I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)

It really seems like my chances of getting back into the USA are best served by me saying these things — because if I don’t say any of this, then the mafia-establishment conspirators can try to control the narrative by saying whatever they need to say to make me look like the worst person in the world. I’m Maiara Walsh. I’m not homo sapiens, I’m Goda: the Creatress of everything. I create everything in the universe with my mind. That’s the real reason why people are so interested in me, and I totally haven’t done anything wrong. If people don’t even acknowledge that I’m Goda and that I have all the abilities I have, then there’s NO LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR SAYING THAT I’VE DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL.


I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)

Sooo… I need to keep this short and sweet for my sense of calm right now (so I feel like I don’t need to put much effort into writing this). It’s not easy to calmly remember these sorts of things! I’m OK though. 🙂 I remember a lot of things. Beatings in the head every 24 hour period for at least a year and a half. Loud music torture and loud noises torture. Sleep deprivation torture. Deliberate creation of a confused state of mind so that it was hard to think and argue. At least one trial in secret, and then never (or not for a long time) being allowed to know the outcome, despite like asking every 24 hour period for the result of the trial. EVERYONE BLATANTLY LYING INCLUDING THE DEFENSE TOTALLY TURNING ON ME AND BLATANTLY LYING TO MY FACE, AND ALL SYMPATHETIC/USEFUL WITNESSES BEING BLOCKED FROM APPEARING, AND WITNESSES BLATANTLY LYING AT THE TRIAL. So like I also remember what I think was the original “rendition” in the usual setting for “rebellious actresses”, with CIA agents saying “Why did you expose our agents?” in that setting, then getting beaten up by them with them saying “Shut up about everything” (with me totally explaining to them that it wasn’t possible for me to globally shut up without them explaining to me what they wanted me to shut up about, and without them explaining what they believed I was doing wrong in any way, because of my right to free speech and expression and legitimate activism against things that are illegal being allowed to happen by authorities).

Was I in Gitmo? Or in a similar-to-Gitmo rendition site, sometime between 2011 and 2022?

Disappearing a very famous public figure (anything US entertainment industry, Disney, ABC Studios, and Paramount is very famous you know!!!!) it takes something like Gitmo to disappear someone like this, and like REPLACE THE PERSON WITH AN IMPOSTER EVEN THOUGH A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING TO NOTICE! There needs to be a cover story — or multiple cover stories or whatever — for the mafia establishment to feed to the people who both notice and investigate/report the disappearance and replacement.

I guess some of the levels of the cover story (which are supposed to make it all seem “OK” and “legal” and “actually totally right and necessary” to anyone who investigates) are gonna be “secretly she was an Islamic/whatever SERIOUS terrorist threat”, and “oh actually that Islamist terror girl thing was only a cover story to protect our network of USA CIA agents in the Los Angeles entertainment industry, which we totally needed to be there ever since Russia infiltrated our whole operation in the 1960s and somehow promoted Russia using characters like Chekov and Kuryakin”.

(I’m wondering if the Chekov/Kuryakin thing is a psyop they did to create a really obvious reason for setting up the network of entertainment industry CIA agents — or expanding it a lot — to hide my mind’s creation patterns, since I’m a girl who’s a feminist radical revolutionary force in a way that totally isn’t illegal or anything. I was already thinking about that every so often… so that’s the reason why I thought of that again, now.)

Can people look to see if you can find literally me, hidden in plain sight as a Gitmo or similar rendition site detainee? It’s worth looking!!!!

It’s totally worth repeating this again at the end, just to make sure people keep these truths about me in their minds after reading all the other things I said.

I’m not an Islamic terrorist. I’m not a terrorist at all, period. I’m not an agent of a foreign adversary. I’m not a double-agent. I’m not an agent/spy of anyone at all, period. (Our nation’s mafia establishment attacked me, wrongly, and everyone has the right to self-defense. It is not OK to try to “vanish” someone like the movie Vanish. It’s also totally NOT OK to try to “erase” someone like the movie Erased — in which my name doesn’t appear, but Liana Liberato’s name does! I was in a Miley Cyrus music video with Liana, and the mafia left these codes in movies as their calling card to explain to some weird crowd how they punished me to protect their coercive hierarchy of de facto authority, even though they can’t kill me and they can’t stop me from fighting them indefinitely.)

I’m Maiara Walsh. I’m not homo sapiens, I’m Goda: the Creatress of everything. I create everything in the universe with my mind. That’s the real reason why people are so interested in me, and I totally haven’t done anything wrong. If people don’t even acknowledge that I’m Goda and that I have all the abilities I have, then there’s NO LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR SAYING THAT I’VE DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL.


Here’s a photo of me from the Cory In The House DVDs behind-the-scenes extras. I think the fleur de lys thing totally might be a mafia gang sign or something — I can’t honestly remember what it means anymore, if I ever knew — but it’s not my fault that they put me in that top. I’m not doing any mafia gang signs and I’m never gonna join the mafia, and it’s not my fault that they kidnapped me at some point and forced me to pretend or believe that Phebe Novakovic and Michael Vickers were my Mom and Dad. I’m showing the photo again because it seems to be a “less make-up” look, for people to compare to other reference photos of my face when they’re hopefully deciding that I can return to my home country of the USA, since I’m already a U.S. citizen and everything. 🙂


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