we girls are NOT house slaves and sex slaves!!!! Grrr! Anyway I decided to buy this series later after trying in vain to like, find more TV shows and movies that are acceptable to me.) I enjoyed viewing this one A LOT until the “Japanese anime unrequited/closeted/pseudo-lesbians are immoral pedo rapist perverts” anti-feminist brainwashing theme reared its ugly head. I still viewed the end of the series anyway though — after some intense deliberation and anger, LOL! I was like: “Viewing fiction that promotes rape, and especially rape of smaller, weaker people, is against my basic interests as a girl. I am sooo intensely angry that this is happening now, when I don’t have anything else to view except that Drive-Away Dolls movie that I expect to be the same as Love Lies Bleeding.” Luckily, Drive-Away Dolls has a “quirky comedy” style or whatever — so the brutal violence in the movie isn’t actually very upsetting or anything. And both the primary girl characters survive the movie, and stay together, just like they do at the end of Love Lies Bleeding: WHICH IS TOTALLY A BIG IMPROVEMENT OVER PREVIOUS YEARS’ LESBIAN MOVIE OFFERINGS IN, LIKE, THAT SPECIFIC RESPECT, PEOPLE!!!! Also: NEITHER LESBIAN MOVIES HAVE MUCH NOTICEABLE PATRIARCHAL RELIGION/CHRISTMAS IN THEM, SO AGAIN, THAT’S LIKE SOME SERIOUS PROGRESS WE’RE MAKING HERE, PEOPLE!!!!! LOL!!!! 🙂
Drive-Away Dolls that I also got on Blu-Ray specifically for LLF this year. I enjoyed it and viewed it over and over again towards the end of this year’s Lesbian Laser Fest! (I also viewed Heatwave over and over again, this year!!!!) Like “Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant”, “Drive-Away Dolls” also has a brainwashing theme of “lesbians are immoral pedo rapist perverts: even the nice-seeming ones!” spaced out throughout the whole movie. HEL-LO!!!! Can we please finish with this dumb brainwashing theme, already!?!!! It is not OK. Anyway, I really enjoyed Drive-Away Dolls, LOL. Even though Margaret Qualley is playing Brad Pitt’s character from the movie in which she starred opposite him (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood) in this one. Yeah! Seriously!!! WTF?!!!
I also viewed The Demon Girl Next Door again, because I really love this series even though it’s repeating over and over again the theme that the primary character is a loser because she’s too short, and has big boobs, and can’t run or possibly hope to defeat a proxy boy in a fight or athletic competition or whatever!!!! I still love it though. It’s a really good series. And it’s Reign The Superheroine themed — or just Reign themed — just like Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant is: “Devil Housewives!” (I think the mafia produced The Demon Girl Next Door and Ms Kobayashi’s Dragoness Paid Servant, specifically for me, because they’re afraid of me or whatever. Thanks for insulting me and all girls like me repeatedly in this series and that one, then, assholes!!!! What-EVER.) Seriously it’s a good series though. I really like it and I’m sure I’m gonna view it again, lots of times in the future. 🙂
For Lesbianlaserween I viewed my Vampirina DVD, except for the last episode (and “Vee Goes Viral” which I didn’t want to view this time.) I also drank a strawberry lassi that I got this year specifically for Lesbian Laser Fest, probably from somewhere in Downtown LA or wherever!!! Yes, more Indian food and drink, LOL. I really liked it anyway. I’m gonna get more for next years Lesbian Laser Fest as a traditional Lesbian Laser Fest drink.
I also viewed the Disney movie, Wish, for the afternoon of Lesbianlaserween (I didn’t know what name was gonna be listed in the end credits as the bad guy, before I viewed the movie — just so you all know!) I liked Asha and the girl who looks like me from the serving staff who refused to keep kneeling down to the bad guy, and fully stands to her feet. I also liked that Queen Amaia’s name, however you spell it, helps to prove to everyone that I’m actually Goda: the original Maiara Walsh (and not just a Maia, you know!?!!!) No offense to my coerced sister or anything, since she hasn’t done anything wrong as far as I know. So like obviously the movie Drive-Away Dolls has a character called Marian as one of the primary characters BUT I’M NOT BRITISH!!!! She doesn’t look totally unlike me though.
Ummm, I get what these two movies are saying by the way. I’m not, like, retarded or something. I’m just focusing on other things instead of like, wasting my time responding. Unless I see and hear that the subliminal anti-feminist brainwashing has actually ended, and you assholes definitely aren’t trying to pretend like “there’s still someone there anyway”, I’m not interested — and I’m gonna simply keep doing what I unfortunately have to do. Also, I have other instructions, remember?! I need disclosure and dignity as a cisgender girl non-human being that really exists without a male counterpart/partner/half, you know.
And I totally viewed The Marvels for the evening of Lesbianlaserween!!!! 🙂
I ate so much candy!
Oh, also– I want to say that, although I like don’t advise developing an eating disorder or anything, maybe it’s a good idea to fast for a week in advance of Lesbian Laser Fest if you’re gonna celebrate it exactly the same way that I do by eating 11 large bags of potato sticks, 5 or 7 bags of chili and lime rolled tortilla chips, SO MUCH (sometimes sweetened) masala chai that I don’t even know how many cups of it I drank, a strawberry lassi or however many I buy next year, two medium-sized bars of white chocolate, two small bars of white chocolate, a white chocolate-coated marshmallow on a stick, two boxes of Nerds, and a huge amount of other assorted candy for Lesbianlaserween that I don’t even know how much I ate because I ate so much candy as well as everything else, and my normal lunches and dinners (sometimes…)
It’s not supposed to be Indian Laser Fest. LOL. I totally am at least half Native American Brazilian though! But that’s not the same thing, of course. It’s not even the same thing as North American Native American, is it! But I prefer not to delete what I typed, now that I typed it, after the mafia of the whole world previously tried to erase my skin color and everything. I’m not trying to offend anyone, OK!? Anyway it’s LESBIAN Laser Fest (but obviously it’s over now, since November 2nd… until next year, people!!!!)
I’m still U.S. American. I don’t want to renounce my U.S. American citizenship or anything, and I, like, wholeheartedly believe in our U.S. national values (as I interpret them, at least) as a proud U.S. American who is also Brazilian. OK!
My Mom is Odette Annable and my sister is Jessica Alba and they’re both immortal: neither of them are ageing. The mafia might try to cover this up or whatever. I hope not, because I want to be able to walk around with them in public sometimes, if they want to see me. One of my other sisters was given non-consensual facial surgery and forced to impersonate me from 2012 onwards: I hope she’s not actually ageing as well, if she’s not a total piece of crap or something. I’m not sure if I knew this other sister or not. I’m gonna remember everything. I think Odette (my Mom) had to act like she was my sister too, at one point, but she’s my Mom. I wasn’t born though. I’ve always existed, because I’m Goda. My name is Maiara Walsh though. Goda is like a description or something, since I’m not homo sapiens. I, like, created everything, you know!!!! I’m still creating everything, and everything! LOL.
I know I have two other sisters who I, like, resided with in the same home in Brazil (with a Mom, and a Dad that wasn’t actually related to me, as I remember). Like I explained above already: they’re in the Clueless movie from 1995, standing with me in the background really soon after the Tai character falls down the steps. They’re both really short, like me. Odette and Jessica are shorter than they seem in the media, though.
Maiara out, AdMaiaras!!!!
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